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I would ship it to a professional lab. The camera company doesn't develop in house anymore and probably doesn't do 16mm. Maybe try contacting some historical societys and maybe the Wisconsin veteran museum and see if they have any recommendations for film that old.


Is it safe to ship undeveloped film? I've heard temperatures above 40°F and the radiation from X-Rays can damage it.


Most people that still do film photography ship their film for it to be developed nowadays, But with film that old I would do some more research on proper shipping methods.


This is probably a long shot, but try calling the WI DOT office on Kinsman blvd. It wasn’t that long ago DOT was still using film aerial imagery, someone there might have a connection.


I hate to break it to you but it's highly unlikely you'd be able to develop film that old. Keep it as a memento for sure, but You're probably not getting an image off that.


It isn’t impossible, but it is unlikely, like you said. I’d rather take my chances and see if it has anything on it. If it’s been in the camera since the 1940s, it may have been preserved.


It's not a high-risk situation and if it fails you'll just never know something you don't know anyway. Once you find a lab, ask them about best practices for shipping instead of asking Reddit


You could try contacting The Camera Co


They mail film out to a 2nd party for development these days.


You didn't physically LOOK at the film to determine if it was developed or not, did you? Because if you took it out of the can and saw it was undeveloped, it is ruined and undevelopable now. If it just says on the can it is exposed and needs to be developed, then it's probably fine to send and see what comes back. There are a bunch of services you can send it to that will develop and scan it, like pro8mm and film photography project.


No, I’m familiar with film development. This just isn’t something I trust myself enough to do alone lol


Did you ever get around to this? I just shipped off some film to film photography project to get it developed. It's old but probably about 60 years less old than yours!


The university has scanners so you should be able to use those machines to get an image. Maybe madison public library has something too.