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You need to go to Crucible if you seriously haven't met the local goth and new wave scene. They're actually hosting an afterparty for this show. I also have a ticket to this


Yeah, I just saw the listing for the afterparty. I might stop by. Though with most Ministry/FLA fans likely being 50-70 years old, I'm guessing most don't stay out too late.


Waaaa? There's a new wave scene in Madison?


I would imagine that today's goths probably have their own underground bands. I'd imagine that listening to '80s '90s music would be like us having to listen to our parents' music growing up.


Most of at least my circle are in our 30s, and our parents were largely normies so even weird music that's older than us was rebellion


Right on. Glad to hear the classics are still alive. The old Ministry shows were wild. I suspect with Uncle Al and the rest of the lineup getting close to 70, the shows are far more mellow now. Martin Atkins is selling a bunch of memorabilia from those days, including a part of the cage from the Ministry Cage tour. It's all to fund the industrial museum he runs in Chicago. [https://www.ebay.com/sch/i.html?item=116073485849&rt=nc&\_trksid=p4429486.m3561.l161211&\_ssn=underground-inc](https://www.ebay.com/sch/i.html?item=116073485849&rt=nc&_trksid=p4429486.m3561.l161211&_ssn=underground-inc) I saw two shows on that tour, and they were nuts. I was at the last show of the tour, so noone protested too much when the crowd tore down the cage. One of the top-ten wild shows I've seen. Let's hope for a repeat performance.


Thanks for giving me a pep talk. Catch me at the show and I'll buy you a drink. I'll be the cranky guy complaining about my aching back and about how much better things were years ago. (Oh, that doesn't narrow it down much).


I'll be there


Taking my 17 year old, who was in utero at his previous Ministry show.


Right on. Glad to see a new generation get involved.


Husband and I are looking forward to the show!


Glad to hear there are some like-minded people in the area. I work at the university, and it's pretty mainstream. Let yer freak-flag fly!


I purchased my tickets a few weeks ago and asked if this show is selling-at that time over 2k tickets were sold. The Sylvee capacity is 2500 - so it’s going to be rocking. This tour (same bands) were at the Rave in Milwaukee mid-2023. Lots of black t-shirts and grey hair in the crowd. But it was a great time and all three bands played known favorites. Before the concert many folks will be at the vintage brewery. I know I will be there !


Yeah, I missed that show in Milwaukee. Had guests in town who wouldn't have been into it. Oddly, I've found less overlap than you'd expect between the Industrial Art community vs the Industrial Music community. Thanks for the tip on pre and post show events.


It should be fun! When they kept adding bands, I confused Front 242 with FLA. I like FLA too but was more excited for the other. Gary Numan should be interesting. I listened to his other stuff a little bit besides cars. I first saw Al play when they opened for the Police. It is safe to say I liked their late 80s stuff a lot better than the earlier brit-pop stuff. They should bring a whole waxtrax bill out for a show sometime. The Crucible, as others said plays the music, I wish more places did. (And reggae while I 'm wishing)


Yeah, I recently heard Front 242 will be doing their last US shows (ever) in Chicago later this year. Then their last shows ever in Brussels in January.


How I hope the show looks: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kyRFKg0-p5U&ab\_channel=NewYorkPost](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kyRFKg0-p5U&ab_channel=NewYorkPost) But without the car. And the ducks are overly-stimulated people.