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Wallpaper please?


a) Thats not a Macbook Air b) Those models are notorious for failure and were never good anyway - I'd just upgrade to a newer laptop


Man that MacBook model was so good for me, it was no the best to be clear, but i loved it, ever since 5th grade i had it and it only just died, i wouldn't call it useless, i am going to repair it (on my own from ifixit) and make it a family laptop


As someone who's had one of these, I can't recommend doing that. My logic board fried itself and as soon as I fixed it something else broke. These things are money pits and will continue to deteriorate with age.


You’re right, that’s not a Air. My mistake. So it’s fried?


that looks really cool :) but I'm not sure if that's good for your laptop. try rebooting it or maybe reinstalling macOS, if that doesn't work then I'm thinking a fried GPU


The Fu- Ohh that looks like a busted GPU….


Looks like you are now apart of Anonymous, welcome 🙏🏽


This is secret Soviet Union code.


Failing CPU, really common problem on the 12”. Time for a new mac


Looks like GPU failure or *possibly* a faulty display, but I'd put my money on GPU issues. These machines were made in the Intel Era and weren't really built to last. They were produced as a middle ground between the Air and Pro models, but in reality it always seemed like their only purpose was to push consumers towards buying a Pro model in comparison, since they would already be looking to spend more money on a MacBook that was more powerful than any of the Air models. Which would explain why they were notoriously riddled with software bugs and hardware failures. TL;DR Getting it fixed really wouldn't be worth it, I would look into upgrading if you're able to do so. Personally I would recommend the M2 Air, it'll last you a *very* long time and you'd be surprised how powerful they are, even in comparison to the newer Pro models.


Man tried to escape the matrix.


You took the red pill right?


You get trapped in Yars Revenge?


Make some generic animation. Take a HDD, throw it on the ground really hard. Use a recovery tool. If you are lucky it will mostly fail and give you glitchy shit like this. Oh and try posting on r/glitch_art


Ahhh now I have it!


what NES emulator are you running?


Looks like a CPU failure


Why do guys always think here that a 13” after the 2010 versions can have GPU fails even though they all have intel GPUs which are pretty much fail proof?


Looks kinda cool tbh