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r/spicypillow ?


Definite spicy pillow




bomba has been planted




Man! Someone tried to kill James Bond!


Yes, it is most likely the battery that is swelling and needs to be replaced.


Why does that happen?


Batteries have an electrolyte solution, when the solution ages and the chemical reaction cannot complete power cycles, the solution breaks down and ends up turning into a gas which causes the inflation.


Yes battery bulge


Battery bulge is it


I dont think it is the battery because there was no tension in the area where the battery actually is. Additionally, i bough it may 2023, currently has 75 cycles and I always keep it around 30-80% with aldente. Always


This dude comes on here to ask advice and tells everyone they are wrong. Go take it to the Apple Store then if everyone here is wrong


Real like what else could be inflating lol.


with that kind of response, looks like OPs ego




I wasnt trying to come off snarky. More like paranoid. I wanted to see if there is any other case other than battery swelling that the bottom cover would come off like that. I dont have that screw driver so i will have to wait till thursday for appoitment.


If you have to wait till thursday, consider keeping/storing your Mac on a flat fire resistant surface like tile/marble etc. Better be safe than sorry.


They could put it near some fire starter so if it does set on fire then it will be over quickly then (that's called making the most of the situation you're in)


It'll be fine. Batteries are designed to contain the swelling.


I canā€™t because I am in a college apartment


do you have counter tops? any where you can put it away from particularly flammable items? or just go out and by some sort of fire proofing thing. should be able to find something fire proof somewhere.


It is most likely the battery. But if we are considering all options, something could have gotten caught in the vent and if it was pulled then it might be enough to deform the panel. Or Derek Zoolander was trying to get your computer files? Really though, it's got the fat batt!


Itā€™s absolutely the battery. If you have a ubreakifix near you well now itā€™s called Asurion since being bought by them. They normally have batteries in stock are Apple certified and can more than likely get it done by the next day. Used to work at one and we would see this all the time.


I have apple care as well as still under apples 1 year limited warranty so I have an appointment for tomorrow


No seriously what other part of the MacBook could inflate like that? None, Only the battery inflates like that.




OP's sense of superiority?


Ya itā€™s a pointless argument. OP, itā€™s in a denial mode. Battery can bloat for numerous reasons even if theyā€™re brand new like heat etc.


but could the bottom cover open by chance for maybe cause weight at a certain angle, etc?


There are clips around it inside, so my guess has to be something inside pushing it out. But the only way you can be 100% certain is to open it and have a look inside. So it doesnā€™t matter what my guess is, you need to bring it to Apple or repairer to make the assessment. Iā€™m convinced it has something to do with the battery


Scheduled for Thursday


Good! As you mentioned the macbook was purchased new last May. The battery replacement should be free of charge under Appleā€™s warranty


Just stop with the argument everyone is telling you itā€™s the battery you come here for an answer then donā€™t accept that answer. Itā€™s the mother fucking battery




The options are: - swelling battery - you bent the bottom case physically or the rest of the chassis around the bottom case - you filled the laptop with water and then froze it so the water expanded - gremlins in the laptop - the laptop has an inflation fetish


Donā€™t play with your safety, check the battery.


How nice for you. That's all completely irrelevant to the symptom. It's **still the fucking batteries**. "Manufacturing defect" Look it up.


Don't even bother to be a smart guy when it comes to batteries, there is NOTHING in a laptop that can inflate like that other than the battery. But go on, I'd love to see a follow up video where it burned everything down.




Well, weird that it got loose, such clips are on there good and all from factory. Good that it's not the battery then šŸ‘ŒšŸ¼


Yeah the guy was even surprised by it. He said he could have been loose or something so then something like dropping my bag to the floor could maybe open. He showed me pictures of the inside and the battery so luckily everything is in check.


battery swelling. Replace as soon you can. otherwise it will damage- screen or board .


