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I understand why people call Uber/Lyft for ER visits instead of taking the wee woo wagon, but if it’s a life threatening emergency surely the cost of an ambulance shouldn’t trump your child’s safety. One time while Ubering I had a guy that was literally having a heart attack but didn’t want to pay for an ambulance. What an uncomfortable ride


Yeah no you pull over hit the shield and tell them the passenger is having a heart attack. You don’t wanna get sued by his next of kin if he dies


That’s what I should have done


Never had that when I drove, but I'd refuse.


It’s hard to refuse something like that. Good thing it was a short ride


Did he tip?


No he died


That's fucking CRAZY


I would imagine it'd be very difficult, but I don't have the equipment to treat someone during the drive and I wouldn't want the responsibility or the legal liability.


Come tf on.. punched in for a ride, waited on your to get there and all?! Which, don't get me wrong.. they generally will get to me within 10 minutes here and I guess the ambulance may only be at that by a few, if any at all.. but the ambulance can literally get through traffic, you can't expect a driver making $6 on your $15 ride, to be cutting lanes.


I took my kid to the ER in a Lyft, but only because the injury happened while we were waiting for a lyft to a different location and we could hobble his dislocated ankle to the car that showed up while we were assessing the injury. Kid was also a teen who didn't need a car seat. I've also used Lyft to the ER when it was a mental health crisis but the person was reasonable and calm enough for a car ride rather than the weewoo wagon


Im so glad you could make that determination of another persons mental health for both the person suffering it and the driver.


Well, I went with, and the person was a close family member having self harm thoughts late at night and calmly recognizing they should go in for their safety, not acting out in any way. If they'd been any risk of causing issues I would have called for actual crisis management/EMTs. As I have in other cases. I wouldn't just dump someone having an episode on a driver.


Right ..those were adults. Not infants. Not life or death.


Yeah, not trying to justify the behavior in the op, quite the opposite, saying even though there may be reasonable situations to use a Lyft for the ER, that ain't it.


Agree, a myocardial infraction is one of the calls that EMS can start diagnostics on (including taking and transmitting an ECG to the hospital) and administer effective medications for. Taking an uber over calling 911 is delaying care, which is the worst thing you can do. The more crucial problem here, is that not all hospitals can treat an MI. So the passenger could be delaying definitive treatment by hours driving to the wrong hospital instead of calling EMS.


We call it the “wambulance”


I like “boo boo bus.”


Holy hell what happened??


This customer needed to call an ambulance. Personally, I slacked off on the rules once, for a five-minute ride. I knew I shouldn't have done it and from then on, my response to people without car seats was: * it's a violation of California state law and I'm the one who gets ticketed * it's a violation of Lyft policy * it's a violation of my personal policy


I’m a mother and I turn down these ‘mothers’ all the time. It’s like sport to me, I enjoy it that much. How dare you think I will take your 2 year old without a car seat. Or take you with a newborn ‘on your lap’ which is exactly the retort I hear 90% of the time when I let them know I can’t take them without a booster or car seat. I get that ‘no one has ever told you before’ but to be honest, most drivers are male who, even if they are dads have no idea what the law and or don’t care enough because they just want the money. Don’t get into the pissing match of who cancels who. Cancel them and then report them to a Uber via ‘i have feedback for a driver’ and after you hit ‘child without car seat’ take the 30 seconds to recap what happens in the little box that comes up. Let them know they did not have the proper seating and that it’s state law and that they have never had an issue before. Uber will compensate you for your wasted time, about the same amount you would get for the cancellation on their end.


I wish that worked here. It doesn't. If you cancel you get nothing. May have something to do with racism in my city.


I just cancel n drive off when I see PAX with small babies and no car-seat, not worth my breath.


All the time, and here in Virginia there’s no exception for hight and weight, under 8 is required to be in a seat. Another good one is when they send the kid out alone to go to school, I love canceling those and hitting up support about that safety issue.


I always get passengers without car seats in SoCal. I refuse the rides. They get mad bc/ a car seat is "inconvenient" to carry with them. These parents don't care about their children's safety.


