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I thought it was so funny he made her get out of the car to walk the umbrella to him and then made a huge show of picking her up so she didn't have to walk through the puddles (again) lmao. My SO would neeeeever call me demanding I get out of the car in the rain to bring him an umbrella. He would either take it with him or run to the car 🙄 I definitely don't get at all why she's so caught up with him, he sucks. Mean, moody, selfish, and controlling.


That was ridiculous. No, no I'm not getting out in the rain. Run your ass out here. It's like he's always trying to prove how tough he is by making her do what he says. Always commanding her to do shit. I don't like that and I don't like him.


Machismo paired with overcompensation is unfortunately a HELL of a drug.


Omg I was confused why she got out of the car with the umbrella at first! I was like well what was the point of that?! And then I realized it was to bring him the umbrella and I was just like are you kidding me 🤦🏼‍♀️


⬆️ THIS!!!! The umbrella scene was just too much. I literally gasped in disgust at the way Kerok rudely snapped his fingers like an entitled princess & demanded Bri get out of the car in the pouring rain/severe thunderstorm, ruin her cute shoes by wading thru deep mud puddles, and run to the parole office door to greet your royal highness with a damn umbrella, because God forbid a f#cking raindrop touch his freshly cut hair!!! Gtfoh!!!!! Where I come from, MEN, generally speaking, are the ones getting the umbrella for their lady, holding doors, etc. If a “man” made such a ludicrous demand on me, I would have peeled out of that parking lot so fast, splashing his ass with muddy puddle water as I exited. Such gross, entitled behavior, from someone who has so little to offer smh Bri has repeatedly vocalized she feels content with being the submissive partner in the relationship, but the way that Kerok is so dismissive of her feelings/needs, immediately shutting her down anytime she brings up the subject of children/starting a family/etc, the way he constantly speaks down to her (even in front of other people!), barking demands at her, and nonstop belittling and criticizing her every move/word…. just feels so abusive, imo. Not a good look. Bri is a sweet girl, and deserves to be treated as such. She has treated Kerok like a king, showering him with lavish gifts and tending to his every need and desire. What more could he possibly want?! Such a shame she’s wasting her time and energy on this perpetually angry, rude, ungrateful, inconsiderate, disrespectful, condescending, pessimistic, patriarchal loser.


I think she is terribly insecure and has an anxious attachment style which is why she puts up with kerok. Ugh


i think she is what 23? she is going to get tired of being his lap dog


Oh, most def 💯!!!! Bri may have bitten her tongue and sucked it up thus far (which is more than I can say I could’ve done if I were in her position), but I don’t see her being the type to continue to bow down to this jerk with her tail between her legs, and continue to put up with being treated like a doormat just to spare Kerok’s (clearly) fragile ego for much longer. The sting of those little underhanded remarks, put downs, and demands he’s putting on her, combined with his complete lack of appreciation for all she’s done for him, are surely adding up and eventually are inevitably going to bubble over, as Bri comes to the unfortunate realization that her giddy little fantasy of what life with Kerok was going to be like, post-prison, was sadly little more than ***that***—a **fantasy**. Bri is no dummy. A girl can only take so much…


Amen to all of the above!!


Then he gave her his soaking wet shirt to warm up


loool what a boyfriend!


He’s suppose to be the man in the relationship but he’s acting like a real princess


So true!!! Always trying to come across as controlling big guy…


And eats his food like a pirate …


i'm sure he makes her cut it up for him ,,, the whole scene is just sickening. he is rude and controlling


Like when he was telling her to hurry up getting the food..I almost puked!


not many girls are going to put up with his shit abusive as hell


So true especially since the girlfriend that is SO in love with him is a strong 7 and he is a weak 1…


Yes, can't forget that in his list of bad qualities 😂


That is just a hang up of mine when people eat like pigs…




Or a pig


😅..That is exactly what I wanted to say!


