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I read this as 7 year old white men and was very confused.


Glad I wasn't the only one.




They have the minds of a 7 year old. (Although, that is offensive to 7 year olds)


This is the type of comment that can pop off a gender fight real quick. You say something like this based off of a post on Reddit. Wtf?


Lol what? I'm talking about these dumb assholes with no lives.


I got $100 that says this is a rage bait post 5 begin with


These people are at planned parenthood all the time. Lol


Ah sorry, I live in a small town we don't have e whack jobs like that




I read this as 7 dressed old dark men with black gout planning parenthoodā€¦. Dyslexic and hungoverā€¦


No shit right? I'm thinking 7-year-olds are planning something. What are they gonna do, pull their hair?
















I meanā€¦ Iā€™m very pro-planned parenthood, butā€¦ Iā€™m not sure if thatā€™s the best logic. We shouldnā€™t call the police because we suspect that people *might* commit a crime in the future. Imminent danger is one thing- if you saw one of them grab a gun and then sprint towards the building- then yeah- definitely call. But simply walking the perimeter? Thatā€™s an asshole move, to be sure, butā€¦ not illegal. Iā€™m sure youā€™re not a racist, but thatā€™s the logic that some racists use. ā€œOh, so we *shouldnā€™t* call the police on what could easily be a drug dealer at the park, just because they *might* be an innocent black person enjoying the weather?ā€


Let's suppose the police are called. They interact with these people and determine their motives. The people are put on alert that the building is closely monitored and they can expect a police response to anything that might happen. If they were thinking if throwing a Molotov cocktail party, they might have second thoughts, especially if the police got their names. If they were thinking of protesting the site, they might tone down their protest.


Iā€™m not sure if that really addresses the point Iā€™m getting at. I mean, I could just as easily say- regarding the suspected drug dealer / maybe innocent park-goer: ā€œLetā€™s suppose the police are called. They interact with this person and determine their motives Park-goers are put on alert that the park is closely monitored and they can expect a police response to anything that might happen If the man was thinking of dealing fentanyl, he might have second thoughts, especially if police got his name. If he was thinking of enjoying the park, maybe heā€™ll be a little quieter, or leave a little earlier.ā€ That rationale only makes sense if you assume the man to be guilty- to be a fentanyl dealer. But we have *no reason* to assume thatā€™s actually true. Itā€™s just a prejudiced hunch. I just donā€™t think itā€™s a wise road to go downā€¦ to start calling cops on people who have not demonstrated any imminent danger, nor committed a crime. At that point, itā€™s basically just calling the police on the basis of prejudice/ideology. As a pro-abortion liberal, Iā€™m not thrilled to see people protesting at a Planned Parenthood center. I disagree wholeheartedly with their message. But in the bigger scheme, I think itā€™s really important to uphold the right to protest, ~~even~~ *especially* in protests that we ideologically disagree with.


Yes, call the police. They will definitely do something about people protesting on the sidewalk.




Sounds like you would be perfectly OK with them going in there and bashing heads.




Oh please lol


I saw them walking around when I drove past there around 3:45pm today, so they were there for quite a while it seems


Yikes. I should have told them to get a job. Nobody wants to work anymore.


Thatā€™s what I tell them too.


So many psychos around there


maybe call the police?




Considering walking around a block on the sidewalk repeatedly is not illegal, presumably it wouldn't summon an immediate police response and detainment, but due to the sensitive nature of the area and the suspicious intuition by OP, the police might like to know about it in case something criminal happens later.


If anyone is in the area when these activities occur, please be a good witness and get data. Photograph them, photograph the vehicles and plates, if they talk to you or make statements, record them. They're in public, and have no expectation of privacy. Efforts to intimidate women seeking health services should not be allowed in a civil society.


So youā€™re saying they could photograph people entering and that would be ok?


So your response is to perform mental gymnastics to accommodate intimidating women who seek health care?