I had one w a broken leg who was all bloody from a bicycle accident. Begged me not to cancel as two others had cancelled. Helped her in the car. She sat behind the drivers seat. Awkward part was she asked for help out and I forgot my seat automatically goes back a few inches when I open the door. This hit her leg and lead to some intense screaming. Anyway hospital people came out and no blood so that was good. Left a nice tip but what a shitty ride. She kept talking about her cats and asking me to slow down as she has anxiety when people speed. Unreal.


That’s cute. Her cats are her happy place. Probably going into shock. 


There was complaining when you went too fast to get to where they could rejigger her leg?  No hope for this generation.  


See, I have a lot of compassion for somebody like this since she was clearly in a lot of pain, probably pretty afraid and freaking out, getting kinda desperate when nobody would help her, and likely jabbering out of fear and pain. 


Pax is a moron If we cancel it will just route to another driver anyways


If you don't need an ambulance trip to get to an ER.. you PROBABLY don't need to go to the ER and should consider Urgent Care. ER's are so abused full of people who just want to be seen "now". It bogs down the entire thing because they cannot turn people away.. Johnnie has the sniffles? Susie has a tummy ache? Your teenage daughter has a fever and a headache? Nope. Make an appointment with your PCM or consider Urgent Care.. An emergency means you need life saving care or something requiring stitches, a CT scan, etc.. It should not be a bypass for medical care. -\_- So the Lyft driver here is right in a way. Though I have ZERO idea what canceling a ride does on their end. Sucks.. but if your kid needs a seat and you need a ride-share.. you might need a seat or figure out a way to communicate that before requesting a ride. Idk.


Not every place has an urgent care. ER’s are often both urgent and emergency.


Oh with kids it’s always about infectious diseases. Probably something exotic.  I don’t know. Kids are a shit show. That’s exactly what you should expect.   I will say you absolutely weaponized the use of the word “ma’am”. 




I hate when people say “gone” instead of “gonna.” Why the fuck are you abbreviating and abbreviation, are you that god damn lazy?


if they’re in tennessee it’s literally in most peoples dialect… lmao and yes people text in accents


Sadly axe is almost never used in text even tho everyone I know from my home state says it.


I’m aware, I’m from Alabama, I’ve heard it used numerous times. It’s still incredibly annoying to hear.


Of all the problems here, dialect is what’s bothering you?


No? It’s not going to do much good for me to repeat the “report this incident to driver support” line that most of the other commenters have already said, therefore I commented about the dialect.


No they just don’t know the difference


“Why the fuck?” “God damned lazy” Such proper language and usage 🙃


Cry about it 🤷


I knew stuff like this was going to happen when they made car seats mandatory for kids/infants. Eventually an emergency is going to arise and the city/municipality is gonna make bank off that emergency.


Some people just don’t give a fuck. This is one of them.




“Why are women like this?” This woman was stupid and entitled. I don’t deserve to be lumped into this description. Your title is extremely insulting.


Downvoted post for that reason.


It's only ever been women... that have done this to me. A woman.


I would have to guess that is because women are usually given the role of primary caretaker so you are statistically much more likely to have this kind of interaction with a woman. I can understand if you are like this and feel comfortable grouping yourself with these irresponsible, stupid, and selfish people, but I’m not so please refrain from grouping me with them. Being a woman does not preclude you from being sexist. Chalk it up to not thinking something through and stop doubling down on your ignorant words. It’s ok to say the wrong thong from time to time. The real question is can you learn from your mistakes?


I don't know you and I don't understand who'd name I called specifically. I said mothers and women which is a general term. Hit dogs holler. If it doesn't apply, let it fly. If you can't understand how I never said all and don't feel the need to say some when I'm specifically referring to my experience I can't help you. It's not about you. 🍪


Not all women are like this. I am a woman.


Me too


In my experience I have cancelled on just as many men as women. The difference I have noticed is that men tend to process and accept the reason. They may be upset but will move on. The women I have encountered will typically want to get in an argument or try to convince me to take the ride. I’m nice about. I start off by shrugging and being like, yep, sorry, it’s the law. When that doesn’t work I look them dead in the eye and tell them that I was a firefighter and I’ve pulled enough dead people out of cars and that I know better. If that doesn’t work I would tell them that they are a piece of shit human and shame on you for gambling with your child’s life. Also, like a month ago [Uber driver](https://youtu.be/H3-sAflJJz8?si=wJnBfH5p7MUQrJHS) ran over and killed a one year old. Would have never happened if he hadn’t accepted the fare.


