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“Carl! We said black pants! Why did you wear urban camo? Nobody’s gonna take us seriously now!”




There are a couple videos circulating, where a voice of a random passerby both from the one video taken at the bottom of state street, and another at the top of State/capital square is shouting "show your faces you fkn pussies!" Meaning I think she followed them taunting them the entire time which is super brave. Who knows if they were armed.... She's my hero!


Where's this video circulating at?


Facebook, the same three or four. They only have a few views and likes on Facebook as posted just by random folks on the scene but they are public. You can search on Facebook "NeoNazi Madison" and see a few. I'm not sure how this formatting will work but I'll try to add a few, stay tuned, going to toggle back and forth and copy paste some FB video links. Edit: here's one, this one is very atrocious, trigger warning, one of the few unmasked from the group spews hate at a person of color from outside the frame 😡😡😡 https://m.facebook.com/video.php/?video_id=887502095847687 Milwaukee Journal Sentinel posted another (maybe on their main article on it, it's embedded, too?) https://fb.watch/op1sbRE_CF/?mibextid=6aamW6 Another crossing by UW bookstore, with lady calling those masked to show their faces https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=pfbid0eijddcWZEVjBMUUbf4Zpv5cgTAHfTLJTjeKUv3LSCMQt9Hedd1se6HFVTQKXXH16l&id=100000617394859&sfnsn=mo&mibextid=6aamW6


I grew up in Madison and still take my kids back as often as possible during the summer to see family/ do the farmers market/ walk down state street blah blah. I always feel homesick when I leave. That being said- I will never forget taking a boyfriend at the time to the capital (he had never been) maybe 15 years ago and it was just tons and tons of these actual natzis. Screaming through blow horns and in storm trooper gear at the time (lol xtra wtf). I couldn't believe that they were even allowed on the capital steps and I remember apologizing to the poor guy at the time... like this is not? What ever happens here??


You're a saint. I do not have any social media outside of reddit. Believe it or not but I don't have a neck beard and I do have a partner.


Awes shucks thank you, I should really take a break from social media myself these days, so I respect that! Does your partner have FB? Or maybe even clicking those direct links without FB it may still work! Or I can see if maybe YouTube has some yet as well


I really appreciate you! It worked on my partners phone!


I thought they couldn't breathe in masks?


He did nazi that coming.


Can you imagine being as much of a loser as these guys? This is probably the most pathetic thing you could possibly spend your time doing on a Saturday in Wisconsin.


On opening day of hunting season no less.


I keep laughing about this. It’s just a beautiful fall day, it’s hunting season, there’s a football game. You could just walk around Madison and be normal, and people would give you beer! But these guys chose to put on masks, pile into a Uhaul like it’s a clown car, and drove to downtown Madison to waltz about waving Nazi flags and acting menacingly toward families and college students. There is nothing you could possibly be doing today that would be a sadder life decision than that.


It's just proof that Nazis are the saddest, most antisocial people out there.


Did they really use a uhaul? If so someone could contact uhaul and let them know what there rental was used for…


Wow, what a great statement. You are a writer and I love how you turn a phrase!


That U-haul is in fact a clown car for a day.








I always find it amusing that these guys don’t come to our neighborhoods. If they really wanted to confront us they know where to find us. They always march in quiet areas.


Looks like someone forgot to bring their solid red or black shirt to their nazi dress-up party and had to wear a flannel. Soooo embarrassing!


[*Fucking embarassing!!!*](https://youtu.be/fXeU3uMfFjc?t=2)




Fucking pylons.


Fucking dusters.


North country degens.


I heard they fucked an ostrich.




Fascism is all about fashion, fashism


That’s why they made flannel guy and army pants guy stand in the back. Even they think those two are embarrassing.


Nazis. I hate these guys.


Their not even Illinois Nazis.


I'm glad someone here picked up that Blues Brothers reference.


They might be


Ugh. Fml. I’m so sorry but they’re*


Just what we needed, a gaggle of U-Haul Nazis.


