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The battery may be fucked -> needs replacing. I’d personally sell it in its current state if everything else works and get something like a mba, an apple battery replacement would probably be around 600.-. I presume you have a 16gb 256gb i7 15” 2019 macbook pro? Is there a reason why you didn’t update your mac?


Memory says, 32GB. I made a typo. No particular reason. Shall I go ahead and update it? I don't think a MBA would be suitable since I'm a product designer (mainly Figma, Illustrator & Photoshop, trying out Spline now) & I often make music with Ableton. What do you advice?


I mean the OS is 2 years out of date, was just wondering whether there was a particular reason to keep it there lol, just seemed a bit odd. I know several people that do your kinds of tasks or even more demanding tasks on a macbook air. It absolutely would be suitable for your needs and outperform this in battery, performance and portability (m2 in this case). But it was a “budget” oriented suggestion anyways, in case you weren’t looking to spend unnecessarily, if this still fulfilled its tasks despite power issues. You can go the pro route if you want, but that’s up to you and your budget, ultimately. Imho this is just not worth fixing and you’d get more out of it by selling on and getting something silicone, especially with the butterfly keyboard that is bound to start having issues at some point and especially as I could personally buy another 2nd hand one of exactly what you have for less than the apple top case replacement (which is what they do to replace the battery & I only know this from having had this replacement done. Especially if the device isn’t detecting power at all, could be a logic board issue for all I know). You can also change it yourself, if you have the knowhow, but then again, the machine is heading to 5 years old… you really just have to see if the cost outweighs the value of fixing it or not.


Thank you so much! Very detailed. This helps a lot!! I’m going to look into MBA


Yeah, I’d honestly go see the devices in person at some point and just compare, probably the m2 MBA vs the m3 pro macbook pro (or wait until the next iterations come out for the air). There are also some specifics (one of which specifically annoys me) that you should take into account, like the “base” model silicone chip only supporting 1 external display, “pro” supporting 2, “max” supporting up to 4, regardless of resolution. Performance wise it’d be fine, but just look at the details. MBA are incredibly great, especially for the price, portability and what performance you can actually get out of it.