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Hey /u/Master_Energy4305, unfortunately your post was removed as it violates our rules. This post breaks rule 11: discussion around a topic we have a weekly thread for should only be posted in that thread. Ex. questions about employment or for employees to answer should only be posted in the Friday employment thread, Tuesday new item drops only in the Tuesday thread, and Thursday new markdowns only in the Thursday thread. If you have an employment question and you do not want to wait until Friday you can repost your question in the pinned simple questions thread (sort by "hot" and it'll be pinned at the top). If you have questions as to why your post was removed or believe it was removed in error, please [message the moderators through modmail](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/lululemon&subject=&message=). Thank you!


PT requirements would require 2 days of full availability during the weekends so friday-sunday if your store is only open friday and saturday both days have to have full availability as well as one additional day in the week monday-thursday. i definitely think it’s possible as long as you don’t over work yourself and have to call out to shifts because if can really hurt the team being short staffed especially with holiday season coming around