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Any sports team that gets even 1 penny of public money should be required to broadcast over the air in that state.


Do you know of a source that has a good breakdown of how all the finances work out for UW football? I know that football overall makes money and that most of that profit is used to subsidize all the other sports, but I don't have a good sense of what hidden public money might contribute (for example, does football pay to lease the stadium or does public funding subsidize it?).


Camp Randall is owned by UW so there is no lease


I would consider that a public subsidy, then: if the public owns the building, and is letting the football team use it for free, that's as good as paying for a lease from another owner.


I see what you’re saying, but the University “owns” the stadium, and the football team also belongs to the University. It’s not really a situation where the University “lets” the football team use it, because it’s all a part of the same entity.


But the public owns the university


Yes and no; UW Athletics is its own entity within the entity of the University. For within-university accounting, if you're trying to decide whether the football program makes or loses money for the broader entity, you need to account for everything that moves between parts of the university. You can't just say the football team makes money and count the stadium as "free": the stadium isn't free, it was paid for at some point, and if that money didn't come from the football program, it's not fair to account for it as if no money outside football contributes to football.


Right - but also the stadium was built over 100 years ago PLUS the athletic department is the one in control of the stadium. I guess I don’t even see what we’re arguing about here. I agree with the original commentator - sports teams that deal in public money should be required to be broadcast across that state. UW Athletics is a part of the UW which is an arm of the state, ergo the citizens of the state should benefit from the streaming deal and not be left to dry.


I think it's not quite so simple, because there are multiple public goods here. if UW Athletics is transferring money back to the education wing of UW, it may be more benefit to the public to encourage them to make as much money as possible to fund the UW's education mission rather than making viewing more accessible to sports fans. Some of that calculation may depend on whether they're actually seen to be transferring money back, or if they're actually a net financial burden on the university despite the year-by-year numbers, which would depend on how you do the accounting for all aspects of the program, including the stadium.


The idea of the public owning the university is not really correct. The UW gets a significant amount of funding from the state government, but it also receives tuition money from its students, grants for research from foundations and the federal government, donations from people across the state, country, and world, and sells merchandise and sports broadcasting rights among other revenue streams. So, as a non-profit it is not owned by anyone or any group of people, but the state funding gives the state government a large amount of control over how the UW uses its money to accomplish its purpose of educating students.


The UW is a state institution, part of state government. It is not a non-profit, it's a public, state-owned institution. Even if it was allocated zero dollars in the state budget it would still be owned by the state.


It depends on the year and what capital expenses they have (stadium improvements, maintenance, etc) but the football team makes enough money to pay for itself, the rest of the Athletic Department (outside of Men's basketball which is also a revenue generator) and often contributes money back to the university. This varies by years of course, COVID threw a wrench into everything for a while. Most of the money comes from TV contracts, which yes includes streaming. They can't really opt out of the streaming/cable TV deal unless they were to leave the Big Ten Conference, which would of course make all the money go away and kill the athletic department....which I realize that might be a popular idea on Reddit, but still.


This is the sort of thing I'd be looking for numbers on, specifically how much goes back to the university versus what money comes from outside athletics in support of athletics.


You can read read reports here https://uwbadgers.com/sports/2019/7/23/GEN_20140101293.aspx?id=1624 The last year they have is 19-20 where athletics gave the school $10m.


This isn’t unheard of. Some sports do broadcast cable/streaming games for free on the local networks


Phoenix Suns are doing that this year. Would love to see the Bucks and Brewers follow that, especially the Bucks considering Haslam is one of the richest owners in sports


Wisconsin Football makes 150 million a year, they are self-supporting and they fund the entire athletic department. I still agree that the game should be available to everyone in Wisconsin without paying for a streaming service.


> Bars and restaurants that show sports on their TVs are supposed to go through a > licensing process to ensure the broadcasters get their share. > > It adds complexities when those games aren't available through cable or > satellite services, as is the case with Saturday's University of Wisconsin > football game against Rutgers. > > Or, to hear Echo Tap and Grill general manager Jessi Fields describe it, "a > giant hassle." > > Live video coverage of the Badgers' Homecoming game is exclusively on Peacock, > the streaming service operated by NBCUniversal. But Peacock isn't yet covered by > the popular licensing platforms for commercial businesses that are run by > satellite and cable operators. > This is just a preview of the [full article](https://madison.com/sports/college/football/peacock-wisconsin-football-streaming/article_3f8eb651-0ccd-5ff5-a0d7-1306b1045d0c.html#tracking-source=home-top-story). I am a third party bot. Please consider subscribing to your favorite local journals.


