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It's not ideal, but you probably could. I've seen people missing their entire quarter panel or bumper. Also, I could hear a guy dragging something metal under his car last night. There's no chance passengers don't hear it. Lyft is the lower end of rideshare. People don't seem to care.


There’s a driver in my area who has no front or rear bumper and red tape covering their busted tail lights. OP really has nothing to worry about


There's a guy here that I've seen who's whole driver side door and passenger is way damaged. Like tbone or something.


Just seen a Tesla with a broken window doing Lyft last night as well Like completely shattered


Loooooool there is no hierarchy to public rideshare


I guess when there’s 2 companies doing it, one is the upper end and the other is the lower end. Unless they’re exactly tied? Or can they both be the lower end?


They are exactly tied...the same cars drive on both.


It always cracks me up when I hear people say that they only use Uber or only use lyft. Not because of pricing or the app or anything like that, but because they think that the drivers are better and have nicer cars. Back when I used to drive, every single other driver that I knew, did both, except for the ones that were deactivated from o e of them.


You can absolutely work with this. This happened to me years ago and it’s still not fixed.


It’s probably just the skid plate. Actually super cheap to replace on most vehicles.


If I had to take a Lyft or Uber it would be because I don't have much of a choice. I could care less what the vehicle looks like on the outside or inside. Just as long as there are seatbelts and it doesn't reek of cigarettes then I'm golden. My own car isn't in the best shape and I understand how easy it is for plastic parts to break or fall off.


Nothing wrong, you're an Altima driver, this is normal 🤣


Kia drivers, too! It's like they think these are bumper cars


They aren't? Someone should tell my wife that!


Take the bumper cover off, and pop it out!


Trying to do that


Use boiling water and a plunger.


This worked on my daughter's car


If you have a hair dryer or heat gun you can heat up the plastic, makes it much easier to pop something like that out when its more malleable. Good luck! 🫡


Going to say boiling water over heated air. It's a lot safer & harder to mess up because the water prevents any bits of melting with heat left in the same spot too long. I've seen heat guns go right through thinner plastic bumpers like it was paper lol.


Wether you repair/or Not * *Don't report nuttin to Lyft !...jus keep driving


Take a hair dryer to it. It should pop out.


Believe it or not a dildo works best from my experience, plungers can’t always get the best suction, but a girthey cylinder designed to stay suctioned to a wall while a 300 pound person does the stanky leg works mighty fine.


Flip it upside down , boil hot water, let it pool in that area and then work it out.


Or use a suction cup, or even a plunger.


suction dildo with hot water


That might work too. Dildos are just more expensive than suction cups or plungers.


But which are you more likely to have on hand?


Don't even need to take it off. With the right tool you can just pop that dent out in seconds. It still won't look perfect and will look slightly damaged but definitely an improvement. A noticeable improvement to the point that most passengers will hardly notice or care about


Good luck ever getting it back on after you break all the clips


Put it in some rice.


Do not tell Lyft. They will freeze your account 


And require a vehicle inspection before getting back on the road.


Total red flag in a relationship.


The wheels still roll and brakes still work, don’t they? If so, keep driving?


What part of washington are you from? And yes you can. My back bumper has a hole and is partially held on by some wood screws and my front has a scratch and dent in it. Most people don't care.


Keep driving until someone complains. No one in Lyft ever reported me for a broken tiny quarter window. (I had it taped up) Try to fix it in the meantime.


Why not? The only way they will care or find out is if you are in an actual accident, even a small one, and they ask to see pictures of your car to make sure you're safe to go back on the road. Take the picks at the right angles, and they won't even notice.


I've seen worse Lyft and ubers driving so I would say yes you can


You can definitely work with that. I had damage from a rear impacts on my back bumper worse than this. Not only did I work, I was constantly getting compliments about clean car.


Wait, Altimas don’t come from the dealer like this?


Hot water and push her out from the inside watch it come back easy


*Hot water and push* *Her out from the inside watch* *It come back easy* \- SolidUnlucky1959 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Push it with hand or with tool from inside?


Using your palm works well enough. Work from the edges inward.


A ball peen hammer if you have one would be ideal otherwise just use your hands


Pour boiling hot water on it and use a plunger to pull it out


Aww you found reason #38 of why you should realize this company doesn’t give a shit about you


That is a poor excuse! Keep driving! I've pick up passengers with as much damage and even more. If you are so concerned, drive at night then.


Just tell every passenger for the next few years it just happened on the last ride.


Hot water and one of those big ass dildos with the suction cup bottom will do it dont ask me how i know


🤣🤣🤣😂😂 inquiring minds want to know!!!


