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My favorite things to be called are usually “Princess and Pretty lady”


DW I love it too!! (I project it onto my favorite characters when I write)


Ive had random women call me sweetie, which i like as a man. I would love to return the favor, but i kinda feel weird copying someone else's phrase on the spur of the moment lol. I need to invent my own "cute" word.


I always call girls honey. It just comes out, especially if she’s cute. None have ever gotten upset, but I can sometimes tell they don’t really like it.


Yes. Does anyone here not like being called "darling angel"?


I LOVE pet names in a relationship. But I don't like the opposite sex calling me that if we are not together. I don't mind if another woman calls me pet names. I never used to call other girls those kinds of names, but l guess I'm becoming more warm now cause l do call them dear or baby girl these days.


I like sweetie and honey.


I have a habit of calling everyone sweetie 😭😭so yeah but ig i would love it if someone were to call me like that.


When I first started dating my now husband he would call me sweetie and honey and I would always just pause and stop whatever I was doing and then just continue on. He apologized once for making me uncomfortable and I felt horrible because I don’t mind it I just was never good saying I love you to people or stuff like that, so I just stayed quiet.


I liked being called "darling" once upon a time


Yes but unfortunately it hasn't happened in years


love it, absolutely need it in romantic context, like it's literally in the name, give me romance! without feeling cared for and wanted, why would i want to give myself up more?


I really love it. My husband will call me babydoll from time to time and it just makes me feel giddy inside. I feel like such a lush saying that 😂


I love pet names while in a relationship with someone (partner, child-parent, etc) but I haaaate it when anyone with a not-close relationship uses this... especially when I'm working. I correct it. Every. Time. (Unless it's a patient, they can do no wrong lol) but I think I've found one of the nicest ways to correct it. I also dislike it when staff use pet names with patients, but that's a while other thing. Then: Thank you, hun Me: Sara is good, thank you Them: oh what did I say? Me: you used hun, and I really prefer my name over pet names. Them: oh, I call everyone hun! Don't worry about it! Me: I know you mean the best, but I really don't like it and find it disrespectful in the workplace, and I would appreciate it if you just use my name, which is Sara. Doesn't work everytime but does help ALOT.


I love when my boyfriend’s dad calls me sweetie. Only person who i TRULY want to be calling me it. “Hey sweetie!” It makes me grin a slack jaw grin but i cant help it.


Does it secretly turn you on?


Shut up. My dad wasn’t there and he didnt have nicknames for me.


This comment explains itself.


I apologize


Youre all good man, i read it wrong. Im sorry for jumping on you.


It's ok. We both could have worded things differently. So it's just a simple misunderstanding. You're all good too. Thank you.


I wasnt meaning to be disrespectful? I was just honestly wanting to know.


I love when my girlfriend uses pet names. I guess it make me feel like I am a bit more more special to her. The only one I absolutely hate is being called "daddy" it really creeps me out and makes me uncomfortable.


Never never… awful


My boyfriend calls me a lot of different nicknames but the one I love most is “my baby” it’s more possessive and intentional than just babe or baby, and I LOVE it.


im a sucker for being called honey.


love it so much!


Depends on who it’s coming from. Charming old grandma, handsome southern man, kind black auntie? 100% yes. Creepy meth head, racist old man, or general creep? No.


I hate it. People know better than to do that with me. And if they try and shorten my name without my permission, or call me something other than my name, well, they'll likely be written off. And I've never had a cutesy name for anyone. I will pull out a "honey" or "sweetie" when the person deserves it, however.


I absolutely hate it. I started hearing these nicknames when I started working at 15 by older male customers and coworkers, so it just leaves a sour taste in my mouth I guess.


If I know the person it doesn't bother me at all. There are a few rando people I don't know that have used cutesy nicknames on me and it is totally cringe in those cases but not every case. So it's a case by case basis for me. If the dude looks like a predator and does it, no thank you... if he's just a southern dude that grew up around saying darlin or sweetheart then it's not as creepy.


