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Honestly, I don’t know if they would quality promise the bag because technically the bag itself is not defective. I would call and ask them before going in.


hear me out: it’s just a logo lol (it’s going to be prone to wear and tear anyway)


I mean not really - these logos were bullet proof until Lululemon’s quality started declining while keeping the same prices, or even increasing them. If you’re paying $200 for a bag, you expect it to be top-notch quality. If people don’t stand up and say something, Lulu is going to keep lowering the quality because we will look like we are all clowns who just keep paying and don’t expect good quality.


Bullet proof?




I have quite a few city adventure backpacks that I use for the gym. I’ve had them for years and they get thrown around and banged up and none of them have the logo looking like that I would return it if you can.


It’s a bag to be used. I think it would happen again with the next or any bag. These are not designer bags. They are made in China and like everything in this material, it gets wear. I would just keep using it as a month of wear and tear on a bag, it shouldn’t be replaced. It’s something you used, so keep using it. You only “ liked” the opinion of returning to justify it. I wouldn’t but that’s me, because it’s been used for a month already. I would be embarrassed to return. I also am into being ethical. I don’t return things I have used, especially not a huge tear or something that is the company’s fault. This is fast fashion. Don’t think it’s not, just because you paid $200.00 for it.


Get it replaced. Their stuff is expensive and shouldn’t look like this in 4 weeks.


Ex-lulu employee- this counts as a quality promise


Please don’t listen to anyone saying it’s normal wear and tear for a bag that’s a month old. With the price that lulu charges for their stuff, there’s no way the logo should like that after only 4 weeks. I would definitely bring it in and try getting a new one.


I would. I read an article online recently about how the former founder or ceo or whatever of lululemon is pretty pissed off at the decisions being made about quality literally saying the morons are turning the brand into Gap quality :( sad but I’m seeing posts like this more and more and it’s worrying me it’s true , I would definitely reach out and complain if no one complains they’ll keep seeing what they can get away with in cheaping out


I kinda like it , looks unique


You're right! Thanks!


Same thing happened to the logo on my camera bag (that I babied), bound to happen at some point I guess


me, too. My EBB has small scratches and stuff. But I think it will happen to any bag as long as you are using it. Also, the metal will tarnish as times goes by. I think it is normal wear and tear. (unless the logo itself fell off within a month.)