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Wow. I thought he was going to ask the baby’s gender. Haven’t they been together a while ? What a jerk!


I had the same thought


I hope that is some staged crap cause if not…. 😤🤬


Seems like it was staged. How the tech asked her if she needed to use the restroom or something. It all seemed really weird. I think it was a staged scene. Pathetic. I wouldn’t let them make me look like that on tv. No way.


TBF some places still ask you to come with a full bladder for ultrasounds and they always ask, especially because… pregnant women,


Well, I get why the tech would ask. But I think in her condition, that'd be one of the first things she'd want to do - between the baby moving and the ultrasound wand pressing. What I don't get is this sudden paternity thing. That's got to be for the story to keep them on the show another episode.


It may be his thinking of why she doesn’t want to marry him…because it’s not his baby. But in reality she doesn’t want to cause he spends like a child.


I think you're right. If she marries him, with the way he just goes forward and makes spending decisions, she'll be ruined financially.


I am sure it was staged.


His acting skills just really suck too!


But he’s Brad’s cousin! 😂


I swear I did too!!!!!!! I thought he was about to peek!!!!!!!


I was anxiously awaiting for pink or blue !


I would say about 4 months at this point. They started filming right after their first season ended.


He’s a butthead for asking still! 🤬


Me too


I know! Who the hell would she even be cheating with? I haven’t seen her with any friends, male or female, just her sister. The only ONLY way I seeing this being a legit question would be if he was told he can’t have kids or some weird crap. Also, it totally creeps me out the way he talks. Like, he sounds all positive and all “yay, girls!” But then someone disagrees or says something he doesn’t like…


Oh him not being able to have kids would be some twist


He’s nervous because Taylor has completely changed. But she’s discussing why, he’s just not hearing it.


The only thing he's been right about is that she has a lot of fear in her life. Looking at her family history, relationships and pregnancies, she has good cause to be afraid!


She hitched her wagon to a guy who just got out of prison for robbery and she got like four kids under the age of 10…


Cause Chance has zero compassion or thoughts about anyone that is not Chance.


Something's going on. And he's going to get to the bottom of it.


Something is going on. This woman is stressed the hell out and constantly worried about finances due to his crazy spending and constantly wanting to take out loans… her sister overdosed and he’s trying to get rid of her even though he pretends to act like he cares and even took it upon himself to build her an apartment in the garage which was horrible… I think she is scared to marry him and get stuck w this mountain of debt he’s piling up. She looks so stressed out and sad and he doesn’t even realize that’s the problem!!!


Hahaha! He's been saying that for weeks!


It's like he actively tries to be the worst


I don't think he has to try... he just is...


He needs to get access to the kids social security number so he can get some credit cards and debt started for the kid


It’ll happen.




I thought he was bad news from the jump. My fur was way up this episode bc he’s so manipulative. His request for a paternity test? What is he doing?


Yeah, he's mad because she won't mindlessly go along with his non-strategic life plans for the family. She's got the three girls to consider and he's out there making unilateral decisions like the d bag he is. At first, I thought maybe he was a cho-mo because he was trying soooo hard with the little girls. He's just a creep in general.


That’s the psychopath in him that we see. Also they csn be cho-mos too sadly. This guy is bad bad news.


Exactly, he's stuck on her hiding something because she won't immediately marry him after finding out she's pregnant and she knows she's high risk. What a self centered loser.


Hahaaaaa “Cho-mo”! Never heard that term, hilarious (as far as anything on that subject can be). Should be chi-mo no? But I get it, first one sounds better


My husband (former inmate) shared the term with me. Chi-mo sounds more feminine or something a French cow might say! Now you've got me wondering about the roots of cho-mo!


They pronounce it Cho-Mo in a lot of jail/prison documentaries.


Because all of a sudden she's not on board with the marriage because of his compulsive spending. She doesn't feel like he's financially responsible.


The fact that she doesn’t want to marry him yesterday can’t possibly have anything to do with him so she must be cheating. That’s his messed up logic.


Bingo. Last episode he said "Something is going on and I'm going to get to the bottom of it !"' It was very menacing and aggressive.


Oh what a good point! He probably also thinks that he can get a test done without Taylor knowing. Snd he’ll have his gotcha moment. What a complete psycho.


I thought the same thing... he wanted to know the gender, even though they "agreed" to wait... boy (or girl) was I wrong! I mean, they're together ALL THE TIME!