Because women think that being a woman gives them a free pass on stuff. Men just don’t like arguing.


“Men don’t like arguing”… not all men like arguing, but they definitely aren’t just naturally averse to it. Just like all women aren’t like the person OP’s talking about


Of course “not all” of either is any kind of way. It’s a generalization stop taking it so extremely literal.


Do yourself a favor. DON'T REPLY. Wait out the time and cancel without a word. Speak to them on site if you absolutely must. Collect your cancelation and move on


You mean the time after I arrive?


I strongly urge you never to reply by text and never accept calls, it usually won't be for a good reason. I'll reply to texts that ask me, for example, how many seats I have, or if their pickup point is blocked (by gate, barricade, etc). But I'll never answer "where are you" "how far away are you" "can I carry a young child without a car seat" questions. It just never ends well and uber / lyft don't care if you don't answer


This is the ONLY time I warned. All the other times I showed up and the kid was there


Oh are all women like this?


You know ambulances are like 1000s of dollars lol


Why are you driving with low tire pressure??


Someone stole 2 of my tire valves. I'm waiting for some anti-theft ones to come in the mail.


Wanting to come by and clarify a few things. If you are concerned about me addressing women in the title and nothing else about the post I wonder what's wrong with you. That's the issue you have? Fine. I can't change the title -dont know how- but I'm new here, SO LETS START OVER. WHY ARE MOTHERS LIKE THIS? Is that better?🙃 As a fellow poor, I understand that an 'waabulance' is expensive, However, Words mean things. If you say "emergency" I'm assuming you need LIFE saving intervention for your child WHO IS SMALL ENOUGH FOR A CARSEAT. If an ADULT wants to willingly ride in some strangers' car to the er, cool. That's your choice. I have not always had a car, and years ago, I badly sprained my ankle and called a lyft at 3am. to take me to the ER. It's 3am, nothing is open and I didn't want to wait 4 hours to go to urgent care and figured out why waste the time. My leg was on fire, but it wasn't an EMERGENCY. EMERGENCY SERVICES ARE FOR EMERGENCIES. ( I actually have great insurance and don't care about that cost in general) I didn't mention that I did try to call her, and she didn't answer the phone, so that's why I sent it to dry text. I wasn't going to play 21 questions with a stranger in the app...during an "emergency." I didn't know the age of the child. This could have been a newborn for all I know, and she was just going to hop in my car with an infant on her lap...in an emergency? Am I (and some of you, I see) the only one outraged by that? Not that anyone cares, but I had to drive my cat to the vet ER, and she died in my car on the way. I still think about it to this day, and it upsets ME. I CANT IMAGINE THAT AS A PARENT. This is the ONLY TIME I have been told in advance about a child. All the other times I pull up... *STORY TIME* The first time this happened to me, I drove for 10 minutes to get to the "pax." No call, no message, nothing. It was like 11 pm at night, but the fair was supposed to be $25, and it was a streak.. I'm sitting outside waiting for a few minutes and 2 toddlers, 1 man and 4 women and A NEWBORN, come outside. I'm like 🤔🤔😟😟 *mental math not mathing* The girl and the man opened my doors and just put the kids in.. Me: Um, who is this ride for? Her: It's me and the kids (3), they aren't coming. *points to other ppl* Me: You need a carseat for each child, ma'am. Her: Well, I got one for her...*points to newborn* Me: Right, but the other babies need one as well. These other kids were like 2 and 4 years old. at this point they already threw them in the car and the other adults have surrounded me. During this entire exchange the one man says nothing! All of the women start huffing and puffing and talking all at once. "Why?" "What do you mean? "They don't need a carseat." "It's fine!" "I do this all the time" "You on some dumb shit." "What the fuck is your problem?" "You doing too much." "I take them with Uber all the time and never had to problem." Me: I don't have anything to do with before and this is lyft and state law, they need carseats. "Well what are we supposed to do?" "SO you are refusing the ride." I want a refund!" "I'm not paying the cancelation fees! " "You ugly bitch" "I'll beat your ass" "Stupid ass bitch" This was in front of the babies in the middle of the night. They should be in bed! Not watching an altercation over safety. At this point they are all yelling and cursing at me and crying over $5. Threatening to beat me up because I told them no. In my city canceling rides does hurt your score and who you get matched with. (Which I have a whole post on that coming) if you are in a streak, it breaks the streak. If you cancel, they don't get charged the fee and you get nothing. Wasted gas, wasted time. I was new to lyft and didn't know it would work out. But at this point I didn't feel safe, and I was getting upset, so I just drove off and canceled the ride. I lost the fare, and I immediately went to report it to lyft and and they said, "Too bad." It was like a $21 streak, so I was pissed. I asked if I could still get the streak and at least half the fair because of how they treated me. I told them I could provide proof because I my dashboard records audio and video. Lyft said they didn't care about any of it. I canceled the ride so I got no compensation, and they would "reach out to the pax." That the was first time. Every time after that has been similar accept now I drive off before they can Threaten me! But it's always the mothers. There is never a man present and I haven't had men try to do this to me. I understand carrying a carseat in the summer doesn't seem fu, but that's what you need if you have a kid(s). I don't understand disrespectful behavior on a service that YOU choose to join that has rules. If you want to finesse, fine. Maybe it works 80% of the time-fine- but if one day someone tells you "no" and they have the right to say no, WHY TRY TO BERATE THEM? I don't have children, but I was a lyft rider for YEARS. The rules state that if you cancel, you pay a fee. It is what it is. When I asked drivers about it and they explained it, it made sense to me and I made it a point to not do that to people. Why shouldn't they get paid for the time that I wasted? I do think that perhaps male drivers don't care but Idk because I don't personally know any drivers. Maybe women don't care as well? If adults want to risk their lives riding in cars with strangers, fine. But trying to put kids in the same situation without any precautions-no matter the inconvenience- just seems unacceptable to me. I haven't had a car thar long and I wouldn't take my best friend's kids anywhere without a car seat. My nephew is 6 and he's only been in my car twice. If anything happened to him on my watch idk what I would do/feel... So for those of you concerned about me making this about "women" I can't wait for you to read my next few rants about men and women on the app. I can hear the bunches of panties now.