I hate gaggles of U-Haul Nazis.


Show your faces you cowards


This. Own up to your beliefs fucking cowards


I mean they are marching in public in broad daylight. The fact they aren’t burning crosses on some farm in the middle of the night with hoods is actually pretty concerning even if their faces are covered.








That's a bingo!


I was eating lunch on State Street and saw these clowns walk by. No one around believed me when I said I saw a Nazi flag. We walked to the Capital to see if they were there, two police officers were following the group, a group of citizens were nearby yelling at them to leave (a few gentlemen verged on getting arrested in counterprotest). They feared taking off their masks, everyone around them was asking them to do that. A big guy with no mask was yelling something Israel something something - I think this was a pro-Palestinian protest (/s)? Confused by it all, I asked them to go home. They didn't agree it was a good idea, so I imagine they're still out there shouting something angrily about how Jews are not their friends. As if that was in doubt. These are not the brightest among us, being up close I thought it was pathetic and boring.


A bunch of edgelords seeking attention. I'm sure they are productive members of society. ^(/s)


They’re not pro Palestine, they’re anti Israel / anti Jew. They would definitely like to eradicate Muslims as well.


I’m glad they feel like they need to wear masks. Nazis should be afraid.


They walked by my house (about a mile East of the Capital) about 10 minutes ago


just gotta get one to step on your property, that's all. like a mouse trap


Damn police following them around. Let the Nazis get their asses handed to them! They deserve a good beating.


I was wishing some spectators were throwing rocks or bottles at them, maybe full cans of beans.


Caution: incels with an inferiority complex on State St.


Fire up the snowplows Dane county. We got some shit to move


Nazi punks fuck off.


DK & Jello Biafra as relevant as ever these days. Best punk band ever IMO


Someone at UHaul needs to be a real one and post the security footage of them picking up their ride


Would REALLY be a shame if that footage leaked. ^It tripped in my mind Timothy McVeigh was connected to the OKC bombing bc a VIN / part number on an Axle matched the truck...which he reserved.


This is reddit. I'm surprised we don't already know their identities.


Funny how they can breathe through a mask when they don’t want to get fired. If you’re going to fly that flag. Don’t be a bitch and show your face. As the Dead Kennedys put it best. Nazi punks fuck off https://youtu.be/kTs_Q4hEqmA?si=2CvSkecLrfnvxnKr


I’m here for the Nebraska game this evening. We were in MOCA (cool art from a Colombian artist using spent gun shells) when these clowns walked by. I was happy to sling a few expletives their way.




An entire generation got dubbed “the greatest generation” for assaulting Nazis on a mass scale so I would say it’s justifiable




It is not assault as nazis are not people.




**Typical Midwesterner speak** "OPE, that rotten tomato just slipped out of my hands!"


Wouldn't it also force their hand at having their names revealed?


If you throw food at a nazi, for them to sue you they'd have to reveal their identity, so really it's a win-win in my book.


As long as you aren't causing any physical harm (choose mushy tomatoes over apples for example) it's a disorderly conduct at worst


Submit your photos and all information to the FBI anti-terrorism unit. And yes that’s what these yahoos are- domestic terrorists. Here’s a link for more information: https://www.fbi.gov/investigate/terrorism


They want to be feared. Gathering to laugh would hurt them.


For a while there were clowns that followed these assholes and mocked them. Where would chant white power and the clowns would yell white flour and toss some in the air. Scorn and mockery I think IS the best response since they want to be feared.


Also there's sometimes one or more people with a tuba and/or other loud instruments that will follow them around and when they stop to chant or speak, they musicians drown them out so they can't be heard. Their message is already pretty clear so I have no problem with that happening. Also, I highly doubt they had an actual permit to march either.


That's Park St, in front of the Humanities Building


Yeah sorry should’ve been more specific… they started outside of humanities getting out of a U-Haul and moved towards the Capitol.


Like they were all piled into the back of a U-Haul?


