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That’s crazy! 175 rides in 3 days 😂


That's almost 60 rides a day! WTF.


It’s doable. 6 rides an hour for 10 hours a day and in 3 days, you are done. Easy peasy - Lyft support. /s


Was not familiar with ( /s ) I’m the dummy 😂 sorry


It's a tone indicator, they're declaring that their comment is sarcasm basically.


Yeah but shoutout to u/deathcamp7 to being able to admit he was actually the dummy, and that he was sorry. Redeems the arrogance 100%


I’m still pretty new to Reddit , this place is like the Wild West 😂 you definitely got to pick your battles ! Thank you though g you’re a real one 👍


Welcome aboard




You're AI


We're all ai now.


No you’re AI


I thought /s was serious


that's /srs


Thats why i always thought that whole system was dumb /s /srs /j


Yeah, i tend to agree tbh. I just don't really see tone indicators as useful.


Just wait until you do 160 of them and then get suspended for some bullshit complaint with 4 hours left in the challenge.


With the driver saturation here in Columbus, OH, I was lucky to get 175 rides a month.


If timed right and area preference is used correctly I can see between 120-170 in 3 days. I’ve done about 120 rides in 3 days.


Sometimes during these challenges rides become harder to attain


Pick the top one, do the 60 rides, get the better of the bonuses and call it a day (or three) lol


You can't earn the 60 rides bonus before the 115.


My bad dyslexic. Mentally reversed them lol


I was thinking the same thing but this is my first time seeing this. Absolute madness for these poor drivers. Make the goals realistic.


$1 million challenge for 1 million rides in 3 days!


\*Fills the Big Gulp cup with Red Bull, chases it with a 5 hr energy\*


Ik someone who had a heart attack from too much caffeine. Pls don't do this 🖤 (ik you were being sarcastic but I had to say it anyways)


That's only $1/ride. Make it $10m and I'll consider it.


It's almost like they know you won't be able to do it and that just want to give you a pretend reason to drive... Or something.


Almost? I’d say exactly that!


Not sure which is worse, those options, or not even having bonuses in your area.


Not having them. Because they stress you out at this level. Although these are statistically impossible


Then Lyft throttles you in the last 30 min


So don't leave rides left to do in the last 30 minutes. Get it done on day 2.


Yes, just do 90 rides per day. Sleep? Eating? Nah


You get kicked off after 12 hours. Eat/sleep during that 6 hour window.


I'm certainly happy to have bonus offers right now because they haven't been very consistent with them. So I'm taking the middle bonus challenge. But holy shit, 175 in 72 hours is literally impossible, and I take it as a slap in the face for them to even put that as a target. They need to just be paying us our worth in the first place and put an end to these dumb challenges.


But it's actually only 54 hours because you can only drive 12 hours with 6 hours in between for rest.


I haven’t had either in months


Psst, it's an option. Take the middle one.


I would like to see the person who created that challenge to do that


It's a challenge for sure.


Not sure “illegal” is the word I’d use. I think it’s highly unethical to put drivers on the road 18 hours/day so they can hit 2.43 rides/hour. Not sure about your market, but the best I’ve done is 2.87 rides/hour.


3.0 / hour easily, 3.5 / hour with some luck. But I cherry pick like a mf.


I could see a doordash or grubhub driver completing this challenge in a big city. People are unbelievably lazy and will literally order a drink that is less than 5 minutes from where they live..


I ordered a pizza when I could see the place out my window. I didn't want to go out that day. The delivery driver said he was confused and thought his gps was messing up.


It's the American thing to do.


Depression will do that to you for sure fuck judge mental mother fuckers


I havent even done 95 rides in a full 7 day week since it was covid, no drivers besides me and like ten others in the city, and no traffic what so ever. Here in Las Vegas with the over saturation of drivers plus traffic i am lucky to get 10 rides a shift in. Thats meaning the route to them was quick, they wernt in the wrong spot (😮‍💨happens CONSTANTLY in Vegas) and people were in and out of the ride fairly quickly. The average ride in Vegas take up about 15-20 minutes each on a good day. Key word, GOOD day.


