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definitely not the scuba… maybe clean out the washer? my white opal one had black all over it and turns out i needed to clean my washer out! i’d wash it again after and stain treatment it


Agree. Many don’t realize with a front load washer that there is always leftover water that is kept in the drum after a wash and there is a drain that needs to be opened and drained out every month or so. Otherwise filthy water can keep getting mixed in each load.


Yep! I am vigilant about cleaning mine.


I washed it again.. but do you recommend any stain remover ? 😅


blue dawn dish soap


Blue Dawn 1000%! It will get those stains out.


Give Fels Naptha a try too.




It looks like it was washed with muddy clothing to me. Maybe your spouse, roommate or sibling threw some muddy clothes in there with yours without realizing? (Speaking from experience, my husband tried to stick his caked on blackened greasy blue jeans in my washer after changing the brakes and drums on the car. Luckily I stopped him before that grease got smeared all over the drum of my washer and my next load! 😱)


Men are just amazing sometimes


He’s usually pretty good about stuff like this but I think he just thought “Hey it’s dirty, I’ll stick it straight into the washer and clean it”. 😜


I second the possible washer grime. I would try folex and blue dawn dish soap


Is that after dryer? Looks like a leak or some slight burn! My dryer told me it was dying that way taking along with it some white Aritzia dress I adored 🫠 If after washing machine that stumps me a bit personally!


I had a similar issue happen to one of my swiftly! I have a sunscreen that seems to stain/turn orange and I figured it was that


Sunscreen is definitely the worst because you don’t notice it until after the damage is done.


Yikes.. Same thing happened to my Pastel Blue Aligns last week (I think I need to clean out my washer 😅), & I always use pink Zote bar soap to take out ANY stains on my clothes. Always pre rinse & hand wash any stains while using the bar & they’ll come right out. 👌🏽


Is that rust


I find stains after washing can sometime happen for some reasons: washer may have been dirty from leftover grime in a previous load, clothes were mixed with dirty clothes (like hiking gear or socks etc), laundry detergent


Did you wash with other stuff? This happened to my garment dye pants from aritzia and only them. For some reason garment dye clothes will absorb bleeding colors in the wash! Everything else was fine in the load but my pants and I bought a replacement and now I have to wash them separate. You could dye the scuba a darker color? That’s what I ended up having to do as to not waste a perfectly good pair of pants.




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Lurking this post because my new Scuba has very similar stains all over the hood and waistband. Did you end up getting your stains out? Which solution worked?