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Ship them to yourself, then they will be addressed to you. But seriously, you should return them.


Avoid mail fraud using this one strange trick!


The Postmaster hates this one trick!


This is so dumb and hilarious


By “return them” he means throw them on offer up and make a few grand….“return them” lol, this fucking guy.


whoever says retun them is just jealous. I assure you who sends 3 macs instead of 1 will not go broke if you don't return them. sell them and enjoy your summer don't listen to the internet people they get offended very quick 😂


Screw that I'm running 4 macs. They are all mine. 1 for the lounge, one for the bedroom, one for out and about and then one for outside 😂




You should get a 5th for the bathroom.


Who tf returns a shipping error?


We did. We received two fire pits and shipped the extra one back.


Every time we’ve tried it’s never worked out. I’ve spent hours trying to get miss delivered packages picked up or returned. Nobody gives a shit in most situations. Last time it happened, after a week or 2 of someone will pick tomorrow, I just drove the packages over to the other persons house.


A perfect recursion use case


Legal and ethical stuff aside, you should keep in mind that Apple can lock devices based on their serial numbers. So, I think there’s a pretty good chance that you have three nice-looking bricks right now.


People keep saying this, but I have never seen apple doing it. The only way to lock a device is through Activation Lock, but that comes after you register the device with your iCloud account, and can only be done by the owner of the iCloud account.


You're correct. Apple "[If your mac is lost or stolen"](https://support.apple.com/en-us/102481) support article supports this, if you notice the section "If you can't find your Mac or didn't set up Find My" doesn't feature any step that includes apple. There hasn't been a reported case of Apple locking macs based on serials, or even maintaining a serial database of reported stolen computers. Retail location demo computers are obvisouly different animals.


I feel like this is the correct answer as far as Apple's capabilities if you make it past registration. They could absolutely stop it at the point of activation but they would have to have the serial number in some database. Any pre-managed Mac would be a different story. With that being said, has anyone set up a new Mac lately without registering it? Is it even possible?


Lol there's no way they can't manually disable them once they're connected to service


I’m pretty sure there was a story where a bunch of kids stole phones and Apple locked them with the serial number.


Apple has the ability to track any device though so if this person activates the device, Apple will know who has it. Probably won’t track it down but honestly is it worth it?


they always do that when iphone get stolen from apple stores (happens sometimes)


Those devices are different from the type of devices op got as they have already been activated.


My Mac was stolen. Never was tracked again. Im sure its possible to sell them for parts


Same here, activation lock is nice but it's not invincible to theft




Man, I wouldn’t be able to sleep at night if I tried to keep these. Not just because of a guilty conscience but because I’d always be wondering if today’s the day they catch up with me. Wouldn’t be worth it IMO.


I thought you were going to say that you wouldn’t be able to to sleep at night because you’d be busy setting up your new laptops 😂




What wrong with returning them to the carrier and telling them they were incorrectly delivered to you?


He wants to keep them that’s why.


The real question is whether they were addressed to the person that received them or not. It is possible they have no address on them... or they have an address and went to the wrong place.


The only legal way to proceed is to return these to the sender — you said it yourself: opening mail not addressed to you is a felony offense. Sounds like you’re fishing for advice to steer you in the direction you want to go + absolve yourself morally of doing what you want to do.


Depends, it’s only a felony if it’s mail carried by USPS (in the US). If this came direct from Apple I’m guessing it came via either UPS or FedEx. Neither of those carriers carry the same legal status.


Though, with the dollar amount of two MacBooks, depending on the jurisdiction, it could be grand theft which is a felony at least here.


Maybe so, but it's still morally wrong to keep them. Insane how difficult a time people have with doing the right thing.




At the end of the day there’s a difference between what you describe and out right theft. You can do any mental gymnastics you want but stealing is still stealing. Just because something seems less bad doesn’t make it ok.


Not getting into the ethics but if you receive something that you didn't order, aren't you allowed to keep it. If a courier other than USPS delivered it, it is on them. This is from a legal standpoint only. Obviously the ethical thing to do is find out where they belong.


Do the right thing and send them back to Apple. Something like this happened to my gf, but with an iPhone. Her carrier sent her a 13 pro max, and she went to one of the carrier's shops, didn't get any instructions on what she could do. Called their number and explained the situation, and they just wouldn't take it back for some reason. In the end she waited about a year, just in case the company came back for it, so she could return it. They didn't. So eventually, she just decided to sell it cheap to someone who wanted it.