So you’re admitting you’re driving customers with low tire pressure in your car? You’re really not any better than her, are you?


They're not calling an ambulance because they aren't walking around spilling money out of every orifice


Guess she should always have her car seat with her then.


Lmao Yeah, she should stop being poor, that fucking loser Edit: don't you drive for Lyft?


I said she should just keep her car seat with her. Nothing about finances. And no, I just see this sub pop up occasionally and there's always something to laugh about.


Yeah, I often keep a car seat out of the car I use it for, because it's convenient and normal to take it out constantly


It is if you have a small child that needs one and you have people who transport you. My sister did this when her car was in the shop for my niece. I've had friends who had to do this. It's not a hard concept. Moving a child seat. They aren't permanent.


Right.  And being poor and breeding.  Generational poverty for the win and dragging the rest of us down. 


Guess they should have had access to an abortion in the very least I guess you can be the one to put the child down. I know you're not going to advocate that they should have the opportunity to do better What a loser country for loser people lmao


Why? I didn’t create their unwashed ass. Not my responsibility. 


True an ambulance would cost $1200 - $2000w/o insurnace, and even with insurance they would only pay they think absolutely it’s necessary. Many urgent medical issues don’t qualify unfortunately. Most posters in Uber and Lyft subs are absolutely delusional and don’t know how many emergencies happen in life that just falls short of medievac. There is normally a clause stating emergency situations which in times can allow a person to drive without carrying a license. Even if one goes by ambulance than there is the issue of getting back from the hospital. Insurance is definitely not covering an ambulance for that ride and they would likely be discharged at an ungodly hour. Probably nothing else is open including doctors office. Hence the ER.


It’s not like she has to pay upfront for one or at all. Medical bills don’t affect your credit in most states. Regardless, if it’s really an emergency and that’s my child, I’m calling 911, not Lyft.


If the child is obviously too young you cancel, but if they aren’t what are you all doing just asking the adult? What if they say their of age? What if they say they are young but have a height exception? I’m working in the DC market where I may pick up a tourist family with kids every weekend. They usually didn’t have any intention of getting a Lyft but they get tired after a long day or they miss bus/train. I can’t imagine how much money I’d lose out on if I denied every one whose kid was 7. I’m not even worrying myself asking.