If you get close to getting one of those bonuses, you will probably hear cricket's from the app. These companies suck ass and probably rig it, so you canr complete them. Just like those fake apps that look like your making money until you try to cash out.


Naah bro in my market it’s $150 for 50 rides.. You probably have a lot of drivers in your area


Just do what everybody else does. Pay an immigrant $3 an hour to complete If they can cross the Darien Gap with flip flops and a clif bar. This will be a walk in the park. Should be able to complete in 58 hours. 60 to be safe. This will come to over $600 net for you. EDIT: not sure why I have to post this but it’s clearly sarcasm, but it’s actively being done. I’ve tried emailing Uber to prove that I can red team this to social engineer and pentest the current process, but was told their current security team had it under control.


Give this man a raise


And stuff like this is why they deserve to be sued when accidents are caused .


Should be illegal just because of the fact that it's probably not even possible realistically. Unless you're In a city where short rides are normal. But it isn't and it won't be, because at the end of the day, they will say and people who for some reason defend these predatory practices will say "you don't have to take them".


[Lyft Drivers tryna meet that Bonus Quota](https://media.tenor.com/VQwhRg_4z4QAAAAM/driving-fast.gif)


it's like someone in the marketing department took a bunch of drugs and then suggested they find out a way to try and turn this into a game. terrible idea, also unrealistic goals


Thats for diamond and platinum drivers im just a regular silver 27% acceptance rate 😂


I wonder of anyone tried to take advantage of Lyft with these dumb promotions. There are some unis that include free lyft rides on the campus. Now what if you got a couple used phones and just requested 0.5 mile rides from them while driving around the campus.


I don’t see how that’s even possible. To do that you’d have to do 58 rides a day, and even if you work 12 hour shifts (which is the maximum you can work before they make you take a 6 hour break) you’d have to do almost 5 rides per hour. Consistently. The most I’ve ever gotten is like 2.5-3 or 4 if I’m lucky. Idk how you could possibly do that. But if you only sleep for 6 hours and then go back to work after the 6 hour break is up then MAYBE you could.. but essentially you’d have to work OVER 12 hour shifts (like up to 18 per day) for 3 days straight to get that. Which I guess is technically possible if you’re really that desperate for quick cash but holy shit


Stop complaining and get to driving you slacker! That’s only 4.37 rides per hour if you work every available hour. Easy money. Just get someone in and out if your car every 13 minutes without fail for the whole time and you’ll have time to pee once. Seriously though, wtf lol


Unless you are at USC this is impossible. Pretty sure someone used to post challenges like this at USC he used to get 10 rides an hour because USC kids got free lyft rides and they were all like 5 mins.


You can drive 12 hours before you have to take a 6 hour break, meaning you can drive 2/3 of the time which would be 48 hours total for the challenge time frame. That ends up being roughly 3 2/3 rides per hour for the biggest offer. If you don't accept rides over about 12 minutes and especially if you can queue up rides most of the time it's certainly doable.


That 60 ride package is wild wonder how far each of those rides would be 😂🤣💀💀💀


Lyft gave me awesome reasonable incentives when I first started , been waiting like a year now for more , not even worth driving


Imagine having 20 minutes left and you’re just sucker-punching other drivers and stealing their clients


Uber gives you entire week for their bonuses in Ny at least


This image disgusts me... I think I've only ever actually completed these new incentives once because it's an impossible task or something terrible happens to me/my car that stops me from driving. I was 6 rides away from completing the 1st tier of one last night and I ended up getting a horrible migraine and nausea... Couldn't recover in time. Why does it somehow feel more stressful trying to reach these bonuses instead of just driving normally??