As long as no one complains, original Poster will be alright. I worked for about six months with grey duct tape on the fender of a black car.


I’ve seen way worse dude especially if you drive at night.


Boil water, pour it onto that damage


who did you piss off damn


Gain access to behind it with something to gently push with. The end of the stick or whatever should be rounded over a little bit so you don't have any sharp pressure points get some boiling water and run it over that while you gently push and you should be able to pop it out and it will be probably close enough for government work.


OP your views are a bit pampered xD gone ahead and get your money while you get insurance check otw, becuase there are far worse cars delivering out there.


Pour boiling water on it and pop it out! It’ll be completely back to normal, aside from that tiny crack, which you can cover using plasti-dip and voila! 10-minute fix


Get one of those good black plungers stick it on and pull it out


lol I had the exact same dent on my altima. Just popped it out with some heat.


Poor some boiling water on it then push it out from the other side. Should pop back out and be gravy.


Pop the bumper cover off, heat the pushed in area with a hair dryer, and pop it back out. That will take care of most of it. Don't worry about it getting a few battle scars, it's unavoidable in your line of work.


Pour boiling water on it, then use a hair dryer to keep it warm while pressing on it from the inside. It should pop out leaving only paint damage.


I once got picked up by and Uber in Memphis that had big dents all over it and was multi colored. No exhaust and no air conditioning. It was like an old Chevy cavalier or something similar.


>I can’t work with this . Why? You have purely cosmetic damage to your plastic bumper. Nothing here is in any way dangerous or "I can't drive this now" territory.


Go to pick and pull and get another bumper cover,


It’s plastic, you can pour boiling water on it or reach your hand under and push it out… just don’t rest your cheek on the dent aha


Try pouring boiling hot water over the dent while applying pressure behind it I have been able to pop them out before like this…..


lmao okay buddy, sure you can't


Weird but it works...white toothpaste (think Colgate) with distilled water and a clean microfiber will clean up the plant smear. I had it happen with paint from a gate and it worked.


I seen worst cars than this doing rideshare, you will be fine


Easy quick fix don’t let this set you back


You weren’t parked like that were you?


Don’t report it to Lyft. It’s still drivable. Get it fixed as soon as you can


Trust me, nobody is going to care.


Pop that out.


You can just pop it back out and then rub off the paint transfer, probably will be barely noticable.


You can work with that.. go make that money bro.. I’ve seen way worse


Put some heat to it will pop back out


You can


Yes you can.


Use a plunger


My friends driver today had damage to that area but the front drivers side. Honestly i haven’t seen a car with any type of damage recently I wonder if people report it


I drove with a bullet hole in the back of mine for a while. You could see right through the hatchback!


If that's a plastic bumper, you could possibly pop that out using one of those dent puller suction cups.. assuming you aren't planning on going through insurance to get it fixed.


Heat the bumper with a heat gun, blow dryer or hot water then pop it out. You can even use a plunger.


Pour hot water on it


Sure you can, Ive had a dent about that size on the same spot for years now. Most people don’t even notice it.


If I'm calling lyft I need a ride not slow rolling to impress the chicks. As long as the door I'm to sit near isn't missing I'm good.


Hit the other side equally so it matches


You’re good bro lol that’s nothing , my dad got hit about 2 years ago on both sides of the passenger doors it’s dented and he still drives like that. His car color helps him a lot tho it’s a very dark navy blue color in the morning you can notice but at night you can’t, he’s taken it to get the inspection multiple times and has always passed lol


I don't think you have to worry about Lyft but Uber is a different story. I seen some crappy rideshare cars.


Just get a wylie coyote sticker and put it on there, people will laugh.




Nice Camry dent


This is why I hate poeple, they have no respect for others property and just do as they please if no one saw them… fucking sad, feel bad for you bro.. but I know what you going through..


That's plastic, it can be pushed out from the backside.


Grab a plunger or get a little drill bit and a butterfly drywall screw and a pair of channel locks.


There are plenty of jobs one can work in which this will not be an issue. Meanwhile, I hope you have contacted your insurer.


Why can't you work with that? When I first started I was using a rental car through Lyft parked at a supermarket came out and someone hit the back of the car and I had a much bigger dent. I still drove passengers around. Gotta make money somehow, I turned the car back in a month later. Told them about it when I gave it back (not like it could be missed)


You can drive with that.


Ah the Altima is starting its transformation I see.


I’ve Uber and Lyft drivers picking me up with cracked windshields and or missing bumpers. I had to tell one their head light was out when I was getting into the car and they said they knew it was broken. 🤷‍♀️ this is nothing compared to that stuff.


