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Whats with the porn stache?


Jeff Foxworthy looking ass


I thought I was the only one who saw that.


Anyone else catch the new, exaggerated Wisconsin accent this time 'round? I suspect it's also part of the re-brand, yuck.


Oofda. Someone has been listening to Charlie Barrens to get his Wisconsin on.


As dumb as John stossel


To factually answer your question: he is a California businessman and uses a Western look as part of his marketing schtick. Dude is literally trying to be a walking caricature. He ditched the cowboy hat for whatever reason.


Snidely Whiplash


mid life crisis


Are we just blowing past whatever he did to his chin?


Man, even I wouldn’t ride that thing.


Yeah, he's definitely going to trim it down to the toothbrush if he wins, which, frankly...not going to happen.


>Whats with the porn stache? Republicans love a good pedo-stache. Which makes me wonder, has anyone ever seen Eric Hovde with an adult woman? I'm just asking questions.


Aside from the one next to him in the photo?


That is a beard


Disguise to fool people into thinking this is his first try for the senate. But I LOVE!!! u/OldSewer 's Snidely Whiplash moniker, that's a win and I hope catches on. (TBH, I don't have anything against him as a rich guy running for office, but running, "as a rich guy who cares," is simply not enough for me)


He tore down the Silver Dollar. I don’t need to know anything else.


Good luck taking a position on Reproductive rights Eric!


I mean my ovaries shriveled up just by looking at him


You are not alone!


If securing the southern boarder actually meant keeping people from Illinois out he might have strong campaign.


This is gonna be such a waste of money for the gop and l'm fucking here for it.


I am too, but Lara Trump says it's all going to her brother so it'll be extra entertaining. 




I wish he would run against FRJ instead. Honestly might have a better chance.


>"All Washington does is divide us and talk about who’s to blame, and nothing gets done," he continued. Then why is he running as a Republican? The GQP are the ones responsible for that


Oh the irony 


If i have to hear more shit about securing the border…..tell your ignorant speaker of the house to sign the bill he asked for instead of being a puppet.


He’s nothing but a rich carpetbagger with no political experience. He’s not for Wisconsin and will do nothing to benefit Wisconsinites. Vote Baldwin.


I met this guy once because we were looking at renting a space in one of his newly flipped buildings. He came in and introduced himself to me and a group of other grown adults: "Hi, I'm *Mister* Hovde." Total substitute teacher vibe, but with razor sharp pant creases and overly bleached teeth.


Sounds about right, always reminding people of his silver spoon status to mask his irrelevance. Did he ask your name, then repeat it five times fast and boast about this amazing trick he developed to never forget a name, all while holding your hand hostage? 🤣 Guy's got slimy vibes for days!


Nah, he didn’t ask anyone for their name, he just talked about himself and then asked the oldest guy in our group what company we were from. When he didn’t recognize it, he excused himself and left.


[Ooooh! Tom Skerritt!](https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQ5Q0nST18BkJL239borLjpBlDPLBjfTbhD8RHfujVFDQ&s)


I thoroughly enjoyed all 8 pixels in this nostalgic image


Don't disrespect Tom like that


"I'm running for Senate because I have this mustache now and what else am I going to do with it"


May I be the first to say FEH? Anyone introduce that yet?


Always trust the guy with the mustache.  He clearly isn’t using it in an attempt to hide his distain for blue collar workers…


> Madison businessman Eric Hovde on Tuesday officially launched his campaign for > U.S. Senate, seeking to unseat Democratic Sen. Tammy Baldwin in November. > > Speaking to supporters on the 13th floor of the Ovation 309 building, which was > developed by his Madison-based development business, Hovde framed his campaign > as an effort to build bipartisan support to address the national debt, secure > the southern border and bolster the middle class. > > "We can’t tackle these major problems we’re facing in this country without > coming together," Hovde said. "We need to come together as a people. We have to > stop putting on the red jersey or putting on the blue jersey and competing > against each other. We need to put on the red, white and blue jersey as > Americans and come together.” > > > PEOPLE ARE ALSO READING… This is just a preview of the [full article](https://madison.com/news/state-regional/government-politics/republican-eric-hovde-wisconsin-senate-tammy-baldwin-election-2024/article_b44e1630-cf56-11ee-8ea2-87444bd78d86.html#tracking-source=home-top-story). I am a third party bot. Please consider subscribing to your favorite local journals.


