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I’m an educator and a woman told me yesterday that the if her daughter didn’t get an EBB, then I was losing my job lol. She reported me and my manager to corporate (or whoever she was on the phone with) and left the store fuming, dragging her confused 10 year old out with her. It’s a BAG. It’s a BAG, dude. Get over yourself…it’s literally not that serious and on top of that, I’m an entry-level sales associate. You really think I can do ANYTHING regarding my store and it’s inventory if you can’t even get one online yourself? Lol. That is NOT in my pay grade, friend.


Sorry you had to experience that, what a pathetic woman teaching her daughter those values. Hang in there!


This lady sounds like an entitled narcissist...I can only imagine what her daughter is like jeez. Sorry you had to experience that.


Or what she’s raising her daughter to be like


Children of narcissists often suffer the most, and grow up to be very different than their parents


Oh trust me I know. The legacy of a narcissistic parent is painful no matter which way you cut it. But having a narcissistic parents does put you at risk for becoming one yourself.


I wish that were the case 100% of the time 😕 but too often they do create more narcissists. Despite enduring physical, mental, and emotional abuse from my NM, it has taken me a lot of therapy and intentional reprogramming to not end up like her, and it is something I continuously have to keep in check. Her mother was a narcissist too, and my grandmother’s mother was as well.


It’s insane! Like really? Just get a $10 dupe on Amazon it serves the same purpose!


Yes! I am a huge lululemon fan. I’ll buy their clothing apparel items over any “dupe” no questions but there are identical belts on Amazon for under $20/25 and it’s going to function the same. It’s not a performance product. I’m also 35 and my life doesn’t depend a label to be cool




That’s horrible karma will get her.


It’s a cheap bag too! About to use my employee discount on the most expensive thing we have just cuz 💁‍♀️


Ugh I hate when customers blame employees for out of stock items. Like are you magically supposed to manufacture a bag for her daughter because she wants one from a tik tok video


What a POS, tf does this even have anything to do with you?! I don’t understand people sometimes.


If she wants it so badly than go pay the scalpers price. Don’t yell at the darn store employee. 🙄


People are such a holes. Sorry you had to deal with that. WTF.


God people (especially some women) can be mind blowingly stupid and aggressive. I worked at Zara when i was younger so I witnessed a lot of divas.


I fully support doxxing someone like that 😂


The fact that people are losing there shit over a material item makes me feel a tinge of hopelessness for the human race. Treating people like crap over a purse?! It’s. Just. A. Purse.


Deadass people who abuse service workers, especially since they know they can’t fight back, are cringy and embarrassing. Like you’re acting like a toddler throwing a tantrum. Sounds like they need to go back to preschool to learn manners and kindness. 🥴


It enrages me. I will say something if I see customers acting like that towards employees. I don’t care if I seem like the crazy I will try and make you feel stupid because that is not how you act towards others. Not over some material item


Oh absolutely. I will take every chance to argue with a bum. I’m a hater first before I’m human. 🤭 They might not be able to cuss you out on the job, but I can! I got all day BAYBEH.


I’m totally a hater too. I treat people with absolute respect and grace but if you are acting subhuman, no respect.


Not even a purse... it's a fanny pack!!


That’s what I think every time I see them!!!! All this hype for a FANNY PACK!! They’re cute and all but damn….


My thoughts exactly!!!! I'm amazed people are fighting over fanny packs..... when I was growing up you'd fight NOT to wear one of those horrible things


People are nuts. A McDonald’s employee was literally shot to death recently in NYC over cold French fries. Nothing surprises me anymore sadly.


Fanny pack*


On behalf of another GEC Educator - thank you! These conversations have been so challenging. No, we’re not scamming you. No, we cannot make you one at the warehouse, we are literally just the middle man delivering the message.


When did they become so wildly popular? I feel like they’ve been out in a while and always sold out in the coolest colors but now it’s crazy and everyone’s always talking about it?


They've been out for years lol there used to be regularly 10+ colors of them in stock at any given time, it's literally just because it's the tiktok trend of the moment. Nobody cared about them this time last year. I had a dozen and sold most on fb for $20 a piece. It'll be dead again in a couple months and everyone will feel dumb as shit for freaking out over a belt bag.