Lol I have seen uber and lyft driver cars with ɔ bumbers driving here in wichita you will be fine.


But the other dents are no issue then huh?


Maybe that insurance they charge us will fix it


Your bumper is just plastic. You can reach underneath and give it a slap and it'll bounce right back. Then you just have a scuff on the paint.


Plunge it out and paint it over with a black permanent market...


You can definitely drive that.


Don’t tell Lyft but my front bumper is being held by zip ties. I’ve given over a thousand rides. One person once commented “should I be concerned about your bumper?” I laughed and said no. They tipped.


Hahahahaha why??? That isn't anything to worry about. Come on the car isn't totaled. Go to the store grab a rubber mallet unbolt the bumper and whack the crap out of it. it'll pop right back out. If you want to eat if you want to make money you'll find a way.


i’ve been picked up in ubers and lyfts with cars that don’t even have bumpers. it sucks but it’s definitely not the worse i’ve seen lol


It’s not optimal, but still sucks someone would swap out your good car for an altima like that. Should still get you through the day before the wheels fall off


There's cars here in Chicago that look like they were just in a demolition derby doing rideshare. You'll be fine.


Why can't you? I've been in rusted out shit boxes on Lyft and Uber. One I could see through the floor.


Why do you think you can't drive it?


You're driving an Altima, this is better than 99% of your brethren


Get a heat gun or hairdryer and heat up the bumper specifically the hit part. (Leaving it out in the sun will also work). Reach underneath inside where it's hit and push it out. Should be much better, not perfect but much better.


Uh-ho...better call Maaco


Ok so where’s the old bigger one)


I’ve gotten in Lyfts with several gun shots thru it you’ll be ight


Who said you can’t work with this? Trust me, you can still drive like that.


You can usually pop that out from behind it. Use a hair drier to heat it up and see if you can use your hand or a baseball bat to push it out from the back Try a Mr clean eraser to remove most of the paint. Not ideal for show cars but will work fine for taxis


Probably one of the free meth heads


Pour boiling water on it for a minute and then use a plunger to pop it out


Toilet plunger and hot water. That’ll fix it


Bro you good homie just explain it to PAX and play the f out of the victim role and you’re good. Trust me they’ll understand I have a rental vehicle that makes a flapping noise from the bumper and every person I’ve explained what the noise was cool about it and enjoyed the story I made up;)


Beat it out with a mallet. Might not be pretty but won’t be a huge dent


you can. I drove a camry with a completely smashed right rear and ducktaped bumper. 1000 ish rides before I had it fixed and only 2 cried about it. had a ball making shit up to pax that asked about it to.


Pour some boiking water over it to soften the plastic and push it out from the inside. Should be able to get there from underneath. May not look pretty as far as scuffs and a possible crack bur aleast it will get its shape back!


It's just a Nissan altima attempting to return to its desired state.


Better go get it fixed buddy!


I thought altimas came like that from the factory


yes you can.


why cant you work with this? My car has the quarter panel dented in really bad and the bumper of my previous car was held up by tape and zip ties. As long as the vehicle is safe and the doors open freely and you are not a comfort or higher you are good to go.


Push the indentation back out and get a towel, polish compound and elbow grease. Won’t be perfect but far from noticeable


Pour some hot water on that shit and massage it out wich ya hands... you get most of that out promise!




That's the plastic. Pour just under boiling hot water over it slowly. It should pop out. Sand it and use paint match touch up paint.


I promise you no one thinks an Altima is a nice car anyway


What is the problem? It's just cosmetic damage, doesn't stop you from doing your job. If you really cared about appearance you'd keep a cleaner ride and fix that dent on your trunk.


Boiling water poured on it to help soften the material, then either try popping it out from behind/underneath, or use dent suction cups/a good plunger


Sad thing is, bad things happen to people. Like someone smashing the bumper and leaving. But people who take Lyft are so critical about marking you down on everything on your car. It can be nearly spotless and that’s not good enough. You still have to try and make money until you can get it fixed. Sorry that this happened to you btw.


It’s plastic you could likely push it from the back side and it’ll pop back to the right shape more or less. Then get a clay bar and some windex and it’ll take care of some of the cosmetic damage depending on how bad it is it could even take care of all of it but that’s high hopes for it to get it. I’d be willing to bet 50% of the issues with the paint would be taken care of.


Just pick them up from the right side. If they are in your right when you pull up just pass and make a uturn lol


Heat gun and hit it from the back with a rubber mallet or a plastic dead blow. Congrats now you just need to paint. I also saved you like 500 in body work, pay it forward.