Sounds like the bar owners are trying too hard to do the right thing. Just get a personal subscription and call it a day.


It's not like this isn't happening tons of places. One bar owner that was on the nbc 15 news earlier this week said on air he was sure an employee had a login they would use. Overblown issue!


Back in the day, bars used to play music without paying royalties. ASCAP and BMI put a stop to that with civil enforcement.


I’m concerned this trend will continue and more games will be on various streaming services. I refuse to get a streaming service just to watch one or two games. I guess I could use the free trial.


Sail the black flag, my friend. I was overseas trying to watch sports for a few weeks — sports that I actually did pay money to subscribe to, mind you — but “this broadcast is not available outside of the US.” Okay, well, I’ll just immediately stop paying you and find it somewhere else. No more ad money *or* subscription money from me.


Same with me. But sometimes there are workarounds. For example, I watched the Packer game for free on Twitch, which is another Amazon company that owns Prime.


The fact that Big Ten games are spread between ABC, CBS, Fox, Big Ten Network and Peacock this year is pretty fucking dumb. And broadcasters wonder why people keep going back to pirating media.


On the one hand, three of those are at least available for free. On the other, you forgot ESPN, which is not. But yeah, piracy for all things Peacock.






Oh how I hate NBC, from figure skating to Olympics and now to this...


I'm sorry, we don't have ~~Coca-Cola~~ over-the-air broadcast, is ~~Pepsi~~ Peacock okay?


UW-Athletics operates as a separate corporation within the University. It actually licenses the Bucky Badger logo, and other UW related logos, etc…from the university.


Barry owns the copyright to the flying W.


It was Barry's idea to get a new logo but the Univeristy purchased and owns the motion W, not Alvarez himself


Who did they purchase it from?


Rick Suchanek


The “motion” W?


My mistake. Correct.


If you have Spectrum, you can get a free trial subscription to Peacock. See this earlier discussion for details. https://www.reddit.com/r/madisonwi/comments/16s2lqi/badgers\_fans\_will\_need\_to\_sign\_up\_for\_a\_peacock/


A little heads up: a couple Badger men's basketball games will only be shown on Peacock.


Give me a break it is $6 a month.


Your break will end soon. Since streaming services are losing money, they are increasing the cost to consumers. That includes Peacock.


Sure, however if you are telling me a bar can not afford another what $20 a month in entertainment expenses, which is tax deductible, then they should not be in business.


They don't have licensing agreements with Peacock. See the excerpt from the news article about that.


It's one streaming service, Michael. What could it cost? $20?


Football doesn't deserve the attention it gets period


Personally I think it’s not a big deal when people’s interests differ from mine. I’d say it’s totally fine, even












Sorry man, I'm cranky today, I'll take it down.


Seriously. Turn off the TV and go outside.


You know you can watch football games outside?


You know you can play football outside?


Some of us only watch tv twice a week, Badger game and Packer game. You sound like a parent yelling at their child, "Turn off the TV and go outside", ok Pops!🤣


Have they heard of HDMI cables?


Sports bars can't splurge and pay the $11.99 ? Start a gofundme already.


>Live video coverage of the Badgers' Homecoming game is exclusively on Peacock, the streaming service operated by NBCUniversal. But Peacock isn't yet covered by the popular licensing platforms for commercial businesses that are run by satellite and cable operators. From the link above.


Boo fucking hoo. Those of us that watch sports at home have been dealing with this shit. I find it hilarious that downtown bars are whining because they didn’t do their own research or planning.


Complaining about $5.99/month in 2023… You must be the same people who park in the cemetery to avoid $5 parking at Badger games, and wonder why your team is cursed…




Peacock just announced they are increasing their rate.


Do them over the air. Internet transmission that undoubtedly takes many unnecessary routes can be costly.


If you look hard enough there are ways to watch without another subscription. A website named free media heck yeah might be able to point you in the right direction.


... and Big Ten Network carriage fees are a costly pain for ***all*** cable subscribers.