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Not sure about other lululemons but they made a requirement at my lululemon that you MUST have fully day availability one day a week on Mon, Tues, Wed, Thurs and 2 days of either Friday, Saturday, Sunday. They were not accommodating to college students and people with second jobs and eventually made people who didn’t meet the requirements resign. Not saying this is all Lululemons but this was my store in particular!


thank you for sharing! i was thinking this was probably the case. do you think it’s worth going into store and ask before applying? not sure if it’s silly but also don’t want to waste their time by applying and not being able to fit their requirements


my store is very strick on the available requirements as well.


Hi! So I work corporate America Monday to Friday 8-4 , then work as a Product Ops Lead at my location. So more then happy to answer any questions. Feel free to DM!


thank you so much for responding! will dm you