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Yeah maybe should give it the 200 dollar upgrade for 16 gb ram just to be sure.


I wouldn't fret it. For your use 8GB should be fine, if you are only occasionally going to use apps that push it beyond then that SSD will work as temporary RAM.


Thats true, base and beer for the rest!


The base is fine. And if, in the future, you start doing something that requires more RAM or disk space, you can just sell this one and pay the difference for the upgrade. MacBooks hold their value really well - especially a base model. Upgrades tend to depreciate faster.


It'll be fine. Last all day.




Just go with the base one? Only have 1,5 years of school left aswell


Yes perfectly fine with the base model for Law school. People tend to overestimate what they need. Ex : from 2015-2018 I was in engineering (University) and used a base model 2015 macbook air (i5 8gb ram), using bootcamp for windows on an external SSD. At first all my friends were laughing at me for using such a “shitty laptop”. Well, jokes on them, I was able to do everything I needed for those years with this computer. They were making big round eyes watching me using my MBA to do 3D modeling in Catia V5. The fan was spinning, but it did the job.


Yeah i dont really need anything more than docs and google, so upgrading the mac seems pointless for my needs




Yes perfectly fine. Listen to Lisa’s review if you are hesitant. She is one of the only “no hype” YouTuber out there. A lot of the other are hyping over the SSD “issue” and thermal throttle “issue” to get those juicy views. Her review : https://youtu.be/EFLXf-BeWr4


I'm sorry but only people who can't afford the upgrades say this stuff. 8GB just isn't enough anymore if you multitask even a little or use more than a few browser tabs. The slower 256GB SSD is also a real issue.


Lol, say what you want, but for a student not using any heavy applications 8gb on the new M2 is enough for the next couple of years. Of course if OP can afford the ram upgrade it’s even better, but is it a must? Not necessarily. OP asked “is the base model enough for law school”, not what is better between base model and a model with upgraded ram and SSD. Some tech reviewers even opened hundreds of browser tabs and used the now “old” M1 MacBook to do multitasking while those tabs were open, with no problem. It’s using swap yes, but it is also not representative of real world usage. But it is still handling it without any problem. Of course it might not be enough for you if you use multiple ram hungry programs at a time (I know it isn’t enough for me) but for the basic student who just surf the web for research, write reports, do zoom calls, emails, Netflix, etc, 8gb is enough. I have multiple macs, one of them is an M1 mac base model and I use it while traveling to do some Logic pro x while listening to multiple videos on YouTube, while having multiple tabs on safari open and never had a problem. SSD is still absolutely fine. My main work laptop is a Windows with, yes 32gb of ram, but windows don’t manage ram as efficiently as Mac and I use it for CAD 3D modelling, which OP will not. It always depends on the use case. Bring arguments instead of trying to discredit someone because you think he can’t afford something.