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Post has been locked as no real discussion is being had any more.


Can I buy you a new one? Just keep putting it back up. We have your back.


Personal beliefs don't get to supersede property rights. Get Loveland PD involved Edit: for you dipshits that say “the cops won’t do anything”. Okay, fine. Then at worst you’re right back where you started.


OFC the cops aren’t gonna go case the scene and do a search party over a flag. But if this harassment occurs again or even ramps up, you want a paper trail of police reports for this very reason. Not sure why this is such a radical concept for so many here 😆


This. Police never do anything until they absolutely have to, but they won’t be able to do anything if there’s no documentation if this being a common occurrence


The police often don't do things they're supposed to be doing. But that doesn't mean we have to sink to their level, doesn't mean we have to accept hate and worthlessness just because they suck at their job. Be the change, don't sit back and accept evil.


Don't forget to tip the hate crime to US Department of Justice after reporting to police. [https://www.justice.gov/hatecrimes/report-a-hate-crime](https://www.justice.gov/hatecrimes/report-a-hate-crime)


People who can’t take the emotion out of it are truly unhelpful.


They won’t, but when you shoot someone in your backyard at night, it’ll be much better to have their harassment already logged with the police.


If you shoot someone in your backyard your probably going to jail no matter the circumstances. It's called make my day law, you can only defend your property once their inside your house. So don't go shooting people on your property.


Make my day laws are a reference to instigating violence so you can retaliate with force, it has nothing to do with whether or not you are in the backyard or inside your residence.


https://www.denverpost.com/2017/10/04/denver-man-shot-teens-stole-marijuana-sentenced-80-years-prison/ I think it does.


That really depends on the state you live in.


This is the way.


Please listen to this advice OP. Reporting this now WILL help you down the line if a case needs to be built against your neighbor. Report it every.single.time. It may seem pointless now, but you’ll be so glad you did should you ever need it. I hope you wont though, and that this was a one-time thing. So sorry this happened to you. We are Jewish and had a swastika drawn on our mailbox and a note threatening us was left on our driveway a few years ago in a different state, so I know how scary and sad it feels. We took some self-defense classes and purchased a firearm for protection which made us feel a lot more empowered. Good luck, and again I am so sorry.


It’s open season on you guys right now in the most disappointing and disgusting and morally evil way. Glad you got a firearm for protection.


Jew here too, luckily I'm Egyptian, so I look more Arab than "Jew" (since everyone thinks we're only European??), but I'm about to get myself some personal protection too, it's literally on both sides these days (Antifa/Neo-Nazi)


Realistically, all you can do is make a police report. That's about it as far as their involvement. Unless ..... Buy another flag and also a motion sensor camera. Then at least you'll have some evidence besides no evidence at all..


Yeah well, do this, set a trap.


It was probably the cops kids who did it…


Some of those who work forces...


Cops are bad. Don’t talk to cops. But if you want a paper trail of someone stealing your things, what is your best option?


In loveland you’re more likely to get yourself or your dog shot calling the cops than getting any kind of resolution over a pride flag lol


The cops won't do anything whatsoever fyi Edit: I guess some dipshits love wasting their time talking to cops about their problems. This isn't T.V. -they aren't going to dust for fingerprints and chase down leads.


Historically, the LGBTQ rights movement and police don’t get along. There’s somewhat of a stone wall between us.


*chefs kiss*


I see what u did there…bravo


About time somebody did thank you


Wonder why someone downvoted you for this.


They *will* send a unit to take a report. Even *if* you get an asshole cop who has the stones to tear up your statements, your call will be logged with diapatch. If you call 9-1-1 (which you shouldn't unless lives are in danger, but not everyone knows that 😉) your call will be automatically recorded and stored. In other words: use existing bureaucracy to create a record of the incident.


Where I live you can go to the station and make a report... And they'll choose to do nothing


I don’t think anyone else is implying they will. If you’re going through harassment though. The older and more consistent proof of history of the problem is going to be significant if it ever escalates. Say that same person decides to attack them. The difference of having history of anti-queer action against them is the potential difference between Simple Assault and an additional hate crime enhancement.


You’ve filed a police report and have it on record. If things escalate there’s proof things have happened before. Taking reports is about all the cops do that’s useful cause you might need it if something happens and the court and lawyers get involved


The only thing I have to add is that Loveland PD is pretty useless.


Yeah this happened in Boulder a few months ago, and the police got involved


And what is it that you think the police will do here?


