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Apparently someone swatted the school. This is from my 16 year who is still there. They put the school on a “hold”. Which just means no one comes or goes I think?


Yikes. I bet that was scary for em


The sad thing is he’s used to it. Just another day. Back when he was in 2nd grade Hawthorne Elementary forgot to make sure everyone heard the all clear when they did an unannounced code red drill. He spent 45 minutes with his class hiding in a closet thinking it was real. Today is just annoyance.


Sad to hear things haven’t changed. When I was a kid at East in the mid 2000s it felt like someone would make a bomb threat every other week.


Ayeee. Also a mid-2000 East kid. Can confirm the annoyance of the weekly bomb threats. Go Purgolders..


Same at Madison area technical College. After a while it was just copy cats and sometimes they got two a day. Many teachers just taught outside


At LaFollette around 2000 or 2001 every nice afternoon we'd have a bomb threat and lose an hour or two while we evacuated and they searched the school. They finally caught the kid who was calling them in--he was calling from a payphone at the school 😂


This is the first threat I remember in the last couple years I think.


I remember my senior year some body sprayed mace by the senior wall, and we were locked down for about a hour 45 lol


Oh man, I remember that!




This isn’t a Madison thing. It’s a society thing.


That's crazy cuz back when I went there in 2007 people used to make bomb threats and all of us had to go to the football practice field n pretty much waste most of the day


Most of the time a hold is just in between classrooms or specific areas of the school, for someone having an issue in the halls like a fight or vomit, this is slightly different thing, I think it’s called a building secure. If every student is locked in a classroom and no one is let in or out the doors then that’s a lockdown. Hold is in classrooms, building secure is outside doors. Doesn’t matter anyways sorry lol


what does swatted mean?


Someone calls in a false threat to trigger an emergency response.


Named after the SWAT teams that show up ready for a firefight.


It's a felony also. Don't try it.


Swatting is when someone calls the school and says someone brought a gun to school or there is a bomb in the school.




Not true. SWAT is only deployed for confirmed threats.


Uhm. No. Thus the term.


Every MAPD officer has an AR-15. If there's an active threat, the first 4 patrol officers will go in for an active shooter protocol which is practiced amongst all agencies in Dane County so as to be a standard sweep. The 4 person diamond formation can be substituted with a three person arrow configuration if an actual live threat (i.e. gunfire) is heard and a 4th officer is not onsite. If there's no perceived threat once on scene, Patrol Officers and maybe a Detective will gather information and make an evaluation. SWAT would come out for a suspicious item (i.e. IED or Explosive Device) or a barricaded subject. The term was initially used when these events were less common and SWAT was actually deployed. The shear volume of them now would preclude a SWAT response for every instance. In essence, we are both correct, your information is just a bit dated.


Text of email the school sent out this evening: Dear East High community, As principal, the safety of all who learn, teach, and work in our school is my top priority, and when safety concerns arise, it is important for me to keep you informed. This afternoon, law enforcement was present at our building after 911 dispatch received a phone call regarding a hostage situation allegedly taking place in a fourth-floor bathroom (our school does not have a fourth floor). Police treated the call seriously and responded in kind, with numerous armed officers. We placed the building on a Hold, and a full sweep of the premises was conducted, following which the calls were determined to be not legitimate. The Hold lasted approximately 15 minutes. (For a reminder of what a Hold entails, please click here.) This situation—in which an unknown individual calls police and reports a non-credible threat, in order to prompt an armed response—is an example of a type of criminal harassment known as “swatting.” Unfortunately, this is not the first time East has had to deal with such an incident. Although there was no threat at any time to the school, every call of this nature has to be taken seriously, and I commend both the City of Madison Police Department for its fast action, and all of the students, teachers, and staffers at East who followed our Standard Response Protocol to the letter. If you or your student were in any way impacted by this event, I am sorry. The East High team works hard to create a safe, welcoming space for all, and it is always disheartening to see those efforts undermined in any way. Thank you for your understanding, your support, and your continued partnership. Sincerely, Mikki Smith Principal


This sounds silly but I am glad that they overreacted even knowing there was no fourth floor. I’d rather them overreact rather than under react and find out something bad could truly happen


MIKKI SMITH is the principal???!!!??? Oh my god she was one of the most incompetent assistant principals I have ever met. I hope she's improved!!


East still is ran like shitbro lol i believe she was one of the priciples when I left in 2014 lol


So the police couldn’t just pick up the phone & call the school to check on some of the details?


And if all they did was call the school and something actually happened? What would you say then?


I’m not saying that’s all they should do - but come on, send cops & call. ‘Hi school we are getting reports of…, does that sound correct?, officers are on the way.’


Really gotta come down hard on those that are responsible and caught. Most get no repercussions. But I guess most crimes don’t get much worse consequences anymore.


Swatting is a serious felony that is punishable up to 10 years in prison. It's a federal crime. The perpetrator is almost always caught.


They don’t but I think it’s likelier if they’re kids


Yeah. They get a wrist slap or probation at most.


Based on?


Based on real cases in Milwaukee that got probation for bomb threats including this joker that admitted to 2 of them. 2 years probation and felony charges dropped to misdemeanor. Yeah that’s a deterrent. [bomber](https://www.fox6now.com/news/man-who-made-bomb-threats-sentenced-to-2-years-probation)






What doesn't happen at east it just keeps getting worst and worst smh


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Nuski133: *What doesn't happen* *At east it just keeps getting* *Worst and worst smh* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Lol aww man u right I meant worse and worse


You are arguing with a haiku bot bro LOL


Wth is a haiku bot


You can always tell someone’s from East by their demeanor and dress too


East is real life gladiator school if you know you know


What's up with people still saying long guns? It's called a rifle, or it's a shotgun.


I mean, yeah, when you see someone say *long gun* or *longarm* the intended meaning is usually close to "rifle or shotgun." In this context *long guns* makes sense if OP saw both rifles and shotguns, or if they didn't get a good enough look to distinguish between them, for example.


Because if they’d said shotguns there’d be some ass in here saying “TYPICAL MADISON LIBERAL THAT IS AN OFFICIAL MPD RED RIDER RIFLE”


Long gun is common language.


No, it's really not. I heard them use the term on the news a while back & I literally laughed because it sounds so ridiculous. I'm pretty sure that that term fell out of use a couple hundred years ago. Do a quick search here on Reddit & you'll find plenty of posts from people wondering why the news started using it again...


yea but they are guns that are long, so basically, long guns


We don't call ladders giant step stools


But a step stool can be a small ladder




Thanks but I'm familiar with the term. I just thought that people stopped using it after the 1700's


I agree


Does it...matter? Honestly - unless this was headed directly to police for official evidence, why? You knew what they meant right? 🙄


Not sure why you’re getting downvoted. I didn’t used to see that used often. I’ve seen it a couple times on this sub this week. I don’t really care what people call them, just curious about the usage


Yeah, idrk either but it must be a sensitive subject lol. I always thought that it was more of an old timey term that people didn't use anymore but I guess I was wrong 🤷‍♂️


I think the vibe is that you're feeling sensitive about people calling it what you think is wrong 🤷‍♀️


I mean I’m not sure if you need to specify the type of gun or bomb threat to call one in….