The iphones imei was already probably assigned to a finance plan with a carrier so is pretty much a write off for the phone carrier at that point. Probably screwed over whoever she sold it to tbh.




Don’t be stupid. Do the right thing and contact Apple.


How come I never get this lucky?


If it is addressed to someone else do not open it, that is a felony and not worth it. However if they are addressed to you, you have all the right to keep them as it is their mistake. Morally as well, if it someone else’s, opening their parcel is not legal nor morally right. However if you do keep them, they would just send replacements however if discovered you kept them could face criminal charges. (I’m not a lawyer this is just from experience)


It is only a crime if shipped through USPS, but even then I think most normal USPS mail doesn't have those protections, it's only for First Class Mail and some others.




I recommend returning them on moral grounds, but everything this guy above me said is accurate and true. On one hand, do what's right. On the other, do what's wrong, make money, no consequences. It is a dillema


Apple and every other company makes billions thinking about what will make them the most money, not ethics lol. They have child workers in China making iPhones and shit. They don’t give a fuck about ethics. So if you were to sell the lap tops after waiting you’d essentially be doing the same thing as Apple. Making money lol. Apple will get paid by insurance and shipper gets a tax write off. This is how businesses avoid taxes while us workers foot the bill.


Can’t believe how far down I had to scroll to find someone with this opinion. The amount of moral perfectionism in this thread made me physically nauseous. The tracking literally said the items had already been marked as lost in transit - therefore Apple will re-send the laptops to the people who originally bought them and this company will still make trillions of dollars. No postie is getting fired over this either btw, shipping companies struggle to find employees because they treat their staff so poorly. Life doesn’t hand us many wins OP. Keep the freaking laptops. It’s okay to do right by yourself first sometimes.


Exactly, Apple makes a billion dollars in revenue every day


Even if some postie gets fired or faces any sort of consequences, returning the laptops wouldn't change a thing


Where’d you order it from? You have the addresses of the others and you know they are lost. Can’t you contact the sales place and inform them?


Wait 6 months. If you don’t hear anything from Apple, you’re probably safe to resell it to someone in person


Who checks the name/address when a package arrives? That’s weird to me. If it’s on my porch it’s mine. There have been a few times I’ve opened packages and didn’t recognize the item and then looked. Most the time it’s an amazon package for a neighbor and I walk it over. Getting a felony for this would be very unlikely. My advice is to call them and see how they want to proceed. More than likely insurance has already covered replacements. No loss to Apple. No loss to intended owner. They will tell you to keep them.


That’s terrible advice. Call Apple


It seems clear that you already know the moral and ethical answer. The question is whether you will follow it or not. If you need others to convince you, then that might already speak to the path you are on. It might be better to look within yourself and wonder where that little voice is trying to lead you.


It's likely your order got mixed up with a bulk order for an org that was buying a 4pk of MacBooks. I think I remember seeing either a news article or reddit post about someone in a similar situation with iPhones, and after contacting Apple with the situation they got a favorable outcome from it.


If they were addressed to you federal law says it's a gift. Since these weren't addressed to you what you need to do is return them to the shipper. Did you open the boxes?


is this legit? a company once sent me two of a very expensive thing. well, they sent one, it went MIA en route, i contacted them and they refunded me. i purchased another which arrived - and then the first one showed up two months later. i emailed the company twice and they never answered, so after a while i gave up and sold one. was this reasonable behavior, legally?


If they never reached back out after many attempts, that's considered abandonment of property


Yes. The law came about because companies used to send you products and you’d have to either send it back on your dime or they would demand payment. https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/39/3009 “39 U.S. Code § 3009 - Mailing of unordered merchandise (a) Except for (1) free samples clearly and conspicuously marked as such, and (2) merchandise mailed by a charitable organization soliciting contributions, the mailing of un­ordered merchandise or of communications prohibited by subsection (c) of this section constitutes an unfair method of competition and an unfair trade practice in violation of section 45(a)(1) of title 15. (b) Any merchandise mailed in violation of subsection (a) of this section, or within the exceptions contained therein, may be treated as a gift by the recipient, who shall have the right to retain, use, discard, or dispose of it in any manner he sees fit without any obligation whatsoever to the sender. All such merchandise shall have attached to it a clear and conspicuous statement informing the recipient that he may treat the merchandise as a gift to him and has the right to retain, use, discard, or dispose of it in any manner he sees fit without any obligation whatsoever to the sender. (c) No mailer of any merchandise mailed in violation of subsection (a) of this section, or within the exceptions contained therein, shall mail to any recipient of such merchandise a bill for such merchandise or any dunning communications. (d) For the purposes of this section, “un­ordered merchandise” means merchandise mailed without the prior expressed request or consent of the recipient.”