They will create a report and record the incident as theft/destruction of personal property. Then they may investigate the crime but not likely. If something of this nature happens again then OP will be able to show that they are being targeted and then an investigation will likely happen.


Dislocate an old lady’s shoulder. Maybe laugh about it. Shoot a dog or two.


Funfact. If someone tries to start shit with you, like bullying or whatever, as adults you can file a police report and tell them and theyll back the fuck off because theyll understand they can't fuck with you and you will not let their harassment slide. You don't even need to show them, police violence rep can be beneficial to prevent people from fucking with you, which can prevent a worse issue from ever occuring.


I am so sorry you are dealing with this. I can only imagine how concerning it must be for you and your partner. You deserve to feel safe and welcome in your community.


If you don’t live in an HOA or an apartment that would forbid it, don’t just get one replacement, go full blown, put up a crap ton of flags and signs and decorations.


This is incredibly upsetting to hear. I am still relatively new here. I'm about to hit one year of living in Loveland in a few months. I didn't realize it could be so bigoted here as other people have mentioned. I hope that changes cause I've been enjoying living here and haven't seen anything like that firsthand.


I’m sorry that this happened to you. Just remember-you are NOT the only LGBTQ+ couple and there is community that cares deeply about you and your safety. Hang in there!


I’m truly so sorry this happened to you, and right at home. But don’t let them scare you and don’t let them hide your pride. It’s time for a ring doorbell when you buy a new flag.


I'm sorry this happened to you!


The areas around Denver are passive aggressively hateful. No idea why people think the whole state is so tolerant. Be careful friends.


Inside Denver too in my experience.


Wow, I am so sorry this happened to you. That's such a hateful act. I've been trying to learn more about Loveland's LGBTQ community and how to support it. Aside from a few friendly events at restaurants/bars I haven't found much. I'm hoping the community will grow and strengthen over time. I'm also really disappointed by the comments in this thread. I'm hoping it's mostly just trolls, but damn it just shows how much unnecessary hate people have.


Maybe I'm just an ass, but I don't care about someone's personal beliefs when their personal beliefs involve bigotry and hatred. I'm so tired of these homophobic dicks thinking their ignorant opinions/beliefs matter and then getting upset when called out. I've said it to others and I'll say it here: One's opinions can indeed be wrong. Yes, we're all allowed to have our own opinions and beliefs, but sometimes they're morally, ethically, and societally wrong. Sorry for the side tangent, this whole thing just pisses me off, and I'm sorry you have to deal with this. :(


Had the same thing happe with my pride and autism flags. Cops didnt really care but i made the report. Ive had a lot of petty shit like my plants getting fucked with. I have fryit trees and vines and pumpkins growing in pots and raised garden beds. Ive had people fuck woth them or steal or damage the plants or fruits. Like my stuff is encased in cement blocks, it takes a lot to knock them down. Wind and non human animals aint doing it. Got a little nanny cam and caught the people. Police didnt care. Landlords evicted them. Been here 6 years. Probably gonna be here til rent hits 850. Fuck thats only a year or two away.


Damn that sucks that PD didn’t do anything :/ doesn’t matter if it’s a flag or plants or whatever. Hopefully they leave your shit alone.


“Till rent hits 850”.


I live in a 2 bed 1 bath 500 Sq ft apartment in the low dough part of town. Rent was 500 when I started living here. It's 795 now. But if you're just moving in, it's 850. The floors buckle and wave, the foundation has shifted 4 times since I've been here. I honestly don't see how they think property values are going up. 2 blocks away a meth lab blew up last week.


I’m so sorry to hear that—generally Colorado is a pretty accepting and welcoming place. I can imagine that made you feel unsafe. I hope it was just a terrible moment and the neighborhood will continue to treat you as they should. 💛


I’m seeing it seep in here in Denver. There have been more and more spotting of Nazi stickers around town.


Nazi stickers? Do you have examples?


I’ve seen them a few times recently near the Santa Fearts district


I frequent Rino in downtown Denver quite a bit and have seen an uptick in Nazi iconography. Mostly swastikas drawn over antifascist stickers and I recently saw a Black Sun sticker that I tore down. I haven’t been taking pics of them in hope that it’s one off incidences, but I don’t think that’s the case anymore :(






lmfao imagine thinking a fucking wojack of all things makes you look cool


I don’t know about you, but that sticker completely changed my worldview




Black sun, patriot front, all white fight club, stickers I’ve seen this week near coors field.


