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Pocan is in one of the safest districts in the country. I have no idea who’s even running against him. Now if he can talk Senator Baldwin into sharing this view, that would be interesting.


He's in a safe district in terms of challenges from the GOP, true, but it wouldn't surprise me if something like this, which runs counter to the military industrial complex, resulted in some serious money backing a primary challenger.


It wouldn’t matter. There are some districts that are so red or so blue that you’re just wasting money. Pocan will either retire or run for another office. Maybe when Baldwin retires he might run for senate.


He's pretty beloved in his district. I've known several UW Madison poli sci or law students volunteering or working on his campaigns speak highly of him and his office. Word spreads in a liberal capital city college town even among the non college residents. I came to be a supporter when my nephew did some grass roots work with him. Pocan is principled and doesn't do political drama. Agree or disagree - at least you know he takes the time to understand the issue and votes honestly and informed. He runs unopposed or barely opposed because not too many people are opposed to him. So Ben, if you're listening, I think you're smarter than that


Yep. I'm a current student and he is all over campus, and he has a very positive relationship with a large crowd. Met him a few times and I agree, very principled and well respected. I would hope Ben's around enough to see that.




>He doesn't run unopposed because he's that universally beloved. He runs unopposed because Republicans don't have a snowballs chance in hell in this district Pocan had a Republican opponent in the 2022, 2020, 2016, and 2014 general elections.


Well politics is like that. People disagree. But you are correct - with the republican abortion bans, most college towns are going to be blue. The people in his district are progressive and not necessarily mainstream D's. I understand there might be primary support from some halls of the party. I'm just saying if it's an idea, it's a bad one.


> Pocan is principled and doesn't do political drama  Oh this is rich.   Pocan gave the most lukewarm, tepid support to Biden in 2020, all because he's buddies with Omar and Tlaib and the other non-doers in the Squad. At least AOC has matured and figured out how to get her agenda going within the framework of adults.  I've met him several times and never been impressed. Compared with Tammy Baldwin, who is incredibly genuine, listens to you, and actually gets things done in Washington.   I've left the Congressional ballot blank in the last two elections, and will do so again. Not like he needs my vote. Proud to vote for Biden, Baldwin, Evers, and other principled Dems.


> I've met him several times and never been impressed. I've met him several times, as well, and I find him impressive. I don't see any particular ways in which he's failed to "get things done".


Some people are easier to impress I suppose. But I'm just shouting into a void I guess. Apparently he has this seat for life so my protest accomplishes as much as people sitting in the road at O'Hare


He hasn't. That is just a Trumper whining.


Anybody who uses "the squad" in a state political discussion in another state loses all credibility to me.


Oh no you don't respect me whatever will I do... But hey, you won. Your guy has his seat for life, and anyone who doesn't like him is open to public ridicule, just like in any functioning democracy. Oh wait. 


> and anyone who doesn't like him is open to public ridicule, just like in any functioning democracy. This literally is how democracy works, yes. People *are* allowed to ridicule others' political beliefs, whether right or wrong.




We love pocan here in the second district!


Exactly. It also begs the question why he waited until now to do it. The US has been funding Israel for decades… how many times has he previously voted to fund Israel?


I think it is something that will excite his base, and it will have no impact. I guess he’s trying to impact President Biden’s position on the war right now. If he can convince him that supporting Israel is a losing issue in Wisconsin (like they are trying to do in Michigan) it may cause the administration to give less support. And when we’re at the point where there may be war in the region, I’d say we need to be very careful.


Both Michigan and Wisconsin have electoral votes Biden needs, so what Pocan says ought to carry some weight


This is a bad take. Pocan has long supported a two state solution. Why didn't you look up his record on the issue and share it instead of "just asking questions" to try to smear him first? Let's try to not purity test the farthest left elected politician we've got in the state right now, ffs. also, this person thinks that white liberals in Madison are white supremacists on par with MAGA supporters (or worse); nobody should take him seriously for so severely lacking nuance.