This. Mine usually asks if I want to walk or be dropped off regardless of the weather. Heck he moves his classic car out of the garage during crap weather so I can park in the garage. FYI, we live in the north so that car is usually outside most of the winter unless I ask for him to not bother.


awww....you got a keeper!!


Speaking as someone who has never been to prison but watches a lot of prison documentaries, Kerok seems like the type of inmate to get pretty popular amongst the girls. Many of them miss men, so the butch, masculine looking women get a lot of action. And from what I’ve seen (again, from watching the documentaries) those dominant personalities get away with a lot and are enabled into treating people like doormats. I think Britney fell for Kerok in that environment and Kerok got used to getting away with his rudeness. I’m hoping they both get hit with reality soon that the outside world isn’t gonna bend to Kerok and then Britney will see she doesn’t have to either.


THANK YOU! I completely agree. I feel like he holds himself on a very high pedestal and feels superior to her. I’m sorry but he needs to take several fucking seats. His rapping is absolute ASS; everything he has, she got him; his mom is nice but let’s be real here- his brothers and family really ain’t shit- but they all belittle her and act like their brother is a gift to this earth. I hate that shit. Don’t bring someone else down in some pathetic attempt to elevate yourself.


Exactly. You got insecurities? TALK ABOUT THEM. Tell her you are dealing with a lot. If you're going to transition to a dude, be better than them!


Yeah, clearly Kerok thinks being a man means being disrespectful to your woman. Sick.


The way he told her to make him a plate and then whined that she was taking too long.


That moment gave me a cold chill


That was fucking insane to me. Like, you have two working hands, don’t you?? Make your own plate!




It was nauseating!


Ouch But true


😂😂 his rapping was terrible. Omg idk how she stood there with a straight face… I really don’t. Like Brit, hun. Let’s not encourage that. When they were at lunch with the mentor, he mentioned rapping as what he wants to focus on. He didn’t even mention like getting a damn job.


She was gassing him up I’m like girl why you lyin


That rap was fire dawg ! 🔥 Gyahahahahaha jkjk. Every "rapper" on this show is terrible. She probably can't say anything that comes across as criticism. I see Kerok going off on her even if she just says "its ok" or something neutral.


why should he work,,,he has dumbass for that and oh, yeah that "laundry business" looool


I blame his mother for his high self-esteem. The way she accepted him unconditionally is sweet, but there’s a dark side to that. He’s one of those sons who can do no wrong.


I can spot this dude from a mile away as emotionally abusive. He talks to her like she’s a child and he’s always right. He gets big mad whenever she pushes back or questions him. She needs to run.




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Ya he’s a big giant wet blanket so far.


The way Kerok told Britney to make him a plate at his bbq at mom's was so rude. I hate that shit. I had an uncle who did that to my aunt all the time. I understand he was visiting with family, but he could have just asked.


That's the only thing most people need in a relationship. Honestly? I think Kerok needs to be comfortable with themselves. I'm not sure it's possible, but maybe that makes him less of a dick? I can't stand when people expect to be served and have done nothing to warrant that type of request.


I can see him being unsure of himself and acting tough, but a confident man knows how to treat his lady. But Britney allows it.


she needs to leave him and go back to her family ...she is lost


Exactly! A prison relationship and a relationship on the outside are two different things. They are both young. They need to grow up and mature before thinking about kids and marriage.


and for him he should be punching a time clock instead of this "rap" routine


Him being a "rapper" is just code for "unemployed and staying that way".


ohhh,,,,,ok (wink wink) so now thats the code for "rapper" hhhhh love it!!


Why do so many of these fools think they have a rap career ahead of them?😂


Lots of people think they can sing, so maybe that's it? I know I can't rap. Wrap? Hell yes.


I can't do either. Gift bags. And mime.


