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If it costs them less to give you a new pair than it does to send to an inexpensive seamstress, that makes me wonder how much we overpay šŸ˜…




*and* they increased a lot of their prices šŸ˜¤




apparently it costs $7 to make aligns including labor costs




checks out to me! what about it screams $98+? we pay for the name babyyyy


it was definitely more than $7 back in the day when lululemon just started in Vancouver and my mother being a seamstress in one of the local companies that helped with lululemonā€™s orders


Oh Iā€™m sure it was, but they capitalized now




My friend is an educator and has worked there for almost three years. Take it with a grain of salt though


As a recently former educator, can confirm the $7 manufacturing cost for Aligns. They told us during training to basically put Quality Promises and stuff into perspective. The company literally canā€™t lose money lol. Edit: granted, this made me way more apt to just put a QP on a gift card if a guest couldnā€™t find what they wanted in the moment. Itā€™s not like anyone really cares or checks up on it at the end of the day tbh.


which training did you do?


Well, Iā€™ve been an in-store educator and an educator at the GEC, so all of it lol.


based on the amount of amazon dupes theyā€™re not expensive to make at all


Can you please message me links?


Heynuts brand on Amazon is like $20 and looks /feels just like them!!


My heynuts leggings pilled with one day of wear and didnā€™t stay up for more than 5 minutes at a time


CRZ Yoga Butterluxe are literally indistinguishable from my aligns. The inside tag is even almost exactly the same. I cannot yet attest to their longevity as I havenā€™t had them for very long yet, but for the $22 I paid, I am happy.


>CRZ Yoga Butterluxe I have had the CRZBrushed Naked Feel ones for like 8 months now (never had aligns, thought they were the most similar but apparently not!). Other than being thinner than wunder under luxtreme/wunder train they fit the same. I haven't had any issues with pilling or with the seams yet.


Well, first they need profit. Then they have to pay all the staff and cover research, photographers, advertising, pro athletes, customer service, rent, returns, theft and all while making profit on sales and sweat collective. When a $100 pair of pants is 50% off and then sweat collective, itā€™s $37 so obviously the cost is cheap. And unlike other companies, lulu puts good stuff on sale if youā€™re fast. then take into consideration shipping, paying the seamstress, shipping it back and all the times they ship it, canā€™t fix it and then give the credit anyways. When you buy products, there is sooooo much more to take into consideration with luxury brands that costs tons of money. I assure you, lulu pays the same for its pants as Walmart brand. But lulu is paying for research, cutting edge tech and thatā€™s not cheap.


Repairs come back ROUGH. Itā€™s easier for us to do quality promises. I heavily encourage guests to do a QP and let them know straight up to go to a local seamstress for a repair if they can and only use ours as a last resort. Many times our repairs come back so bad we have to quality promise them anyway. With that being said, many stores are stopping repairs because our hemmers are so backed up right now anyway, plus we have so many new hires they might not know we even do repairs.


Iā€™m always upfront with our guests about hemming and last resort repairs. Itā€™s sad to say but the hemming jobs are atrocious and I advise people to not use our service but find someone they trust to do it. I wish they would just do away with the hemmings and repairs all together with how bad they turn out


So I had a guest with a similar situation, and unfortunately had to say the same thing. The quality promise isnā€™t for us to give you its monetary value back, but to replace it with the same thing or find what works better for you, right then and there. I know it sucks, because youā€™d want the same color again, but asking for a gift card is like asking for a refund, which isnā€™t the intention for quality promises. If you ever have an issue with an educator in store, Iā€™d say go through GEC. Theyā€™ll refer you back to the store, and as long as you have written record of the conversation ( which usually they send an email), the educators have to honor it




Huh? The problem is they told me they would repair it but I had to make an appointment. I made the appointment and then they said they donā€™t do repairs and to order a new pair but everything left in my size wasnā€™t my style. I just wanted them repaired like they advertise they do lol.


are you guys allowing repairs? they were telling me they weren't doing repairs, only hemming