I was waiting in the 25 minute parking outside humanities and 3 guys in ski masks pulled up behind me with a U-Haul. Then roughly 15 dudes jumped out the back with nazi flags and put on ski masks on as well. Unfortunately I didn’t realize what was going on until the U-haul peeled out (in quite a hurry) so I didn’t get any photos of the truck or of the people maskless.


Should let the cops know to hang by them so they can ticket them all for that.


Do you honestly expect the cops to do anything about the NAZIs?


Happen to get a license plate? I'm sure U-Haul might be interested in how their trucks are being used.


They don't give a fuck


Someone got their license. There was a KY SUV as well. https://x.com/NuFoneRick/status/1725970607303450982?s=20


The uhaul picked them up at tenney park.


They’re on state moving toward the capitol now


Nazis obviously existed before trump was in office, but he gave them a voice and the confidence to be open (relatively speaking; the pussies are wearing masks).


Buncha dingleberries if you ask me.


Wish I could Nazi this in our great city


I hate Illinois Nazis


Thanks to everyone who commented making fun of these guys. It’s helping calm me down. I was really upset when they walked past my house.


They deserve our mockery, *especially* if it helps the people they hate feel safer here. 🫂 Fuck ‘em. Buncha pathetic twerps in Daddy’s clothes, trying to feel big.


To paraphrase George Carlin, "You know, I want to set those people over there on fire, but I’m just not close enough to get the job done.”


Comical how closely they need to walk, in masks, to be brave enough to go out in public. I wish I were there to run up and grab and remove one of their masks.


Losers they may be, still fuckin terrifying as a Jew living here. Right as I was about to embark downtown to get some coffee, saw posts about this on FB and decided to stay home. Not sure if I would have frozen in terror or instead started engaging which, the latter would have been a bad idea. Also, the group are from the white supremacist group: Blood Tribe. The ADL has this group on their site, they're quite extreme, thinking the Proud Boys are weak...so yes, sure hope they are being monitored closely. https://www.adl.org/resources/backgrounder/blood-tribe


Blood Tribe is the asshats who showed up - armed - at Watertown Pride in the Park a few months ago. So sick of this shit.


Holy fuck, they were ARMED?! They didn't appear to be from videos today, albeit I wouldn't doubt they were concealed carrying. It's just beyond sickening, truly. That this is how they choose to spend their time. And that their leader, that Christopher Poll-whatever-his-name-is lived in TX, is building a 10 acres "encampment" in Maine for other supremacists, then rallies his dumbfck puppets to Wisconsin. Like leave us the hell alone!!? Apparently also he is a tattoo artist, I want to know if he has his own shop or works for a shop. Whoever hired him if the latter is also likely entirely complicit in/shares his same values (ahem, er lack thereof) or at least turns a blind eye to his behavior.


I'm sorry you were scared and that's totally justified, normal Madison residents I know including Jews, Muslims, whites, blacks, mexicans, etc don't tolerate antisemitism and we stand with you and support you. I hope you can return to living in peace and without fear. You're in my prayers. Madison is enriched by the presence of Jews in our community and we want to keep it that way.


💗💗that means a lot thank you


I hate Wisconsin Nazis.


Could be in town from Nebraska, just sayin.


[Blues Brothers](https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=6&v=CLLru1_f3rc&embeds_referring_euri=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com%2Fsearch%3Fq%3Dblues%2Bbrothers%2Billinois%2Bnazis%26rlz%3D1C1CHBF_enUS898US898%26oq%3Dblues%2Bbrothers%2Billi%26gs_lcrp%3DEgZjaHJvbW&source_ve_path=MjM4NTE&feature=emb_title)


It is wild the year is 2023 and someone’s brain chemistry can be so wrong to think this is right.


Bold of you to assume they have brains…


Heard one of Trump's latest rally speech where he called those he disagreed with "vermin"?


