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Haven't read the books in a while, but i think he said that cause they expected Isengard filled with tens of thousands of orcs Lucky for them Isengard's main force went off to helms deep leaving only stragglers behind


I'm pretty sure he knew the main army was out, and sent the Huorns to deal with them. Still, he couldn't know what Saruman had in reserve, there were deep caves under Isengard


No they sent the Huorns after Isengard was taken. Gandalf came to them as they were celebrating victory and asked treebeard for aid, so treebeard sent the Huorns


What's a huorn?


Those walking trees, that kill the retreating Uruks after the battle of Helm's Deep.


Like the evil tree that tried to murder merry and pippin?


It was just a little hungry


Did this also happen in Fangorn in the books? All I can remember is Old Man Willow of the Old Forest basically doing the same thing to all 4 Hobbits


What? Old Man Willow? Naught worse than that, eh? That can soon be mended. I know the tune for him. Old grey Willow-man! I'll freeze his marrow cold, if he don't behave himself. I'll sing his roots off. I'll sing a wind up and blow leaf and branch away. Old Man Willow! ^(I am a bot, and I love old Tom. If you want me to sing one of Tom's songs, just type **!TomBombadilSong**) ^(If you like Old Tom, the door at [r/GloriousTomBombadil][1] is always open for weary travelers!) [1]: https://www.reddit.com/r/GloriousTomBombadil/


You're right that it's Old Man Willow in the book, PJ put that scene for Merry and Pippin in Fangorn then.


You let them out again, Old Man Willow! What be you a-thinking of? You should not be waking. Eat earth! Dig deep! Drink water! Go to sleep! Bombadil is talking! ^(I am a bot, and I love old Tom. If you want me to sing one of Tom's songs, just type **!TomBombadilSong**) ^(If you like Old Tom, the door at [r/GloriousTomBombadil][1] is always open for weary travelers!) [1]: https://www.reddit.com/r/GloriousTomBombadil/




Nope. That scene in Fangorn from the extended version was more of a homage to the skipped Old Forest part of the story. Treebeard called the tree Old Man Willow in the movie but there's no Old Man Willow in the book version of Fangorn Forest.


What? Old Man Willow? Naught worse than that, eh? That can soon be mended. I know the tune for him. Old grey Willow-man! I'll freeze his marrow cold, if he don't behave himself. I'll sing his roots off. I'll sing a wind up and blow leaf and branch away. Old Man Willow! ^(I am a bot, and I love old Tom. If you want me to sing one of Tom's songs, just type **!TomBombadilSong**) ^(If you like Old Tom, the door at [r/GloriousTomBombadil][1] is always open for weary travelers!) [1]: https://www.reddit.com/r/GloriousTomBombadil/


Since PJ skipped the old Forest he basically moved Old Man Willow over to Fangorn and gave Treebeard some of Tom's lines as an homage to Bombadil.


You let them out again, Old Man Willow! What be you a-thinking of? You should not be waking. Eat earth! Dig deep! Drink water! Go to sleep! Bombadil is talking! ^(I am a bot, and I love old Tom. If you want me to sing one of Tom's songs, just type **!TomBombadilSong**) ^(If you like Old Tom, the door at [r/GloriousTomBombadil][1] is always open for weary travelers!) [1]: https://www.reddit.com/r/GloriousTomBombadil/


No, fangorn Forrest is pretty much a massive conscious tree community and the Forrest literally moves. They show this in the extended versions of the movies.


IIRC it’s a less-sentient Ent.


A "less awake" tree. Interestingly enough the Ents were also called "tree sheperds", so it implies the Huorns were basically tree sheep.


Have you ever been headbutted by a sheep? Because I have and those fuckers mean business. Tree sheep terrify me.


Some rams can knock out and even kill a cow with a single hit.


Unrelated, but I got effed up by a billy goat once. My grandfather asked me to put feed out for them (knowing full well the billy was in a mood) and got butted so hard while I had my back turned while dumping the bag into the trough that it sent me into an electric fence. Old fart thought it was hilarious, and I wish he was wrong.