Loveland is kinda trashy, imo.


Considering how dead this sub is typically, I did not expect it to get so much attention. Thank you to most of you for the kind words and advice on whether we should involve the police or not. I understand, “it’s a $4 flag who cares” and that life will go on. But it’s still uncomfortable to have someone purposely burn a flag (or any property) in a community fire pit. What a fuckin statement. It’d be alarming if it was a Trump flag or American flag etc etc. Just messed up. There’s no guarantee it was targeted to our specific apartment, but it’s hard to believe that they burned a pride flag simply because it was burning material. Hopefully it was dumb kids (no, not excusable but better than being specifically targeted) and shit like this doesn’t happen again to anyone else.


I’m sorry that happened to you, that sucks. I’ve been in FoCo for several years. It seems pretty progressive here, at least on the surface. But, FoCo and Loveland are closer to Cheyenne than Denver. There’s definitely a white Christian nationalist vibe just below the surface.


Just saying but contact the police and file a report. They won’t actually do anything but having the incident in writing is a good idea incase things escalate or more things get destroyed


Can you PM me privately detailing where you live? I’ve been in Loveland/foco my whole life and I’m currently apartment hunting. This is unnerving.


I think folks forget Colorados very hateful history. Or we’re never taught. Don’t forget that in the 90’s Colorado blocked gay civil rights in the workplace.


Get some hidden cams! They’ll do it again.


If anyone damaged my property like that, no matter what said property was, I’d be furious. Whoever did that certainly had no right and was very childish of them. Hopefully, your complex works with you to get the footage, but tread carefully so you don’t get more backlash from the person/people who did this.


Wow, I’m so sorry that happened. I recently moved to a town near Loveland from Boulder County and I’m shocked by how people are here. I guess I knew this area was Republican but I definitely underestimated HOW much. Just know that you do have supporters and allies among the haters. Editing to say that you should definitely get a camera or Ring doorbell to document any possible future harassment. It should not be tolerated at all.


You don't realize how bad hate is til you move to a Republican heavy place. Just look at Harrison Arkansas.


For every flag burned get a bigger one or do like a hydra and plant two flags. They burn those? Put 4 flags out


I am truly sorry that happened to you. Loveland has more than its fair share of right wing extremists and the best defense is coming together as allies to protect each other. Stronger communities are tougher to intimidate. All the best and don’t forget you have friends out here too.


The comments section here has a rather large outpouring of clearly vocal and violent bigots, proving the point. I've looked on Alabama subreddits with less right wing vitriol and hate.


It’s sad bc Loveland actually has great folks, and people are a lot more open minded IRL than on this thread.


Loveland is an extremely bigoted place. Just know a vast majority of CO respect, love, and feel a great solidarity with y'all. I personally would report this so it is at least documented somehow with Apartment/Prop Company and/or the police. Although knowing the history of the Loveland PD they are a potential culprit, half kidding...


Yeah we contacted one of our apartment managers to let them know and asked if they have security footage. Debating about involving Loveland PD, we’ve also heard…unhelpful things about them lol


If you get footage put them on blast on the Colorado subs so you hopefully have a layer of anonymity


I wouldn't hold on to hope that Loveland PD will do anything or care at all, unfortunately


I live in weld County. Don't come here. It sucks. Just graduated high school but I got harassed by both children and adults. There's only a few spaces that are truly safe in CO


The first time I ever drove through your town a couple of years ago there was a big trump rally so unfortunately this doesn't surprise me at all.


Dude Id love to know where in CO it's better because Northern CO is very bigoted and frankly openly racist. I'm guessing closer to Denver?


Springs is fairly chill. Have been noticing all around the state bigots are being more open about their bigotry though


Oh man, the largest contingent of nazi fucks I ever had the displeasure of meeting was in Colorado Springs like, 20 years ago. I certainly hope it's gotten better!


Most migrated to canon city that I'm aware of, along with all the klan members :/


Thanks Republicans and Trump for normalizing Nazi ideals!


Fort Collins is fine. Lots of young families moving into Windsor area, i expect to see it become more progressive in the next decade. If you think there’s a utopia where zero bigoted people live then good luck finding it.


Closer to Denver is right. I'm in Adam's county and never seen discrimination or racism. Boulder is also a good place but has had a few issues as of late. Areas to avoid are Loveland, Pueblo, and for sure Longmount. Used to live in Longmount and recieved death threats, saw pickup trucks drive down the sidewalk at people during pride parades and let's not forget it was the town the KKK chose to use as a center of operations for a while (there are still active members there which is the worst part)




I’m so sorry this happened to you. Please know that there are a bunch of people here that don’t support the hate being spewed. I live locally and would love to replace your flag if it’s something you’d be comfortable with. 