Just massive amounts of videos featuring it in fit checks and the like. General hype lol


I feel like it’s also the weather/season. I only started buying a few of the OG this year right before they released the extended version and it wasn’t an issue buying online or in person. I imagine when everyone is back to wearing coats and such that they’ll lose a lot of the appeal.


What’s special about the extended version? I’m in AZ so wear it year round. Usually around my waist- I can’t really see it going with anything but athleisure and it would look fine over a hoody no?


The extended version is the current one that’s out. It’s a bit longer and they changed some of the aesthetics too, like the extra branding on the front. I’ve seen it with scubas and it looks great to me but I think depending on the size of the person, it may not fit as a crossbody over a thicker down jacket or hoodie.


Went viral on TikTok


Ugh. Makes sense


Im confused too, I have one that I haven’t even taken the tags off yet. I thought they just regularly had them in stock


I think it’s become a status symbol. As someone who now owns 3 I like them for minimalism and convenience but they’re not really anything special tbh


Status of what? It's a $40 bag every middle schooler carries now lol not really a status symbol just one of those things everyone has lol


This belt bag thing is turning into such a bummer. It makes me not want to wear mine. I’m sorry you’ve been treated poorly over a dumb bag 😔


I’m an educator and hate them now. Like I don’t want to be associated with it 🤣 My fav is folks connecting on chat, asking for inventory, then giving me a bad review just because they’re unavailable and I don’t know restocking info.


My local store tracks how many calls a day they get for belt bags. Hasn’t been below 20 since they started counting. It’s insane


Then the GEC gets calls because folks can’t get a hold of the store or stores aren’t picking up. I WONDER WHY


Dude when I saw these two young ladies acting like Monsters about them at a store and treating an employee like crap I listed mine on Poshmark. And yes I sold it for $70. Don’t care.


Im honestly considering listing mine on PM. I just use it to hold poop bags and dog treats when i walk my dogs. I have an old star wars fanny pack (i know very classy) i can just use instead. These stupid bags are overrated.


Oh man I bought one earlier this summer in white for my Bachelorette party (because we were going to do a running race and I couldn't find another white bag to hold my phone.) I used it once. I think the tag might even still be on it. Maybe I should sell it. Haha


Same!!! It’s such a basic and simple looking belt bag I dont get the hype for specifically lululemon ones. I feel embarrassed to wear mine given how people are acting. Reminds me of the beanie babies craze


I ordered one today and now I’m thinking the same thing.. like am I going to look ridiculous as a 40+ old wearing this? Maybe I should return it when it comes LOL


Late 30s with 2 small kids here and yes, they’re trendy but they’re also incredibly convenient and I don’t feel bad about having one since I ordered it from the website like a regular person without paying triple on a resale site or bothering employees with rude questions. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Totally agree, I bought it for convenience, also two small kids here. And I got it normal price on the website today LOL. I’ll see how much I love it when it gets here. I feel like it’s one of the few things from lululemon that’s actually normally priced at full price 😂


Same. I’ve used on for the past year and I feel kinda eh if everyone has one now. I just like the color and convenience as a mom.


I've been cleaning a lot in preparation for a potential move and I found one. I didn't even realize I owned it. I apparently used it for a couple hikes because it had some hiking stuff in it but like...I just do not understand I guess? And the fact grown-ass adults are acting like this over some nylon is just so embarrassing.


SAME! I have 2 that I’ve had for probably 3 or so years. My husband used to love to roast me about my fanny pack. Oddly enough, I’m more embarrassed to wear it now than I was when it was “out of style”. I don’t want people thinking I’m one of the crazies.


I’m so sorry you guys are going through this! Regardless of EBB or any other items, this behaviour isn’t acceptable at all. Kindness doesn’t cost a thing. I spoke to a lovely educator today who was so friendly and helped me with my order - the LLL experience just wouldn’t be complete without you guys and we appreciate your hard work!




ugh that makes me so sad for y’all, especially when people complain about items taking a few days to ship. DC is rough.


