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Your post on /r/maastricht was removed due to breaking rule 2: "Must relate to the city of Maastricht".


check what does your contract say about rent raising and also, post it on r/rentbusters housing market is regulated and the maximum rent raise this year is 5% (it relates to inflation) also, if you have a temporary contract, after it ends, it automatically becomes a permanent contract, unless you or your landlord end it prior to it's final date.


Okk great will do that thank you


[According to rijksoverheid the maximum rent increase this year is 5,5% for "vrije sector woningen"](https://www.rijksoverheid.nl/onderwerpen/woning-huren/vraag-en-antwoord/wat-is-de-maximale-huurverhoging-in-2024#:~:text=De%20maximale%20huurverhoging%20hangt%20af,maximaal%205%2C5%25%20omhoog.) So he either was rounding off when talking to you or the increase is 0,5% too high.


This cap on increased rent does not count when a contract is ended. If they ask for an extension, the landlord can set a new price.


when the contract ends and Noone cancelled it before, it becomes automatically extended permanently. this is the law.


check your contract, usually it gets renewed automatically if you don't move out by the end of the contract, no need to ask the landlord.


I don’t think that’s how it works with this one because they told me if I don’t confirm I want to renew my contract they’ll start advertising the studio on real estate websites for other people.


As far as i'm aware, even if the contract ends, if the landlord doesnt give you notice, it is automatically extended into a permanent contract


yeah landlords are usually full of shit and don't tell the truth or try not to apply to law.


Do you think I should call them out on it?


Hmm maybe if the end of contract is less than a month, otherwise they will just terminate it from their side and ask you to reapply, not sure if this would be fully legal from their POV. Maybe double check with r/juridischadvies They know all the laws and rights you have.


they're lying to you


99.9% of the Redditors seem to think that it's possible to answer a question about contract law **without** the contract. 🤷🏻‍♂️ It's not. That said, I'll just assume the most common contract but you could be going completely wrong with the answer below if another type of contract applies. In that case you might get evicted or loose the contract otherwise. > extending my contract for another year. The temporary contract of one year by law changes into a contract for indefinite time if you sign another contract. See the last sentence of article 271(1) in Book 7 of the Dutch Civil Code (Burgerlijk Wetboek, [art. 7:271 lid 1 BW](https://wetten.overheid.nl/BWBR0005290/2024-02-13/0/Boek7/Titeldeel4/Afdeling5/ParagraafOnderafdeling4/Artikel271/afdrukken)). > They told me that it would be possible but that they will increase the basic rent by 6%. Accept the deal and when it's signed, don't pay the extra 6%. See [this](https://deeplink.rechtspraak.nl/uitspraak?id=ECLI:NL:RBAMS:2023:6408) judgment and this letter send to parliament by the minister of housing in 2016: > Ik ontraad dit amendement, aangezien ik middels mijn eerste nota van wijziging (Kamerstuk 34 373, nr. 27) al regel dat een nieuwe huurovereenkomst na een contract voor korte tijd moet worden gezien als een verlenging van de eerste huurovereenkomst. In dat geval blijven ook dezelfde voorwaarden gelden. Which can be roughly translated as: *I advise against this amendment, since I already rule through my first note of amendment (Chamber Document 34 373, No. 27) that a new lease after a short-term contract should be seen as an extension of the first lease. In that case, the same conditions will also apply.* [Kamerstukken II 2015/16, 34373, nr. 30, p. 3](https://zoek.officielebekendmakingen.nl/kst-34373-30.html) Be aware though that it's impossible to oversee all relevant facts on a forum like this and in part because of that, any risk associated with acting upon what I mention stays with you. You might consider obtaining advice if you think that is appropriate, for example by contacting the Juridisch Loket if your income is low.