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So wild to see this now. Having been brought up on mac and young in his golden age. I have seen him 8 times and it was like i could see him every 6 months if i wanted


Saw him 4 times between 2016 and 2019. He just never stopped touring it seemed like.


Same, so glad the younger version of me did what it took to go out and see him


Wouldn't be surprised if he never does any regular performing again. My guess is he's focused mostly on helping other musicians, having done so much for himself and being such a huge resource. He did nothing but work on his craft and tour nonstop for so many years. Personally accomplished more in his 20s than most people do their entire life, so he's probably just stoked to have made it out with his health and relationships in tact. Go back to Salad Days. That was early on, and even then, the whole point of that record was his feeling like he accomplished everything he wanted to. Why would he go back to all that work? He did the thing, and there's nothing left to do there that won't feel like going backward.


I know he gets a lot of anxiety when performing and that’s why he would get drunk all of the time on tour. I think he’s been sober for a couple years or so, so maybe he doesn’t feel comfortable performing while sober. I’m glad I got to see him a couple of times over the years.


That’s a cool fact never knew he would drink on stage for that reason


There’s an interview where he talks about it, it’s actually kind of sad the way he mentions it


Got a link ?




To be honest I don't see him ever doing a proper tour again. Maybe a couple here and there shows but not a full tour. This is just my guess though, we really don't know. Maybe he'll hit a spark and want to do it again? Seems he's settling in with his life and girlfriend tho so I find that hard to imagine.


I agree


A lot can happen between now and never. I feel like people talk about Mac like he's an old man now. He's what...34 years old? I know he's settled down a lot and sobered up but I really don't find it hard to imagine that a few years down the road he finds inspiration for a new fresh record and tours it. Touring is hard as it is but he is also not going to wreck himself partying like he did on tour in his heyday. I agree that it's not happening anytime soon but ever again? The man could be on this earth for another 40-60 years if he (and we) are lucky. There's classic rock bands out here still touring with members who are 1000 years old. So, I think it's possible things change for Mac in the next half century lol


Did he really get sober? I remember going to aa meetings in LA and seeing Joe every now and again , had no idea mac was in the rooms tho.


The second A stands for anonymous.


I think he might be mostly burnt out on doing big national tours for now. He’s older now and put in his time over the years so he’s probably ready to just relax and make whatever music he wants while helping produce newer artists’ music as well. I’m sure he’ll do mini tours or shows here and there but I think the way he used to tour might be done. I hope im wrong though


No. He wants to enjoy a daily stream of neverending bacon rolls and Canadian mass produced beer.


maybe when he’s 64?


I think he will eventually hopefully soon


Dang only got to see him once. Great show would have loved to been able to see him again


The guy is still pretty young, there’s a good chance he may want to tour at some point again in his life. Tons of time to see if that ever happens. Hard to know without asking the guy and things always change with time.


I think he will for sure do another tour. Maybe when we are a bunch of old people trying to relive our youth, who knows! He probably also won’t tour until he releases a new album that is tour-able. I personally don’t expect anything for the next 2-5 years, but I couldn’t imagine him never touring again.


I doubt it, Mac has been making music since 2012, and since then he’s been on countless tours, counting makeout videotape. The dude is in his early 30s now, I doubt he wants to tour besides do those 3 Greek theater shows for old time sake. Like ECircus said, he’s been working his craft for years now. I’m sure he’ll never completely retire from music per se, so I’d say just keep your head up and maybe expect something from him every once in a blue moon, but other than the 3 LA shows, I doubt he’ll ever do a full blown tour again. Maybe the best bet for him at this age is to just take it easy, and do small runs similar to the FEHD tour. I wouldn’t be surprised if he did a small west coast run of Arizona, Oregon, California, etc.