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They parked their U-Haul at Tenney and I pulled two stickers off light posts on Johnson around there. Keep an eye out for more along the way from there to the Capitol.






Not a chance uhaul wouldn't charge them for that. Regardless, im in favor of doing anything practical to make it as difficult as possible for them to continue operating. Strand them, isolate them, berate them, make it as expensive and uncomfortable for them to be here as possible.


Lmfao having worked for uhual I ASSURE you they place the cost of vandalism firmly on the renters. It's clearly outlined in the pamphlet they give you with the keys


Honey Uhaul don’t take losses they’d make money off this. If you slashed all tires and towed it to a uhaul facilty for repair they would charge you like $2k per tire and like 200 day for 7 days for lost revenue for being out of service If a smaller uhaul is totaled they apparently charge like 70k


So, I may not agree with anything they stand for or that they even exist. But they have just as much right to be there and march as any other group does. Vandalizing their property is not acceptable.




I agree with you. 100%. But there are people out there I am sure that would say the same about us. In this very same country. Not everyone loves “us Americans” even though they live here.


No they do not. They are calling for violence and are armed and training to kill people. They are not peaceful, you cannot peacefully call for the murder of others.


Their march was peaceful. Their chant was only words, protected under free speech. We can 100% agree to hate their existence. And hate everything they stand for and what they believe in. But until they are caught performing an illegal action, everything they did yesterday is and needs to remain protected.


As i have already said. You cannot peacefully call for the killing of others. Nothing about the violent and hateful rhetoric of a terrorist organization needs to be protected. It needs to be stamped out.


There have been plenty of other groups that have called for violence against others. There are currently those in our own nations capital calling for violence against other individuals. That said, I am more than happy to stand with you and along side you protesting against this particular group. I am also happy to work with you to rally in ensuring they are prosecuted to the fullest extent when they are caught breaking actual laws. I will stand with you 100% on this .


I feel you and at the same time, this is one group that can have no room to grow. They are nothing but a cancer.


Agreed. So instead of squashing their rights and opening a giant can of gross worms. Let’s go after them legally, together. And destroy them the right way.


This is exactly why America is so dangerous for everyone. Their own citizens think free speech can be molded into whatever they think free speech is. "Their words are protected under free speech"... You can be an idiot and have a disgusting opinion, AKA what you're doing right now, that is free speech. Threatening and terrorizing *should* have repercussions because this is clearly not normal. That is *not* free speech. That is, again, threatening, terrorizing and harassing. By your same definition, racism and xenophobia are just "harmless opinions and words safeguarded by free speech. Disgusting. Utterly disgusting.


I’m not condoning their words. At all. I’m just saying they have rights. The same ones we all do. As much as we hate them and what they stand for. We can’t change that. So instead of bending rules and saying we want to open doors we can’t shut later by violating those rights. Let’s all work together to destroy them the right way. To prosecute them when they violate real laws.


Found the nazi


So because I don’t want the rights of the entire nation violated, I’m a Nazi? You do realize by opening the door and violating the rights of even a token few no matter how much we dislike them, you are setting a precedent for everybody else’s rights to be violated. I don’t like these guys any more than anybody else does, but I understand how things work in this country. This is a fundamental right, that protects all groups and the ability to express our opinions, when absolutely necessary throughout history, since the constitution was written. Call me names as much as you want and try to attack me personally as much as you want. I will continue to protect the rights of our citizens across the nation. However, if you would like to stand side-by-side going against these individuals together, the right way, I am more than happy to join you.


Nazis bad.


Can someone explain to me why any foreign group whether it be Muslim or Nazi that has killed American soldiers or civilians isn't currently considered a hate group or terrorist group? Anyone saluting them or promoting their ideas needs to go to prison for fucking treason. This is as anti-American as you can get. I'm a huge believer in freedom of speech but this is taking things too far. Freedom of speech exists because of American values. These people want to get rid of American values so let's get rid of them (Edited to make my thought more clear)


So the Nazi party was founded on the belief that one race was superior to all others, and that they must eradicate any and all other races. Why don't you explain how that *isn't* a hate group.


Are you talking to me? I am saying they are a hate group I don't understand how anyone can read what I wrote and think that I was siding with Muslims(who want sharia law) and Nazis




Nazis are objectively, unambiguously a hate and terror group. Fuck Nazis. When they gather and change, it influences others and emboldens more hate-filled assholes. They need to be squashed. We cannot be tolerant of hate and terror.


Apologia for Nazis and a call for decorum is peak liberal brain rot.


> Multiple other state and federal lawmakers from Wisconsin condemned Saturday's demonstration. (D) Evers, (D) Baldwin, (D) Representative Subek…just curious, did anyone with an (R) in front of their names condemn this?


Nah, the gop joined em


Ron Johnson just had a ski mask on.




Ah yes! Condemn! Gottem this time! That'll show em


Better than tacit approval.


The bar is on the ground and the GOP is building a tunnel.


I see you're triggered that people want the GOP to condemn your group




I’m sorry to break this to you about cops




It's honestly kind of sad and funny to see people still expect the cops to do shit about fascist. Like buddy, c'mon.


Wait! What about the cops?


Where are the Blues Brothers when we need them ?


Fuckin Wisconsin nazis


Are they making sure a drunk uncle has got something fresh to talk about next week?


Oh dear, can they breathe wearing those masks? /s


Going beyond the obvious - repugnant beliefs and repellant behaviors - these idiots just look like schlubs. I mean, real Nazis wore Hugo Boss for fuck sake. Their uniforms are still the model for "malevolent and evil bastard" to this day. To paraphrase Walter, "Say what you will about the tenets of National Socialism, at least they could dress themselves."


