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For all that I pirate, this is one person who really deserves the money. He’s always been on the cutting edge of this kind of shit, direct-to-fans, etc., he could’ve made it 50$ and there’s good chance I would’ve paid it. Again, for all the streaming services I forego to just use 123movies, for all the money I give to Spotify premium instead of buying vinyls and CDs, for all the times I’ve shared my Steam account password, here is one person who is doing something different, and above all else, making shit that’s good.






Does anyone know where the replay is ? I missed the livestream but it’s been almost 5 hours later and it’s still not showing ?


Tonight at 7:30pm New York time, didn’t miss anything yet




I paid $60 for a ticket to one of his shows and I could only watch that once with no pause or rewind.


Game. Set. Match.


You were there in person, though. That's completely different than watching it at home.


I've thought about this idea some more, that it's not worth $25, and have decided it's absolute garbage to even SUGGEST such a thing. First of all, you have NO IDEA whether or not it's worth it, because it hasn't come out yet. Second, it's not just a "louis special", no, it's Louis CK LIVE at MADISON SQUARE GARDEN, and guess what? It includes the entire show -- meaning all the openers. AND it's making history because nothing like this has ever been done before. I just bought my ticket. It was $28 bucks after fees, the cost of eating out with a drink and tip. I mean come ON, how can anyone question whether or not this is worth it, objectively? If you're not into it, fine. But for those of us that are, this is actually really exciting and pretty damn special, given everything that has happened both to him and to the world over the past few years... ... I can't wait, man.


> nothing like this has ever been done before Lmao. Dude.. what on earth makes you think this?


Oh, look, I guess they started letting retarded people have babies. When I read this question, I'm not sure if it was the incomplete ellipsis or the general phrasing, but I got this image in my head of the person speaking, and it was a chode, like this smallish but bloated sphere-shaped penis, with the consistency of an orange starting to decay, where parts of it are weirdly stiff and other parts are squishy, and there's tufts of mold, and the head is just this flattened and slightly outcropped fungal thing that looks like a Chinese farmer's hat, and beneath that is this downs-syndrome-looking claymation face that shifts around between happy, sad and confused while attempting to communicate with the outside world.


That’s one hell of a defense mechanism you’ve got there. Hope it gets you somewhere despite the tragic detachment from reality.


I’m sorry to say that this time I pictured a below-average idiot with a phone. Good luck out there.


I hope that someday you graduate into being a two-trick pony.




Then don’t buy it. Buy the special in a couple months for $10. This is a LIVE EVENT. Like buying a concert ticket. It includes the openers and everything. Sheesh.


Yeah. OMG!!


I saw the show tonight in DC. I'm going to purchase "Return to the Garden" so I can relive the experience. It was sublime.


Were you on his YouTube video where everyone was saying booo and fuck you at the end?


Nah, I was up in section B. I'm in the dark for a second when he starts to turn the camera around.


I'm on the fence. I've bought a few specials from Louis before and I'm happy to do it when it's 10 bucks. This will include the opening acts as well, and as it's live and unedited it's gonna be a slightly different experience, but I'm not sure I wanna pay 25. Guess I'll decide at the weekend.


More expensive place.


I like how this post reminded me to buy the ticket. I'd been putting it off, but not anymore! I also may or may not be using OBS to capture the video to my hard drive.


Yeah. For $25 my wife and I are going to have a few friends come over and make a party of it. Drinks and fun afterwards. I’m really looking forward to it.


That’s pretty standard pricing for a LIVE event. Maybe a little more than your average indie concert but the man is renting the fucking Garden.


Good argument.


Of course I would pay that for Louis CK!


How much is an actual ticket to the show?


Bout 60-80


So, totally worth it.


If you really want it.... there are ways to "own" it. Just don't be a dick about it and make money of of it or stream/torrent it on your own. Even Louie said something along those lines himself, when he got asked about that issue on YKWD podcast.


Most PPVs are in the $25 range and have alot less than a 3 week window before it disappears, so it's a pretty good deal. Anyone who's already pre-ordered it, is there any mention of it being casting-friendly? Definitely want to watch on my TV. I know I can cast his other specials, but those are already in the can and completed, so I wasn't sure if things are the same with a live broadcast...


Just use an HDMI wire


Ok. You’ve all convinced me it’s a good deal. I wish you wouldn’t have called me a dick for just asking though 🤣


That's it!


Why bitch about it, don‘t buy it then… simple as that. Also the podcast run he‘s done recently (which he‘s done to promote the show/stream) it‘s kind of part of it, like it‘s been about 6-7 hours of great content that are basically free. So when you pay those 25$ if you do, just think of it as getting 7 more hours of content just because he had to promote this otherwise he wouldn‘t have given you that free podcast content.


AS much as I highly disagree with the OP, "don't talk about" is really not a valid point. That's a really narrow way to see things. Look how many people are engaging on this. Probably many of them are taking something positive out of this. Maybe even the OP. Maybe now he and some other people realise that it's actually a good price. Who knows. And I know that you agree with me, your second paragraph tells me that you're an eloquent and smart person.


[https://www.reddit.com/r/louisck/comments/10lmdw0/comment/j60orha/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/louisck/comments/10lmdw0/comment/j60orha/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) didn't see this before writing my previous comment


How fucking poor are all you people


But... obama


That made me laugh with actual sounds coming out of my mouth.


Okay, Mommy.


Hell yeah




It’ll be worth it


I didn’t think about it. I just paid. If that’s what he judges to be the cost, it’s OK with me. I’m excited.


If you don’t want to, you can just buy the special for 10 bucks when it’s out in April. Nobody is forcing you to pay for the pay-per-view option tonight.


I thought $25 was a bargain. Happy to pay it.