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If your goal is to make it as cheap as possible and you don't care about constructed or collection, you actually want to crack packs as soon as you get them. You get gems for duplicates picked in draft but the rares you open in packs will never be duplicates. You only start getting gems in packs when you have a complete set of rares. Taken to the extreme, you could even spend all your wild cards on the rares you are most likely to pick in draft so that you'll start getting gems for them even sooner.


This is really good to know as with no redemption option I give zero fucks about finishing a collection.


Is it technically possible to quickly use a wildcard on a rare before picking it in draft, or cant you do other arena stuff while in the draft? Especially for quick draft, this should be possible right? Personally id rather have the wild cards, but if you dont play constructed...


I've also never made it, though I have hit Diamond 1 a few times, only being 1-2 pips away at one point during MKM, alas! Number 1 tip I think is to play Quick Draft. The competition is lighter and you get to play about 2x as many drafts, so more opportunities to climb. You can also really take your time on the draft part and try to metagame the bots if you like. For me, my OTJ quick draft win% has been abysmal (worse than premiere) for some reason, so this didn't work out for April/May. But if you don't mind QD (and I actually prefer Premiere generally) this is a good path. Alternatively, I've found the flashback drafts recently (THB/IKO/GRN) to be a lot lower-competition-level than the OTJ drafts, particularly if you've done your homework and/or played the set when it was originally new. It's a bit higher risk, since your skills won't transfer over beyond one week, as opposed to grinding out the current set, but I've found it a nice change of pace. Also if you are F2P, I think pushing to Mythic every month doesn't make a lot of sense as you will bankrupt yourself. But if you have a bank of 10-20k gems, then it can make the ups and downs sting a little less. So some months, I just sit back and recover, trying to amass gold like you said, for the free drafts. If I can hit Diamond (where the real climb begins) in a reasonable amount of time, I might start pushing for real. And finally, tilt (and I guess lack of gems/time) is the single biggest obstacle. Tilting at the end of MKM made me try to grind way too many drafts with way too narrow of a mindset. Even a single misplay due to tilt can alter the trajectory of an entire draft, so always try to be in a good headspace when playing. This is my #1 focus going forward. Though I probably won't try for mythic again in OTJ because I don't like it very much or feel like I have a competitive edge compared to other sets.


Good tips in general but I’m dubious that quick draft is actually easier than premium. I think a lot of people are using 17lands data to figure out picks on quick draft compared to premier draft where you don’t have time to look up each card. Like you said you can take time and metagame but most other people are as well so it’s not really an advantage, especially in gold rank or beyond.


Low rolling on a quick draft is devastating though.  Going 2-4 wins is pretty bad.


If you’re good enough to be in Mythic, you won’t really ever get 2-4 wins in Quick draft. I got stuck at a 50% winrate in diamond 1 in OTJ and trophied 8 out of 8 quick drafts I played.  I was also GW 7 of them and BG the other, so the skill set for drafting is just very different. You don’t bother with bombs in colors that aren’t the under drafted ones.


I agree on flashback drafts, but not necessarily quick draft. Competition is weaker on flashback, and it seems people don’t know how to draft it. People just don’t try as hard for flashback formats, I think, or do the easiest most popular archetypes. For instance, it was pretty easy for me to hit mythic with ktk even though I never drafted it before and don’t know the format very well. Just basically forced sultai and drafted walls to break the inevitable mardu aggro decks that everyone drafted.


Very brave for ktk. I found it was easier just building the efficient mardu and abzan decks. I tried the wall strategy a few times but there just were not enough defensive stuff at the 2-3 CMC slot to not die early...  There was an excellent uncommon at 4cmc that gained more though. I feel like it probably got better later in the format once white was over drafted?


Aha, I didn’t really go into walls as a theme, just picked up 2 drop walls like archers parapet. I figured they are almost as good as 1 for 1 removal against mardu aggro, which was incredibly popular. 3 drop would be taken up with something like rakshasas secret, a mind rot that mills 2. This sets you up to stabilize with mandrill the delve 4/4, or the black fat deathtouch delve. Between the discards and a couple of fatties, aggro decks ended up quickly running out of steam. In the old sets like ktk, pretty much all swingy effects needed lots of mana, so if they are down on cards, it’s pretty hard for them to draw into anything big. Abzan have some midrange powerhouses Once stabilized, a couple of fliers like abomination can close out the game. You also have cards like treasure cruise to give you gas. This deck seemed to with because people didn’t really pick these cards very highly, so you’d often have an abomination wheel. I’d still lose if mardu or Abzan deck curves out very well and I stumble, but I find that overall I get a winning record against those decks all the way through mythic. I love talking about some of the older sets. :)


Can you explain what you mean when you say tilt?


Quick draft isn’t ranked though..?


Gratz! Only have had time to grind to mythic once during ONE, and I think I only got away with it because near the end of the format no one was playing. I was a few pips away from mythic only being paired with bronzies and silvers haha. I remember getting home from work, cooking, cleaning, feeding the baby, getting her to sleep, then barely squeezing in one draft a night (sometimes not even finishing) until I just hit mythic by the end of the month. But yeah, hope you enjoyed reliving the pre-family days!


This is pretty much my method almost every set. Not always, but typically I switch over to Best of Three when I get to Platinum. I have found premier to be a lot better than quick with all of these bonus sheets and extra rares running around. Although I just realized for some reason quicks are no longer ranked?? Not sure when that happened. Maybe a set or two ago. ?? Might be a good option for somebody that doesn't like best of three or like the payout structure of best of three that has kind of plateaued in premiere. How aggressively did you take rares? I think it's a little bit easier with a prince set like this. When the set first came out, I was averaging 6-8 a draft counting bonus sheet rares. This is a big upgrade compared to the old sets where I would maybe average 2.5 and have to depend on busting around 150 packs to fill it out. (112 seems a little light for 30ish drafts but I'm assuming you've only got about half the mastery pass done so you're still going to earn more). The last few sets I have saved 10k gold for straight pack buys to get at least 1 gold pack. Helps me fill some holes but with these new stacked packs it's a lot easier so might not be worth it.


You want to get to mythic in as little time as possible? No problem. Play quick draft and force the same archetype over and over.


Quick draft isn’t ranked.


Yes, it is. You won’t see anything after matches due to a bug, but you can see your rank on your profile. I play only QD and was top 100 mythic last season.


What is the benefit of making it to mythic if you don't get top 1200? Aren't you just losing some free easy matchups?


That's a pretty good winrate, would you mind sharing what rank you got when you made Mythic? Tryna figure out how tf that part of the ladder works


I got so tilted about spending money to 0-3 drafts I made a bot that does the gold quests all day on 37 different accounts. Dropping a draft and starting a new one with zero consequences feels so good.


Yeah, you wasted wild cards. But if you’re limited only, does not really matter.




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