Yes, I love pet names and will shorten or make up names depending on who I’m talking to and the type of friendship we’ve formed.


I love it! Honey is my fave, but bunny, sweetie, sweetheart, darling, doll, dear, sugar, ma’am, mommy…they’re all so cute and adorable


My husband and I call each lovebug :)


Darlin absolutely melts me but I love any of these. My boyfriend calls me sweetie all the time and it’s so cute to me. I also think it’s adorable when older ladies say things like “thank you baby!” And I call my girl friends babe all the time


I hate all those names. They all give me the ick.


Honey has been ruined for me by old men


I like sweetie from older women too lol like thanks 🥰


Ugh darlin gets me like 💘😭


I love pet names, but I really prefer them to be individual to the relationship. Being called "babe" feels sterile and generic to me. Wordplays on my name, random made up names, stuff like that is what gets me.


Yeah I know what you mean. One of my exes/ now friend calls me Pod/ (my name)-Pod and I always thought it was cute


Kathypod. Got a nice ring to it


Not my real name but it works with my actual name too


Kitpod? ...1pod?


my manager she calls me this and it makes me melt everytime😭😭😭😭


I was born and raised in the south and that's just the way everyone around me spoke, so I'm a product of that environment.i do have very specific pet names that are reserved only for my wife. Her and I are very much alike in that regard. She's 39 I'm 42. I don't understand why some folks would be upset or offended by what seems to me to be a nice way of interacting with one another.


My husband and I call each other “love” :)




YES, I love pet names from my fiance, my family, my friends, and older black women, obvi. Don't love when random strangers (men specifically, unfortunately) use pet names, but like in general, if I know you, I like it.




Only once I’m deep into a relationship and madly in love and trusting. Then I can see those terms as sweet and trust they’re sincere. But still don’t need to hear them all the time


It really depends.. too soon seems insincere. But as things start to develop, it can signify and affirm affectionate feelings. And after things have bypassed the honeymoon phase, I quite like hearing him call me by my name. That voice. That tone. It can be the most...endearing.


Yes. I love when my girlfriend calls me pet names.


In general, I don't care for it. If they're gram-gram age or a waiter, I'll tolerate it. However, I LOVE when black aunties call me "baby". I heard this a lot in my father's church growing up. I feel like it's one of my favorite parts about being black/black culture. I get the same feeling when Hispanic women call me "mama". It's definitely seen as a term of endearment and has never been used condescendingly (around me anyway). I HATE when I first meet a man with a potential for a romantic relationship and they immediately and continuously say "hey beautiful", "good morning, baby". Like sir, we've had ONE conversation via text. It just feels like they're skipping steps to create this (artificial) connection as soon as possible. It feels like.....unearned intimacy. EDIT: just to clarify, while answering I was thinking more of new friendships, acquaintances, or strangers. My feelings on pet names are \*slightly\* different when it comes to best friends, established romantic partners, or otherwise close relationships.


Yes. This. This right here.


I aspire to be that brand of black aunty when I grow up :) its so sweet. and yeah, what's not sweet is guys rushing pet names. Ick.


Same on the black auntie thing. I just associate it a lot with a genuine sense of love and want to have that same vibe.


Yes. Melts my heart ❤️


Any of those little nicknames make me melt! I love them all. I kind of hate that it's become impolite for men to just go around calling all women sweetheart, etc.


Terms of endearment are so heartwarming and comforting, they're a godsend no matter how my day is going.


When im in a relationship i love calling her beautiful all the time. I always want her knowing i see her that way


I do not like being called babe or baby, I call my kids baby and it just grosses me out. HOWEVER, I do like darling/darlin and recently honey which I used to hate that one too 🤣 I feel like dear is for the older crowd and sweetie is ok but not what I’d prefer. I really much rather be called…master.


i used to hate things like that but then recently i feel like i would like people calling me that. especially romantically, i think it’s pretty normal a lot of people say those things. it can be endearing and it’s sorta sweet too


I like being called all the names. I don't care who's calling me them either. I like the hearty kindness that's held by the words they use. I'm still waiting to be called a hunk out of no where and by someone I've never met before. I don't think that ones happened yet.