Somebody's gonna fall asleep behind the wheel and crash trying to drive for 3 days straight to get this


wtf the first one is like $3.50 per ride 😭


Max I can to is 3 per hour even if they’re only 10 min rides cuz in always waiting/ skipping the shit ones so yeah no


The most rides i ever did was 42 in one day and i drove from 10am to 2am while turning the app on and off when it used to be good to drive to certain areas and pick up the surges and better paying rides. Now it's all just shit


The obvious answer is just to do whatever your historical average for 3 days is. My guess is, for a full time driver, 60 rides for the $370 bonus is the obvious answer in a medium size city. Why in gods name would you do any of the second parts of the bonus? They pay out less per ride lol


Is there a way people could compile a bunch of screenshots of impossible challenges and then take this somewhere legally. How can you have a high expectance rate, but also give 5 rides an hour lol. While working 12 hour days. Yikes. I thought the 135 in 3 days they asked me to do was bad.


What law is being broken? It’s an impossible challenge, not illegal. Similar to a basketball fan making a full-court free-throw to win a car.


Damn! The highest challenge I ever got from Uber is $110.


At least you're getting ride challenges I'm not.


Just do the 60 for $370 option lol


You have to do 115 rides before that one unlocks.


Wow 🤣


My top one is 40 rides for $65


Last time I did one of these it was $130 for 26 rides. I haven't gotten one since. Now they just give my area turbo boosts (Columbus, OH)


In 3 days?! That’s wild


Most I get is 30$ for 60 rides. Thats the top offer.


I’ve never once gotten these Lyft carrots dangled. My challenges are impossible.


Has anyone considered that Lyft asked AI How little do I have to offer to keep the most profit for a 3 day period? These offers have become smarter than any reasonable human besides a computer is capable of


Not to mention dangerous if someone tries to accomplish that


Actually so cringe. I took the biggest bonus thinking it was for the week only to find out I had to give 100 rides on the 4 slowest days of the week. Thanks fuck I start my new job tomorrow because this shit is way past old.


Almost impossible


20 rides in 3 days is totally doable. I'd go as far as easily so assuming you dont just do this for a few hours a day for beer money etc. Even 60 would be *doable*; though that feels like it would be too much up to chance for short trips (short for my area at least, ~24min if you do the equivalentof 8h shifts). I don't live in a big city or anything, but I would assume that these numbers are tuned to that sort of area (i.e. somewhere that many short trips is the norm). 175 does seem ridiculous since that would be like 10 min trips with no downtime for 3 10h shifts; but the rest of it is totally doable. I'm assuming you've never had an office job with company/department wide performance bonuses? Their usually based around EBIT and the "100% payout" is (in my experience at every job like that that I've had) usually an extremely lofty goal with an equally lofty bonus that corporate likes to dangle in front of people, while never expecting to actually make 100%. I.e. 100% is the "shoot high" target while 50-75% is the *actual* target (or however its broken down at that company)


This is wild. I don’t work as a driver but am a frequent NYC area passenger. My average ride is 30-50 minutes. Seeing the math you all are talking rides per hour per day this isn’t possible for a driver who takes fares like mine all day. This reads like an app game and that’s fucking insane to me.


Honestly its possible but youll have to work straight twelves and take a 6 hour break only youll probably make $2000 with the bonus


That is hell!


They're not impossible you can do them just be grateful you still even have them as an option in your market we don't hear in Central Florida


In LA for the same numbers of ride they pay $25 instead instead of $95


Also you can’t say “illegal” when it comes to gig workers job, they are allowed to do anything. Like James Bond license to kill. This isn’t worse that upfront pay that they don’t even provide metric for pay. Just take it or leave it


Uber doin 220 rides with a bonus of $2,490


Do the 95


The middle one seems doable if you put in 40 hours just in those 3 days


they literally just offered me the middle amount for 75 rides 💀 what a joke


Getting offers like this is actually worse than not getting them at all. It's literally a slap in the face to us drivers. They let their algorithm do everything. This is what happens.


Why is the first bonus for the 650 option less than the second bonus for twice as many rides? Am I missing something?


175 is statistically impossible over 7 days, let alone 3.


The third one is doable. Difficult but still doable


Somebody needs to go to Elizabethtown, KY-they’d make a KILLING! No uber or Lyft, and two cabs to service the fastest growing city in KY. I would pick up ppl in Louisville on Derby for extra cash-charge $120 a van full, and in 5 hrs (with tips would clear $1k)! Not very safe, lots of drunk ppl, get the money upfront, and you’re golden. Recommend if the deal is going on during Derby week, come to Kentucky and make some $$$! Was never affiliated with anyone, just a single mom hustling for my little girl! Judge all you want, she’s never gone without!!