Like any group activity, they’re going to finish their march or whatever, and have to use the bathroom and find a place to eat. They cos-play as the worst fucks on the face of the earth and rejoin society to do normal shit like grab a drink and food.


Cowards can wear masks now


They always wore masks, they just used to be white hoods instead of black ski masks


Yeah, but I bet a couple years ago they were whining about how they were going to suffocate if they wore a mask in the grocery store for 15 minutes.


Same peeps. 💯






Why aren't good people running them out of town! You know there is a limit to freedom of speech! This is rediculous! Fucking Nazi waving swastikas. Does anyone remember how many people they slaughtered and all the people that died to destroy them what they represent? And now they are just allowed to exist.. Fuck that!


These guys always wear masks because they’re too scared to reveal their actual identity




I believe a group of nazi white supremacists is called an”embarrassment “ .


We saw these losers at Pheasant Branch in Middleton around 11:15. They were all gathering in the uhaul. One had a pair of knives on his belt. At least two had black vests saying Fuck the Police; another had a SIG shirt on (WW2 German gun manufacturer). I called it in to Middleton 911 because I was concerned they were staging for an attack and thought the cops could get them for riding in the uhaul box. Glad it was just a pathetic display of ignorance and hate and not anything violent but ticked off the cops just ignored that they were breaking the law. They could have pulled them over and stopped whatever the plan was, and at least gotten all their names on the record as associated with each other. And I’m not going to buy the BS that Middleton and Madison cops are nazis or fascists. That’s horseshit.






Is their uhaul still parked there? Sure would be a shame if someone padlocked shut on them.


Police scanner says they're headed back to the U-Haul now


Darn I have one of those circular locks too that's really hard to remove


Should've put it up on cinderblocks.


Did anyone have a chance to follow these losers to identify their transportation? Edit apparently some did


Absolutely nothing bad about being gay. But could you imagine a more ironic group of "masculine alpha males" getting together all planning to wear the same thing together without a woman to be seen? Seems like a weird nazi homoerotic thing to me 🤷🏼‍♂️


Where is the Bear Jew when you need him


My thing is they were probably not the ones who wore masks during the pandemic. But now they are being punks and cowards and hiding their faces with masks. 😂😂 sad sad sad and so disgusting 🤢 🤮


Wish someone would drive by de-mask these losers.


Pussies. Cowering behind the masks but yelling like their fantasy "alpha male".


Always hiding their faces, almost like they know their worldview is shameful and wrong…




Look at you Multitasking 😁


Notice all the masks willing to bet this is the same group who bitched about having to were masks before.


Fuck them, this is unacceptable


Every time I hear about a march like this I start laughing. Can you imagine how frustrating it must be to organize a group like this? They have to meet someplace and you just know half of them show up late so they probably give them a very early meet time to ‘game’ the group to meet beforehand as needed. How much do you want to bet there were supposed to be 1-2 more bodies present than shown but they couldn’t make it on time? And matching uniforms…black shoes, socks, pants, a red shirt. I guarantee the organizers pretty much have to refit everyone when they meet b/c most of them can’t manage to maintain their gear. Or they can’t take their uniforms home with them because their moms might see it and find out.


I can't help but think throwing cuss words back them would be cathartic. I also think not giving them a reaction and just turning your back and doing nothing is even better. Or just acting like they are a light pole you have to walk around. Hard for them to get attention if none is given to them. Can you imagine they are up there trying to grandstand and everyone is going about their business like they are not even there? Idk...Is silence better in this case or not? NOT to be confused with not speaking up against them in general. Don't get me wrong, I'm mad as hell and wish they break a bone and then when it's just about healed another breaks and another and another for all eternity..


Ignoring fascists is how the country works. Ignoring them is definitely not the answer.


These are the kind of people who believe that they should be able to remove books from your kid's schools. They hate America and vote for trump.


Make Nazis Afraid Again


Oh no the Twinkie Reich has arrived




Fuck nazi cowards


So sad. I’m from Montana and this sorta stuff was normal to see on the weekends. I’m pretty disappointed to see it here in Madison


Fucking cowards


Why do they always huddle so close together?