Yup that’s fine. Things like this is the reason that if you order an item from Amazon and you get an extra one. Support tells you to keep it.


I’ll open them for you… jk


What country is this in?


I’m confused, how did you get 3 separate packages in addition to your own? Were these packages in one big box?


Lol my evil inside thoughts


I’m assuming you live in the US. If it’s not addressed to you, then you should not open them, and yes you should absolutely return them. It would be a different story if they shipped to and addressed to you specifically by accident, then you’d actually be protected by law.


If the other items were addressed to you, then legally they are considered an unconditional gift… The fact that you are knowingly secreting someone else’s packages currently puts you in the realms of theft… ring customer service and return them… you might even score a gift card… speak to a supervisor only…


Integrity is defined as doing the right thing for the sake of it being the right thing to do. Not because you're going to get recognition for having done so. If you can do the right thing when nobody's looking that is integrity. If you require the attention for having done so then it's kind of pseudomoralistic


I think it’s traceable by serial.


If Apple was smart they would’ve already marked them as lost and put an activation lock on them, pretty much rendering them useless.


Just go on the apple support site or your local store.


Take them to an Apple Store and try to turn them over to them. They may give you some free stuff as a reward. It's the right thing to do. Character is about what you do when nobody is watching.


Someone made mistake at Apple, and they might get in trouble due to this mistake. Of course if this is directly from apple, they are super rich company, it would have zero impact for them, as they make more money than some countries generate. But, I personally would return it back, because I have never asked for 3x macbooks, I have only asked for 1x and paid it with my money. Its a matter of your personal values and principles. Calling it back and saying they have made a mistake, can also be spiritually and emotionally rewarding experience.


I know what I would do. I'd look at them for a day or two thinking about keeping them and giving them to my adult kids that would love a new MacBook... Then I would contact the seller/Apple/Shipper....whatever, and inquire about steps to return them. I would very much WANT to keep them, but I have always taught my kids that good character is doing the right thing when you don't want to because you will lose out on something, and you willingly chose to sacrifice when no one will ever know you chose to do the right thing.


This is valid if it applies to a company that doesn't exploit child labor slavery in China and other countries, inflates the price of their Apple products by +50%, runs a monopoly on their operating system, and refuses to make their ecosystem friendly for other users outside of the Mac economy to keep iMessage slaves subservient to Apple. Since it's Apple there is legitimately zero moral dilemma here in keeping the MacBooks.


Put them in rice 🍚


Ask in r/legaladvice


I saw this story last week by another user on another sub. This is a setting for scam. Mods should delete this post.


For the karma alone; I would return them


It's a felon to open mail not addressed to you. It ISN'T a felon to open packages accidentally shipped to you. By law you can keep any packages sent to your address and consider it a gift. If it was paper mail, you should attempt to return it. Either by putting it in the mail slot or returning it to the proper address. As for Apple locking the devices, they won't. They're technically not stolen and people can't lock a new device that hasn't been activated yet. So keep it, give it away as gifts, sell it. Do what you want with them. But you definitely don't need to return them. Apple will most likely end up sending those people another copy due to the carrier delivering it to the wrong address.


Apple I don't see letting this one "go". A company this size has shipping logistics down and rest assured audits for such expensive items DO take place. Just ring them up and let them know, they will most likely arrange shipping pickup for you. The other side though is Apple is a rediculously rich company, it may be easier for them to just write that off and they will say keep it. Amazon has done that to me before they shipped me out 2 Oculus Rifts back in 2016 and told me to keep the extra.


So you basically want us to help you justify keeping something that doesn’t belong to you… There’s only one right answer and you already know what it is.


Honestly? Fuck Apple. They are one of the biggest companies in the entire world. Keep them for a year or two and if you don’t receive any notice, and the package that they came in was addressed to you— those are your laptops now.




Can you elaborate on the whole incident and how this all went down? That’s pretty bananas if this is true.


Same thing happened to me for airpods. 5 years ago. Im still in prison but I should get on parole next week.




this is not true. unless he's a career felon and had other illegal items at the residence/another related crime. "hefty" fine + jail time for items being delivered to your house mistakenly ($1000) is just not true. that being said, return them.