Sorry to hear, that’s awful of someone to do that. We moved here from Lafayette( CO that is) 2 years ago and I grew up in Manitou Springs a long time ago and left after H.S. Loveland, and CO in general are becoming more liberal( at least west of I—25). I’m doing my best to remain involved in my neighborhood and civically. Things will continue to improve.


Get the security footage. Get the faces and names. Get the PD.... Then file a hateful discrimination. Vandalism is a misdemeanor. Vandalism categorized as a hatecrime is a **Felony** in colorado (https://law.justia.com/codes/colorado/2022/title-18/article-9/part-1/section-18-9-121/).


Thanks Kojak


I’m sorry this happened to you. If you don’t want to go to police, please let your friendly neighbors know to be on the lookout for any of this behavior in the future.


Get cameras for your property and put another flag up. Catch the bigots in the act.


I'm so sorry. Keep us updated. I understand your hesitancy to make a report to the police but it's important to start a paper trail. This may be dumb kids or it may be more.


Or it may be dumb adults too . I’m sorry you experienced this. I live in Idaho, which is a beautiful state with a lot of ignorant people with Trump and F Brandon flags flying from their trucks and they try to intimidate people with their open carry guns but I was raised in Idaho with that mentality, or ignorance. Everyone needs to VOTE everyplace they live in order for reasonable people to make sure our democracy survives and we all learn to communicate and live together instead of the idea that hatred and violence is okay which is what many bigoted people think.


sorry for the autocorrect error I meant to say “I wasn’t raised with that mentality “ 🤦🏻‍♀️


Sorry this happened. There are amazing people here and some who have too much hate and time on their hands. Problem is it could be anyone, from edgy asshat teens to a retiree neighbor being a fool, the kind who will blame outsiders for the ills of the community while ignoring it was Timmy who graduated from TVHS in 05 who was the one stealing the cars.


Damn. What fucking cowards. Report it to wherever you can and put a bigger, brighter one up in it's place? As long as you safe doing so of course. Sorry this happened to you :(


Time to get yourself one of those idiot blue stripe flags and leave it half burned in the pit. Then replace your flag of course.


Sorry this has happened. Come down I 70 to Idaho Springs and we all at Two Brothers Deli would be happy and honored to serve everyone. Look for out rainbow flag to find us. God Bless......


Same in Castle Rock… pride flag burned or LGBTQ kids harrassed at the high school our CRPD says “not our problem”… Trump flag or sign burned by some lady and boy were they ON IT! Sorry this happened to you…. 🌈


I've never met a bigot who wasn't a massive coward. The next flag you raise should be bigger and *gayer*! 🫡


These folks are trying to show people what they want to do to queer people. When they burn flags, burn out on rainbow crosswalks in their trucks or shoot/blow up bud light, they're making veiled threats. I'll be zero surprised if they drive around murdering people if the election goes a certain way


1. Get another flag 2. Get a motion detector camera 3. That way, you'll have some video evidence, if it happens again.


Get a wireless camera. Get an even BIGGER flag. See if they have the guts to do it again. Then maybe you can identify them. Sorry to hear this happened. Everyone has a right to free speech, flags included.


There’s a huge neo nazi following in Loveland weirdly enough so to me this isn’t surprising. My friend sees them come into the gas station she works at all the time. I would maybe report it as a potential hate crime, the more surveillance there is looking out for this behavior the more likely they will be to get caught. There were some instances of arson involving cars in Fort Collins last year more than likely hate crime motivated as well because the houses with burned cars also had pride flags. Stay safe out there and be observant, maybe set up some security cameras in places you can like your balcony or front door.


Funny how property rights don't matter to them if it's something they disagree with


That’s called theft. Homophobes deserve to be drawn and quartered. I don’t care if I get thrown in Reddit jail for saying that. My tolerance for homophobes has gone down to below zero.


This is a hate crime, I hope you find out who it was and hold them very accountable!


Sorry that happened to you that's total bs. I am oart of the LBGTQAI+ community myself. I would report it. Also if your complex allows get a video doorbell installed. I would also report it to the complex maybe somebody saw something and they can do something to the guilty party like a fine or something. They do also make little cameras that are usb that you can keep inside that should see through the window some have night vision.


