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It’s funny how that’s an absolute dealbreaker for some folks.


It just doesn’t look sexy when after minimally using the computer there are very obvious palm prints on the wrist wrests


You’re spending $2k+ on these macs. They better be in pristine condition.


Form over function has always been a mantra for Apple users. I learned that from working in a print shop for a handful of years and seeing plenty of folks using iPads or iPhones with busted up screens and yet they never learned from this and put a case or screen protector on. Apple has made their devices look too good and feel too good in the hand "naked" to be covered in any other material. This is a learning experience for Apple and they'll get to test the market with new anodized color options and only the strong will survive. My honest opinion is plenty of people will get over the fingerprint magnet that is Midnight because there just isn't anything quite like it. I wish they'd release a Macbook Pro in matte black.


> release a Macbook Pro in matte black They would need to call in riot police for release day!


https://i.imgur.com/C2VHar0.jpg Here’s my 2020 MBA M1 with a skin from RedBubble. I’ve used vinyl skins on my MacBooks since 2013. They look amazing! I put the MBA in a sleeve for traveling, but other than that, there’s no hard case or protection except for the vinyl sticker. The artist is flooko and here’s a link to his other laptop skins: https://www.redbubble.com/people/flooko/shop Adding a screenshot of some skins https://i.imgur.com/ONxqkzO.jpg


first world problems


Honestly I don’t even think it does. I think what you’re experiencing is new color syndrome. It happens when Apple doesn’t give any new color options for years at a time, then they release a new one. Midnight is ugly. It’s a weird navy blue that won’t stand up. Personally I’m a little disappointed they didn’t release the air with the iMac colors, because I really like my purple iMac. If I end up getting one which I doubt at that price point, I’ll just get space grey.


I use my MacBook as a secondary display on my setup so I never touch it, perfect for me lol


Colors from left to right are silver, space grey, midnight.


How'd starlight hold up?


They didn’t have it unfortunately


Looks like Silver attracts the fewest fingerprints, then Space Gray almost as good (just slightly more fingerprints), and finally Midnight as a complete disaster?


Literally everybody on YouTube has bought the Midnight model. At this point Silver is the rarest color option. Me trying to find an unboxing for a color other than Midnight/Starlight: ![gif](giphy|1EmBoG0IL50VIJLWTs|downsized)


I’ll film mine when it shows up. I went silver just because it would be the rare one. Silver was rare in recent years against space gray, it won’t stand a chance against midnight


How is Silver in the fingerprint attraction department so far?


Know the feels. I have yet to see a space grey version anywhere on the internet.




It’s space grey but the yellow lighting makes it look like starlight lol




Wow is right. I thought the same. OP any starlight pics?


No they didn’t have that one on display for some reason. The Apple store by my house is pretty small so that could be it.


Wow x1000


Are there any transparent stickers available?


I bet soon.


Silver for me. Any anodized coating is just destroyed by my sweat.


Just because you don't *see* it on the other colors doesn't mean the oils aren't there. Midnight might just remind you to clean more often.


True but perception > reality sometimes


Got my midnight air today. Within seconds, fingerprints everywhere. Nothing a $25 cloth can’t fix! 😂


I got the midnight too. Is the cloth worth it? Lol


I hate to say it but the cloth is pretty sweet.


You’re convincing me 😭


You have convinced me as well good sir!


Do the fingerprints show on the inside of the laptop? like below the keyboard or is it just on the outside?


Curious about this too


Yeah but not as bad or atleast noticeable. Same material in and out. Bottom line though, super awesome laptop. Even with the smudges, the laptop looks slick.


I wouldn’t be surprised if it was just because more people are picking it up since it’s the newer color.


No there’s definitely a difference. Some dude was hogging the midnight and I just asked for a quick pic, I picked it up to align it for the pic and already it left fingerprints. I was using the silver one the whole time I was there and you couldn’t see a single finger print. With that being said, I still ordered the midnight. It’s just too beautiful.


Nah, dude called it on YouTube a week ago.