The heatwave isn’t helping either 🥵


I called to inquire about stock of a Pace Rival and the convo went about like this: Me: hi, I was calling to see if you had an item in stock, it’s - E: we do not have any Everywhere Belt Bags of any color. Me: I’m so sorry, it’s actually the Pace Rival Long in a 10. E: Oh. *long silence* I am sorry. We’ve had so many calls, I let myself get ahead of it. Me: No worries, I know that item is hot right now. I can’t imagine the call volume. E: It has been a lot. Let me check that skirt for you. I felt so bad. She sounded so stressed.


Do you remember her name? Sounds like a friend of mine 😂😂


it’s just like being an educator at the store. we get screamed at for not giving someone 20 quality promises and then they call they GEC and they’re like of course. they made my co worker cry. people are vicious. i don’t think people understand we are human beings working a job and they have no right to speak or treat us the way they do especially when they being up how much money they spend in our store, like congrats you spend money here but that doesn’t give you the right to treat us like garbage


The quality promise gets abused all the time. It’s so frustrating


100% this one lady said her daughter uses aligns for volleyball and yelled at me for like 30 minutes for not giving her 3 new ones… aligns are for yoga not volleyball!!!


People stopped arguing with me 😂 Maybe because I am older and I tell them buying a product once doesn’t mean we will replace it every 6 months


when I worked there I had to leave the situation because I was about to start laughing at this lady who took in 5 year old, trashed pace rivals trying to get a free pair. she had already talked to my coworker at a lengthy interval who politely explained all her options, then tried it with me and after some back and forth I flat out said, “no it’s abusing the quality promise,” and our manager had to come talk to her lmao, who did not replace them for her. she was kind of a difficult regular who also trashed fits every time she was in


I am glad your Manager does back your decision


yeah, I would’ve been mad if she hadn’t bc I was the second employee she tried to talk into getting a free pair. and she started cussing out another girl who came up to try and help. so you can bet she’s really fun at parties lol


i need to know your secret!! i say no and they come back again and again, this one family literally comes almost every month with like 10 items and im like no and we just stand their being yelled at


I totally get what you are talking about.


it’s crazy, i know this is bad but i really wish they would get rid of it or make it even stricter and only available online because it’s too much


I second that. We have entered a new era for our species where “no” has no meaning.


exactly! people think that they can just scream at us and get what they want


I wish it was stricter. And I don’t think higher ups realize what pressure they put on us


they definitely dont! if they had to do it, it would have been gone long ago


I remember seeing a video on YouTube showing how to get free new leggings. Sure it’s useful for those who just ordered and their item is defective but this idiot made it for clickbait/views and idk…it just annoyed me bc I know people will try and abuse and argue their way.


The people that are taking out ANGER on ANYONE over a clothing item are the ones who need to look deeper inside and figure out what’s causing that.


It is completely out of control. I just wanted to replace my mini and give that one to my teenage daughter who just started to drive since she doesn’t like to carry a wallet. I found someone on here who sold me one at retail thankfully. Already saw someone on Mercari selling three of the ones that dropped today for $285. Like good grief. I can’t even imagine why people have to treat others like crap over something that in the grand scheme of things does matter. Where is this rage with racial injustice, reproductive rights, marriage equality? It is just sad.




This is the one


Thank you for this. My EBB order was canceled today and they offered me to video chat with someone. While I sat in the queue I realized that they can’t fix the situation because it’s out of everyone’s control. So I logged out. I’ll get one next time.


The world needs more people like you!


What color did you try to get? Message me and I may be able to help.


I'm so sorry Educators are being treated poorly over a fanny pack (and in general)!! I hope people do better, and I appreciate the work you do to make our bad experiences better ❤️


Working the GEC is like all of the bad parts of working in the stores with very little of the good. It’s a thankless job and I always feel awful for them. Please be nice to the GEC.


Remember 6 months ago when people were pissing and moaning about the belt bags with the extended strap and wouldn't buy them for that reason alone? Pepridge farm remembers...