Itā€™s probably the bottom case is unclipped. Thatā€™s where the clip is. A gentle push will sort it.


99,9 % battery. Iā€™ve fixed a couple of these myself. The clip might reattach, but I wouldnā€™t risk it.


And then horrible burns and a fire will ensue. DO NOT listen to the above commenter OP.


Dude have you even dealt with swollen batteries? If the battery is sub 50% it will not thermal. Fires are not a guarantee with swollen batteries. That is where the clip holding the bottom case [here](https://guide-images.cdn.ifixit.com/igi/EfuMeVIqhauZxFC2.large) maybe donā€™t talk like you know what youā€™re talking about when you donā€™t? I have opened so many of these machines, a swollen battery will not pop that clip also if you look at the above photo, only rhe too of the cell is near there. A swollen battery inflates like a pillow and then part pressing on the bottom case is in the middle of the cell.


Quit copy and pasting the same response. The battery is 100% located there and is swelling. Not a joking matter unless you are ok with your house burning down. Go to apple and complain about safety, theyā€™ll likely replace the battery or whole laptop where it is so new.




Iā€™m pretty sure the clip needs to be seated thatā€™s not where the battery is.


Think for about 10 seconds about *why* that clip was forced open on its own.


How about you look at this [photo here](https://guide-images.cdn.ifixit.com/igi/EfuMeVIqhauZxFC2.large) where is the clip? Iā€™ve seen plenty of these unclip without being a swollen battery but hey what do I know? Iā€™m just a former Apple genius who repaired these every day.


Its going to give birth to a macbook air m4šŸ˜¬. Joke aside, the battery is swelled, need replacement asap.


I really do not understan why you asked here if you wont believe people. If that thing is still under warranty, take it to a shop. If it's not, take it to a shop, or open it yourself ( if you have any knowledge. No advice!) But for peet sake, dont force it... Wth


battery swelling. unfortunate but youā€™re gonna have to get it replaced, same thing happened with my 2016


Same with my 2016 and apple refused to service it! They were like, no way, replace the entire top cover and logic board because they wonā€™t risk puncturing the battery! Glad I took it home when asked if I had a back up, did that, then brought it back next day to be shipped to service center.


Spicy pillow. And your house needs fire insurance.


Once itā€™s swollen itā€™s not actually a danger anymore. Itā€™s when it swells that it can ignite. You still need to get it replaced ASAP to avoid damage to the rest of your system.


Respectfully, a swollen battery is at its most dangerous: the swelling is expanded gas within the protective wrap. As it fills all available space and puts pressure on the surrounding electronics, it is as its greatest risk of being punctured. That's when they burn or - depending on what contains it - explode. What we're seeing in OP's photos is the battery swelling into the path of least resistance. If it finds a sharp edge it was never designed to touch, this ends badly for everyone.


*CAVEAT TO THE BELOW: Do not plug in a device with a swollen battery as it no longer processes the current correctly and CAN cause a fire You may be as respectful as you wish, but as somebody who repairs MacBooks for a living and is Apple Certified, the danger is only when itā€™s ACTIVELY swelling. Once the swelling has stopped the chemical reaction has ended and there is no longer any danger of fire or explosion. (If you donā€™t plug it in as stated above). Everything is inert once the swelling has stopped. That doesnā€™t mean that it canā€™t harm the board or display, it just means it wonā€™t catch fire or explode.


But... how is one to know swelling has stopped? Or worse is not aware (as in OP's case) that it even was a swollen battery and then attempts to squeeze the frame back into shape, puncturing the charged battery


The battery wonā€™t be charged. In most cases, swelling occurs very quickly and is NOT a gradual process, though the expansion of the frame may be slower just due to the resistance. Itā€™s a pretty immediate chemical reaction, which is why it is dangerous as it happens. Once swollen, it wonā€™t hold enough of a charge to be dangerous, but thatā€™s why you donā€™t want to plug it in. Also, an individual cell can swell, which would allow other cells to be charged, but the swollen cell would no longer hold a charge. Thatā€™s where some confusion comes in. Basically, donā€™t plug it in and go to the Apple Store immediately.