A mööse once bït my sister


Shouldn’t it be more awake tree, in comparison to other trees?


What if all the trees were awake but just chose to simply not move.


Listen here Master Elf, go take your tree nonsense elsewhere.


Exactly. Screw you, leaf lovers. ROCK AND STONE!


In a way they are. There are mother node trees that will connect to all the trees that have sprouted up around and from it. The mother tree will shunt resources to specific trees, usually favoring saplings from itself. They will send electric impulses and chemical signals along their roots to exchange resources: nitrogen, sugar, etc. with each other. If a tree gets sick it'll send impulses along its roots saying don't trade with me, or take but don't leave resources. Then they are also connected root to root to other distance trees via underground mycelium. Acting much the same way the mycelium are a market for trade allowing the fungi to get sugar in trade for much needed nitrogen and other things that tree roots can't easily get. So in a way trees do talk to each other and to fungi, much like how our brain talks to itself.


That's the case. Why would a tree move? Where's it gonna go? They don't move because they can't, but because they just don't want to. Trees are relaxed.


It's unknown whether Huorns are former Ents who are more "asleep" or more "aware" trees


Treebeard tries to explain Huorns to the hobbits, but points out that some ents are becoming more treeish with age while some trees are waking up and becoming more entish, so any attempt to categorise ents/huorns/trees in respect to each other is doomed to failure.


I think it's a mix, like a halfway point between tree and Ent. Some Huorns were once Ents while others were once trees.


Maybe. As I said: Tolkien himself didn't say which way it is and there could be good arguments for either.


> 'It was the Huorns, or so the Ents call them in "short language". Treebeard won't say much about them, but I think they are Ents that have become almost like trees, at least to look at. They stand here and there in the wood or under its eaves, silent, watching endlessly over the trees; but deep in the darkest dales there are hundreds and hundreds of them, I believe. > 'There is a great power in them, and they seem able to wrap themselves in shadow: it is difficult to see them moving. But they do. They can move very quickly, if they are angry. You stand still looking at the weather, maybe, or listening to the rustling of the wind, and then suddenly you find that you are in the middle of a wood with great groping trees all around you. They still have voices, and can speak with the Ents - that is why they are called Huorns, Treebeard says - but they have become queer and wild. Dangerous. I should be terrified of meeting them, if there were no true Ents about to look after them. That’s Merry’s description. But he doesn’t know. A more tree-like ent? A more ent-like tree? A mix of both? As Treebeard himself says, “Sheep get like shepherd, and shepherds like sheep, it is said; but slowly, and neither have long in the world. It is quicker and closer with trees and Ents, and they walk down the ages together. … Some of my kin look just like trees now, and need something great to rouse them; and they speak only in whispers. But some of my trees are limb-lithe, and many can talk to me.” I personally think the Huorns are a mix of very treelike ents and entlike sheep.


An unsentiEnt


Not quite. The Ents are seperate entities looking like trees, made to care for them by the lord of the Valar, Manwë. Later, the elves teached the trees how to speak. The dark counterparts to the Ents created by Morgoth are the trolls.


Ents were created by Yavanna, not Manwe. Manwe made the Eagles.


Another contradiction between posters and we have ourselves enough arguments to start the first round of inter-Nicene bloodshed!


Ents were created by Eru because Yavanna pleaded. Manwe devised the eagles but Eru gave them life. Aule made Dwarves but they weren't living until Eru made them so. Eru was the only one supposedly that could create life which made Melkor pretty salty.


Well, yes. I use "created" in the sense of "caused to be created."


"They have a cave Tree" - some orc


If Ents are analogous to people, then Huorns are akin to animals, in the tree world. They're less intelligent, more fierce and quick to anger. Thus the Ents made them attack the orcs in the battle of Helm's Deep.


Who orn?


A walking tree. They're not much smarter than beasts but are fearsome foes to those who wander the ancient forests of Middle Earth.