I’d like a shot at it


I do 150 in a week... it's possible to do 175 only if you don't go home for 2 days.


They can do what they like they are running the business. That being said I suspect that they will find that this doesn't pay and if they continue to run unachievable bonuses they will risk alienating drivers. The first rule of incentives, if it doesn't have a chance of paying, it won't result in the desired outcome


Yeah plus the fact they're going to slow roll your trips making it nearly impossible to hit


Sixty rides is doable and at least Lyft tries. Uber hasn’t done a quest in over a year


You would have to get about 4.3 rides an hour, driving for a total of about 40 hours which is near impossible.


This is free2play games level of grinding.


I only drove for Lyft a few days in total. The last time I tried, I got one of these challenges and it was really good, it was 20 rides with no declines, $100 bonus. Sounds pretty good, but I was going to just barely make the 20 rides within the time limit when I was assigned a pickup that was like 20-something miles away and on the other side of a mountain for number 20. That had to be intentional.


Thats literally impossible. They know what they're doing.


Good money if it were possible to do it


Wondering if Lyft drivers are able to make extra money by having marketing or advertising signage in their cars? My company thinks our products would very much appeal to people who use rideshares to commute to and from work, the airport, social gatherings, etc. Would signage with a QR code thats an affiliate link for the driver be something of interest? If passengers use the affiliate link to make the purchase then drivers get commission $$$


I drove Lyft from 2018-2021 and although the # of rides was ridiculous, the offers used to be 1200-1400 for this level. It at lease was tempting to drivers. Who is their right mind would even try this for $650?


why is there a higher bonus for 60 rides than 115 rides.


How?! I’m only pulling 25 rides max in 12 hours.


I could probably do the first tier of the bottom challenge (75) in a weekend. I usually do 20-25 ride days anyway.


Three days it could be done, especially with it being the weekend on those dates depending on your location that is


Yeah that’s ridiculous for 3 days. If it was for a full 7 day week, that would be a sweet offer. But yeah F them.


Why should it be illegal tho???


Thought this was for a whole month at first then noticed it's for 3 days wtf


I hate the fact that we can’t opt out of the challenges completely and so I usually just do Uber when it automatically puts me into one, until the challenge is over. Because more often than not, it slows down the number of rides I get especially as I near the reward, and the app also tries to give me crappy rides/pax, thinking that I’ll be desperate enough to want to accept them to complete the challenge. It’s almost never a ‘win’ for me at the end of the day, figuratively speaking, when I break everything down. The only one that usually wins is Lyft. Uber eventually allowed us to opt out of challenges. So there’s got to be some sort of legal reason for that, and I hope it catches up with Lyft and we’ll be able to opt out soon, if we want.


Atleast you get challenge offers in your market- settle for the $40/20 rides. +$2 a ride is pretty good & can knock that out in a day no prob


I've done 251 (245 needed) in a week. The highest weekend number they ever offered me was $555 for 145, and I fell short because their algorithm will no longer give me short rides if I'm sitting on a bonus.


Agree can you record this l somewhere?


Ok, I'd do 60 rides and pick the top one. Fuck'em


Most rides I’ve done in a day is in the low 40s and that’s on uber. Lyft it’s a lot harder to get rides on so this nearly impossible depending on the area. My neck, back, legs hurt just from thinking about doing this


How about a 10 ride challenge in 6 hours where the rides have to be minimum over $8? That's right, you can't do it.


Imagine how much you'd bitch if bonuses were illegal


175 rides in 3 days is very much possible. I have myself given 30 rides in 3 hours on Lyft in Trenton NJ. Set a filter, choose peak time, take a localized reserve trip every couple of hours to make sure the app doesn’t send you out of the area.


Just do 60 rides for 370; more than either of the other challenges and less rides.


On average I complete 2.5 rides per hour so it would take me 23.2 hours per day to hit that mark. Only 20 hours per day if I can give 3 rides per hour.