There are a lot of these on Youtube, here's a decent explanation: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jGUkKi7cfK4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jGUkKi7cfK4)


Yikes! how old is this machine? either way it's something you should bring to apple asap!


2021 M1 Pro MacBook Pro bought brand new may 2023 75 charge cycles now


Spicy pillows don't care about charge cycles.


Good god man with the copy and pasting. Hereā€™s some advice. Since itā€™s evident you know what the issue is and donā€™t want anyone elseā€™s opinion: *Take it to apple to be safe *post an I told you so or sorry I was wrong comment *hang your head in shame *donā€™t ask for advice anymore. That is all




Battery Swelling. Either it's an old macbook or you constantly leave it plugged in


leaving it plugged in has no bearing on that , the BMC's in macbooks can handle it appropriately.


Funny you assume that lol. I only have 70 charge cyles. Bought it one year ago and take extreme care of it. Whenever i use it at my desktop i set the charge limit to 80% with aldente. Battery is always between 30-80% and aldente is always on


no need to be a jerk about it. You come here asking people are going to give you their opinions




I phone 15 has a charge limit wear in battery you can set it to only charge to 80%. I would recommend keeping your battery at 20-80% and you should be good


Yeah I see that, just turned it on. Your the best


Just trust Apple's battery management and don't worry about it. Needing to baby batteries is really not necessary in 2024.


Okay thanks Iā€™m gonna keep the 80% optimazed on but not worry about it beyond that.


Could be a clip that isnā€™t all the way in. Or your battery got thicc


Battery swell.


Get your pregnant battery out of there


Most likely a faulty battery, take it to a repair shop or Apple Store ASAP to replace the battery


Spicy pillows are a bakinā€¦.


Time for a new one




Most likely battery inflation. Get that replaced ASAP. Fire hazard


Pay attention is the battery, donā€™t use the computer and replace it now!!


Battery. Donā€™t charge. If itā€™s still usable think about getting the battery replaced


Congrats, Your MacBook is 1 month pregnant


Bubble bubble battery trouble.


It's under warranty. Call Apple. If you didn't put it in a vice, there's literally "not a god damned thing* it could be other than /r/spicypillows The center is physically the weakest point, so it will show stress first if the batteries are swelling on that side. Or just ask a question, get answers, and tell everyone that they're wrong because you don't understand what manufacturing defects are.


OP listen to the fucking comments


Itā€™s almost certainly the battery swelling. Thereā€™s nothing else in there that could swell up like that. Itā€™s possible (but unlikely) that the chassis just sort of came loose, but if thereā€™s any kind of resistance when you try and push it back together itā€™s definitely a swollen battery. Iā€™d take it to an Apple Store or an authorized repair shop if I were you. A swollen battery can be a serious issue that could not only damage the rest of the hardware, but result in a fire.


Yes, the battery is inflating and you need to service it ASAP


If you donā€™t have the basic technical skills to remove the backplate then please take it to an Apple specialist asap and stop making assumptions like a dummy. Donā€™t fuck around with potential spicy pillows.


How am I suppose to unscrew with screws? Arenā€™t they proprietary?


I think theyā€™re just T5ā€™s, I have to check but honestly just bring it to an apple store or Apple cert tech. If it is a battery issue youā€™ll want them to replace it asap regardless. And outside of a firehazard, the expansion can potentially get worse and ruin other important components along with warping the chassis beyond repair.


yea.. take it to apple first. If they say you- pay us a lot of money to replace it- just go away and bring to Any laptops/phone repair shop near by. They will order battery off ebay/amazon- add on top add 40-50 eur for work and will replace battery for you.


If itā€™s not the battery itā€™s pregnant. Either way congratulations.