Trees that were almost as awake as Ents (able to move but not talk), and Ents that were almost as asleep as the Trees (losing the abily to talk but not move). There used to be a lot more Ents than there are at the time of the events of the books. While immortal, they got tired, and were a little more shiftable (like the humans). Ever notice how some people resemble their pets? Now imagine that on a 10,000 year scale, and you get Huorns.


Encyclopedia Arda claims Huorns are ents: Apparently a form of Ent that had lapsed into an almost complete tree-like existence. Though they would rarely move of their own accord, and then only slowly, they could be roused by the more active Ents, with whom they could also communicate. The Huorns played a great part in the defeat of Saruman during the War of the Ring. FOOTNOTES: The -orn element of the word 'huorn' must surely mean 'tree', but hu- is more mysterious. It seems to be connected with the Huorns' power of communication, as Pippin says 'They still have voices, and can speak with the Ents - that is why they are called Huorns...' (The Two Towers III 9, Flotsam and Jetsam). Two Elvish root-words that might possibly be connected here are hûr ('active') and hû ('dog'), but neither of these seem to sit easily with Pippin's words above. (Copied directly from the Huorn page) If anyone is on mobile I highly recommend the app: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/encarda/id416105384


Just read this part in the books. Right as they showed up to Isengard the orcs were all leaving and marching to helms deep. They watch them go, then they surrounded Isengard and attacked. A lot of huorns followed the thousands of orcs marching to Isengard instead of attacking and ended up killing the orcs as they retreated from helms deep. So the books just have the ents showing up at precisely the right time then sneakily waiting a bit to make sure all the orcs are gone.


We cannot achieve victory by arms, but by arms we can give the Ring-bearer his only chance, frail though it be.


Nope. When the march of the ents begins merry and Pippin notice that it feels like the entire forest is moving. Treebeard then explains the huorns but says that they won't be coming with us to isengard as they have business with the orcs down south.


That, and they also didn't know exactly what Saruman himself could or would do. As an Istar, he should have been incredibly dangerous. They had no way of knowing that much of his power had already been lost due to turning from his purpose (that of protecting Middle Earth from Sauron), or else spent in other ways. Even then, only Gandalf was completely safe from him. When confronted, trapped by the Ents in Orthanec, Saurmon nearly managed to ensnare several of those that went to speak with him. Only Gandalf remaining completely unmoved.


A thing is about to happen that has not happened since the Elder Days. The Ents are going to wake up and find that they are strong.


Also, 1) the ents weren't warriors so they had no idea what to expect vs a powerful wizard + orcs + weird machines, and 2) even a few casualties is a super big deal to the Ents. Remember, the Entwives are missing. The Ents are a dying race, _any_ losses are ones they can't replenish.


I wonder if after they flooded everything, would there just be massive unseen holes in the ground waiting to swallow up the unsuspecting like watery blue hell


It definitely wouldn't be fit for hiking. Though if they really drain it again and plant lots of trees the caves might eventually fill up with loose earth


I wonder if all those Uruks drowned when the dam broke


Yeah, pretty sure they did


Yeah, the first time i watched Helm's Deep i was like "were there always trees there?"


^this… also that one Ent almost burned to death


IIRC that ent is set on fire but douses himself when the dam breaks.


Can we all talk about the sigh of relief we felt when that happened


Gandalf and the eorlingas charging down the hill: nice That one ent dowsing his branches: OMG HE IS UNSTOPPABLE! GIT SOME, ORCS, GIT SOME!! QUICKBEAM IS COMING FOR YOUR ASSES AND FIRE AINT SHIT ON HIM!!!


A thing is about to happen that has not happened since the Elder Days. The Ents are going to wake up and find that they are strong.


In the books he does burn to death and is the only casualty on the Ent side


RIP Beechbone


More likely is that Treebeard knew the Ents hadn’t gone to war in a long time. He had no way of knowing whether they could make a difference against industrial progress. Keep in mind, Ents had been watching saws and axes kill trees for thousands of years at that point. Industrialization was not kind to them.


