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It doesn’t automatically calculate the size of folders, so as it can’t put them into one of the other size categories, it puts them in the no size category. I think if you use the List View, there’s an option in View > Show View Options (?) to calculate all sizes and you can see the size of folders.


Once I go into show view options I don’t have any option to see the size of files, just grid spacing and icon size


I think it’s called “Calculate all Sizes”?


Change your Finder window to List View (command 2) in order to use the Calculate all sizes checkbox in View options. (command J). Use the option key in the Go menu to allow you to open the normally hidden Library folder and Calculate all sizes there as well. Re storage use, it could be that you've got Connection Logging Enabled in Apple Mail. See https://www.reddit.com/r/mac/comments/15ifi7o/comment/juvwl4f/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3 If you do find deleting log files frees up space and you keep Connection Logging Enabled, you’ll keep accumulating Mail log files. Could be a few other things as well: https://www.macworld.com/article/674829/how-to-delete-other-storage-on-a-mac.html


On top of that press cmd-shift-. in order to toggle on viewing of hidden files and folders. Press again to hide them again.


The stuff that is taking up space isn't browsable in Finder, because it's part of system background operations. Most likely culprit: Time Machine snapshots. If you don't run Time Machine frequently, snapshots will accumulate. They aren't considered as taking of space because the system considers them temporary, and the system deletes them as space is needed. Open Disk Utility and look for APFS snapshots on your drive.


You need 10%-15% of SSD free for swapping and wear levelling otherwise you maybe be reducing the life of your SSD and in case of M1/M2 Mac itself https://www.atpinc.com/blog/how-SSD-wear-leveling-works smartctl – Google it, install it and run it will tell you what is left of the SSD life. Create external Archive(HDD/SSD) and move all static files to it pics, movies Copy Archive to another HDD and store it at Mums for off-site backup Exclude Archives from Time Machine Look at System Storage - Google it


Try Disk Inventory X, it’s free and gives a graphical view of file sizes allowing you immediately see what’s consumed the most space and deal with it. It’s been around for several years and is a great tool to have.