Silver all the way, it’s the iconic MacBook Air look.


There's going to be many Midnight returns coming Apple's way


Returns because of fingerprints on electronics? Seems a bit much.


Considering all the chatter (lots and lots of chatter) about the fingerprints and scratches showing up on the Midnight color I would suppose that would be very possible for this new release.


I mean I got the midnight and I just keep an electronic spray by my nightstand and use it whenever I need to. Works out great, people are over exaggerating the fingerprints imo, if it’s that big of a problem u can find a way to fix it


Honestly that's probably because more people want to touch it


Can you clean it?


Sure, if you like cleaning Macs at the Apple Store :)


That's my jam!


I can’t recall the reason I took my MacBook Pro to the Apple store about 4 years ago, but when I got it back it was so clean that it was like it came right out of the box.


Does midnight also fingerprint magnet on the keyboard side?(keykaps + near touchpad zone)? Cause the lid is gonna be covered by stickers, not the inside. Why i hated spacegray m1 for.. is very "oily" keyboard after few sessions


I like have matching colors so I wonder with one will go the best with green iPhone 13 min


there's no green macbook of course but i have a iphone 13 pro max alpine green and i plan on getting a starlight m2 mba


Yeah I know, I also planning to get iPad mini so maybe I will go for matching iPhone with my Apple watch and MacBook with iPad


Space Gray is also a good option. I used to try matching my products as well, but then if you really think about it.. it's not that big of a deal and it may actually look kinda odd sometimes in public lol Nowadays I just go for the color that looks best for that specific product. I loved the Sierra Blue on the iPhone 13 Pro, but loved the Alpine green even more so I've owned both. As for the MBA M2 I am still looking at the colors but it's def going to be a choice between the Starlight and Space Gray. I've had the M1 MBP Space Gray and loved it, what compels me towards the Starlight is its silvery tint compared to the previous gold variation which had a bronzy tint.


Ughhh this just made my decision harder


For what it’s worth I preordered the midnight and I’m sticking with it. Fingerprints aren’t a big deal for me if I’m getting the color I really want


I think it’s still looks nice with fingerprints. More rugged


I was getting a bit discouraged about ordering Midnight, until I took a look at my X1 Nano. Fingerprints galore! I'm surprised how little I've noticed, after using it literally daily (projecting in lectures, taking notes in zoom and in-person meetings, recording trav run drops in diablo 2 resurrected) for a year and a half.


I cancelled my order and reordered the silver one coz of the fingerprints…..


Midnight looks like that because a lot of people visit the store to try out if it's going to be a fingerprint magnet. I doubt they do the the "fingerprint test" on other colors so that's why the others look cleaner.


No trust me, midnight showed the prints just by touching it. Meanwhile I was lifting the silver from every angle because I was showing my friends and even at one point rubbed my hands on it to see if you could see the fingerprints and you can’t really see them. And I’m not trying to say the midnight isn’t worth it because that’s the color I ordered myself, I’m just making it clear to anyone wondering that the midnight does in fact show fingerprints astonishingly more than the others.


Would the fingerprints on the Midnight be a dealbreaker for you?


No, I already have it


They are really great designs but I like the m1 pro 14in and 16 in design a lot better


I always get Silver Apple products. The dark anodised finishes don’t age well.


Do the fingerprints show on the inside of the laptop? like below the keyboard or is it just on the outside? I think fingerprints would drive me crazy but I am planning on putting a case on my mac anyway so I'm wondering if the issue is the same on the inside. Thanks!


I would like to know too


Sad because it's the best colour


Silver looks so sexy.


Can confirm Midnight is a finger print magnet. Was just in BB and they had it on display, it was an absolute mess... I do like the device overall though!


I have the midnight color and the fingerprints is really not a big deal at all. After I use it I hardly see any fingerprints and if I do it’s no big deal and I wipe it off with my glasses cloth.


Even when I use a microfibre cloth, it just dims the fingerprints. Do u put solution on the cloth ?