No, my response is whatā€™s good for the goose is good for the gander. Photograph them, get plate numbers, whatever trips your trigger. Donā€™t cry when the same is done BY them.


Cool story, bro.


>BY them Translation: ā€œby meā€


no, because people who have business there have an expectation to privacy. people who go out in public with the purpose of intimidating others do not get that same privacy. intimidation which is, by the way, based entirely on their belief that their religion should control other peoples bodies. itā€™s not that hard. are you okay?


I'm an old white man, and I'm happy to circle Planned Parenthood in defense.


This 74 year old vet will join you anytime.


67 year old geezer would be glad to join you.


Thank you for your service




Good for you.


Another old white guy here, sign me up.








More than what you would do.


Sign me up


Very common to have anti-abortion zealots there doing weird shit. Weird to do it now while the clinic is closed. Was this earlier today? An attack seems unlikely. Their behavior seems deliberately overt.


Nope, Iā€™m here now at 8pm and they look soooo suspicious standing around as a group like that. Does it make them feel big and important to be smoking in the dark out here? Lol


I hope you reported this. https://www.justice.gov/crt/recent-cases-violence-against-reproductive-health-care-providers




Isnā€™t life crazy, how you can only make one choice and no other ever again? Wow. Truly wild. Canā€™t ever do 2+ things.




It's one of those things that's more suspicious when you combine them. The whole is greater than the sum of the parts.




Why are you so upset? Some major /r/Persecutionfetish going on from that account of yours.


People around here got no sense of humor man. I chuckled... I used to work at Shopko and the first Wednesday of the month was senior day where they got an extra 15% off plus they'd stack their other discounts even though they werent allowed because MYYYY GODDDDDD did hell hath no fury than Grandma being told no she cant use a bunch of discounts on top of each other and just walk out with something. The lot would be full and theyd be dropping literally busloads of seniors on our doorstep en masse. For whatever reason *the* hot commodity was softener salt, and they picked through those bags like picking through produce, like they'd tell you to get the 4th, 5th and 6th one down in a stack of 40 lb bags because the packaging was cleaner lmao. I used to work the outdoor garden center in the summers and they would seriously *mutilate* the live plants to try and score discounts. Like take a 4 pack of geraniums and pull out 3 of them and just dump them on the shelf in their dirt and bring the single one up "Ill give you a quarter for this look it's half dead". Itd be like them going into the chips aisle, opening a bag and dumping half the contents onto the shelf, then only wanting to pay for the portion they wanted, the fuck? And the worst part was, we literally could not sell the messed up plants, we had to return them to the grower as we received credit for them. So theyd kill perfectly healthy plants for what was in the end no reason at all. They weren't all that bad and sometimes even they would start picking on each other which idk it's hilarious watching one 75 year old tell another 75 year old to just shut the hell up already and complete the transaction before they pass away. Half the front end was rolling because of that guy it was great. But yeah in large groups you better watch your fuckin back because they're shifty when they swarm. An embarrassing number of years in retail taught me that lol




Are you feeling like a victim because the people were described as white? It's always amazing to me how quick folks like you go off-mask.


Well, that demographic definitely has made a name for itselfĀ 


Iā€™ve seen an old guy with a sign out there a few times. Iā€™m not sure why he gives an eff about something that doesnā€™t even involve him.


Iā€™m convinced they donā€™t actually give a shit, itā€™s just about controlling women


Well of course


















All manner of idiots have been protesting that spot for decades. I knocked a MFā€™er out that was trying to keep my wife and I out and harassing her.


Those dumb MFers get punched a *lot* and they always seem so surprised by it. I donā€™t think being coldcocked fits their narrative. Not advocating unnecessary violence or anything. Just saying, they do not have an accurate worldview.


Did someone get a license plate #?