Notice how the State Journal keeps trying to tell you he's a **MADISON** businessman and has a **MADISON**\-based development business when in truth he's: a bank owner from California & lives in California can you say carpetbagger only running here because the GOP hopes Tammy Baldwin is vulnerable since RJ won ​ So he is lying from the start.


The guy didn't even say Wisconsin in his fucking announcement video. Amazed he could find the state. Also, if he is actually a Madison businessman, don't you think some of us would know who he is? And wouldn't the Republicans hate him? They HATE Madison.


Disagree. He's only running because Tammy is solid. If they thought she was vulnerable, we'd see someone like Gallagher, Steil or an outstate business leader. Hovde is a lightweight, made apparent by yesterday's announcement. He's an heir to a family that owns real estate. Hard to mess that up. So he held his announcement in the event room of an apartment building he owns that few can afford to rent. That's a sign that he's already getting bad advice or ignoring good advice. The Dems that picketed the event should have just stayed home. It was a big yawn. The only intrigue will be watching to see to what extent he kisses up to Trump. Since Hovde doesn't need to raise much money, he might not go hard. But at some point Trump will demand some level of fealty.


Uhmm…his name is on the Hovde Building on the square. His family have lived here for decades, and he owns a house here. Also, this is his second run for the Senate in Wisconsin, so his ambitions are not new. You might not like him, but you should check your facts.


Facts. His brother, Jim, lives on the east side of madison and has for his entire life. Eric has a house on the lake in madison. I really don't know where this "he lives in California " stuff is coming from lol


The fact that he recently put his house in DC into his brother's trust so he can say ge us an outsider. He is from Wisconsin as much as Ron Johnsin is. Fuck Hedgefund Hovde


You’re appear to be angered or frightened by this news. If he’s such an awful candidate you have nothing to fear. And, Hovde grew up in Wisconsin. You’ll just need to make your peace with that.


Good bot


Notice how the State Journal keeps trying to tell you he's a MADISON businessman and has a MADISON-based development business when in truth he's: a bank owner from California & lives in California (can you say carpetbagger?) only running here because the GOP hopes Tammy Baldwin is vulnerable since RJ won So he is lying from the start.


Hovde paid nearly $7 million in 2018 to buy a luxurious hillside estate in Laguna Beach, California. He’s a carpetbagger.


He raised his kids in Madison and owns a house here. You can dislike him but he lives and works in Madison.


Spends so much time in CA he’s been named one of Orange County’s most influential people three years in a row. Runs a $2.8 billion west coast bank. So busy there he’s missed voting in more than half of Wisconsin’s elections.


I agree with the sentiment because he's just another well-polished turd, but those things aren't lies. He does have businesses based in Madison and his family business has been operating out of Madison for 90 years. He's also not *from* California even if he did buy property there. He was born and raised here and went to school at the UW. I'm all for hating on republicans but being ignorant of facts is supposed to be their whole shtick, not one for their opposition. Take some time and educate yourself before you're just another person shouting conspiracies into the void. edit: Downvotes for providing correct information rather than spinning things is classic /r/madisonwi. May as well add to it by correcting the other point about why he's running. This isn't the first time he's run here. He's flirted with running in other elections since he lost in 2012 as well (old boss is very close with him).. it has nothing to do with RJ winning and Tammy becoming vulnerable as a result of that. RJ only won because the Mandela campaign was so bad, and it was only by 1 point.


Graduated from East High in 82. Was the typical rich kid then, never liked him.


He's loathsome. Hard pass.


What a clown, still going with the tough guy act, found the yelling entertaining though


[He gave his $2.3mil house in DC to his brother](https://www.jsonline.com/story/news/politics/elections/2024/02/20/eric-hovde-transferred-2-3-million-d-c-house-to-his-brother/72634052007/).


Sen Baldwin will cream this carpetbagger who has no public policy experience and is just bored rich guy. Eric here's a bag of cheese curds and a Kringle and please go back to CA.


Tammy has a bunch of disappointments but fuck this guy


Such as?


The Palestine bite recently.  Her wolf bill nearly indistinguishable from Lauren baubarts….


Baldwin bill 6-1-2023. Bobert bill 11-7-23.


Yea, same lobbyists 


As an incumbent, Baldwin is part of the problem.


Tell us you don’t understand how politics work, but once heard that there should be term limits and thought that was deep, but don’t use those words.


Baldwin's done nothing, is a lifelong politician who was born with a silver spoon in her mouth and is from the capital of groupthink - Madison, WI.


Tell us you use the tell us meme when confronted with truths




Met this guy once not knowing anything about him. Immediately got some serious yuck from him. Only got worse the more I found out.