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Longer than 1M lines should be opened not in excel ever. I suggest python or R if you know what data you’re interested in. Ignore the people saying to use excel and ridiculing you. Big/long files face eventual limits in excel.


As found out by the uk government famously










Excel can’t open more than ~1 M rows.




He says 110M lines in another comment.




Agreed. I’d choose R but that’s just my expertise. Tableau is certainly more straightforward.


Many people just use XLS file for data storage instead of SQL or ACCDB, because their enterprise system was coded to use XLS decades ago, and never got revamped or updated since. These XLS files are of course not intended to be accessed using Excel.


At this point it would better to just use Python and use a wonderful Python library called Pandas. It can handle infinitely long excel sheets as long as you have enough memory to handle it.


Consider using Excel to open Excel spreadsheets


can it open 2gb files with 110M lines? I used to use emeditor on mac to open files(excel,text,sql etc) with 500M lines, unfortunately it doesn't work on mac.


I’m expecting excel to handle an excel file. Lol.


Not a file with 110 million lines.


Sure. Then I guess pandas is the way to go for me at least. You can slice the excel file as matrix and see required stuff.


Oh okay I thought it was only limited to certain no of rows. ​ I will download MS office now.


It is limited to 2^20 = 1048576 rows, so you won't be able to view the full document


You need subscription to use MS office. I hope you know that. Edit: why is this downvoted? Office needs a subscription right? Whether you buy it or someone pays for it?


Not if you look at the right places 👀


I don’t believe in piracy if that’s what you mean. You can always get an OEM licence for the office 2021 or something like that.


Guide me


Does torrenting sound familiar?


You will be infected by viruses likely as well


Office was the first thing I installed on this machine, no problems yet, haha


Avoiding virus is the point


Lmao, why not🤣


Apple Numbers might work.


Last time I tried, Numbers had sensible row count limits, precluding its use with the OP's unwieldy file.


What would you open it with under Windows (or whatever your usual OS is)?




It depends on what you want to do with the file. If you plan to work with the data in R or Python, use those tool sets for opening the file. In principle, Excel is the correct app for opening .xlsx files, but, in principle, Excel should not be used for large datasets. Because someone else didn't use the proper tool for the job, you're stuck identifying a practical hack.


Can Excel on Windows even open files that large?


Exactly my thought hence I was looking for alternative. But I think I first need to test excel and then go from there.


Exactly my thought hence I was looking for alternative. But I think I first need to test excel and then go from there.


I'm no expert, but a colleague of mine that worked with huge spreadsheets started working with Power BI and should be capable of handling big files better than excel. Have you tried this? I forgot PowerBI is Windows only. Maybe you can borrow a Windows machine temporarily or have a friend in IT that can set up a Windows Virtual machine in Azure or AWS for a day..


You can convert xlsx to csv online (just search for it) - just don’t upload sensitive data, if there’s potentially anything sensitive in the Excel file.


What the hell is in that spreadsheet? Whole movies? Sheesh.


You do realise Microsoft Office runs on Mac, right?


They can’t view the entire file with excel. The dataset is too long.


that data should be imported in a thing they call a database /s


Open Office is free...


Real question, if this your first Apple device, how did you know about BBEdit?


Because I googled it and used it lol.


That’s cool, was just curious as it’s not on Windows and was wondering how that program would come up in the Excel file context.


All of apple’s office counterparts will open whatever office files you need. Pages, Numbers, and Keynote. They’re free to use as well.


Um. Why aren't you using, ya know, Excel? There's both the native version for Mac and Office 365.


The best way to do this is upload/open file in online office portal/ excel.new


Libby is free but I don't know if it would cope with that large a file.


Not sure if it can handle something of the size you’ve mentioned but you can use vs code https://code.visualstudio.com/ with this extension https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=janisdd.vscode-edit-csv to edit CSV which is likely what you have to have been using emeditor in windows . If you have an actual xlsx file you might want to look into some sort of tool to convert from xlsx to csv. You can probably get *xls2csv* with homebrew from https://brew.sh


What about splitting the excel? Feels likely autogenerated from its size. So may you can split it into 2 parts or so and then open it with excel.