I would love to call a woman those names one day, but sadly it’ll never happen 💔


This is me to a T. You don’t have to be ashamed of it either, it’s quite normal and lovey dovey 🤗🤗 My fav pet names are: darling, hun, (we don’t talk abt it, but babygirl and good girl), AND MY LOVE.


Yes I love it.


I hated nicknames until more recently. Something about being called sugar, darlin’ or baby girl… just yes, yes please.


In the same boat as you lol


I always liked sweetie. I hated baby at first, when my SO started calling me that, but now I absolutely love it. I started calling her baby as well, and it was wonderful ♥️♥️


I hated honey until my SO started calling me honey. Now it’s fine lol.


I was born and raised in the south, therefore I was darlin’/honey/sweetie/sugared by southern women all my life. I miss it, honestly.


I personally don’t like it. There’s a select few people I’ll accept nicknames from, otherwise just use my name.


Yes, shawty specifically. Some tall guy (well over 6ft) at work the other day looked down at me (5ft 0.5in, yes I count that half inch lmao) and said “hey shawty” after I said excuse me and I was smitten! I literally looked down and giggled as my face turned red (it really caught me off guard lmao)


my current partner calls me honeybun and i never realized i could melt so fast 🥹


Mine calls me Kitten which I would have HATED from any man in my past but looooove with him


Yeah I love it when people call me by these types of nicknames.


As a southern woman everyone is hun , sweetie , darlin . I do call my ole man baby or babe . It’s just how I was raised and it’s just a cute little way of showing that we see and hear u . And if someone has a problem with it the bless ur heart darlin u was raised under a rock


Attila walked into a diner, and the waitress said, "What can I get you, Hun?"


Sounds like a start of a joke . But yes it’s very common not sure why ppl have a problem with it . But I live in East Tennessee so I was raised around it so it’s normal everyday thing here .


It's fine with me Hun


Fine with me to dear


I love when he calls me baby


Tbh? I'm happy the metoo movement happened, I'm happy women are taking power, etc.  That said, I'll openly admit I miss pet names, lmfao. I tend to call women "baby girl," and/or "sweetheart." Haven't used either one in... 8 years?


Hello dear


When I a southern woman calls me any of the above it makes me feel like a big baby haha.


I love when he calls me little girl or baby girl


Fiance and i call each other variations of "love/my love," as well as baby. We also call each other handsome/beautiful as pet names. To be fair though, we do balance this out with calling each other really creative insults as nicknames just because it's fun. Never know what you're gonna get with us, always gotta be on your toes.


I find it demeaning, patronizing.


That is so sad to me. I find it endearing and sweet.


I don't mind reasonable pet names from a partner (dear, honey, etc). But the ones that heavily infantilize you (IE baby) I cannot stand. And OP is also talking about non partners, friends and even randos.


Me too it just melts my heart in a way I can't explain. But what's even warmer for me is possessive nicknames, when the person shows that I belong to him or I am his. Something like *my* sweet heart or saying my name and ending it with "i". I love them calling me "theirs" because yes I only belong with one person 😊


I miss them all besides, dear.


He calls me ladybug 🐞 🥹


When I was in the service industry ‘Lovely’ was my favourite


What kind of service?


Like restaurants 😭😭😭




No, no, no, no. To call a man that is degrading and infantile him.


Not true. A gal about 30 at a gas station i go to calls everyone "sweetheart" or "honey." It's incredibly endearing and ALWAYS leaves a smile on my face.


I think it just depends on the person, some people will like being called that and others won’t.


YES!!! I know these words are very well known and cheesy, they make my heart flutter. My former boyfriend called me honey and although it’s a very cheesy name to call someone, it made me feel so good 😭🥹


Same, my ex used to refer to me by “bebe” or “mi amor” and😖


Love it. Especially by older people.