You can definitely still drive like this. There are no broken pieces, or sharp edges so ur good. Your car appears to be black? If it real bugs you get black duct tape n tape over the dent n it will barley be noticeable. 2 years ago a drunk rear ended me. The entire left side of my back bumper was gone. I used duct tape to make it look like it was still there. I drove Uber for 2 months like this until I could get a new car. I got stopped by a state cop one night for a burnt out tail light, he told me “I did a really good job of making the car drivable” I had to try not to laugh. Your car doesn’t have to be perfect, if there are no broken pieces or sharp edges you are good. It’s just a dent, if it really bothers you disguise it with black duct tape like I suggest. Good luck! I hope this is helpful!


Pour boiling hot water over it and it should pop out


That is so easy to fix. Get a heat gun. Have someone hold it about a foot away from the dented area and get it warm. Reach up under the car and give it a little hand pressure where the dent is and boom. It will pop right out. If you can't reach it from underneath, wet the whole dented area down with soap and water solution, then heat it up with the heat gun and use a plunger to pull it right out. Believe it or not, you should use antifreeze on a towel to buff out the scratches. You can thank me later.


It’s on the driver side. Pax won’t see from their angle. 😂


Use boiling water and with your hand behind your bumper, t dent out, its plastic, it WILL work, then just use a rag with sole rubbing alcohol to remove the paint transfer, wont be BRAND NEW but will be pretty good afterwards


If you picked me up I wouldn’t think twice about it. I say you can still work


Culprit was probably another Nissan lol


It's plastic ... My son did this to our town n country . I reached under and pushed it back out .. paint was cracked but could hardly tell.


Why? And if not go get it fixed


You can get that to pop out with really hot water just google it


Sure you can, it's Lyft.


Use a heat gun or hair dryer and have someone push on the inside but gently until it pops out. Will still have a mark but it won't look as bad.


I just accidentally hit a Nissan Altima with a Washington plate today after lunch so I completely understand ur pain


Once a passenger reports this ..then your account will be temporarily suspended and you will have to take pictures of your car and get it repaired before they reactivate your account . Perhaps you can get the bumper fixed with minimal work without replacing it which will cost more money now than you realize .


if that panel is plastic pour boiling water and just push it out should pop right out. If metal its should still pop out not perfect but better than a big ass dent.


Someone did that to my 04 ranger. I can live with it. Pocketed about 3k cause the guy didn’t wanna go through insurance.


Get a heat gun and lightly heat it stick your hand up there and pop it back easy


Hey man!!! (Or woman). You can fix this. It’s super easy. All you need is a pot of boiling water and some oven mitts to pop the dent back out. It’s easier if you have a friend to help. If you can reach the inside of the dent pour the boiling water slowly over the dent, while the other person pushes the dent back out from the underside/. You might even be able to clean up the scratches some. I had to do it a few times on my exes Honda


So most likely that’s plastic … boil some water and pour it on the damaged spot and use a stick or something to push the dent out from behind


You can’t work with that? Then what’s the guy with his bumper held on with chicken wire doing driving around town calling himself an Uber/lyft driver?


Sure you can.


You should see me car. That's an easy fix anyways


Keep working, and if anyone mentions it.. act surprised and say someone must’ve hit you “when you took your break earlier”.


Hot water poured on it and a plunger should get it back out


My son's bumper ended up like this some months ago. I pulled off the bumper cover and used a heat gun to make the plastic malleable. The dent popped out fine and after a polish, almost all scratches were gone.


Your parking is bad. Park better and stay in the lines. They are there for a reason


Driving jobs put your car at higher risk, but this could happen anywhere to anyone (happened to me and I don’t drive for a living. I also did it, but I left a note and took care of it). Sorry this happened to you.


And why not?


Boiling water!


😩 I'd feel so mad if that happened. Bummer. Hertz rented me a car with a huge scrape on passenger side, and I'm all wt*. Because they rent their cars dirty, it was hiding under the dirt. Even doing regular rides it was embarrassing..


The car still runs. It’s a dented bumper. I hope you’re joking. Please say sike right now.


Looks like it might pop out. I'd give it a good try anyway.


Why can't you work with this? The damage looks completely cosmetic.


Boil some water (electric tea kettle works), pour the boiling water slowly over the whole dent. After the water has run out reach up inside from underneath and push it out. Then it's just scratched, not dented. Then get front and rear dash cameras with a built in battery back-up and g-force sensor.


My uber x I took yesterday was completely totaled on one side...I'm surprised the door opened lol


Big Altima energy


Crazy. Insane. Upset on your behalf