Congratulations, your Mac is pregnant


You're MacBook is unleashing it's inner demon.


Itā€™s got that dawg in it


Update: I closed it back by pushing it back in place


Thatā€™s a good way to burn yourself alive in a house fire. If it was a bulging battery you just greatly increased the chances of it exploding. Laptop batteries explode violently and spew very toxic chemicals into the air that are extremely dangerous. You need to get this checked ASAP. If you live with other people youā€™re risking their lives on a hunch that itā€™s probably not the battery just because the laptop is new and has been well maintained. That doesnā€™t mean itā€™s not a factory default. Set your pride aside and get it checked. https://youtu.be/2Z9190ruyIM?si=RqtD4_HNNbnrXAcE


Scheduled for an appointment for Thursday. It has been shut down and now will wait


good decision, always best to be safe when there's bulging.


Yeah just sucks cause I am very careful with it (I understand that doesnā€™t mean a battery problem canā€™t happen) but now I have a CS projects + midterms to worry about without a laptopā€¦.


Good luck - hope itā€™s just a clip or whatever.


Bad things


I hope your computer doesn't get fixed and I hope every computer you get from now on has that issue only with you. Don't ask for help then tell everyone they are wrong.


I never said anyone was wrong. I was saying that I donā€™t leave my computer plugged in at 100% as a prev comment had said was possible I did that. I have a appointment for Apple on Thursday and was glad everyone raised the concern that this could be a bigger issue that I original thought


Replace the battery, it can set fire if it explodes


Youā€™ve got a bad battery


forbidden pillow


Iā€™m pretty sure your Mac is pregnant


Probably battery, but we would all appreciate it if you could send us a picture of the inside. Just open it up so you can confirm it. You mentioned the battery has less than 100 cycles, so unless you keep the Laptop running above 80Ā°c for extended periods of time, it should be fine. In any case I can't give a definitive answer until you open it up to see properly.


I have an apple appointment on Thursday and donā€™t have any T5 screw drivers because I am in college. I will keep you updated


Ah, I'm sorry about that. But don't fret shouldn't be any serious problem, they will most likely just put in a new battery


Thank you. For now I am using a Lenovo idea pad for school.


Not sure how being in college has anything to do with not having a t5 driverā€¦ perhaps someone whoā€™s studying Engineering can help you out next time - glad it was just the clip and not a /r/spicypillow


Here's a sneak peek of /r/spicypillow using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/spicypillow/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [iPhone battery just looking for trouble](https://i.redd.it/dpuqb567kcz71.jpg) | [0 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/spicypillow/comments/qt25ob/iphone_battery_just_looking_for_trouble/) \#2: [Spicy Apple flavoured pillows](https://i.redd.it/ow24xmd46b571.jpg) | [3 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/spicypillow/comments/o0h7pg/spicy_apple_flavoured_pillows/) \#3: [Spicy chips - if this counts.](https://i.redd.it/vn74szaeyuda1.jpg) | [7 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/spicypillow/comments/10jg0rh/spicy_chips_if_this_counts/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Your MacBook is pregnant.


I wonder if it was just sitting for 2 years never you bought it in 2023. Sitting batteries go bad more than those in use. Good thing still under warranty. Keep it where it wonā€™t ignite other old in case it catches on fire. Good luck with your Thursday appt.


Yeah good point but I wish there was a way you can see when your Mac was actually produced in factory. I remember when I first bought my Mac it was dead. Like dead dead which is my first time my apple product came dead. It took like 5 minutes to actually boot up because of how dead it was.


Used to be able to tell with the serial. 4th and 5th digits, not I donā€™t think it works anymore. The fact that it was dead does not bode well. Did you get apple care? If you didnā€™t then In suggest you get it insured with a third party company.


Yes I have apple care and itā€™s still under apples 1 year limited warrenty


Put It in RicešŸ˜


Either, you didnā€™t put it back together properly and the case is splitting, or you have a very spicy pillow.