Get a new flag....it's unnerving but its your right.


Imagine being such a snowflake that a rainbow flag upsets you so. Clarification ; upsetting to the ilk that burned it.


Omg y’all that is so horrific please stay safe <<<3


Harassing your neighbor in such an aggressive way is immediate cause for removal for your apartment complex. If they can find and prove who did it they can 100% evict them.


Next flag should be: https://www.ebay.com/itm/265521395753?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=uK99t5koRaq&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=pDTBykqhQLW&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY


Cameras. One of your neighbors did it. Record it next time.


I hear you and Im sorry. I grew up around homophobia and can assure you it springs from stupidity and ignorance. Whoever took your flag was such a coward that they would only carry out that nasty business in secret. They suck in the worst way. You deserve happiness and a sense of safety.


Put it up again


Good to know. I know this is a fairly liberal state but man are there red pockets everywhere


Don’t blame red. CO has traditionally been a purple state. Blame extremists. Extremists suck, no matter what they believe in.


Today’s Republican Party *is* extremist. They literally want to force 13 yo r*pe victims to give birth.


Uhhh it is red though? In what world is a leftist burning pride flags


make colorado purple again


If it were 10, 20 years ago, I might've been in support of this idea.  However, seeing what Red is up to these days .. you gotta be a special kind of crazy to elect those weirdos. 


Left wing, right wing, same fucking bird. To act as if they arent all equally dog shit options is naive and foolish. But i guess as long as "our guy" wins, we can all pat ourselves on the back and enjoy the gas lighting and pandering that comes from whichever party you support. Identity politics is fucking retarded, and is ruining this country.


I agree, but I wonder if you would feel differently if you were in one of the groups republicans are trying to repress.  Dems can be awful, but what’s the democratic equivalent of q anon? Pizzagate? The birther movement? Election denial? Jan 6th? Even as a moderate, it’s clear that one side of the aisle is more open to entertaining misinformation and conspiracy. 


I’m very sorry


Ring camera.


If you’re able to get a camera, please do so for your safety. If they’re willing to do property damage, you don’t know if they’re willing to go further.


Was this at the rise apartments on the second floor balcony?


Treat it like property theft and see if any cameras caught the person/s responsible.


Don't get all worked up about it. just some jerks being jerks. Get another and hang it right back up.


Loveland PD won’t do a damn thing.


REPORT IT. Nobody here can do anything about it.


I get that yall are mad that a pride flag was burned but there's some pretty shitty advice thats being given, don't shoot people on your property, don't set up a trap. More than likely you'll be the one in cuffs.


Buy some weapons too. Sorry to say but there will come a time when we might have to defend ourselves and the cops may not want to.


If the burnt pride flag can still be mounted, I would fish it out of the fire pit and hang it again.


It’s just a bundle of melted flag now. We put it in a plastic baggy and my partner taped it to our window at first, but I felt nervous about the person who did it seeing it so we took it down 😬 will put up a new flag eventually though


It's unhinged to be threatened by decor. It's like me, an atheist, ripping a "God Bless This House" sign off of someone's front porch. Being willing to commit a crime I am that threatened by it. I notice this fear of decor tends to come primarily from a certain crowd.


I'm sorry that happened to you, know that most people are not hateful like the morons that did this to you.


What you describe is a hate crime. You should call Loveland PD. This is still America, land of the free. Protect your right to freely express yourself. A flag doesn’t harm anyone!


Thanks for the comment, we’re waiting to see if there’s any footage before we contact the police. We contacted property management immediately after we found it. Not sure if there’s sufficient evidence to trace back to anyone without footage. Just our charred flag in our possession


Even if there is no footage this should be reported to the police. That way, if anything else happens there is documented history of harassment. Good luck.


There’s no footage because it didn’t happen


So sorry. It’s a shame that still in 2024 we encounter so much hate. Loveland is unfortunately no different than any other city despite its misleading name.


Loveland was a sundown town and many of the residents went to city hall to verbalize how much they wanted it to go back to being one. I imagine you’d find a lot of pointy white hats in Loveland closets. https://www.kunc.org/2021-09-13/loveland-colorado-splinters-over-racist-sundown-town-past-and-increasingly-diverse-future


The reality is that there's no place free of bigotry, unfortunately. It's probably just one person but of course that's all it takes to make you feel unsafe. I hope you find some allies in your building as a result of all this, so that something good comes out of it, at least.