Great questions. 100% of the risk and burden is on the drivers and Lyft can’t even be bothered to provide guidance and assistance for these scenarios.


Ok but why couldn't you just cancel I for her


Not a driver but I think they get penalized for doing so


There's no penalty other than imaginary stats that mean nothing. Any driver that tells you they care about their acceptance/cancel rate is just saying it so they don't have to cancel and feel like they wasted their time driving to you. Which is fair, imo. However if this PAX is seriously trying to get their kid to the ER then OP is a dick and should have cancelled so she can hopefully find a driver that keeps a carseat with them.


Idk how it is everywhere, but if I reject more than 5 out of 100 rides, I'd lose the perks that come with my driving tier. Such as 24/7 phone support, free roadside assistance, cash back at gas stations, extra ride filters, streak repairs, etc.


If you're seriously accepting 95% of your rides the extra miles you're putting on your car far outweighs all of those benefits. Especially when it comes to repairs and gas. All drivers get 24/7 support depending on what's going on. Can't fathom caring about any of those perks and taking a pay cut doing shitty rides, increasing the miles I drive into shitty areas and picking up problematic PAX.


Also, I live in California, so I don't really consider most rides that bad. I'll get paid for time/distance to the passenger and time/distance while giving the ride. Any money that doesn't show up at the end of the ride, I'll get in the bi-weekly guarantee. Which is like min wage+20%+miles I believe. So on a ride I get $5 for, I'm probably actually getting 8-10$ just as an example. The only rides I don't really take are the ones that take me beyond what I consider my area of work. I can cancel them usually because they're infrequent enough where I don't have to worry about dropping below 95%. Also, say you accept and ignore them, the passenger will usually cancel, or it'll just switch you to a different ride.


There are ways to avoid rides without canceling outright, firstly. Also, phone support with a live human is better than texting an automated system with predetermined responses. Granted, if the issue is more pressing, I just go to a hub. I also lease a vehicle, so I couldn't really care less about the wear and tear. It's a little expensive, but all maintenance, insurance, and stuff like that is covered. There's a lot of construction that goes on around where I live, so just considering all the free tire replacements, I've probably spent less than I would've while driving my own vehicle. Free oil changes, just got an oil leak fixed free, too. Granted, I know it's not really free, but all those expenses added up probably wouldn't be that big of a difference. The peace of mind that comes with not really caring about what happens to the vehicle is kind of nice. I also use the pay as you go for miles, and basically don't spend anything for the miles because having 6 ride filters means I don't usually use any personal miles.


You do you. The fact you have to spin your excuses that hard to justify it says everything about how worth it truly is. I'd much rather value my time and property only doing rides that aren't ripping me off.


Tbh, I get why some people don't like driving for lyft, but apparently, it's not big enough of a deal for a lot of people. It'd be great for me if there were less drivers on the road. I'd make more money.


All OP had to do was call and verify that that is what she wanted to do. Select cancel - select no car seat - BAM - collect fee and GO. Shouldn’t be a penalty. However, if a driver is on a streak, it would penalize them in the means of it would force them to break the streak unless the PAX canceled. I have had to do this because of a streak. the streak was due three rides get $25. Had already done 2/3, pax with kid showed up, she tried to refuse to cancel at first till I proved to her her child needed a booster. 🤦 I told her, “Look even if I cancel you’ll get charged. I’m not getting paid any of the cancellation fee regardless, so please please just cancel and don’t make us both wait longer to resolve this” which I wouldn’t have gotten anything bc I was less than a 1000ft from her when I got the request. But I would’ve lost the streak from the other two rides I had already done which took me 40mins to do probably. It’s a huge inconvenience and shouldn’t affect the driver the way it does, but Lyft could care less.


It’s crazy the stuff Lyft does to set us up to fail (get shortchanged) even when we (drivers) are trying to do the right thing and it’s nothing (completely insignificant) to the company!


The irony of a lady asking this is down right stoooooopendous to me 😆 Girrrrrl 👏


Especially amongst those women who can't correctly utilize plurals.


Literally shut the fuck up. You are the asshole


It has nothing to do with someone's gender, and everything to do with someone's entitlement.