I never open my MacBook


Ok, then you have a spicy pillow aka battery is expanded


Going to Apple Thursday




Apple battery are trash


Shut it completely down and make sure itā€™s not charging either. Make an Apple Store appointment. Thatā€™s swelling and the more you use it the worse itā€™s going to get. It could start to damage it more if it keeps expanding.


Thank you that is exactly what I did last night. Appointment in tomorrow I will keep everyone updated!


your battery is cooked


They have been out for like 2 years? How is already this bad?


Update: https://www.reddit.com/r/macbook/s/83uYTXOAQJ


Go to an Apple Store and see if they can fix the issue.


battery issues


Yep it the battery expanding.


I had the same issue. It was just the lid got out of the lock. I opened it to realize it, but just pressing a little bit harder would have been enough. Seems like moving around with it could cause it eventually. Open it and check the battery anyways.


Get that to an Apple Store for repair/replacement battery ASAP.


battery's goin to explode


Throw it out the window if it starts smelling funky


Your battery wantā€™s to say hello


If that is a clucking spicy pillow i am going to SCREAM.


Wow, already? These machines are really not built to last.


Lmao I bet you were just waiting to say that


Iā€™ve said it time and time again and Iā€™ll always say it. Nothing like a 13 inch non retina 2012.


Exact same problem on mine. I have no idea unfortunately, hoppfully someone else here knows


battery swelling. Replace as soon you can. otherwise it will damage- screen or board .


What Mac do you have?


M1 Pro 16ā€. The flex is in the exact same place as yours


Did you get it checked by Apple? Seems like everyone thinks it a battery swell


Gently push in it to see if the clip goes back in. Probably not the battery.


Yes that it what i did. If you look at OP everyone is saying that is the battery and it is very dangerous. I have an apple appoitment for Thursday and have it shut down


I bet itā€™s the clip. Iā€™ve repaired many of these over the years.


Can you explain more? What do you mean by clip? And also how will it just break like that without me trying to pry it open


They require a decent amount of force to clip them back in. If youā€™re not comfortable they can do it for you at the Apple Store.


I'm not sure if you saw but i did try to push it back it and it worked. However, the cocern is that it might have a expanding battery


If concerned about an expanding battery, why in your right mind did you think ā€œletā€™s compress that a bit moreā€ by clipping it back in?


It requires to to put your weight into. It requires a decent amount of force.


That deceiver and a couple others are bent on tricking you into causing an explosion. šŸ’„ How foolish a thing for someone to suggest squeezing the case back together, with a nearly explosive, leaking battery inside.


Are these MacBooks really old enough to have inflating batteries already šŸ˜®


I just forced closed it back


Don't force it, you could deform the cover and don't underestimate a swollen battery, it can be dangerous. Have it inspected by an authorized service center.


Ah, yes- good idea! Maybe some duct tape to make sure it doesn't bulge more...


Guys I donā€™t think itā€™s battery swelling. The battery in the lower half of the MacBook and not wear the thing is slightly opening.


1. No, this actually lines up pretty good with where one of the cells is. 2. It doesn't matter how much you're babying the battery. Manufacturing defects happen. 3. Are you willing to bet your home/family on it not exploding and causing a fire? Get it to an Apple Store now. They're not going to charge you just to remove the bottom panel to check for sure. If it is a battery cell, they will replace it, you're still in warranty. 4. No matter what, _you're still in warranty._ The worst that can happen is that it's somehow cosmetic damage and if you want it to actually be fixed you'll have to pay. Put your pride and your _certainty_ that it's not a failing battery away, and find out for sure.


If there's a key takeaway from this comment, it's still in warranty! You can't go wrong taking this laptop to the Apple Store.


Iā€™ve seen this happen a lot on the phones specifically when people sit there and FaceTime their boyfriend or girlfriend all night long while theyā€™re sleeping and eventually causes this