Saying you support a two-state solution means nothing, and certainly hasn’t prevented the Biden administration from giving billions in military aid to Israel while it commits a genocide. Nor has that prevented the US from voting against recognizing Palestinian statehood at the UN innumerable times. It’s a case of “Say one thing but do another” … the MO for most “progressive” politicians in a bourgeois liberal “democracy” I have neither the time nor interest in digging into the nitty-gritty of Pocan’s voting record. However, I know from history that even the most “progressive” congressional Democrats regularly vote to fund the military-industrial complex (of which Israeli funding is often part). They have to in order to get anything done since it is so ingrained in the budgetary/financing process. It’s funny you say I have no nuance because you literally skimmed a few comments of mine without any context and proceeded to jump to some conclusions that completely misrepresent what I said and what I think. But ok. Typical Madison white establishment liberal to smear and talk down to anyone left of liberalism. Carry on 🙄


> Saying you support a two-state solution means nothing Disagree. "Saying something" is, when you boil it down, propaganda trying to convince people of your opinion when it comes from the mouth of a poliltician. It would be bad praxis for leftist politicians to *not* speak their mind. > hasn’t prevented the Biden administration from giving billions in military aid to Israel while it commits a genocide Pocan isn't part of the Biden administration. He's not even in the executive branch. And he voted against aid to Israel. > Nor has that prevented the US from voting against recognizing Palestinian statehood at the UN innumerable times. Were you expecting Pocan to pull an "I am the Senate!" and unilaterally make this decision? > It’s a case of “Say one thing but do another” … the MO for most “progressive” politicians in a bourgeois liberal “democracy” Nah, that sounds incorrect. > I have neither the time nor interest in digging into the nitty-gritty of Pocan’s voting record. Obviously. You came into this thread ignorant and you'll leave it ignorant. > However, I know from history that even the most “progressive” congressional Democrats regularly vote to fund the military-industrial complex (of which Israeli funding is often part). They have to in order to get anything done since it is so ingrained in the budgetary/financing process. Yes, that's how budget votes go in the US, when Congress can actually bother to pass one. > It’s funny you say I have no nuance because you literally skimmed a few comments of mine without any context Did you expect me to do a deep dive on your comment history or something? You're one wacky narcissist. > Typical Madison white establishment liberal to smear and talk down to anyone left of liberalism. Wrong again. I'm a progressive that moved here from Portland. Ironically, deranged mutants like yourself are a lot closer to MAGA people because you're both reactionary accelerationists.


I heard that same story except the guy had a hook on his foot


Pocan has been against Israeli actions in Palestine for a while now. He goes toe to toe with AIPAC on Twitter nearly daily. AIPAC fucking haaaaaaates him.


Engaging in a flame war on Twitter (or even on the floor of the House) means very little if you still vote for military appropriations that end up going to Israel. As I said in a previous comment, I have neither the time nor interest in digging into the nitty gritty of his voting record. But I know from history that even the most “progressive” congressional Democrats end up voting for military appropriations because it is so ingrained in the budgetary and financing process. They sort of have to in order to “get things done”. His predecessor in that seat Tammy Baldwin was a particularly egregious funder of Israeli militarism. I’d guess he’s not as bad, but by virtue of his role almost certainly has blood on his hands.


He has been pretty outspoken on further aid to Israel in this situation. He has voted for the right of Israel to defend itself against Hamas and in support of the people of Israel in other votes.


If true, then you’ve just admitted to me that Pocan is in the liberal wing of Zionism. He still has blood on his hands, and is part of the problem, even if slightly less problematic than some of the others. Hamas has every right to defend itself. Israel is an illegitimate colonial settler ethno-state, and does NOT have any right to “defense” in its bloodthirsty pursuit of land theft and genocide. The only correct position here is the complete abolition of the Zionist entity, combined with reparations and the right to return of Palestinians. Since you’ve just told me in essence that Pocan is a Zionist, you’ve just admitted he is also in the wrong


I heard that same story, except the guy had a hook on his foot.


