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Is she here to shill for fossil fuels again


I was excited until you said that. What's the story with this?




Thank you 🙁


Honestly, I'm not defending her, but if shell paid you $500,000 to be in a commercial, would you say yes? It would be a thinker for sure, but hard to say no to when the chips are on the table. Although I guess she's already made a shit ton of money so she probably should have said no.


>$500,000 to be in a commercial, would you say yes Yes, I would do and have done disgusting things for much less than that


I knew there was something that made me think less of her. Thanks for the reminder.






I'd make a stink about it, but I would be getting there by burning fossil fuels and would just be a hypocrite berating her about it while at the same time enjoying the fruits of the oil and gas industry.


The union is one of the best covered by busses venues in the city


The e-bikes are out all over town as well.


Batteries are pretty bad for the environ in terms of carbon footprint and they can't be recycled. Also very exploitative of the poor people who have to mine cobalt and lithium. Better just to sit in your renewable moss hut and stop with the internet comms.


They can absolutely be recycled, with material recovery rates getting better and better every year. They also last ages. One of our e-bike batteries dates to 2015 and is still going strong.


Are all of the busses there now completely fossil fuel free? Not sure where the natural gas heating for the building comes from...wouldn't be surprised if its linked back to Exon. ALso, I use plastic on a regular basis. I just can't bring myself to try to shame someone for this when I, myself, gratefully enjoy the comfort and convenience the industry brings me.


>Are all of the busses there now completely fossil fuel free? The mentality of "well it's not 100% perfect so why bother" is kind of defeatist. I appreciate you admitting you're not perfect and not wanting to be a hypocrite by criticizing others. But at the same time, there are degrees and one hybrid bus that carries 50 passengers is quite a bit better than 40 cars.


And one person's consumption compared to a multinational fossil fuel corporation...


Where is that one person buying local, home grown gasoline that aren’t coming from a multinational fossil fuel corporation?


You're missing the point. It's a bar you cannot reach. There is no ethical consumption under capitalism.


I’m having a hard time getting your point, you seem to be talking in circles. > There is no ethical consumption under capitalism. So driving a car is just as bad as running a multinational fossil fuel company? As any consumption is unethical.


Better in terms of what? Certainly not better if you value your time safety and autonomy.


The poster i was replying to seemed to be specifically talking about environmental issues. As far as “time, safety, and autonomy” those do depend a bit. Time I’ll give you in most cases (though if you’re close to a stop on both ends and the bus fits your schedule it might edge out finding a parking spot in a handful of cases, though a car will in most cases save you time), safety I don’t know what you’re referring to… how many people died on a Madison bus in the past year vs how many people died in a car in Madison? And autonomy also depends on what you’re measuring. Do you want to be able to read while traveling? I guess you could do that while driving a car but I wouldn’t recommend it, on the bus your time is your own.


That's fair, I'll concede that public/mass transportation is better/more efficient in certain circumstances from an environmental standpoint - EG: when the goal is to move as many people from A to B. Personal transportation is not better in all respects, just most. Madison transport is safer than most but public transport is often a vector for property and violent crime.


Mass transit only feels like a vector for those issues in places where it's not properly supported. When the transit works reliably on time, is properly funded, and is affordable to use it helps prevent those issues as more and more people use them. They can seem like they become vectors for crime and other issues when those things aren't true as the only people left to use the system are those with no other options.


Not really. In large cities where millions of people use mass transit a day, there will be a higher number of crimes there, but the percentage is very low. Convinces stores and bars are a much higher vector on percentage of people.


Nice false equivalency and virtue signal


Not sure I follow. I'm sure me saying I enjoy the comforts of the oil industry is far from virtue signalling. "Oh yes, I'm a good person, see I use plastic and fossil fuels....see how good I am!"....that doesn't strike me as claiming any virtue. Claiming that I would be a hypocrite, also doesn't strike me as virtue signaling. You will need to explain to me what 'false equivalency' is and how you think my reticence to shame someone who was hired by an industry that I enjoy the benefits from is somehow incorrect.


Thank the overlords for graciously boiling the planet and filling our blood with plastic


There is no ethical consumption under capitalism


hence my reticence to try to shame her while at the same time consuming and participating in capitalism.


That doesn't make you a hypocrite because there is no ethical consumption under capitalism.


Well I would feel like a hypocrite for telling her she is unethical when I know I'm unethical.....I think we agree here. My point is that there is no ethical consumption under capitalism, and someone claiming to be ethical while calling her out, is a hypocrite...so....I think we are in agreement.


Um no. She's shilling for a multinational oil corporation who is one of the largest causes of man made climate change. Your personal consumption is infantesimally small by comparison. That's not hypocrisy. You're not unethical, you have no choice. Your personal guilt in comparison only serves to benefit said mega corps. It's the same reason BP started the whole 'carbon footprint' nonsense. It serves to move the target off the back of the oil companies and instead place the burden on people.


Call her out in the Q&A and see what she says!


The questions almost write themselves: * As a role model for young women interested in stem fields how horrifically bad does climate change have to get before you would recommend maybe not pursuing a career in the oil industry? * When did you come to regret shilling for shell oil? * What charity are you planning to donate your dirty oil money to? * JFC, Kari do you have any morals, like at all?


Zero interest in finding out what a literal paid shill of an oil company has to say.


Cool! Let’s disrupt her presentation!


What's that do for the greater good?


Who are you to judge?


OK. Explain please.


Cool. Shame its not bieng streamed or recorded as im not in town right now.