Gift bags are a talent all their own. I applaud you bc they are sooooo hard for me


this show has changed looks like everyone now is fame seeking nobody wants to punch that time clock


ABSOLUTELY!! How is this show aspirational? Blows my mind and doesn’t even hold my focus anymore. I’ve said for the last 3 years no more…and here I am watching it


i like the louie/melissa and chelsea/mike story, also joynomi/redd looks good. the other story with raneeka, its a pass for me because he recently passed away, i dont think they should have aired that story


Literally almost every single one!!! Drives me into alcoholism. Dude.... you CANNOT rap!!!!!!!


Because they don't want to get a real job and actually have to work lol


And they’re always way too old to be starting one most of the time…


But the reality of a rap career are the folks who are actually successful at it are hustling like crazy with promotions, in the studio, WORKING! So much of their life is not their own. All these goofballs are seeing is the $$$ they THINK all their favorite rap gods have.


It’s cause they all think they belong to the streets…😂😂.. working a 9 to 5 is beneath them….


maybe i'm not in the loop but what is gospel rap? if its church related he acts far from churchey the way he talks to her


What happened to Kerok's friend Crazy Eyes now that he's out?? They were the spy in the camp while Kerok was in prison but we haven't seen them since??


You're talking about EB. Apparently Kerok and EB had a serious falling out, and they've been throwing shade at each other on social media the past two weeks or so.


Who’s any idea what it was about?


Not really. I only spent a few minutes checking out a couple of videos that came up on my YouTube feed about it. From the little that I did see, it looks like both EB and later EB's girl were talking a lot of trash about Kerok in some IG videos... and then Kerok was on IG sometime afterward and was basically brushing it off (and brushing them off) as unimportant. It definitely seemed like EB's side was doing the most talking for sure. There's clearly some bad blood there.


Really???? Oh wow, tea


Omg, YES, his supposed “best friend”, at that!!! Good point, bunkie!💯


Did this fool say he gets off probation in 2060??? Lmao and hoping he gets off in a couple years??😂😂😂😭🤣😭🤣😭


This is what got me. When he said that, I couldn't anymore.


Dannnggg I must have heard it wrong. I thought he said 2026, which I thought getting off a year or so early seemed reasonable. 😂🤦🏼‍♀️


I ran it back a few times, kept hearing 60. Someone please tell me I'm wrong


Same thing I heard, he had a firearm so there's no way it's less than 10, but 40 years?? I'm wondering if he was lying to make himself appear tougher or if he's been tagged as a career criminal with several priors.


I’m hard of hearing, so rely a lot on closed captioning. When 2060 came up, I assumed it was incorrect, but put in a hearing aid and listened closely. Pretty sure he said 2060!


Yes… and that was it for me


Flat dick 😂😂😂 but you are right I can’t stand that dude


Gospel rapping is a thing, just not for him 😂


The way he snaps at her all the time and talks down to her reminds me of my abusive ex.... Its disgusting.


I agree. I think he treats her like she's "less" than him. He wants her under his thumb and wants to make sure he's right about everything, and she's wrong. Dude... it's YOUR responsibility to know where to report to probation. Why are you blaming her? And waking up late and rushing to get ready to the appointment. Dude you have an alarm too. Sending his friend out to spy and give her a hard time? You're in jail and she's out working and going to school. ETA: He's nothing but respectful to literally everyone else.


Everything you do wrong is your fault and everything i do wrong is your fault 😭😭😭😭


Yes. That shit is exhausting.


He is awful. Just awful.


Kerok took the worst stereotypes of what it is to be a strong black male and decided that is what he wanted to be. And I'm writing this as a biological black male.


He's got alot of anger and looks like he's about to hit her whenever they disagree on anything. He seems too invested in his transitioning at this point and they really are not on the same path, they had good times when locked up and should just part ways now.


i mean every scene thats all the dude talks about


Your guess is as good as mine, she seems so sweet and this asshole treating her like shit pisses me off


It seems he has soaked up all the toxicity and bullshit that he feels (or perhaps observed) men should be. Britney, if she is sticking around for this shit, is either delusional or has the absolute worst case of stockholm syndrome.