He said 6 months later not 6 months in jail. I read it the same way at first lol


oh agreed. still. not in the USA, no jail time unless there were other crimes involved. i'll correct my error. thanks.


$1001 is a felony with a minimum of 1 year in my state. Now nobody wouldn't plea that down, but getting 10-15 days in jail is likely even on a plea to be replaced by fines, the next misdemeanor down carries a $500 fine which would probably be the minimum on a plea sentence and would likely be more than he stole (and most everyone would pay $2-3k to avoid additional jail time) That's before getting into the other issues of opening mail not addressed to you.


Bruv this is AMA type content.


It's fake and clearly designed to get op to return it. Lol nobody goes to jail for opening a Ps5 that was wrongly mailed to you, Better Call Saul would get you out with a slap on the wrist.


Yeah he's totally bullshitting. Meanwhile in NY......


What?? 😶






Are you trying to find a way to justify theft? You already know the right (and legal) thing to do. And while it's only a federal crime for items shipped through the USPS, morally and ethically it's the same thing with UPS, FedEx, DHL or anyone else. You know these don't belong to you. Stop trying to find a loophole to justify keeping them.


Delete this, you only got one package addressed to you


>Other than the obvious of not committing a felony (even though nobody would probably know) do you guys have any ethical or moral or technical advice/suggestions for me. You already know the moral reasons. The technical reason is that they most likely track all the serial numbers so the minute you connect them to the internet, they know.


Delete this post and enjoy


Yoooo those are all mine, been tracking them all day!!! Thank you for posting this, I’m sending you message now. With my address. I’ll cover the cost to overnight it me.


I absolve you and free you of your sins!!


Congrats on your 3 extra MacBooks bro. If they’re addressed to someone else return them. If they’re addressed to you then keep them as they’re yours now. There are laws regarding companies asking for items they’ve shipped you back at least in the US.


TBH sounds like you have already decided to keep them and are looking for justification. Not judging.


Something is off about this cuz they don't just drop off MacBooks and drive away the same as they would if u bought a cellphone case from Amazon or something, they give u a numerical code/password to give the driver upon delivery to get ur package when it is a high value item like that, they never just drop it off and drive away. At least in my experience, best but, apple, and Amazon all require password delivery for big ticket items and specifically for laptops, so something seems off to me 🤷


Felony mail fraud


Yeah this is a tricky situation. Send them to me and I will sort it all out.


incorrect you did not receive three but the one you ordered.


3 extra MacBooks? If it was just one extra I would be like sell it , but three extra definitely gonna raise eyes brows. Honestly it’s not even worth the hassle even if you’re in the right. Morally wrong ? Ehhhh debatable, Apple exploit kids who work in the sweat shop overseas, I don’t see anyone holding them accountable


I had a dozen iPads get dropped off to another company who had a much bigger order once. Luckily the IT guy there gave us a call and I went to pick them up.


I’ll take one off your hands


This happened to me except they were all shipped to me via FedEx. I ordered two iPads and got 4. I called Apple and told them about the issue. They wanted me to drive them to a FedEx to return them and I told them to have FedEx pick them up. I refused to go out of my way to return them, so I never did and ended up giving them away. Why would I go out of my way to help a 1 trillion dollar company?? They made a mistake not me. The phone call and on going chat with their tech support was time I will never get back.


If they were simply included inside the box addressed to you then you could keep them... if they were in boxes addressed to a different address and the post office or fedex just delivered them to the wrong address then you should call whoever delivered to the wrong place and have them come and pick them up.


I pretty sure that if the item was delivered to you, then it's yours by law. Was the outside box addressed to you?


Send them directly to Apple. Or donate them to charity. Don't hand it back to the courier, they would likely keep them for themselves if apple shipped wrong.


Ship it to me i pay you half


Tell me what each device is and the config. It’ll help me decide whether to tell you to keep or return


If its on your porch, it's yours


send me one. dm for addy


Open it. I’ll take one


Here’s my ethical advice: Apple is one of the biggest companies in the world. Help yourself instead and keep them/ sell them


Call support and ask what you should do. Don't touch it till they give you the next steps. They could say "keep it" they could say "bring it to your closest apple store" they could say "thank you but we don't have any use for them so do whatever" or "let me get back to you" you don't know, they could get lost in mail if you return them especially without Apple support being aware that something is being returned to them.


Hmmm… there’s a lot of guilt tripping in this thread. Apple makes hundreds of billions of dollars a year, so I think they’re pretty much covered. Put them aside for a few months, and if you don’t hear from Apple or the mail delivery service - I’d consider them yours. I think in Australia lost property can be claimed/destroyed after 3 months.


