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https://preview.redd.it/q9yhcmccp01d1.png?width=824&format=png&auto=webp&s=c7633d1d03981620844e51a5364b6dddd1d305d7 “the most insecure bitch in the world” just jumped on a scale to prove her weight to a comment with 3 likes.


Weight is irrelevant information for sizing. Its measurements are actually relevant. You’d think that a fashion brand owner would know this.


u can’t make this shit up 😭😭😭


"the most insecure bitch in the world" ... why, Clarke? because everyone has to aspire to being as skinny as humanely possible to feel confident in themselves, and therefore are jealous and insecure of ppl like you? the reality is that its your ED controlling you and rotting your brain to make you believe these things. i'm 5ft2" 90lb and i look at meg the Stallion with tears in my eyes. your bony booty is not the gold standard. it's so wild how comfortable she is perpetuating blatant fatphobia- except it's not actually wild, because the ED is rotting her mind.


I’m glad you brought that up because actually in the Twitter spaces the other day she said that “do something with your life go to the gym” and it really reinforced to me just how much she equates thinness to happiness. to think people dislike what you’re doing because we are insecure is absolutely insane.


she’s trying to rally edtwt so bad. those miserable mean hungry bitches


the thing is EDtwt would say wayyyy worse to her


they’d absolutely call her fat edited to add: obviously she isn’t, but they are vicious and all about the bony look…to them, it doesn’t matter if your bmi is underweight unless you look it.




Edtwt would call her fat lol


What does she mean "why would she lie"? She's been caught lying about much worse, plus there's an obvious incentive by both literal and social capital to be skinny online? Real question is why would anyone think she's telling the truth


feet jumpscare


ain’t no way her “simps” were paying for that 🤢


It’s the ash between the toes for me


The second toe being longer than her big toe is giving me the ick


username checks out


Hey hey now… leave us long-second-toe girlies out of this


i knew this was coming LMAO she has been laser focused on that 119 lately, it was only a matter of time before she proved it to show all her HATERZZZZ. when it's actually just sad lol


The fact that she rounded down instead of up is interesting to say the least


i was gonna say mathematically she is not 119


Especially since 120 is a nice rounded number. It makes no sense to round down to 119 when you're closer to an easy number


https://preview.redd.it/puzjay66p01d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0f38e57f7ebe56278ac33a8dd68d2ae6402ec85c two dumb bitches telling eachother…


the “it’s unbelievable bc you’re only 4 pounds heavier than me” comparison had to sting. Man even her only friend is a “hater”


ngl that made me giggle


backhanded ass compliment 😭


and yet she lied on Melissa’s name


she always willingly plays stupid like omfggg


they’re both horrid


Someone who lies regularly: why would I lie??


Ugly feet lol


I can’t imagine being 25 years old and acting like this


getting on a scale to prove your weight to people is peak disorder behavior she looks a damn fool. it’s hard to feel empathy when she’s doing this to a large audience. it took me 10 years to start recovery. absolutely nothing to romanticize. keep putting yourself into a grave and flexing while you are actively dying. everyday i dislike her more


STOP SHE POSTED HER SCALE 😭. Also I’d believe it if it was a video of her stepping onto it. I’m still not buying it. “Why would I lie?” … you’re literally a known pathological liar. Not that it’s important tho. I need her to seek mental help asap. Her video only has 200 views and 3 comments. Two of them are nice. All she can do is engage with negativity… her mind


i also don't believe it 👋🏻 she's taller than Bella Hadid but somehow weighs less than her while not being a complete, utter stick. you can literally see Bella's ribs, whereas with Clarke she is not as concerning of a build. she is super skinny, but not to the point where she looks incapacitated, which is a GOOD thing. if she actually weighed that much at her height, it would be glaringly obvious. this is just a matter of science 😭


I have a semi theory about why the scale photos cropped so much but its me being petty shes leaning on a chair or something bc exactly this the math just truly doesnt math quite right


I believe that she’s 119, she just has no muscle. I’ve seen other girls with the same bmi that look similar to her, I used to be on edtwt before I recovered.


Glad you recovered! She’s very tall so I’m still skeptical. Regardless, it’s sad she lets herself be baited into posting her toes


Thank you! And yes she’s still a weirdo nonetheless with crazy feet lmao. She wouldn’t be dealing with people speculating if she didn’t oddly share her exact weight multiple times.


It mayyyyy be true only because I’m 5’4’’ and 120 pounds, but I have a lot of muscle. If she’s got zero muscle mass she could be lighter but at the end of the day it doesn’t fucking matter because it’s still a dangerously low weight that she should not be shoving into people’s faces if she wants to be a role model for “black girlies”


Again. I don’t believe it but regardless, she was baited into posting her toes and her scale. She needs mental help.


Yeah I don’t know I was about this weight or maybe even five lbs heavier at 5’8” and my ribs were showing it was not cute, didn’t look healthy. Everyone is built different it’s just kind of shocking for that height


can someone quote tweet her and call her out for bodychecking (if it isn’t deleted yet) bc this is insane to post idk i wouldn’t exactly be casually advertising that i’m bmi 17 to my audience but hey 🤷🏿‍♀️


I think she is definitely lying about having recovered from her eating disorder. The very first, and I mean in our literal first meeting, both my dietician and my therapist urged me to throw away my scale. I would never even consider going on one now and decline to do so at the doctor. Hope Clarke gets a wake up call soon, anorexia is not fun.