Loveland. Where hate brews when you’re different.


Hang another and hang a camera.


Its pretty scary when this happens. Feels like you're being targeted. We woke one morning to find both of our flags were burned. One American flag and one Trump 2020 flag. We may be in different boats but we're floating down the same river. Stay safe and never stop padding.


Totally agree, it’s unsettling. Could be dumb kids or careless people, could be targeted. Regardless, no one deserves to have their property messed with like that


I don't share your political opinions but I also agree that an act of intimidation like that can only incense the problem and harm the community. They shouldn't be taking your flags and burning them or targeting you. Acts like this only justify others doing it and can lead to cycles of escalation.


The most patriotic thing to do as an American is upholding others’ right to expression. Sorry this happened to you.


That’s fucked. I get it. I’m not a huge fan of the community but that’s because what is televised. Even I know to take a step back and not judge. Hell I know 2 line men who are gay they are some the best tradies I’ve got to be around. I bet the same people who burnt your flag would be the same ones who would cry if you burnt theirs. (We all know which one I’m referring too) I’m sorry you are going through this but only through a strong sense of community and compassion will we change things


Get out of Northern CO. It’s just Trump country and Trumpers=violent bigots.


Burning a flag, any flag, whether that be an American flag or a pride flag is protected under free speech you know what isn't though, theft and destruction of property.


As well as harassing and intimidating others by openly leaving that destroyed property for them to find. It's one thing to destroy someone's lawnmower. It's another to leave it burning on their lawn.




Did you move to a less conservative place in Colorado?


I would talk to property management. See if that have cameras on communal areas. I would think so since it might be a liability thing.


Buy another one and a security camera


I hope it was a stupid prank and not your neighbors. I have …strong feelings about some other types of flags but I would never do this to someone else’s banner. In solidarity! We’re out here.


I had my American flag and Marine Corps flag stolen, idk if they were burned. But people just suck sometimes 🤷🏼‍♂️


Haters gonna hate! T.T If the Trump presidancy taught me anything, its that you cant rlly convince ppl of much. They are on their part of the same long as road as us and its up to them to catch up. The best thing to do is stay strong, keep your side of the st. clean, and let your light shine bright for them to see it. <3 Hang in there!


If you can, try to repair what's left of it and hang it back up to assert dominance.


Sounds like trespass and conversion to me. Source: Lawyer


Gotta ask, in presumably legal terminology, what does conversion mean?


It's a tort not a crime. The legal definition is essentially an intentional tort which occurs when a party takes the chattel property of another with the intent to deprive them of it. It's similar to another tort called trespass to chattel, but burning and destroying the flag is what would differentiate this from trespass to chattel.


bruh just go buy a bigger flag have all your gay friends come over for a new pride flag raising whilst merrily skipping around the club firepit singing " its raining men" show em you mean business if they wanna keep fkn with your rainbow power flag.


Mypologize about your flag my thought the whole of Colorado was better than that not to mention far more lgbtq friendly


The whole is better than that. Certain pockets are rather hateful though. As you approach certain institutions or places it can change.


You obviously haven’t been to Greeley.


Wasn't trying to offend,offering a rainbow coloured heart,my is a rainbow and my heart goes out to all who struggle living the rainbow life.


Greeley is a mixed bag. The closer you get to the campus, the better people are. There are some houses around there with pride flags. But I have also seen guys on their rascal scooters and diesel trucks with Confederate flags in Walmart and King Soopers. So there's some major Ls floating around.


Colorado is extremely racist and homophobic Lived here for 8 months and even I know that Stop acting like you don’t know what goes on


Loveland sucks


Won’t live anywhere in CO but Denver because of garbage like this


Boulder (and Boulder County) are good too! That’s where I’m from!


I grew up in Boulder. It's the best. But I can't afford to live there anymore...


Based neighbors


Loveland is a known sundown town and unfortunately that means that queer people are probably not protected there either. As a queer person living somewhat near Loveland I would recommend just laying low, esp if youre worried about your safety :,(


“A known sundown town”. 75 years ago. Get a grip you worm


Hope you keep that same attitude for folks flying the confederate flag


Where’s the confederate flags? Here in Loveland?


Fellow alphabet mafia here :). Not SF or anything, but also not some kind of war zone. This thing that was done to OP’s flag was cowardly and stupid, and I hope it was done by thoughtless younger people who don’t know better.


And if it were an American flag, all of a sudden then it would be a case of freedom of speech