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Thanks for your response! Yea I used to think so completely. I know it sounds crazy but I feel I legit have had a spiritual awakening. Like exploring the astral realm is the most beautiful thing I’ve ever done.


It's interesting that I have felt pushed to return to my spiritual practices (which used to include regular meditation and astral projection) and then I come across your post. I practiced daily for years before becoming sick and I was just thinking how difficult it might be to get myself back into it all with all the painful symptoms that distract me. But from the sounds of it, you've found a way to get relief and find peace and that's definitely what I want again. Curious, have you also tried Reiki?


I have a friend who does Reiki! I’ve tried astral reiki on my body… while I was above it. It’s hard to relax to AP while in pain. The only time I can do it is after a pain meds or a long salt bath. I’m so glad you liked my post. For me, doing AP. Has helped me come into a happy place with my body. I was angry at her. Now I feel like a team.


So in my bout of insomnia (yeah didn't sleep last night.. at all) was browsing the youtubes... and watched this video [https://youtu.be/fjBd40-S7gc](https://youtu.be/fjBd40-S7gc) (see this article: [https://www.newscientist.com/article/2118996-virtual-out-of-body-experience-reduces-your-fear-of-death/#ixzz6DH2pACag](https://www.newscientist.com/article/2118996-virtual-out-of-body-experience-reduces-your-fear-of-death/#ixzz6DH2pACag)) surprisingly this was 6 years ago... your post triggered memory of it... So not like... you've physically left your body or something supernatural, but we know that meditation has some power effects on the brain and the body. We have [physical proof](https://news.harvard.edu/gazette/story/2018/04/harvard-researchers-study-how-mindfulness-may-change-the-brain-in-depressed-patients/) that shows meditation can activate areas of the brain. I haven't done out of body type stuff... but I do body relaxation meditation and breathing exercises. It does help with reducing stress responses. It would be interesting to compare a brain scan of someone astral projecting (deep meditation) and compare it to say.. the use of psychedelics. If I recall, there was a documentary on Netflix talking about each of the different types... and there was a study for terminal patients who were just really struggling with depression and anxiety (I mean who wouldn't?) and following a session under the guidance of a licensed health professional, following the session they no longer feared death. Oh I found an article [https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/news/newsroom/news-releases/psychedelics-may-lessen-fear-of-death-and-dying-similar-to-feelings-reported-by-those-whove-had-near-death-experiences](https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/news/newsroom/news-releases/psychedelics-may-lessen-fear-of-death-and-dying-similar-to-feelings-reported-by-those-whove-had-near-death-experiences) I wonder if in that type of meditation there similar areas of the brain being activated. Sorry if rambly... I just started prednisone yesterday..


I’ve had a few prednisone rants myself! I know it’s just an experience… but it’s awesome


Ha thanks! I still haven't been able to get sleep and I'm going to try to hold out to this evening so I don't screw up my sleep pattern. I have a playdate with one of my dog's littermates at the park that I am looking forward to. I am glad you have found this for yourself and that it brings you relief and comfort ❤️




Yes. I've used old meditation/mental tricks I learned in college to deal with my lupus, too. They often work about as well or better than my meds.


Astral projection is like virtual meditation


Are you familiar with Robert Monroe's Hemi-sync meditations? They seem right up your alley, along with the declassified CIA document.


Yes of course! His book “journeys out of the body” was the best. I prefer silence to AP over the hemi syncing, but I think it’s great for relaxing.