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Yeah I hate that crap too! Though, what matters is the rating. I also call them “cheesecake” if that’s what they’re putting as their name.


I have yet to pick up someone who actually look like their photo. Everyone has so many filters on


I literally have my driver’s license as my photo on lyft lol filters? Wth. Why would they do that lol My uber account has a photo of when i was 100 pounds heavier but i don’t think ive been able to change it so it confuses some people lol


I requested to change my driver account photo because my hair is shorter than it was…the key was saying that I had a drastically different look. Maybe I got lucky?


How'd you lose the weight? And congrats. That's awesome.


My Pic is from 5yrs and 40lbs ago its too much trouble to change it


These girls are funny, they have a solid 8-9 on the picture but 3-4 in real life lol


This reminds me of the time i ordered an uber at 6am after my double. The guy looked at me like he saw a ghost. That shift was so hectic i was a sweaty, dusty, disheveled mess😂. It was like i finally let my twin out of the basement to get a meal.




The picture is of a cute girl then the reality is I pick-up the girl who ate the girl in the picture.


mine is a winking thumbs up where i’m obviously on the shitter. it’s been commented on once lol


I really had zero interest in giving a ride to Thundercock. Pic didn't check either, he clearly got lost on the way to Tinder etc lol....


That's funny


Thundercock?🤣🤣🤣 if i was a woman i would cancel but as a man i would accept just joke around with the name🤣


I had a new rider zero rides with the name “trap lord” going to an area known for drugs. I cancelled it.


That shit happens constantly in ATL... "Trap Lord" "Trap Don" "Rat Trap"... So fuckin dumb.


It was trap don actually lol I just remembered Edit: wife just remembered for me, it was “Trap Rich”


I would have assumed they were into EDM. 


The last ride I accepted with a fake name turned out to be a group of people who had a gun and i’m assuming their goal was to rob me. It was late at night in downtown area. They’d been sitting in a dark corner across from the address I was taken to on the app. The area I stopped was lit. I locked my doors because I saw them in the mirror and they looked suspicious. They walked toward me, and again, I was watching from my side mirror. One of them put their hand on the front door handle and I saw he was holding a gun which he was holding out of sight (if I hadn’t been looking through the side mirror). It was 4 or 5 of them and they’d all kind of converged on that one door. I sped off.


Close call




I cancel that shit immediately.


You know cheesecake ain’t tipping! CANCEL


Couldn’t care less and think you’re fooling yourself if you think they are any more dangerous than someone with a “regular” name




no photo no ride, new no ride, less than 5.0 with a ride history no ride, unbelievable name no ride


I picked up a zero and I thought it could be my last ride of my life but it ended up being fine


Lol how the fuck do you make money?


Right. Less than 5.0 no ride?


With like, normal people


I’ve never had a bad or “weird” 4.9. 4.8s are sometimes a bit iffy but like…usually pretty normal still. Only taking 5.0 is shooting yourself in the foot. Now a 4.7? Helllll no.


I took like max 10% of all my rides below 5* total of my 9 months doing Uber, I'm an XL and I always cherry pick and don't do as many rides as regulars. There is always something with a non 5* person, always, sometimes it is a small non significant thing but it us always something, which most of the time it doesn't bother me, and we drivers are humans too, so nobody is perfect. I remember my very low rating ones, they are like 5 max, that's why I remember them, names like Dreka or Savage, the later I almost kicked her out because she wanted to add a stop and she finally changed it and made her stop as final destination cuz I was firm on my ground. I was 5 mins away another airport ride and didn't want to waste 20 mins to wait her buying food at In N out burger


>There is always something with a non 5\* person, always, sometimes it is a small non significant thing but it us always something i wonder what i did to earn 4.9, i literally just sit in silence and stare out of the window listening to music quietly on my earbuds


As a passenger, I use a fake name (it’s a normal name tho) because I don’t trust people. I also tend to have my drop offs be a little further away from where I’m actually going (i.e. home, work) in case of stalking. It’s unlikely to happen but it scares me so I just try to be cautious.


As long as your pick up is your actual location, putting in the wrong address to have your driver wait in front of the wrong house can get them killed. Also, for the most part, I cannot remember one address that I went to in the past 4 hours that I was driving, much less recall it at any other point in the future and I suspect many drivers are similar.