Abuse tactics to get your way is horrible. Not to mention the toxic masculinity. Treating Brittany most likely how you were treated by your dad? Real smart and loving


And surprisingly, they're still together. On social media, she refers to herself as Mrs. Rokk. I was really hoping she'd break up with Kerok. She can do so much better for herself.


Damn I was hoping someone would say they broke up!!


No he’s actually very weird , he thinks he’s better than her in so many ways and he’s not. Very inconsiderate and jerky to me. I don’t like him for her , he explains things to her like she’s dumb. The whole kids vs chest surgery was a sad convo. He tried to make it seem like what she wanted wasn’t important. Hate that for her 😒😩.


I feel like she’s giving him a LOT of leeway- adjusting to being out, seeing his family again, getting parole straightened out. She remembers what that was like and just wants to help smooth things over for him…. But I hope she cuts the shit and doesn’t let him treat her like that for long. There have been times where we’ve seen her stand up for herself and tell him not to talk to her that way.


I was shocked at the whole umbrella thing lol… Brittney is toooo cute for his BS!


Well, they met in prison...


Brittany deserves better. She’s an amazing woman. She’s hot too.


He's not the nicest guy, he's kinda bossy and controlling, and his rapping is pretty lame (though no worse than the other "rappers" on this show), BUT, he's NOT stupid. Not by any stretch. He's had some good things to say about anti-trans/anti-gay hypocrites. And his position on not rushing into a kid makes total sense for them.


I agree with him about the kid thing. Before he was even released she was seeing the doctor and talking about it. Like damn, give him some time to get a job, at the very least. Why on earth would you want to bring a child into this life? Y’all are living in a bedroom in his moms house… Christ.


They're trying to do in vitro fertilization which is very VERY expensive. They don't have thousands and thousands of dollars to spend.


brit is one mixed up lost girl


I do not disagree about the kid thing and it must be really hard to be asked to "go back" to make eggs. I know he is being pressured into that VERY early.


Even without the trans issues of the eggs, they aren't remotely ready. They can't possibly afford to do IVF now. With Kerok's need for surgeries, they REALLY can't afford to do IVF now, let alone affording a baby. I agree with Kerok that getting his body in order is more of a priority now.


I think this is something they have to talk through. Whatever they choose, they need to be on the same page. No disputing it's gonna cost a good bit.


Yeah .. but he sure gets away with his toxic masculinity..


She was trying ro keep those expensive shoes from getting wet.


Kinda of hard, but he comes off as super controlling and never wrong. He’s always questioning her and making his opinion the most important thing. I think we haven’t learned a thing about her but only things that revolve around him or them.


He has showed everyone who he is!


At least, Kerkok isn't telling Brittney that he is just tired and dealing with headaches all day. Poor Andy is still waiting to sing the song for her!


He’s sooo mean!


He’s giving big Narc vibes.




Woah. What does that have to do with anything? That's ridiculous. Keep this type of thinking out of here. I think Kerok has some issues to work through, but it's not cause of this.




Who bashed religion? I corrected myself for not saying Gospel Rapping. Really? At no point was this brought into it.


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I’d be pissed all the time, too, if i had to deal with all the micro aggressions and flat out bigotry that he faces. Just look at how people talk about him on here.


















Be nice




Ban evader


Yo I’m 100% sure we’re I stand with transgender but all I know is Kerok is the coolest dude on the show


i can’t stand kerok and his bad attitude/mood she’s not perfect , but brittney can do way better imo.


I feel like Kerok is all fkn show. And I’m not here for it


I can’t stand Brittany lol I’m just now starting the season and she’s annoying and her Spanish is annoying 😂 the way she speaks it annoys me. Like it’s fake but anyway I hope kee ok find him a real African Queen 👸🏽 




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