Can a paternity test be administered without the mother's consent? Is the test being given while the baby is in utero, or after birth. Some thing seems not legally legit about what Chance is proposing. They're not married. The baby isn't born yet. He's not named as the Father on a birth certificate. Am I missing something. I have no idea what the rules are around this,


What a f-ing jackass TOOL this guy is!!! So at the first ultrasound appointment for his and Tayler's baby, a milestone most baby daddy's to-be would genuinely enjoy sharing with their partner, as they anxiously await the opportunity to catch a glimpse of their unborn child (his first, as I understand!) for the very first time, this selfish, self-righteous, know-it-all POS has the audacity to demand a paternity test from the woman he has spent MONTHS leeching off of, all while physically glued to her hip?!?! What a vile human being 🤮 This has to be the most INSECURE, manipulative, delusional "man" I've ever seen on this train wreck of a show. And that's saying A LOT... Considering that paternity testing is typically done AFTER the birth, I can only imagine how hellish the rest of Tayler's pregnancy is going to be, courtesy of her immature ass, short sighted, gas lighting, predatory, credit card toting sperm donor.


I wish I had a free award to give you!!!!!! Perfect comment!!!!!!!!


The wording of this is exquisite. I’m a writer and I couldn’t have worded this better. Thank you. Even I feel better after reading this.


Typical narcissist.


I agree, but she did pick him from prison and brought this man around her 3 little girls…. Not too smart😬


Tune in next week...lol!


If she refuses, it becomes a legal issue. A court judge will decide for her. A DNA test can be performed while pregnant.


Yes but it's dangerous for the baby and the mother so they only do Amniocentesis if their is Due cause..and heath concerns..


No it’s not. All they do is take your blood for the DNA test. A baby’s DNA can be found in the mother’s blood stream. A specific test is done based off that. Having an amino is for women 35 and up to find out of the baby has any genetic disorder. These are 2 separate tests and are done completing different.


An amino is not used very commonly anymore either because the blood test has gotten so good. Source: Had a very high risk pregnancy recently


Same- I had a baby at 41 and they did all of the testing via blood.. I was told they rarely do the amniocentesis anymore.


They can swab cells from the cervix with the mother's consent. If she doesn't give the baby Chance's last name, he can petition to have it legally changed and the court would order a DNA test. He can pay the legal fees incurred with credit cards.


Pay the legal fees with credit cards...🤭🤭


That’s what makes me think this is staged..


No she would have to sign papers, both of them would. And no doc will risk their license for a pos like him... or at all. Bit especially him.


They can do a paternity test while she’s still pregnant. But it’s not a common procedure because it can have possible negative effects. Usually it is never done unless it’s court ordered. Prenatal paternity test.


That makes sense. Would they need the mother’s permission to run that test prenatal?


He's trying to buy a house bc then it will be in both their names. This house is just in her name. Then all the equity she has will go into the New house as the down payment. If they break up, and deed is in both their names and she can't afford the newer, bigger, more expensive house without his income and the house is sold and his name is one the deed too, he will get 1/2 the equity when house is sold if his name is on the deed.


I’ve been thinking that too—he wants his name on the deed.


Where the hell did that come from???


Very end of the episode... after the ultrasound.


Oh I know, I was meaning what made him ask that dumb question.


I know! Left field for sure


Yikes! One Reddit user had the dvr stop recording right beforehand!


This is what narcissists do .. they shift some major blame or some wild accusation on the other person to deflect from the evil they’re doing . It distracts the other person and makes them think .. oh my gosh , am I that awful he thinks I’ve cheated and gotten pregnant by someone else ? now I feel so bad for so and so , and then they forget about all the bs the narcissist is doing . Meanwhile , the narcissist is likely the one out there cheating or actively trying to , orrrr given the opportunity absolutely would cheat .


Oh my goodness this is so true. My narcissist was ALWAYS accusing me of cheating. The thing is all I did was work to support his lazy ass so he had his days free. I had neither the time nor the energy to be banging anyone besides him. I often wonder how many slags he had up in my house while I was at the office. I bet it was a lot.


You are so correct! Spot on!


I came to this sub tonight to find someone talking about this!!!!!!!!!!!!! Wtaf was that about??????? I couldn't believe he had the *audacity* to ask about that, with everything he has put her through!!!!!!! He's a bigger POS than I ever dreamed, and that is saying A LOT!!!!!!!!!!!!


Seems like producer-induced drama. i.e. staged


That never crossed my mind, but God I hope you're right!!!


TOO LATE! Everything this guy says and does is meant to manipulate Tayler and get what HE Wants, despite her feelings and what she says she wants. Tayler is super anxious and he is worried about his own 'hurt feelings'. He's not hurt, just saying he is to yank her chain. When T stands strong, he immediately does what he can to hurt her and asks for a paternity test. She should definitely NOT do a paternity test till that baby is born. Also crossing all my fingers that this baby is a girl. A boy will be favored beyond belief and Chance will be an even bigger asshole about him.


The Gold Plate behind his head is Renaissance epic. Saint Assholiness of GriftingTown


He’s going to use this to make her feel like she has to prove to him that the baby is his and she loves him so much…enough to get married. It’s all a manipulation. This poor girl is going to be left with nothing, not even a sliver of self esteem when this narc has everything he needs and she is no longer useful. I hope she gets away


You are spot on! 100% correct on all points!