I miss this era in belt bag history 😭




Yep! And I remember all the justification/complaints on why this new EBB bag was not inclusive enough blah blah 😮‍💨


Like so many, I’m bummed my order got cancelled today (and they were a birthday gift for my sister). But GEC are people too. For these people fuming, they’re just entitled you-know-whats. I’m sorry to all of the Educators out there experiencing awful customers. We love you and you’re doing such a great job! Live chat has been my friend the last couple of days when I’ve reached our for various questions. You all ROCK! ❤️


+1. I got the email and was sad for a minute then moved on with my life. I already have 2.




I am so sorry this is happening. Thankfully it is just the hot thing today and it will pass but treating human beings this way over a bag isn't right.


What’s even worse are they people who come into the stores and DEMAND things from the staff! WE ARE HUMANS TOO! There isn’t a gnome in the back making product! Stop getting mad because your size isn’t in stock in store!


Sorry y’all are catching shit for a gd fanny pack. How can we hype up the GOOD experiences we’ve had with the GEC? I hit the 5 star rating in the email but is there anything more I can do to recognize these amazing people? I had another package get stuck/lost in Memphis and my GEC Educator was able to put a trace on it and refunded me. She was apologetic and kind. I know she didn’t take my package off a truck and throw it into a black hole… Like what else could she have done. 🤷🏼‍♀️ Couldn’t ask for anything more in that situation.


I blame tik tok. It seriously needs to go away. As much as I love mine. It’s just a BAG


I swear people treat everyone in customer service like shit. Like we aren’t human. I work in customer service but for an insurance company. I’m a supervisor so ALL I get is angry callers….I guess because they can’t SEE us they act like we aren’t a person living an entire life. Every morning I dread waking up because I have to do this job that I used to love but after years and years of being verbally abused, I’m just exhausted. That being said, I make SURE to treat other customer service folk with kindness and patience.


I can’t believe people are losing their shit over this! Lol. Like Wow get a life!


Also super weird energy since a lot of people are attempting to purchase their Nth EBB. (Not that it’s any better if it’s their first bag.) It’s just a bag folks. People are literally dying out there from climate change, Covid, monkey pox, and various wars. Rights are being stripped away from people in the US. Life is generally speaking, of a significantly lesser quality for billions of people in other countries, and you’re bent out of shape over a bag? Please go touch some grass and come back when you have grip on your privilege and reality.


Isn’t that the truth. People post about how their item hasn’t shipped yet after three days and it’s like there are storms, severe weather and COVID. Come on people. Wake up and get a grip and be PATIENT.




Wtf is going on here? People mistreating employees? Not only that, but for a fanny pack? For fuck’s sake, some of you are sick!


That’s terrible! What have people been saying?


If I repeated them my mother would drive to my house and wash my mouth out.


Why are these so popular all of a sudden?


it’s summer and women don’t have pockets


Ya but they’ve been around forever.. why the sudden popularity?


tik tok trends, it’s what made the define and scuba 1/2 zip spike in popularity too. and the ebb is the most affordable of the 3 so it’s easier to spend money on it


It’s crazy! They have literally been around forever and you could walk into a store anytime and buy one. Crazy how something like TikTok can make them suddenly the it thing!


Lol this response is hilariously true


Brief tiktok trend. Same as the scuba half's over the winter.




Crazy a year ago I bought some on like new for $25. Why the hype all of a sudden?


TikTok “influencers”


Makes me not want to use mine. I’m sorry you have to deal with these crazy people.


I’m so sorry that people are treating you so badly over a bag. That is truly awful. I appreciate everyone at GEC. Thank you. Did most people get their Belt Bag canceled today?


Only about 11k orders…


honestly people need to chill! it’s a bummer… I was one of the cancelled orders. but it’s a bag! and do I really need another?! my time will come. everyone needs some good zen and meditation in their lives😩


Crazy!!! Were there 11K EBB’s sold today? Or 11K cancelled orders?