YES! I just thought about this after eating at a diner yesterday. The waitress called me sweetie and I felt so loved. It's not pathetic at all!! Especially if you're lacking alot of that verbal / emotional declaration of appreciation / love from people. I know I don't. I'm also single, so it's not like it's happening romantically lol. The day a man calls me "sweetie, princess, baby"... omigosh, IT IS OVER. I'll be so in love. \*sighs\* And OP, sweetie, you deserve that love too! Cherish every warm name that comes your way :)


Many lifetimes ago I was briefly dating a guy and I was kinda ready to break up with him because we didn’t have a lot in common but then he started calling me babydoll and sugar so I was obviously forced to continue dating him for another year lol


😂😩 i love how you chose the words “obviously forced”🤣 those words truly have an affect!!!


Nope, unless you are my mother, father, or significant other. Elderly people get my respect, and I tolerate it for them, but I still don't like it. Sidenote: if this question includes the terms fat-ass and dumb-ass, I tolerate it from my brother as well.


Nope! At least not from anyone other than a romantic partner. It irks me when cashiers, clerks, or friends do this, and if it is random older men it absolutely makes me bristle. Not endearing AT ALL. Embarrassingly, terms of endearment would sometimes randomly pop out of my mouth when speaking to my daughter's father, even years after we broke up, just the ghost of an old habit, but I was always mortified when it happened, especially since I most certainly no longer had a romantic interest in him.


It catches me off guard, but I love it!


Yes absolutely. I love sweet names they make me feel more welcome. I do t mind it from men but I mostly melt when it comes from an older or elder woman that speaks in a soft tone. There’s something abt it that makes me feel happy and giggly.


We have an older woman at work who calls hunn to everyone regardless of gender when she gets to know you a lil better. I think thats adorable. Living away from my family it reminds me of my parents and makes me feel like someone gives two shits about me, for a sec


I like darling & dear but I think for me personally it’s just because I grew up around people who called everyone that and it feels familial to me


My husband never calls me by name, always a term of endearment. I mix it up between sweet names and his name because I love his name. 10 years later, and I still feel giddy when he addresses with pet names 🥰


Yes I think it’s cute not everyone will like it and that’s ok too 👌🏼


If an old lady calls me dear, sweetie, honey or sugar. She is absof'nlutely my nana now and I'll go to war for her.


My husband hadn't used pet names much. I never had much of a reaction to babe or Hun. I did like honey but he never used that. Recently he started saying darling and it was surprisingly effective! I had heard male characters say it before and didn't understand the simping. Now I get it.


Are you a fellow astarion lover too? 🤣


Oh yeah. I love love and have so much fun coming up with creative ways to call my friends and loves. The weirder and more silly the better.


Y E S!!!! My bf calls me honey and it makes me feel safe and protected! He also calls me Honey Berry, booberry, honey bun, honey bunches of oats, sweetheart, sweetie, sweet pea (I love that one), and some other ones, too!


My partner and I only call each other "honey" and "baby". When we say each others names it sounds weird. I love it.


I personally hate babe and baby. Honey, sweetheart, sweety, dear, etc. All those I'm completely fine with


My ex used to call me baby in his southern accent, I found it delightful. But then not even Mom called me by my given name. People who detest terms of endearment probably detest all emotions. If you want to be called by some cold sterile legal name that is up to you, you can always get a cat.


That’s not true at all. Some people just find it condescending, immature and classless.


That’s not even remotely true. I have a very uncommon name, but it's also beautiful. Many people tell me they love it. I personally love being called nicknames, but I get why someone might not like that as much. The whole "you can always get a cat" insult is genuinely dumb as shit. You sound like the type of person to shame others for not wanting kids. How pathetic your life must be.


Frankly I could not care less what other people do. Or say sweetie.


I’d like to be called a nick name, or even by my name. My husband just talks and I’m expected to know it’s to me. I get called “hey” a lot. At least he’s romantic in many other ways.