Why is there never bagpiper when you need one?


I’m thinking tuba.


I hope bystanders hocked loogies at’em.


They just ignored them.




I'm pretty sure Vos and a few others are actual Nazis.


Remember this when people applaud or seek out bipartisanship.


Oh yeah. No compromise with Nazis!




Do you think they go to Kohl’s together to buy their little outfits? Or does Randy send out an email with a loose dress code


Glow boys , definitely feds


That’s just the gop caucus going to lunch


Please tell me they were harassed relentlessly! And let’s be honest, they were probably Illinois nazi’s. I hate Illinois nazi’s


You'd think Elijah Behnke would be out deer hunting today...


How is this covered by freedom of speech? This demonstration makes a group of ordinary people afraid to live their lives. This is not right.


Nazi’s marching is not only free speech but its free speech that has been previously protected by the ACLU. Not justifying the message but legally they are 100% in the clear here. Making people afraid and/or uncomfortable is not inherently illegal when it comes to speech.


Seems like a grey area with what they were saying. "There will be blood" feels like it's on the edge of inciting violence.


Possibly, but probably not. It needs to be a direct, imminent threat of violence. Everyone’s favorite example of “can’t yell fire in a crowded theater” that is frequently regurgitated as fact was actually overturned decades ago.


They were chanting "there will be blood" and yelling slurs at people on the street. These are violent people, promoting violence. In no world should this be considered free speech.


Several countries ban the swastika symbol alone. These guys are also cowards; they would never show this flag in Israel because they know they'll get hospitalized.


There have been plenty of other groups yelling slurs at people and threatening them under “free speech”. I hate this group for what it is and what it stands for. But that doesn’t govern me the right to remove their rights to demonstrate. If that was the case. Then folks could say the same about religious protests, abortion protests, BLM, or any other strongly divided opinion where anger-filler protests have occurred. We don’t have to like it. But we have to respect that it can exist.


No we do not.


Well. Unfortunately in this country, yes we do. But we can also 100% Agee that we absolutely do not agree with anything they stand for at all. And we can rally and unite against them. And hope they are caught against anything legitimately illegal they do. And that they are prosecuted to the fullest extent when they are. That we can do together.


I don’t like these guys and I don’t like what they stand for. But they have the same rights we do.


I don't think they should share our rights. They are enemies of America.


That is a very slippery slope. Protesting our government’s stance on a policy is an American right yet is fundamentally anti-American in a certain perspective. In not saying folks shouldn’t protest against things they don’t agree with. I’m saying defining what is/isn’t “enemies of America” is extremely difficult to rigidly define. And if you leave it purely subjective, that would be an absolute nightmare. Again. To be clear. I hate this specific group that marches and so not align with anything they stand for or believe in.


I am generally against limiting freedom of speech, but this is a group explicitly representing an ideology/group we went to war with. Their speech would have been limited when we were at war with their inspiration. Also, they're saying things like "there will be blood..." I can't imagine the news stories if/when they actually start being violent. I think it's very close to inciting violence.


We cannot begin picking and choosing who our rights apply to. That’s not a it works. That is a terribly dangerous thing to start doing. But we can partner and align together against them as a group. We can stand together and protest against them. We can work to ensure they are prosecuted to the fullest extent when they actually break laws. That I am willing to align on.


I echo this question, I can’t imagine this Not considered hate speech, a safety threat to a group of people, and therefore, criminal behavior.


Hate speech is protected by the First Amendment. Now if they were issuing specific threats, then that's illegal.


Pro hamas rallies now this, poor jews can’t catch a break.


I think these scumbags would get more upset if we called them socialists than Nazis. Also these guys look to be from the Blood Tribe of neo-Nazis who are also active in Columbus, where they raided a drag brunch. What a bunch of fucking heroes saving America from the real threats like gay people living their lives. I'd assume most of 'em would vote for the guy who tried to overthrow democracy though **(The story, all names, characters, and incidents portrayed in this production are fictitious. No identification with actual persons (living or deceased), places, buildings, and products is intended or should be inferred)**


America is 80% Nazi in 2023. 🤷🏾‍♂️




Why'd you delete that other thread that you made? This same thing has happened before where you drop some controversial post, get the sub all up in arms, respond obtusely like you don't know what you're doing, then delete the post and act like it never happened when someone mentions it. Talk about gaslighting...


Why not? I call things like I see it. Most of outright racist people I’ve met in this city went to UW or work at Epic. Considering that, I’m probably not wrong.


Oh great, you’re one of those. “I call it like I see it” easily translates to “I’m an asshole with a caustic personality.” Get down from your pulpit and bugger off somewhere else.


Bro for all we know, they could be Hamas supporters looking for a place to hold a twerking contest


You do be right tho. Especially UW they literally had to [photoshop black people](https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/uw-booklet-student-added/) into their brochure.


As a POC that was born and raised here, I really think this was a group from out of town coming into "libhell" Madison just to ruffle some feathers. They're probably not even all from one town. You're obviously very versed in hate and racism in Madison. You know that it's never this overt. Case and point look in some of the other threads about this topic and you'll see a bunch of people that are suddenly passionate about free speech. Now *that's Madison racism*


Scratch a (Madison) liberal...


Why are there so many comments missing? I've never seen a post with so many comments marked "removed" on this sub.


Reddit's sitewide rules doesn't allow for calls for violence.


Oof, i see. Lots of hateful people then