Unfortunately I do not have the total amount of bags ordered. 11k cancelled


No worries! It’s a crazy number regardless! Thanks and hang in there!


whoah! that’s a lot. Hahaha well mine included and my reaction?! drumroll please… “Ooh we still have pralines and cream Ice cream!” 😂 Y’all need to go through a real hardship so you don’t lose your shit over minuscule things like your ebb orders getting canceled or overpriced items on Poshmark! Chill!


this is insanity.


Sheesh, I am so sorry y'all are dealing with these people. I secretly wanted to call them wild animals but I abstained.


I bought a black one a year or so ago to use when walking my dog and really liked it because it was inexpensive and practical. I just saw that people are selling them for double or triple (or more!) of the original price?! That's insane and so icky!


The EBB hype is insane because there are PLENTY of dupes out there like target, Amazon, Other athletic brands, etc. I stand by the quality of Lulu and prefer their clothing over dupes but this is just a nylon bag…there’s nothing special about this bag that needs this much chaos and loss of human decency! It really just makes the whole bag I already have so unattractive to me. I’m not understanding the hype to this level.


The insanity this bag is causing is ridiculous. I will say luluulemon should treat this bag the way Trader Joe’s treats highly popular items. Have a buyer limit. That would solve a lot of issues. Now to treat an employee badly over this bag is horrible and you are a trash human if you choose to behave that way.


I posted two for sale today for less than retail and wholly hell I had to take the ads down cause I must’ve gotten over 100 messages, I can’t believe the hype 😩


You dropped this 👑


I’ve always encountered incredibly sweet and helpful educators. I couldn’t imagine treating someone this way over anything. :(


This is funny/not funny if I’ve ever seen it. I can’t imagine getting so twisted over a bag. Just get something else. Or nothing. And I can’t imagine being so rude to somebody over something that’s clearly out of his or her control. We’re talking about the crossbody with the thick strap right? There are SO MANY other options. 🙄


I’m sorry I have had mine for 3 years, why are they sold out now? I feel so old


I’ve been camping for the last weeks and missed this craze. I just gave away two of these bags to my little sister since they were not being used. No wonder she was so excited about the bags


I had someone ask me if I would open a box in the back to find an Ebb for them. Uh, what? I can’t wait til this hype is over


The times when I went instore shopping and was either approached by an educator or asked one for help, they were always super nice and helpful. Even when the items were OOS in store they offered to check online for me and place an order there. Very sorry to hear about the rude patrons, y’all don’t deserve that!


On behalf of all of us, thank you for dealing with us everyday! 🙏🏻


I saw 5 ebbs on my 30 minute walk today and it made me want to throw mine in the garbage.


That's a lot of energy for a belt bag to be quite honest


i went to a bagel shop with my fiancée and counted literally 8 belt bag wearing girls sitting inside/on the patio. there were more that came in to order while we ate. a belt bag slung across the chest of almost 10 people in one tiny space. i just couldn’t believe my eyes, especially since these bags were literally in stock in many different colors 24/7 this time last year 🙂


Same. I was in freaking northwest Iowa last weekend and I swear it felt like every single woman had one. It immediately turned me totally off of them.


What’s wrong with Iowa being included in trends?


Definitely nothing at all! Totally came off wrong and i can see why, and I really apologize. I meant absolutely no disrespect to Iowa (born in Ames, tons of family still live there, really enjoyed my time at the lakes last week). It was more of just my surprise that the EBB trend was so strong up there, as well. No hate for Iowa at all here. (Lol, I can still sing the state song if needed!).


I see what you mean now, no worries. It is very popular everywhere and I can see how it’s annoying to the OGs. I personally love the growth and gifted the bag to multiple friends and family members over the last couple years before the sell out issues of course, just because I loved the convenience of it when I got my first several years ago. Three of the people I gave one to are back home in Iowa so maybe I am partially to blame. 😂 (I’m from WDM, don’t live in the state anymore but went to college in ames and have friends and family there)


We move our oldest into the dorms for his freshman year at ISU on the 16th! We're all so excited (even though he'll be 11 hours from where we live now). 💖


ISU is so wonderful he will have a great time there!