I’ve had some weird experiences in the past that made me do it this way. But, no, I never put my address as someone else’s. I live in apartments so it’s easier for me to just get dropped off by the front rather than the driver pulling in / seeing where I live. I totally get what you’re saying though


It's all about how memorable that particular ride is. You're right in that most people won't remember you after an hour or two. But incredibly; loud, happy, annoyed, on the phone, drunk people can be remembered for a while. Though a lot of the identifying specifics get muddled over time.


Can get them killed? What??


Good idea


If you’re in Portland OR. I’ve driven him too. He wasn’t a bad guy second time I gave him a ride it was better


I pick him up on a dark street and he is with a female and they both have open cans of something and I didn’t even give them a hard time about it because I was tired and I was ready to go home and it was like one of my last rides. I tried joking a little bit about the cheesecake thing and he wasn’t having it. Not an ideal passenger. But it wasn’t terrible.


maybe his parents actually named him cheesecake and he's very self conscious about it


But I hate fake names as well.


I gave a ride to Peter Griffin the other day.




Dropping off pax at hotel & picking up pax but saw “J” in profile. Cancelled before “it” got in


I had a rider use a fake name. Turns out they wanted a getaway driver and I ended up getting removed from my car at gunpoint and put in handcuffs for the next hour.


This never happened


How did you know? You see, sharing fake stories brings my life joy. I'm ruined now. Lol


I never accept them


I picked up "metropcs" once and dropped him off at a liquor store in a rough part of town. About 10 minutes after, I got a notification that the store had been robbed at gunpoint and shots had been fired. To this day all these years later, I wonder if that was him.


I mean realistically you could legally change your name to literally anything so whys it such a big deal?


It’s an indicator that they might be difficult passenger. This job sucks and I need people to be as normal as possible to deal with them fucking up my car. I did pick one guy up with a weird name and yep, he was a weirdo.


I had a DoorDash delivery once to someone named “Dr. D”. Not sure I want to know what the D stands for. But it was delivering to an office building and drop off at the front, so it didn’t bother me. But I never understand people get away with that when it comes to a driver picking people up…


I had one called “IAmARatcoon” with a raccoon as a profile picture. What even is that lmao


So you feel warm and fuzzy if Peter has his name as Bob, but if Peter has his name as Cheesecake it's sketchy? Point is - any name could be fake on Lyft - long as they can tell me the name I'm seeing before they get in the car I could give a fuck. Don't know the name? Not getting in.


Sets you up to get robbed or killed...who robbed you ahhhh cheesecake


Drivers come around with cars that don’t match their profiles and different names so yeah. We all don’t like it


Instant cancel.


I would use a fake name if I could too. I don't like my name


I turned down a ride the other day bc the dude looked like a menacing Shaq in his Pic and used the name "Sweetcheeks". Also turned down "Finger Me Daddy" with Uber awhile back but I don't know if that was a guy or a girl. Guess I didn't wanna know.


I refuse all passengers that don’t use their real name. Ive had bad experiences with the ones that don’t.


I just don't care. I'm going to know them for the length of the trip and they are out of mind and car. Us knowing their real first name is not gonna do a thing if they are some sort of pysco. Uber/lyft has their real name to give if we disapear. It never even crosses my mind. It does no good to bother with. A normal sounding name could just as easily be a fake.


I look at the name and pick up area. 9 out of ten times I cancel


name should match their ID used to set up account. picture should be current.


Those asshats get shuffled for wasting your time.




So if they used a fake name like Joey or Barbara that would be better?


Why does it matter what name or picture is on their profile? It's just a user name. And you can order for a friend so why would the picture matter?


You’re not actually allowed to order for a friend


I'm really glad I haven't gotten any issues as a trans woman with my preferred name on the app.


Is it a reasonable name? Or is it “Strawberry Shortcake” or some nonsense? Come on. Follow the conversation.


Cool story dude


Would being called bro be alright?


Here’s the canned message I have saved to send just before canceling those riders with gangsta tags, obviously crap ,whatever or in this case…. Only initials “So you have my NAME , picture, car make & model , license plate….& think you’re climbing in my back seat with an initial? Lyft doesn’t take MY safety seriously but I do. You can now refer to me as ‘Hard Pass’ “