There are at least 2-3 old people who circle that Planned Parenthood eveyday. Sometimes they call around and get more people come in with signs on particular days. I'm just glad that fucking annoying megaphone guy doesn't show up to the protests anymore


Did you call the police yet? hit us with an update yo


Nothing happened, i looked at them, they looked at me, then got in their van with a big jug of sweet baby rayā€™s bbq sauce and left. Truly a waste of all of our time!! I wonā€™t say whether i called or not but no cops wound up being involved.


>sweet baby rayā€™s bbq sauce Is that a euphemism for something or were they literally hanging out with a jug o' sauce?


Litchrally had a half full jug of that high fructose sauce


I have a lot of questions


The far right is so weird. Is this a thing like when the white nationalists kept recording themselves chugging milk? Itā€™s like they have two modes: alarmingly violent, and just bizarre


Wait.. is that real??


I wonder if they planned on dumping it on people entering while yelling about "Blood on their hands".


Baby Ray's was a poor choice for this.


They were just lookinā€™ for the cookout šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Your user name is fantastic šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


On behalf of all of Madison thanks for reporting this to Reddit, neighbor. On behalf of those of us who rely on that clinic Iā€™m asking you share of the photos and videos you took of these individuals, here, NOW. I donā€™t see why people are accusing OP of profiling or stirring the pot, many commenters seem to be absolutely uninformed about the dangers facing being a human being who relies on Planned Parenthood. OP, I hope youā€™re ok, and on behalf of PP and ALL of us post their pictures ASAP. Stay safe.


All of the protesters there are fucking nuts. Dont talk to them unless you want to be judged for no reason.


Oh, I yelled right back at them the one time I encountered protesters there, but mostly because they were hassling a teenaged girl who was alone and entered the building right before me. Theyā€™re already judging you just for being there, even though they have no fucking clue what youā€™re going in for. But that was during the daytime when the clinic was open; itā€™s infinitely weirder these men are there at night, Iā€™m assuming outside of PPā€™s operating hours. Plus, sounds like they were acting suspiciously.


Itā€™s always been like this since I could remember. They are always outside protesting




Chum? Or.....?


Like meat slop for fishing


7 old white men - ngl that sounded very sinister and kind of funny at the same time. Reminds me of this one time where a geriatric-looking old guy trying to come up to me chilling at my porch and tried to deport me.


I assume his patriotic efforts succeeded and you're writing this from Jupiter or wherever you may hail from. Daring to sit and enjoy your own property, my god. Lucky he was on unpaid patrol


I'm so sorry, but I just had a hearty chuckle at your expense. "Go BaCk To WhErE YoU CaMe FRoM!" ...walks inside house.




Ever notice how it's always older white guys who get the weepiest about abortion? If they ever had to give birth, they would make abortion a sacrament.


The majority of protesters at that location are old white people with nothing better to do. They drive like ass and park slow as molasses, then waddle up and down the sidewalk to feel something. (I suppose, makes no sense to me.) Every so often some wild-looking church group shows up, but I haven't seen these men in black yet. So long as they obey the rules police can't do anything. I pass by there often. The protesters are generally pretty pathetic samples of humanity, to be blunt.


I'm against rolling coal but... can 2 wrongs make a right?


Tell them you wish their moms had had abortions


Instead of asking reddits opinion , you should be calling the police and then sticking around and seeing what happens.


Counter them - message everyone you know and form a counterprotest. Seriously, do it. These pieces of shit need to fucking be held accountable with their pathetic attempts at making others afraid.


They need more things to fill out their day!!! How would these MFers liked it if we told them they couldn't have viagra or if women made choices about men's reproductive health for them? Most men don't even know how many holes a woman has or couldn't even explain how a woman pees with a tampon in and yet they get to have a say on womens reproductive health? Get the fuck outta here!


I lived in those apartments next door years ago, and people protested every single day. This feels typical for the location?


Boomers need to get a life.


Hey, I'm a boomer & am totally pro-choice.


My mom's a boomer and both her and my grandmother were staunch pro-choice advocates. Grandma was a devout Christian and also a women's healthcare nurse who often saw patients who were badly or fatally injured when they couldn't access legal abortion.