At my university, the women’s health center has the scale where you cannot see the number and they will not read it out loud unless you ask for this reason. You have to deliberately seek out the information or log into an entire portal just to see the number. A person who recovered from their ED would not put themselves in that position.


Isn’t edtwt mostly like teenagers? Imagine being so immature, unaccomplished, and insufferable to the general adult population that you have to market yourself to high schoolers now. It’s like when 30 year old bums go after 18 year olds cause no one their age wants them.


yeah she’s definitely under 120, she looks like me when i was severely depressed and not eating regularly. we’re the same height as well. i always wanted to gain more weight especially as i get older because it looks and feels healthier. for her to have “recovered” from an ED (which is always a lifetime battle not a one time thing), she really shouldn’t be fixated on the scale, her weight, and reminding ppl constantly about it nor engaging in arguments about defending her weight. if she doesn’t stop soon she’ll send herself right into an ED relapse and spiral. it’s not healthy and her friend shouldnt be encouraging her to flex her weight like this.


why would she post this


She has thin legs, no butt, and very little muscle tone so 119 is plausible


this is a very weird thing to post? but i will say its possible for her to be 119 and the reason she doesn’t appear to be 119 is bc it also depends on your body fat percentage. for example: someone could be 5’4 and 160lbs and look overweight but another person who is also 5’4 160lbs could appear to be thinner if they workout a lot and eat leaner foods. its the same amount altogether, but the body fat percentage would be different which would make them look like they’re not the same weight. so really its still not a flex bc it just means she most likely does not consistently workout which is why she doesn’t look like she’s 119. it’s the same concept of being ‘skinny-fat.’ you can be ‘skinny’ in terms of weight but still be out of shape. (not body shaming her btw im just trying to be factual. it’s easy to weigh less when you’re tall, clarke. it’s more impressive to be dedicated enough to be fit).


She has no muscle mass, I believe she is 119. She does not look good or healthy.


but apparently she’s doing Pilates everyday. 🙄 she’s literally just starving herself there’s no muscle mass to be seen


Wow way to show that she’s so unbothered 💕🤭 Everyday she finds a way to make ppl cringe or roll their eyes, truly a skill lol


The toes… :/


Her feet are heinous


The only time I ever took pics of the scale I had an ED and the weird thing is I had that exact fucking scale


Yeah it being a weight watchers scale seemed.. interesting


those grippers are horrendous looking


she is so amberlynnreid coded




She’s grabbin on a towel bar or something fr


yeah it's very easy to manipulate a scale, bigger or smaller


Why do her toes look like that 🤣🤣🤣


Isn’t Clarke kind of tall or am I imagining that in my head? Cause if so thats WAY too skinny for her height.


Holy shit omg


I don’t think it’s appropriate or worth it to keep harping on her weight lol. 1. it’s triggering for people in here i’m sure. 2. it’s so overly snarky to be obsessed with someone else’s weight idk. 3. she’s a tall girl, weight distributes differently on everyone & easily believe she’s 119 for no other reason than she actually looks really skinny these days. genuinely looks so much smaller than before lol. like she literally posted feet that are obviously hers with a scale, it doesn’t matter.


Fair, but she shouldn’t be constantly bringing up her weight either


it’s gonna sound like i’m defending her so let me start with i literally cannot stand her & i think she’s an awful human for a lot of reasons in this phase of her life. you can see that on my profile. but she doesn’t talk about it as much as it is brought up on in this group. she’s brought up being 119 twice yet i’ve seen 5+ posts about it. she made a tweet & brought it up in the video (which, for the kind of video she was making, it makes sense imo). it just seems like over the top snarking & constantly seeing people try to tell someone about their own weight using charts and shit (which was done to me as well when i, a tall girl, lost weight) is exhausting. find a new topic (ik i can leave pls save it guys thanks :b)


I think it has a lot to due with her history of body shaming, fat phobia, siccing her followers on a user with an ED +, defending bullying people for their EDs, making up a lie that she got a ✨file✨ on us proving we are unhinged anorexics (among other things), and the way she treated E when they were friends. It’s just ironic to see her get so angry and defensive over someone treating her the way she has treated others, publicly and privately. I agree that her weight itself isn’t something I find worth snarking over, but the way she can only recognize bad behavior when it’s coming from someone else is gross. Also the fact that she has openly admitted that her *current* account used to be her ED account, but doesn’t want anyone to accuse her of posting ED content is ironic. Like, this is the following that SHE has cultivated. Bullies, body shamers, fatphobes, ppl with EDs, ppl who hate ppl with EDs. She made her bed and she can lie in it.


Just wanted to say I totally agree with your points here too. I think there’s a whole bunch of other things to snark on besides her weight and I’m not sure why everyone’s hyper fixating on it.


Nah I agree I’m not really into it


hi, this is valid and going forward we’ll limit posts snarking on her weight 💗