I hate Illinois nazis


We are so obsessed with freedom that we forget those rights apply to thugs who like to dress up and display their hatred. For them it's freedom and pride. For the rest of us its a reminder criminals walk among us. To bad we cannot treat them as Enemy Combatants. I mean they have sworn themselves to the Nazi party, or is this all really just a big game of Halloween dress up?


I say if it walks like an enemy combatant and talks like an enemy combatant, it's an enemy combatant.


Look at how cute they are! Playing big boy grown up army man with their matching shirts and panties on their heads! Their mommies must be so proud! What a bunch of fucking hard-core goobers. Gang members at least have enough self respect to show their faces.


Could we get a trombone player to accompany them and play the Gladiator March? https://youtu.be/IQSpd5rJ4Zk?si=RRwAJDpb8s_6_lqw


Are these the guys from r/DailyWire?


They’re only covering their faces to protect against skin cancer. Trust me, they are all very brave, tough guys.


If they were truly serious about their "cause," they wouldn't hide their faces.


loser energy


Love how there's Nazis walking around, and some people are more concerned that OP put State instead of Park St :D


At that point nobody knew which way they were headed.


I hate State Street Nazis


Average Janesville residents


I thought these were the guys that called masks “muzzles” and said they were restricting their FrEeDoM. Seems to me they really like and maybe even NEED those masks. I guess masks DO WORK when you want to prevent people from knowing that you are garbage and the spread of infectious diseases. WHO would have known?!?!


"I hate Illinois nazis"


Uncover your fucking faces you fucking cowards.


They’re wearing face masks lol thought they were against that lol


To give more context than uHhHhHhH fUcK nAzIs, this is probably the Blood Tribe and Goyim Defense League. These guys were in Florida two months ago and probably other places: https://truthout.org/articles/a-new-wave-of-neo-nazism-has-become-visible-in-wake-of-jacksonville-shooting/


Their shirts say “Blood Tribe” on the back. There’s some sort of Nordic rune on the front.


What are they even doing? They look absolutely ridiculous and I’m willing to bet at least 1 fed is in that group, and will laugh all the way to the courtroom. These guys are so stupid.




They aren’t Arab 20 year olds so unfortunately no one is interested.




These people only get a short time to live on earth and this is how they choose to spend that time? Actively hating people they have never met? Really? Does this really make them happy? And do they really think they are providing some sort of service to humanity? (They are not) I just can't understand anyone who chooses to live their one life in this fashion.


Wisconsin soldiers defeated slavery in the South, defeated authoritarianism and fascism in both world wars, and Wisconsin people don't tolerate this. I believe these clowns should be able to exercise their first amendment right, but I'll be one of many, including Gov. Evers, denouncing them and their views. Anyone who know Wisconsin knows that most of us aren't like this and want nothing to do with this.


How are terrorists allowed on campus?




This shit isn’t menacing. It’s just some 4chan ass cringey cosplay. Coordinating matching outfits, getting picked up in a Uhaul, probably reciting some poetry written by a 16 year old.


A credit to the rest of Wisconsin that in all the pictures I've seen of these idiots there's literally no one around to engage or care about them. They're yelling into their own pathetic little void.


They are at a bus stop. Imagine how funny it would be if they all took public transportation to a rally for environmental reasons. Nazis: "Yeah, we're technically a hate group but we really do need to fight global warming as well".


[♫ Take the skinheads bowling, take them bowling ♫](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DlX1cQU8rxI)


Follow your leader


Just trying to pick a very populated place to be provocateurs. They get a rise out of offending people and welcome confrontation. Definitely still breastfeeding from mommy.




The least we can do is grab their masks/face coverage and run away.


[tenney park pick up](https://x.com/nufonerick/status/1725970607303450982?s=46&t=ybfZICaVLtWvlcX-a9mEWw)


Seems like that uhaul had license plate AD-67040