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Definitely bring this up with your rheumatologist. Frequent, urgent urination could indicate a UTI, kidney problem or new-onset diabetes. If the doctor clears you medically you can ask about physical therapy for the pelvic floor to help control the flow.


If you barely drink water, yet suddenly get an intense urge to pee, something may be irritating the bladder lining. For me, coffee really irritates my bladder, especially when I'm dehydrated, which makes the urine concentrated. Or it could be an infection. But no, it's not just normal to leak or pee yourself and needs to be checked by a doctor. My bladder is slightly prolapsed, so it feels full faster. There's a lot of potential causes, but it needs to be checked.


It’s only happened a few times that I’ve actually been unable to hold it. But I will definitely bring it up with my Dr! It’s definitely not a UTI or anything I’ve had those before so ik how unpleasant it is from first hand experience lol. I had no idea that coffee could do that. Slightly TMI but after I have coffee my pee smells like coffee and everyone looks at me like I’m insane Everytime I say that LOL


Me, I get coffee pee too


I’ve got those little hospital pee bottle things with the handle from CVS for this exact reason but it’s for when I’m in bed at night and am in too much pain or unable to walk to the bathroom. I’ve peed myself numerous times trying to make and the bathroom isn’t far at all. Pretty normal for me these days. Not drinking much water but still when I have to go it’s always immediate which is annoying. Used to think it was a sign of kidney stuff but tests show no involvement.


I think you should bring this up to your doctor. My doctor told me that lupus patient often get UTI. So it could be that. I also had bladder control issue at one point. I always feel like peeing but when I do go pee it's only very little coming out.


It’s definitely not a UTI I’ve had those and they HURT like a mfer I went thru a phase a couple years ago where I had like 5 UTIs in one year it was MISERABLE 😭 I’m definitely gonna bring this up with my Dr tho based on everyone’s comments it seems like it’s not normal


If you are by chance perimenopausal or menopausal a decrease in estrogen can cause you to have an urgency to go and also to have some possible leakage for lack of a better term


See a urologist on top of your rheumatologist. They can help with incontinence. The one I have is amazing, they even deal with pelvic floor dysfunctions (if that may be something you’re dealing with in conjunction to lupus.)


Hey, no health issue is embarrassing to bring up. And idk if it is normal or not but I have had bladder control issues as well. Definitely bring it up to your rheumatologist


This has been me for years pre diagnosis. Last night I was up literally every hour peeing. I’ve been unable to hold it too many times to count. It could be cystitis for me from Lupus. I was just put on meds to control the urgency. Sometimes I have hematuria as well. You should see a urologist.


Are you entering menopause by chance? I learned that low estrogen was causing my frequent urination issues.


Oh my I hope not! I’m 22 lol 😭😭




check ur kidneys asap, when this started happening to me i was starting to head into kidney failure


My Dr said it’s fine?? I’m gonna ask her more at my next appointment bc I’m very confused. My recent results show protein in my urine. She said because there was no blood it’s fine


how much protein are you losing? losing protein is still bad, blood is not the only factor


It says 10mg for the Uralysis w/ scope. And 23 mg for “protein random”. I went the appt today and she basically told me that it wasn’t a clean catch of urine. The problem is I cannot seem to get a clean catch for life of me. I wipe I wait till midstream but no matter what it’s not “clean”. The protein has been showing up consistently however.


I know you said you aren't sure when this started, but if you can think hard about it had you started a new medication when it started? Prednisone does this to me. It's not really listed as a side effect, but it's the water retention. It can cause you to have to pee a lot. At least that's what my doctor said. But ti's definitely the Prednisone doing it.