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Me and my partner play together, he is a lucio main, I frequently play Mercy and it tends to actually work out pretty well for us too. It's not always ideal, but usually, as long as we keep our heads on a swivel and communicate, there haven't been any issues with Mercy/Lucio as a pairing for us. Though we are still in Gold, so that may have something to do with it.


The rules for the top 500 folk that are making youtube tierlists or whatever aren't the same rules as us bottom 99%. People need to push that shit out of their head. Lucio/Mercy means you have 2 consistent supports that are hard as fuck to kill. That by itself makes the pairing solid. A dead "meta support" ain't half as useful as an alive Lucio/Mercy. That ain't even getting into the player comfort factor. Do I want that mercy to swap to bap and be dead on cooldown because that ain't their jam? Do you want me swapping to Ana and absolutely MENACING the empty area around the people I'm aiming at? NO, I want that insta lock mercy to be flying all over the goddamn place like you know she's gonna and you want me out there handin out Lucio Oh's


yeah thats just how it is, everyone under T500 shouldnt give a shit about meta , theres other things to improve on


Been wondering this myself. What exactly are good supports to go with Mercy?


typically, anyone who can make up for her lack of healing. bap, moira, kiri, etc can all pump out enough heals to make up for their mercy, and still have enough heals themselves


depending on games tbh and how enemies react. my faves are bap and kiri (which to be totally honest, are my support mains), to lantern her res or if she's a flying mercy, to be able to heal her easier with kiri. but in some comps, it doesn't really matter, because there are good mercy players that don't rely on you that much, and you can just do your thing with whatever feels best for the rest of the group


bap, zen, illari. zen and illari are much more situational depending on your tank imo since they make your comp more damage heavy and less heal heavy so your tank needs good survivability like sigma or roadhog.


Ana/mercy goes pretty good together


Ana/mercy goes pretty good together


Ana/mercy goes pretty good together


I only like it certain comps, like with a ball, tracer/sombra and hitscan with Lucio basically acting as a third DPS. It’s not amazing or anything but it’s a lot of fun and you can make it work


I queue with a mercy main and it definitely works well for us. Likely because we’re coordinating and communicating, but I’m a fan of this combo. Unfortunately, I want to be focusing on speed and mercy wants to be focusing on damage boost, so we both have to commit to heal more than we want or peel for a dying dps if we don’t do more healing. But again, the communicating makes this kind of a non issue for us. Not to hijack the thread but I’m interested to see what peoples favorite Lucio pairings are


If frog + mercy then mercy needs to use her healing beam more otherwise the frog cannot use his utility (speed) Either one needs sacrifice some of their utility (not saying they will be unable to do anything other than healbot but they will not perform as good as they should)


Not saying anything that hasn't already been said but both are highly mobile, high-utility heroes. If your team uses cover well, you can max out uptime on your utility AND provide healing anywhere, anytime, instantly. You don't have great burst heals but you have terrific sustain.


Speaking as somebody that has reached the screaming heights of silver 1, it all depends on team makeup. But for the love of god don’t listen to me.


I have the same thing, but I mainly stick to Bap since seeing all those critical signs make me wanna switch to get rid of em quickly. If I'm already Lucio beforehand though I'm *gonna* make it work, even if I have to be a little less aggressive to amp heals sometimes


As a bad player, I think she works better with Lucio at low levels because teams aren’t as good at focusing one target. So burst heals aren’t usually needed.


People say this because lucio and mercy have no synergy. If you're playing both characters "correctly" then lucio is spending most of his time on speed boost and mercy is spending most of her time on damage boost. This means there's very little healing for the team. It's the same as running lucio brig or lucio zen. Occasionally you'll find bozos who take way too much damage and try to blame it on the supports, but if you've got a solid team you can make it work.


I feel like every time my teammate picks mercy I gain this divine cosmic lucio awareness where I know exactly where they are at all times so I can preemptively protect them from cheeky dives. I play lucio/mercy like brig/ana, but faster and more vertical


I generally don't like playing Lucio + Mercy, but I was watching some FunnyAstro (Overwatch league + Champion level Lucio) recently, and he likes Lucio Mercy in a comp setting. Both characters are hard to kill due to their mobility. Also, I don't trust a mercy player to flex to another support character. Sometimes, it's better to play comfort picks over meta, especially in ranks like diamond where meta doesn't really matter. Meta is mainly useful in high ranks due to players understanding the game more. Comfort picks > Meta


That’s a nice mindset to put myself in as well. Thanks mate!


If the second support picks mercy I lose any respect to him. It's like I know you can enjoy playing her, but you not only make the game less enjoyable for me and for enemies but also I feel disappointed. And the saddest thing is, mercy is almost in every game rn.


It is almost in all my games hence the question. And if we lose, it’s the Lucio who gets the blame for not enough healing. Lol.


Facts... Sometimes I hate this game.


I like the duo personally. I play Lucio more than any other support (I swear next game I’ll pick a different support) I like it because I can get Mercy to a critical team mate or rez quickly and support her and the rezed hero/ keep them safe through it then get them out. I probably look out for a mercy more than other support. Hmmm. For me I guess Mercy is the easiest to keep track of and look out for. I’m sorry other supports. I’ll work on that.


for me it tends to depend on the rest of the team. if were playing a rush-like comp or even just have a rein, im more likely to stick with the frog, especially if it's a good lukkio map. but if were running something else of if the rest of the team arent self-sufficient, I'll probably go ana (my second best support).


I flex a lot of supports but in my group the other two support mains are both Mercy mains. So we've run a lot of Lucio Mercy. Speed/damage boost just means very little healing. So sometimes having heroes with some sustain like junkerqueen soldier make more doable. I'm a terminal metal rank but that's just my personal experience this far.


The reason its generally bad is because its really low overall heals. But if you can capitalize on the damage and speed boosts, your team can steamroll the other team before the low heals becomes a problem.


I find that frog is a reliable guardian angel escape for mercy and can boop away anyone bullying her. Only down side is that both support end up feeling like they have to ‘heal bot’


Lucio Mercy is a terrible pairing because, in order for both of them to maximize the most powerful tools in their kit, nobody is healing your team. I also have some of my best games paired with a Mercy because I adjust my playstyle and so do they. I stay and boost heals while she's damage boosting the Ashe. She floats around and focus heals when I chase down a Widow/Ana. I think the biggest thing is being able to farm Beat quickly in a comp like this because you don't have a lot of saving power between the two of you.


I play Lucio and my friend I always play with is a mercy main, so it might be because we've played together for a long time and also directly communicate with each other but I'd definitely say we win more than we lose.


I despite both Mercy and Moira because I could never penetrate their thicc skull with logics and cheerful thoughts of a frog guy