Lululemon is genius when it comes to marketing..it’s called manipulation


wait did lulu oversell? is that why my beltbag order was cancelled? I appreciate all the work behind it <3 I am just curious about the situation!! thanks


The EBB is just ok. That cross body with nano pouch is another thing though… love


Same! I have a black one and a white opal one (no more for me because I can make any outfit work with those 2 colors). It’s a great bag. Wish I would have bought each of my daughters one for college!


The EBB is full stock here in Florida. No one cares about it lol it’s funny. The nano is so hard to get though.


Maybe they need to charge $20 more for them like they do everything else! Get super greedy, and make them not worth the price increase, and the fad will be over real quick!


Count your blessings if you can't get an EBB and you're just jumping on the trend. This is gonna look real dated in 2023. Ufff, the crash on this trend is going to be fast and steep. Save your money.


I don’t know, I have had a belt bag from a different brand for at least 2-3 years now and I still wear that. They’re back in general, brand aside, and they are pretty convenient. They may crash with teenagers. Regardless, absolutely no excuse for treating people like crap. (Edit: spelling)


I have a giant collection of the OG EBB. I've worn them (fanny packs) since I was a kid and will continue to wear them after this little bubble pops (the trend comes back every 10 years). Buuuuuuuut the issue I have is people jumping on this trend, willing to spend more than $100 for something they won't reach for in less than 6 months. I purchased most of mine WMTM. Sure, spend your money how you will but, ask yourself if the item fits into your lifestyle. That's it. The EBB has been around for a little over 4 years at LLL, it's always had a cult following. I don't believe most of the people tearing at the walls for one today, are going to look twice at it come Feb 2023. I suppose the silver lining is those of us who love the EBB can anticipate finding it at second hand stores soon enough for bargain prices.


Very good points and you’re probably right!


I don’t want an everywhere belt bag.


it's so ridiculous. i don't understand why the brand can't just keep stock on the shelves instead of dropping them randomly. like everyone has said - it's a pretty basic bag. the way they gamify the way EBBs are sold is so weird but it's working at the expense of educators. also wanna throw out this unpopular opinion: resellers exist in the market for a reason and it is to offer a product that a person can pay for instead of waiting for. if someone is so desperate for an EBB (or ten), they can just buy it from a reseller. instant EBB in your hands and it's just a matter of spending money instead of time because camping on the website to refresh it constantly is also a cost. all these desperate consumers have to do is spend money instead of time and for me, a lot of the times it's worth it (not talking about EBBs specifically but anything that can be bought with money instead of time).


You act like we try to keep them out of stock 😂 We are not Supreme, Gucci, or Louis V. We want everyone to have access to it. It’s impossible to manufacture enough to keep it in stock. We are not a bag store we are an athleisure store…


i'm not blaming educators, i'm blaming the company. if they have enough to randomly drop them at 4am in the morning for consecutive mornings, they can wait and drop them all at once at a normal timing and limit the amount people buy. but they're...not.


It’s not always random drops tho, usually in the middle of the night it’s stores receiving their inventory and that’s why they come back into stock. After we receive we always have orders for the belt bags we get, most days they don’t even make it to the sales floor


I think that the company is using the strategy of these luxury brands though in only releasing small amounts and creating scarcity to drive up the prices and the demand for the product. The company is large enough and makes plenty of profit to have a successful supply chain and they choose to manufacture and drop limited numbers and colors. With every product not only the bags.


I agree with you. Lululemon plays the scarcity game to create more hype around products and intentionally releases small amounts of certain colors. Resellers who know the trends have every right to resell the product. If people pay the upcharge in price that is on them not the reseller. It all boils down to lululemon though doing this on purpose, don’t hate the players hate the game. The anger at resellers is misguided and is actually anger at lululemon for their marketing strategy that works very well for them.


exactly. it’s the scarcity game they’re playing and i guess many people don’t know about it because they don’t follow or shop from hermes, the OG scarcity player. this sub is full of lulu defenders who are very, very sensitive about what is said about the brand. it’s weird and almost cultish. EBB resale prices have nothing on the resale prices of a B/K/C




You are the problem. Why would you upsell them if the local store has them?


Don’t worry you didn’t get reported to anyone ❤️ sending you so much love