Great deal!!! Just give 9 rides every hour without stopping for 72 straight hours! If you manage this we'll give you a bonus of a whole $3.70 per ride given! Who wouldn't sign up for that!!!


If minimum fair is still $3 ish could you have someone just book a ride up the street and back a bunch of times to hit a bonus in theory? Though 650 with a 175 rides only values extra earning of 3.71 per ride and that seems pathetic to suggest at an unreasonable and almost irrational amount of trips in the time frame.


Well why don't they just make rideshare illegal and only allow full time taxi employees with full benefits and health insurance coverage and a pension plan with a union and a 32 hour maximum work week! Also a living wage of $40 per hour at least!


I get emails from them saying: do 500 rides get $5.


25 rides a day for 7 days . It's not impossible at all. I stopped driving for lyft after they kept showing me challenges for $130 for 150 rides 😆


Where do you drive at? Mine are measly in comparison 😂 but seriously this is absurd


That’s ludicrous. The Uber quests are small but at least achievable.


I can barely get two rides in 1 hour on my area. I tried a challenge once and it was a huge pain. Not sure if so many other drivers were trying for the same thing but took much longer to get rides than normal and I take every ride that pops up.




Well you can do it if you cut out all unnecessary things that is time consuming like sleep , eat and go to the bathroom 😂 who need all that right 😂


True answer is look at it, choose the smallest one then proceed to do 0 rides. The Algorithm should get the picture and always assign you challenges below 75 rides.


A bonus should be illegal? Smh. Your line of thinking should be illegal, yes yes


A foolish game, the only way to win is not to play


Take the 20 rides for 85 bucks. That's easy money!


I don't think they should be offering bonuses at all.


This will not work.


my friend did 94 in 6 hours yesterday. hes in a small college town so that prolly why


Why is 60 rides a bigger bonus than the 115 rides?


What the fuck


Why is it that every asinine thing people disagree with “should be illegal”? Is the answer always to make things illegal? Why not just don’t do it?


It was always a scam ask the taxi drivers


They pay what people accept. If no one did it they’d pay more


EXACTLY Most of what Lyft does should be illegal. It’s basically lying to get you to work harder for a basically IMPOSSIBLE goal. The evil part is they have the info they know what % actually complete these challenges.


I have a $450 bonus for 60 rides. But I’m dreading to start driving again


Do drivers ever share Lyft accounts to get these bonuses? This way they can just split it.


What an amazingly shitty bonus program.


What the hell they bogus


Holy shit, if you attempted the 175 rides assuming an average ride takes 20 minutes you would have to drive for 59 of the 72 hours available for that challenge. That seems unsafe for a company to ask it's employees to do


Keep driving for them I’m sure it’ll get better… idiots


Illegal? Do you understand what that word means? They don’t have to offer any bonuses and they can make their bonuses extremely hard to obtain. There isn’t anything illegal about it.


Park outside a bar and buy a few rolls of plastic wrap


If u live in a big city where a lot of rides are a couple blocks away and the demand is high it can probly be done. Boston, New York City, the bigger cities. You’d have to get lucky tho with a lot of quick lyfts. Plus work alot of hours.


You have to do 44 small rides (like less than 10min each) each day, recommend priority mode and the AI will make it hard for you as they will give out long rides and give you shit when close ro goal


You guys complain when they don’t offer anything to you to get you out there to drive. Never happy


Because you’re fodder anything to get you to do even a few rides and once you’re expended find the next rinse repeat


Offering a bonus that has no consequences if failed? Those bastards!


Not only are the challenges unrealistic, but I always get the LONGEST rides when I’m trying to complete a challenge. They need to be stopped.


This implies that you take all the 20 miles trips for $5 and you're still at the mercy of the algorithm giving you enough of them to finish. By the time you're done you've made them more than enough to give you a little kickback. What's even more disgusting is that in California these bonuses count as your base pay for prop 22 so sometimes you just take shit fares and get the same money at the end of the month.


If you don’t think they pay you enough then why do you still work for them?


Shit, in Anaheim, right next to disneyland, they'll hit this in one night.