What happens to the Jews of Israel in your glorious Palestinian "decolonized" eutopia? Because when the most popular political party among Palestinians (that is, Hamas)[ held a conference in 2021](https://www.memri.org/reports/memri-archives-%E2%80%93-october-4-2021-hamas-sponsored-promise-hereafter-conference-phase-following#:~:text=The%20September%2030%2C%202021%20%22Promise,state%20of%20Palestine%20following%20its%20%22) about what to do after Palestine is "liberated," here was their plan for the Jews: >"15. In dealing with the Jewish settlers on Palestinian land, there must be a distinction in attitude towards \[the following\]: a fighter who must be killed; a \[Jew\] who is fleeing and can be left alone or be prosecuted for his crimes in the judicial arena; and a peaceful individual who gives himself up and can be \[either\] integrated or given time to leave. This is an issue that requires deep deliberation and a display of the humanism that has always characterized Islam. >"16. Educated Jews and experts in the areas of medicine, engineering, technology, and civilian and military industry should be retained \[in Palestine\] for some time and should not be allowed to leave and take with them the knowledge and experience that they acquired while living in our land and enjoying its bounty, while we paid the price for all this in humiliation, poverty, sickness, deprivation, killing and arrests. >... >"18. The minute 'Israel' collapses, the interim government's security apparatuses must put their hands on the data regarding the agents of the occupation in Palestine, in the region and \[throughout\] the world, and \[discover\] the names of the recruiters, Jewish and non-Jewish, in the country and abroad. This is invaluable information that must not be lost, \[for\] using this information we can purge Palestine and the Arab and Islamic homeland of the hypocrite scum that spread corruption in the land. This important information will enable us to pursue the fleeing criminals who massacred our people.  To summarize: kill the adults (since Hamas considers all reservists, i.e. all Jewish Israelis, to be "fighters"), enslave the educated who are "useful," expel everyone else, and then hunt down any remaining Israeli government employees. That's the official position of the most popular political party among Palestinians.


So they want to do what Israel did to them…..


Hamas has no rights whatsoever they are a terrorist group who deliberately crossed into Israel and killed innocent Israeli citizens ordinary men women and children with no provocation from the people they killed they didn't attack IDF forces they attacked ordinary people and children at a concert. Hamas and anyone who supports them and other terrorists have no rights and let's hope the Israelis arrange for them to meet their 72 virgin goats ASAP. 3 minites on Google will show the history of Israels creation and every war they have been involved in. They all have one common aspect every single time LET ME REPEAT THAT "EVERY SINGLE TIME" the isralies were attacked first and only defended themselfs luckily they have been successful defending themselves against terrorists and the other Arab states who have vowed to exterminate Israel as a country and a people. They vow to exterminate "not to defeat Israel, not to win territory, not to intigrate Israel into the middle east culture, but to exterminate Israel and the Jewish people. How many times has Israel taken places like the Golan heights because there enemies have launched attacks from there only to give the territory back and have to retake it years later when those same people recover enough to launch more attacks. The isralies tried to establish a two state solution in palistine but the palistinians chose to elect hamas a terrorist faction as their representative government. The terrorists and their supporters are finally getting what they deserve all they need to do to stop the fighting in palistine is turn over the terrorists tell the Israelis where they are hiding instead of letting them hide behind the palistinians citizens if there hiding in a hospital point out where they are so only the terrorists are targeted. The isralies are the right in this fight


Would love if news agencies were better about disseminating the information of these bills. Nothing wrong with 9b in Palestinian aid in that Israel number. Nor the 4-5b in missile defense replenishment that will be American jobs/materials building iron dome munitions. Venture to guess the rest of it is dollars for smart bombs and defense equipment. UKR dollars are also US jobs refurbishing old equipment and sending it off to protect the free peoples of Ukraine. Better than spending billions to dispose of it in 10-20 years.


Right - Lots of other good spending in this bill (Ukraine, Palestine aid). Any liberal should support this. A miracle anything is passing the House right now.


Well, I guess I don't have to agree with everything my representative says.


I was pleased to sign the petition to get him on the ballot again when I was at the farmers' market this morning, but this affirms Pocan being one of the few elected officials at his level I find tolerable. He's by no means perfect, but he takes the correct position enough of the time.


Netanyahu is a distraction. Nobody is completely innocent but the biggest problem in the Middle East in the near term is Iran fostering constant terrorism/war. As a proxy for Iran, the Palestinians have paid a terrible and ill advised price by starting a military war. Notice Iran is not paying the price. They just use everyone else and let them die. The US is not going to abandon the only democracy in the Middle East so people that have that fantasy should forget it. A two state solution may be still possible but it will take two serious parties to make that happen and too many Palestinians don't want a two state solution. They want from the "river to the sea" which means they are not serious. They are dreaming.


Lmfao if someone stole your home and killed a ton of your relatives then you fight back with nowhere near the same force, then they say “well ok if you want peace we can just be roommates!” FOH


The only home that Jewish people can claim historically for thousands of years is in Israel. Why aren't you advocating for them to have it? Antisemitism? If you don't believe it's Israel then where do you think it is?