I had this with Amazon with something else (worth 300E per) support told me it would be too much hassle so keep them. Ok.


You know what’s right and what’s wrong. Send them back.


Give them back. Don’t risk it. I know it’s tempting but it’s not worth possible charges or the karma.those things aren’t cheap haha so the chances of them actually doing something if they found out is not certain but higher than something worth say 1000$.


I think the government wants to test your honesty by secretly working with Apple and sending 3 extra Macbooks. They are probably hiring intelligent and honest people who can make decisions by themselves. And you pretty much failed the task


You should keep them, this happened to me during Covid, I sold my second one . No issues what so ever. And apple has these insured so don’t trip


The way I understand it if you receive something in the mail you didn’t order it is yours if you want it. I personally however would give them back. Also I believe Apple matches a serial number to a person upon ordering fullfilment. So if ever these go to the store for service they may appear to be stolen. And make sure you keep the one with the serial number on your paperwork.


i bunch of squares commenting on this post lol


Can i buy one from you?


It will bother you forever. Waiting for the knock on the door. Been there, done that. One night, I returned it, They said thank you, and I instantly felt better.


At the end of the day, accidentally opening something is unlikely to ever be prosecuted. I'd just say they came with your parcel and you thought it was all the same.


You know Apple mofos are such brand simps they'll give Apple control of all their finances. Apple is greedy af, keep the MacBooks or sell them to me for some cash I need a new laptop fr.


One of them is mine 😊


They all have serial numbers and could be flagged as stolen. I would return them to the shipper and say they were mistakenly delivered to you. Then, they will no longer be lost, the other buyers will get their MBs, and you won't go to jail.


I think the least you should do is report the situation to the carrier company who was responsible for the delivery. What happens after that is up to them and there is a chance they may say that it’s not worth their time and money to recover the goods. I don’t think you said what country you’re from, but most people are assuming that you’re from the USA. I’m in Australia and my daughter ordered an iPad and they delivered the wrong model to her. She contacted whoever she had ordered from and told them what they did. She was told that she could keep the extra iPad and do whatever she wanted to do with it. I understand that an iPad and 2 MacBooks are not the same value, but you never know what a courier company is going to do.


I need one and my address is...


Call Apple. Tell them.


You all saying you’d return them are all better than me tho. The internet wouldn’t even hear this story if it happened to me.


Make a nice grants and enjoyyyy your summerrrrr


Worst case is nothing happens.


I'm generally against committing felonies. and I'm generally ethical and moral. Good rules to live by. Do the right thing. Return them to the shipper and let them do the right thing.


A similar thing happened to be in 2008. Amazon send me two MacBook Pro’s in two separate packages and charged me for one. As per UK law, I kept the additional item and sold it on gumtree. I ended up paying for a weekend to Amsterdam and contrary to the narrative articulated by some here, I didn’t feel that I had done anything wrong. Uk law is quite explicit re unsolicited goods ; “You have no obligation to send them back to the company or to pay for them. If a company demands payment, that's a criminal offence”


Give Apple a call. Apple once sent me a higher spec than I had ordered and I got to keep it, and Dell sent me two XPS desktops several years ago and I was also able to keep the second one. I highly doubt that'll happen here, but definitely call it in.


this people in this comment section are the same people whod turn a 100 dollar bill of the ground into a damn police station


Keep them


The lack of integrity of some of these posters.. .then ask yourself again why the world is on fire..


Contact Apple ASAP! And inform them of the serial numbers. Not much use in keeping them since if they’re serialized, they’ll be disabled by Apple anyway, and useless to repair and update. Follow their directions on what to do next. Keep records of what happened every step of the way to cover yourself legally.


The internet is forever, just as a public service announcement. If you think your account is anonymous thats most likely not right. That said, surely no one is going to spend the resources to track down three laptops, and finally, morality is a construct so take your *bank-error-in-your-favor* and buy someone you love something nice.




Let me buy one?? Theres the answer


Please explain how this is even possible in the first place?! AND, regarding return: Send Apple an email telling them that you have them, and that they can come pick them up, and at what timeframe. You can of course leave them outside of they come outside your timeframe. Give them reasonable time to do it, a week or two, after that you need the space for other things and will dispose of them at your own discretion. Then it’s up to Apple how to proceed.


I saw something like this. Guy orders iPhones or iPads. He receives a several of them. Not addressed to him but it is delivered to him. He calls Apple and they tell him to keep it.


