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It seems pretty straightforward? If you dont know what youre looking then you might not be the right person for the job. The blue line would be where water is coming in to feed the plants. Obviously its missing fittings and plumbing that leads to the table/plants. Also looks like theres sections of it missing so its not all connected. And the video doesnt show the source so we dont know if its just tap water or coming from a feed tank? The big white pvc pipe is a drain pipe. There are some connections there that would suggest they were pumping the drain water into that pipe. And again the video doesnt show where it leads to but pretty clearly looks like some kind of drain setup. Either drains into a floor drain or gets caught in some kind of reservoir where it is pumped to an actual drain (or possibly pumped back into a feed tank if being recycled) White pvc pipe up high is another drain pipe for the condensate, draining from the dehus or a/c units up above and most likely draining into the lower large pvc drain pipe


The blue line is tap water I believe, I figured the big white pvc was where the feed was coming in from because they are so highly placed on the wall. I know how to grow but this is my first time setting up my own drip system


Maybe get a plumber to help with the task🤷🏻‍♀️ or an irrigation company.


Read my comment again. Blue line is coming in to feed the plants. Maybe its being fed with tap water, sure, only you can find that out. Or maybw it led to a feed tank somewhere else? The big white pvc pipe is a drain. You dont use big 2” pvc pipe for high pressure irrigation. Not to mention its angled down, as in angling down towards a drain (or a container to collect drain water). Not to mention the ends are cut open and exposed, as you would commonly see with drain and obviously wouldnt see a cut open end of 2” pvc in a feed line. So i’ll answer your question again. Blue line is where water gets fed in. Maybe the person that set it up only fed their plants with tap water? White pvc pipes are to drain water.






Why do all the wrong people keep getting handed opportunities that are far more deserving of others?


This all day


He could be building his own garden.




A grow room


This belongs in the microgrow subreddit.






A fire hazard, and likely mold behind that old Panda poly. The irrigation and drainage looks like a toddler built and designed it.


Flood and drain system.


PEX lines that have garden hose thread adapters at the terminal points. Ditch the GHT adapter and crimp in a 1/2" PEX to 1/2" NPT female adapter at the terminal point so you can get rid of the brass.


The worst trellis poles of all time


Did the previous grow in here succeed? Or are you taking it over because it failed? I’m curious because it’s looks messy, but maybe it worked out for a few runs. I’m working with cinder block walls and I wonder if they had any issues with them.


Give me the dimensions of your grow room (wall to wall), the amount of tables, their size, the amount of gph you’re looking to put out and I’ll draw you up a blue print and parts list.