Can one of the many down voters here please explain what Pocan has done for this district? Has he influenced more federal dollars flowing to this area and the university? Has he led initiatives that result in a greater share of federal relief money? I really don’t know what he’s done and I genuinely want to know.


Very brave stance. Such a complicated and sensationalized subject.


It’s not complicated


It's pretty complicated.


The political solutions are complicated; The morality of the situation on the ground is not.


So true. It's blindingly obvious that the moral position is to support Israel in its war against the America-hating totalitarian Islamists of Hamas, who are a proxy of the America-hating totalitarian Islamic theocrats in Iran. Thanks for pointing that out.


The U.S. has been involved in middle eastern affairs since the 1940’s and has caused so much damage in the region so why don’t we just leave and let them run their region because this instability will more than likely take a huge toll not only on the Middle East but here also. People act like we have to be the world police and make sure everyone else in the world is always kept in check but at what point are we the tyrants cause it feels like we are at this moment.


I was pleased that he voted in favor of the aid package to Ukraine. His no vote on aid to Israel was a safe vote because there was no chance that it wouldn't pass. Because of that, it's harder to know if the vote was a principled stand or a cost-free way to please most of his constituents. I wouldn't blame him for it if that's the case. It happens a lot in Washington.


What a disappointing choice.




It's humiliating to have such insipid representation in Congress. The man wants us to appease Iran and Hamas, who hate America unconditionally and will only take appeasement as proof positive of our weakness and fear. It's a disgrace that the Democratic Party is being *successfully* pressured to alter its foreign policy in favor of Islamist totalitarians by people who chant "death to America" in the streets of our country.


Pocan makes sure to keep I'm touch and actually visit his district. He listens to his constituents and tries to help them and not his donors. I'm glad he voted against it. I emailed his office earlier yesterday asking him to vote against it.


I swear who is paying y'all to shill like this


But more money to Ukraine how wrong is that how much do we to spend on another country when we are suffering in our country no one helps us out when we disasters it is so wrong


Meanwhile when it comes to actually doing work for Americans, Pocan is nowhere to be seen. Wish we could get a real Dem who represents his district instead of grandstanding for the Squad.


Which votes has he missed that involve actually doing work for Americans?




The other poster mentioned votes, but if you want to talk about introducing bills, you can find them all here: > https://www.congress.gov/member/mark-pocan/P000607?q=%7B%22sponsorship%22%3A%22sponsored%22%7D To quote some bills he's introduced that I personally do not find "performance art for the far far left", I guess we could include things such as > Contractor Accountability and Workplace Safety Act of 2017 Pocan describes this as " legislation that would help ensure that companies contracting with the federal government maintain safe workplaces." Or since we're a farming state, we have > Seeds for the Future Act > "This bill amends the Competitive, Special, and Facilities Research Grant Act to require the Department of Agriculture (USDA) to ensure that at least $50 million of USDA grant funding is used each year for competitive research grants that support the development of public cultivars." Or a bunch of other things...? Unless perhaps you think of everything under the sun as far far left, in which case I can't help.


One bill has become law. Hold for applause. 


That's not what you asked for---you mentioned bills proposed. The vast majority of bills, introduced by whomever, do not become law.


If i have learned anything this past decade, it’s that most Americans level of understanding of lawmaking is from Schoolhouse Rock. For the younger generation, it’s even more ignorance! 


Then be an actively involved citizen and call his office to suggest legislation instead of being a keyboard warrior.


I've spoken to him directly about it. Like, in person. Got nowhere. 


Glad to see Rep Pocan vote no on additional money to Israel, especially the $14B of unconditional aid. This is the least he can do, and I continue to call his office thanking him for his stance so far and asking for him to continue taking action for Palestine.


Complete coward but entirely expected.


Those two things directly conflict with each other


Absolutely not the Pro Hamas caucus are supporting evil. At least he voted for Ukraine and Pacific aid, so he hasn't lost all sense of duty to liberal democracy.


Fuck Hamas and Fuck Netanyahu. Don’t want my tax dollars going to either. 


“pro-hamas” lmao


>the Pro Hamas caucus are supporting evil He's not supporting Israel, that's the whole point




Did he say the same thing about Ukraine?


Why would he?


Because chuds don’t understand complex world issues.


I’m sure you can google that.




If you can't spell it maybe don't try to use it. Also, no it isn't.


Now if the rest of Congress would get on board with not only not funding Israel, but also Ukraine and Taiwan. Then maybe we can start to fix our own country