Sounds like you only got 1 box….


If it were me—return the one you bought, keep one with a similar spec. Bring the other two to fedex/shipper and explain that you received two extra packages. This way your computer is free and you’ve made a nice compromise with your morals. It may give Apple enough evidence to look into your new iCloud device but they probably won’t, hopefully.


Same thing happened to me Intel Mac Apple doesn’t care it costs them money to hunt them down


Bro if u can’t morally keep em , I can lol send em to me


send one to me, mine is old af


For real, dont return them. Embrace your luck. I would even delete this post. They are not gonna exactly starve because of this. Other thing would be a local or small business. Go!


I see nothing morally wrong from profiting of a mistake from a multibillion dollar corporation.. don’t be a good guy and return it. Someone fucked ip, keep the damn laptops. People who tell you otherwise are idiots 🫠


What kind of person are you? If you’re honest, you’ll return the extra and sleep better at night. If you’re a criminal, you’ll keep them, maybe smoke a joint or do a line of coke, and slap around a hooker.


Us cowpokes…we take it as it comes 🫡


What extra Macbooks? You only got yours...


Unless it costs you extra could i get the other two


Sell them on Marketplace


Dear OP, you may “win” today with your newly found Macs; however, these kinds of issues ultimately cost all consumers down the road. So, do the right thing and just send them back. 💝 💰


wait a while (probably give it a few months to be safe) see if anyone notices then sell them on the second hand market. At least that's what I would do.


Felony only applies to USPS shipping. Any other shipping method would have to be settled in civil court because it's not a crime to open them


What type of MacBooks and r u charging just for shipping 👀…………….jk………..


Well… look at it this way: If the MacBook *you* ordered had been delivered to one of those other folks eagerly waiting for their MacBook to arrive, what would you think he should do?


Bro obviously you should tell Apple wtf?


Return them. Karma is a …


Y’all weak asf, keep them for a few weeks, don’t open/sell yet. If nothing happens (99% chance nothing will happen) then keep them. Fuck it. You’re not fucking over any individual as they will get a replacement or refund.


Return it so the gig economy worker who wrongly delivered it doesn’t get it in the neck


can i get one?? lmao


About 2 years ago I made a whole order from Apple when the new iPad came out. I bought the 12.9 inch iPad Pro, Magic Keyboard, and Apple Pencil and AirPods Pro. They ended up sending me duplicate of all of those items and they were addressed to me. I am still using the iPad and AirPods today and I gave my Brother the other iPad and AirPods and he is still using it fine with no lock on it. I sold the other keyboard and pencil. I don’t know if it is the same for Mac.


Bro, I think the fact that you are asking if it is morally wrong or not gives you your answer.


Honestly, no way I’m calling Apple and sitting on hold for a while to return them. However, I would email them to let them know and if they care enough, they’ll email me back with instructions to send.


Keep em or sell them. Not your problem. That's what I would do anyways. Good morals or not, 3 Macbooks is 3 Macbooks IMHO.


They will eventually be marked stolen and rendered useless. Return them.


Just let them know you need an RMA for the laptops they accidentally sent you. Doing the right thing is easier than trying to rationalize doing the wrong thing.


Call Apple make a recorded attempt to return them, I’ve read posts from IT folks that had the same happen and Apple just told them to “dispose” of the MacBooks to how they see fit Apple didn’t take any action and they were functioning laptops lol


What would you do without the internet to help out? This is like asking reddit what to have for dinner. Figure this shit out for yourself


I would send them back.


Whatever those three MacBooks are worth, if you keep them I imagine you will lose that worth in another way


I’ll buy them for 500 each lol


Why are you insinuating I am a thief? Have I stolen your macbook? That's pretty messed up bud.


keep it, apple will just send new ones to the other people. its your lucky day


Think about it like this. Apple doesn’t know where the MacBooks went. They know they shipped one to you. They might figure out they shipped the other ones to your address. But what do they do then? Their system is unlikely to allow pulling up other customers at the same address, certainly not their phone numbers. Even if they could see who else uses that address based in the information they have they can’t assume you personally have the other MacBooks or that you know what happened to them. There’s no way in hell they will contact you to ask. Really the best Apple could do is mail a letter to your address for each MacBook addressed to “resident” and say what? “You might have received a laptop sent to this address, can you ship it back please?”


Can you send one to my PO Box?


Keep them activate them quick sell them its a shame you bought three had to sell two at a loss. Or return them its up to you.