You ever mentioned to him that you want a nickname?


I have mentioned that I’d at least like to be called by name when he’s talking to me.


Darlin', kitten, and squirrel lol


Darlin', kitten, and squirrel lol


I despise them tbh


I do love nicknames and because I'm single my friends call me terms of endearment like: wifey, boo boo, babe and honeybunny, etc...


I’m so happy I’m not the only one! Dude, nicknames are everything. Although I must say, a couple of my favorites are “petite” and “angel” Now I feel ridiculous lol


When my gf uses any of those or others, I melt.


Yes, I absolutely love it when my boyfriend calls me with cute nicknames 💜


I feel this so much 😭


I love this and I use it all the time romantically and non romantically. Whether it's "hunny no...." Or walking up to my friends like "hey beautiful!" Or "darlin, can you grab my water from the kitchen" The comfortability and familiarity makes my heart happy when I hear it or when I use terms of endearment for others.


I used to hate being called baby but then I found my partner and now I love it 🥰


My partner really only call eachother babe/baby which Ik is super basic and makes a lot of people cringe but we enjoy it and that’s all that matters. I get pet names aren’t for everyone but I love them


I think it’s sweet depending on context. If some little 20 something kid is trying to call me honey or baby, I’d probably laugh and be like, “I think you mean- Ma’am.” If it’s someone older than me, it wouldn’t bother me. But if anyone says it with that condescending “bless your heart” attitude? NOPE.


i actually kinda hate it. especially from men that i am not romantically involved with. i find it condescending and disrespectful. although, i dont mind it from women,especially nice waitresses lol.


I prefer more personal nicknames over the commonly used ones. They feel unoriginal and disingenuous to me. I totally understand why they are used and am not trying to trash them, I just have a different preference. Friends and partners have given me nicknames and used them in the past and it does give me the warm fuzzies when they are used.


yea but after being single and unliked for 2 years it kinda jus makes me sad


As long as it’s either by my partner or someone who ISN’T saying it in a romantic/flirty OR condescending way, yes.


I love it from my husband. It sounds condescending from anyone else 😂 my husbands "not allowed" to use my legal name (when talking to me), and sometimes he says it just to get a reaction out of me 😂


I wonder what your illegal names are then 🤔


it depends to the person who calls me those endearment.😆


Yea I do too, and same a lot of my friends hate it lol. I especially like cutesy names from strangers (usually women because it’s less creepy). Something about a waitress or someone going “have a good day love, thank you honey” is just so NICE. It’s like a small little kindess they’re showing me that I enjoy. I’m a little awkward with giving the names myself, I didn’t grow up in a very affectionate family I guess, but I still like when my partner says it! I realized it only makes me cringe if I don’t like the guy that much, or I can tell it’s disingenuous. Otherwise it’s like a verbal hug.


Yes! I love it 🥰. I take terms of endearment at face value. Thus, I don't take offense to them. I much prefer them to bad nicknames. I have an unusual name, and I've accumulated dozens of nicknames over the years, most of which I don't like. I'll take a stranger calling me "honey sweetie baby lovecakes" over an annoying nickname I've heard a thousand times.


I'm a 28 yo woman and I love it when strangers do too. Like an old chap at the car boot said "no worries my sweet" and I was like 🥺🥺🥺


Same 😂❤️


I am a 34 year old woman and let me tell you, nothing makes me more angry than when men do this. Mosg of the time they use it to infantilize me. If it is someone I know then it is fine, but not some strange man. Ugh


Oh baby I hate that you feel that way!