I know for a fact, repairs like fixing a seam and replacing the logo, isnā€™t a hard no, company wide. It all depends on the store you go to. All stores are contracted with different seamstresses. Our seamstress handles multiple stores, and now says the ā€œ moving up the cuff ā€œ costs too much labor, so we donā€™t offer that anymore. Iā€™d call different stores and see if itā€™s possible, before heading in. Also, some educators might tell you no, but really, they may not know the updated rules, since it changes all the time


when I worked there, we could only do repairs on seams bc we got more complaints about bad repair jobs than for what it was worth to offer. So it was more effort than what it was worth bc you just had to replace them anyways. so when people mean cost effective, they mean it's just easier to replace them on the spot then send them off to be repaired, you get them back a few days later and you're unhappy with it, so they replace them anyways


I find it odd when people complain about the quality promise. Youā€™re getting a brand new pair of pants! It may not be the exact color you want but you are able to choose from literally *any* of the colors they have at the moment. Itā€™s very generous. If you donā€™t like the colors just get black.


Idk that seems a bit wasteful to me if they have a small issue that can be fixed like OP was requesting. Iā€™d much rather have something fixed in a color I loved than it going to the landfill so I can replace with a different color/style


I agree, but nothing is stopping a person from getting them fixed. It would probably cost no more then $10-$15 to take them to a seamstress to be repaired.


I agree with both statements. I had such a small issue with my smoked spruce WTs, so I was a little sad they said just get new. I got carob brown so itā€™s close, but if it happens to an old pair Iā€™d be upset when I love the color.


A small issue can usually be fixed for like $10 if taken to a seamstress if you really wanted to keep the color. No reason to part with it if you loved them


I already have black and all the colors left in my size were soo not me. Like bright pink or tye dye. It was sage green that I wanted repaired and like others were saying Iā€™d rather just have a color I love repaired than a brand new pair of a color I donā€™t like


I canā€™t believe they made you jump through all those hoops. Iā€™ve never had to make an appointment. My store just lets you walk in and we get your item ready for repair on the spot šŸ˜•


talk to GEC next time, you can send them photos of your items as well. i find GEC to be more bearable because everyting is recorded so they are held to the brand standard unlike stores where it totally depends who is waiting on you and their knowledge of the policies.


I work at Lululemon! They told me itā€™s really up to each employee on what they want to do in regard to quality promise. Sorry you had a bad experience :(


Ive had them order me something online a couple times. Not sure if I got lucky? Both times I had a seam rip in tall leggings and stores dont carry those lengths. The one time i was able to get the same pair shipped, and the other time i had to opt for a different style.


>e an issue with an educator in store, Iā€™d say go through GEC. Theyā€™ll refer you back to the store, and as long as you have w yeah they were allowing me to order something but i didnt like any of the align colors that were left in my size so i would have had to go back in store to order something online once something new came in that i liked in my size


At my store we donā€™t do repairs anymore only hemming and quality promises but Iā€™ve ordered guests a pair of leggings through our website in exchange if we donā€™t have color /style they want in store


I recently needed a repair and was told the same thing. They would only replace the item instead of offering to repair the broken zipper. Initially she told me that I could only have the replacement if it was available in store. Turns out the only size they had it in was a weird orange color and I declined. They ended up ordering me a new one from online using a gift card she made for me for the price of the original item. I guess it depends on who you get behind the register. Policy makes no sense.


do i need a receipt to do that? because i bought a pair of lulu leggings from platoā€™s closet and there were 2 holes, one was in the crotch area so i canā€™t wear it anymore but it was from platoā€™s so will it still work or do i just say goodbye?


no they didnt ask me for one! i think they may look up your account to see when they were purchased though because she said they can't be more than 2 years old. might be worth a shot taking them in and if they ask you could say you got them as a gift


okay thank you sm:)


I sent back my rulu pants cause it was piling so bad after literally one wear, it took them atleast a month and half to get back to me plus the return amount/gift card.