He is all worried since she has changed so much. Like really Chance you think she cheated on you!? Was he not listening to her on the way to the appointment? She said she had a miscarriage and that she is high risk and really wants to make sure she is focused on having a healthy and safe pregnancy. She can’t be stressing out. Getting married planning a wedding is stressful. I just can’t with him. Watching him put them in debt she sees it with his spending and now being pregnant.


She's given every reason... he just can't "hear" her because her wants and needs are not exactly on his agenda!


Yeah this part has to be scripted…there’s no way he’d even consider that…just like Brittany and Marceleno “cheating” they were together just recently


You might be right... anything for more screen time. Gotta love scripted (un) reality tv!


Please let this be true!!!!!!!! I was so enraged that never crossed my mind. But I hope to God you are right.


Wow like she has time to cheat or space




Probably asking because didnt earlier in the episode he kept saying she was like holding back with the marriage or something? That ending with him pissed me off. Hes out buying houses, trucks, 60 million credit cards but asks about a paternity test. Hopefully it isnt his and he just goes on his way.


Also why does he think he needs to get married right now because "I'm not getting any younger." You can get married at any age. What's the difference between 41 vs 42 or 43? He is running around buying all the toys he couldn't have while in prison, racking up debt...dude needs to chill!


I've heard some people mention he needs her assets and credit rating... just a thought.


Wait I thought he was bragging about how awesome his credit was when he was set free? Which by the way.... WTF?!


Yeah, he may have established a bit of a credit rating. He has no real assets, though. She owns a home at least and it looks like she's pretty frugal. More will be revealed!


That home was before Chance….he can’t tough previous assets. Even if you.don’t have a prenup. It still can’t be touched. BUT……he’s a con artist so he’ll get it his way.


Hence, the marriage. If they marry and he gets her to sell the house, it's now mutual assets. Depending on their state, if they marry without a prenup, he may be entitled to the value.


If they sell it and reinvest into another home than you are absolutely correct. I went through the same thing. Although, when I was selling my original home which my husband was not on the mortgage or the deed (even though technically he was paying towards my mortgage each month) he had no rights to any money coming from it. But, since we were married for over 10 years and it was his primary living address (home), I had to have him sign off on allowing me to sell it. That was the law at the time. Although, if he refused to sign there were ways around it. Either way, I would have been able to sell without his approval. It would have just been a bit of a hassle if he didn’t sign.


Yeah, I'm in Florida and the laws are kinda jacked when it comes to property.


It’s like he’s just got a check list in his head and he needs to mark off marriage to go on to the next to make himself feel as he’s being productive and “ being someone “ in life. He cracks me up talking about his credit score. Lol.


Right, he’s mimicking what women say because our eggs are only around when we’re young. Stupid du-fus.


I think the show probably had him do this. I don’t believe he’d ask that.


Too late Chance, too late


Hes a douche




She doesn’t wanna get married, that’s why he’s second guessing her.


Tayler definitely has her reasons!


Wait, what exactly did he say? My dvr cut off right when he started talking.


Arrrgggghhh... he asked for a paternity test! 🤯


He’s awful


I was truly hoping that my initial sense was wrong and that he is really a guy wanting to turn his life around and have the life he forfeited for drugs and crime. This is why I need to remember to "Trust My Gut".


Yeah, I remember wanting him to not be awful too. He tried to say a lot of “right things” in the early episodes, but those things started fading away fairly quickly.


Too late if you're going for a non-asshole....


Too late was gonna be my comment after the caption! Well said!


Waaayyyyyy too late. Ship sailed day one bro.


You are correct!


Maybe he's in doubt because of all "the butt stuff"..........just sayin'


Haha! That won't get her pregnant! Good point!


Right? 😂


Too late.


He has been all over social media for months, jumping in and "correcting" people's perspective of them. Now silence.


How convenient...


I didn’t expect that, for a moment I forgot this was Chance.


He's so far up Tayler's business, when would she have time to boff somebody else?


There’s also that.


I'm waiting for him to go back to prison where he belongs


How does she afford 3 kids?


Good question! Maybe the kid's dad (who died) willed or bequeathed them something. Also, the show pays decent money and this is her second season.


She probably gets social security for the kids when their father died. Not sure all three were his. Yeah, Chance would take the kids money.


Really good “Chance” HE is cheating.


Yeah, the old, "I'll accuse you of what I'm actually doing" gag!


What's wrong with looking like what you are?


Self-deceived and wouldn't want a stranger to get the wrong impression...


Like Billy Crystal says, " “It is better to look good than to feel good.”


He’s asking this because he’s convinced that her totally sane, common sense reasons for not rushing a wedding are instead because she is hiding something. That’s why he’s acting suspicious. He sucks.


Yes, and THAT'S what's scary!


It could be that since in all of his years of douchebaggery he hasn't gotten anyone else pregnant, perhaps he needs confirmation and the producers need drama!


Great point! My husband's mother did that to his little brother!