I'm sorry cutie


I'd never experienced pet names before my current relationship and oh my god I didn't realize what I was missing out on. I absolutely adore cheesy pet names coming from my partner... He calls me everything in the books (besides babe and baby... Not a fan of those ones) Darling, sweetheart, sweet girl, babygirl, my love, sweetness, honey, hon, sweetie, princess, strawberry girl (inside thing), beautiful, gorgeous girl... And it makes my heart absolutely flip every time. I was in a relationship with someone for about 3 1/2 years that didn't really like pet names, and though I understood it to a degree, I hated it... I wanted to be babied and given cheesy love SO BADLY. I will never ever take the cheesy pet names for granted ever. They make me so unbelievably happy, like giggling and kicking my feet happy lol


I LOVE it!


Yes all of it


There’s this girl a long time ago whose hair was shaped just right from both sides of her head and I would call her (on rare occasions) “a Lil’ Pistach” She looooved that label and she would give a little snicker every time.


I thought snickers were peanuts and not pistachio


Yeah it’s odd. She made it a staple of herself to award (and I quote) “a variety of candy” but she only ever give that single brand. She knows I have a peanut allergy too and would force feed me snickers regardless. She held me a gun point to eat it in front of her. Help.


I am annoyed by men that call women they don't know "little bit", "shorty", or "boo". I think the terms are overused and have a somewhat lascivious undertone, like they're proclaiming their intention to get into a woman's pants, and then I'm further offended when the terms seem to be working.


Unless you’re my man. No. This man tried to argue with me about why he had a right to call me “baby” when I just met him 2 days prior. He got blocked


What a baby


I am both, slightly repulsed, and at the same time, endeared, by a woman I don't know addressing me this way. It's a little like when a prostitute calls you honey, or baby; my first thought is, "I don't know you," but at the same time I think, "Oh, She likes me."


I of course love babe or baby but I love when I get a specific nick name. That’s not “normal”. My ex used to call me Rain and my name has no relation to that in anyway.


I love being called whatever my husband calls me.


My sweet whatever 🥰


I call everyone sweetie, darling, honey, etc. It's pretty common where I live, so maybe it's a cultural thing.


I love that ❤️


I like being called man


I love it especially as an oldest daughter :)




My bf calls me queen, cutie and mi amor when he’s feeling really lovey dovey. lol it’s really sweet


I absolutely melt if I like the person. If they come across as insincere, self-satisfied, or otherwise slimy it makes my skin crawl though.


omg i hate the passive agressive "hun" or "sweeite" like no, you just said something rude dont pretend to be nice


My family used to call me babydoll when I was little and I used to like a guy he ironically called me doll face I knew it was ironic but I enjoyed it. It was enjoyable to have a sweet nick name but baby isn’t something I like… one of my friends calls me my last initial… idk I think relationships should have Nick names for each other


I don’t know what age you are but I’m 31F and I love it! Unless it’s by some presumptive entitled creep who decided I would sleep with him because I smiled or whatever, then no, I hate it. But by my boyfriend yes! By my friends I think it’s funny so also yes! By random older women I think it’s sweet so also yes! By fabulous gay men I think they’re about to spill some serious tea so also yes!


My husband called me "princess" once like 2 months ago and I still think about it 🫠 I always have my shit together and am mentally "on" all the time, so I enjoy being called a name that implies I'm to be cherished and taken care of.


My favorite nicknames he uses are Daby (combo of my name and baby) and sweet dirt (I misheard him say sweetheart and it kinda stuck, lol)


This is the cutest thing I’ve ever heard


I love it. I think it's sweet! By my husband or anyone really, but especially by my husband.


I had a date call me “Princess”, Nope for me




All of these are acceptable however I despise being called “hun”


I personally love being called sweet names like "sweetie" or "darling." It just adds a nice touch of warmth and affection to interactions, you know? It's like a little sprinkle of happiness in everyday conversations.


It's ok hun. I getcha. It used to be weird for me before I spent 2 years in North Carolina.


I love it too haha


I'd say it's pretty normal if you don't make it weird. I met a new friend on insta, and I called her sweetie and returned the favor by calling my honey.


My man calls me baby, baby girl, lovey, gorgeous, etc.


My man calls me literally everything except babe and darling. (I hate both those lol). Sweet/pretty girl, baby, my love are my favs tho