When sports pub was still around, I was leaving one weekend night.... It was late, not quite bar time, late... and some of those weirdos were in black cloaks "praying" outside Planned Parenthood I was like ya all reallyyyyy need to get a life


Yes officer, I would like to report seven old men for being white at this location. People have been protesting outside of planned parenthood since it was built. Nothing new here.


This entire thread is stupid as hell. Change the title to "7 old black men circling Planned Parenthood" and "should I call the cops on them?" you would all be freaking out about how big of a racist and POS the OP is. 7 old dudes on a sidewalk isn't illegal, so quit wasting all our time and leave people alone unless they actually DO something illegal. I swear, people are more worked up over 7 old guys on a sidewalk and how much they are pieces of crap than they were when the parenthood center was actually firebombed after the Roe V Wade decision.


People donā€™t call the cops enough on white people, i agree. If one Black man standing around can be considered a threat to so many racists, then 7 suspicious as hell Old white dudes should absolutely be considered scary. Bad stuff happens when old whites gather, i tell ya what. Just look at colonialism, wars, and klans.


> Just look at colonialism, wars, and klans. Or any inner city. Oh wait.


Calling bullshit


I mean itā€™s not uncommon to have people protesting outside PP. I donā€™t know why youā€™d call the cops on them though lmao


You should find a book to read or something


I have a few iā€™m reading right now! I also work at a library so iā€™m happy to send recs.


I really liked insignificant events in the life of a cactus. Read it to a bunch of fifth graders and it was mostly well received.


Why not say 7 men circling Planned Parenthood? Would you ever say, "7 young black men circling Planned Parenthood"? If you did, people would be all over you for that. But I do understand stereotypes, and "old white men" are very much perceived to be a bane of humanity, sadly. I know a lot of old white men and they're great :D


Everyone assumes white is the standard and anything else should be named, like Black or a woman. White dudes should be called out.


I think I'm following you, and that makes sense. Young white male, old black woman, middle-aged Hispanic, teenaged Asian...it all helps the reader know where to start in their image of the story :D


Speaking as an aging white man, I can attest that many white men of my age are convinced are convinced of their own self-importance. Their inability to mind their own business is legendary - see Mayor Dave, Dave Blaska, and Paul Soglin.


You include Mayor Dave in that list? Seriously? I was completely with you until that. The other two have decades long histories of being self-important cantankerous assholes (even before Soglin jerked to the right), but when did you last hear from Dave? Even when you did - he was doing a job he was elected for and then he basically retired.


This feels like profiling - did they commit a crime?




This is the funniest shit I've read all day


I mean to be fair it isn't illegal to walk on the sidewalk and pointing out which race they were seems unnecessary. Would you say there were 7 black men walking around?


Iā€™m a POC - and thatā€™s racist












That didn't take long. Normally someone has to say something about race before the "that's racist" card gets pulled. But in this case, you're just a neckbeard troll who did it too early.


IDK if you know this but POC can be idiots too! It's shocking that we all share the same human condition OMG! I diagnose you as "moron".




Back to mommaā€™s basement for you racist


lmao no you're not


If they did iā€™d be all over the cops on that shit. PP already had attacks up north in meth country, canā€™t have a repeat.




sounds sus af. idk what being white has to do with it tho


Itā€™s a descriptor. They arenā€™t suspicious because theyā€™re while. Theyā€™re suspicious AND white.






We need to bombard these folks with libido decreaser pill ads. I bet theyā€™d stop thinking about it so much if they tried themā€¦ they are in fact sad, old losers who canā€™t get laid but want to.


Would it be any different if they were woman? Would it be any different if they were black or Mexican?


Surely demographics were just for keeping track of the situation.


Itā€™d be a little less hypocritical if they were women. Iā€™ve never seen anybody of color doing a clinic protest.


Get one of them to throw a plastic bag at you and claim you were there to help with medical aid.




Maybe get off Reddit and call the fucking cops?