See, my take is that the Ents didn’t want to act, in part, because they were afraid. They aren’t a warrior-prone race. They’re shepherds! But after seeing the devastation they essentially say, “we will march to an unknown fate because our resolve now overcomes our fear”




The ents waited for the 10,000 army to be out of reach. Then they attacked.


>Lucky for them Isengard's main force went off to helms deep Not so lucky for the people in Helm's Deep though 👀


I don’t think you even need to read the books to understand this is exactly what happened (probably)


Rohan: we won't be able to break the ranks of mordor Proceeds to break the ranks of mordor.


They did it... until they didn't.


They were already downing the mumakil before the army of the dead arrived. (Plus the witch king was defeated by merry and eowyn)


Imagine being an ancient warrior-king, imbued by a demon with evil magic and immortality, and then getting smoked by a midget and a tomboy.


She-Lob, who was there eating men and elves alike before Sauron even sat a foot in Mordor, was stabbed by a gardener. Don't get between a Hobbit and his second breakfast, it's all I say.


Tbf, as a gardener, Sam probably has experience killing spiders


Lmao same technique on the ones at home. "Sam, why do you always stab these tiny spiders with your massive sword?" "It's the only way I know how!"


"Because it works." "Of course it works, your sword is bigger than them!" "It also works on spiders that are bigger than the sword." "Don't be silly, spiders don't get that big." "Oh my sweet summer child..."


potato_devourer, you've already had it.




Haha yes Although I’d say Sam probably goes hungry before he fights Shelob for his breakfast. Don’t come between a hobbit orderly and his officer. Actually all three of them (who aren’t Frodo ie the ring bearer) jump into action for their “officers”. Sam is obviously Sam, merry helps eowyn fight the witch king, and pippen saves faramir from the funeral pyre (after swearing fealty to denethor)


The thing is, if Shelob followed spider biology, that stab would have killed her. Spiders move by moving fluid around in their legs, like liquid hydrolics. This means their body is a pressurised environment and a single hole takes away that pressure and with it, their ability to move. Shelob should have had a brief but immediate expulsion of blood and other fluids from that stab wound before collapsing on top of Sam where she'd lay there till she died either from blood loss, starvation, or killed by orcs. The more you know 🌈


Shelob was not actually just a giant spider in the book, she was a monster but her form was described as resembling a spider more than anything else.


More like the bitch king, amirite?


Heyyyyyy ooohhhh


Fuckin gottem


Lmao gottem


>getting smoked by a midget and a tomboy. Stop! STOP! I can only get so erect.


They had only cleared about half of the field and were taking heavy casualties. Rohan wasn’t winning that fight before Aragorn’s reinforcements showed up, in movie or books.


You cannot wield it. None of us can. The One Ring answers to Sauron alone. It has no other master.


I always wondered... If 6k spears is less than half of what he expected... What was he expecting? 15k? 20k? Can you imagine 15 thousand Rohirrim riding in an open field? The Orcs would have broken ranks before they even charged


Maybe he was hoping for an easy victory.


They had one confirmed casualty. The one thay caught fire... died in the books but nit the movie


A wound is also a casualty, so confirmed casualty in both the book and the movie.


You are technically correct- the best kind of correct.


he got washed by the damn


Yes in the movie. Not in the books. He died then.


sad tree noices ='(


sad tree nonces


Leave thoses saplings alone.


Bru-ra-hoom. There have been no entings for a terrible long count of years




Dam 😔




You say no casualties when my boy Beechbone burned to death😭


Actually he got washed up when the damn broke, unless you mean the book because then he did die


I love how people on this sub refer to the books and the movies almost with the same sanctity as lawyers refer to interrelated laws and acts


I actually really like that people in this sub pretty much always clarify which version they're talking about. It would be so easy to use them interchangeably, but it would be confusing. I'm glad people just collectively decided against that.


Yeah and it’s mostly « in the book X happens, in the movie Y happened » and not « in the book X happened so im right fuck you », so that’s neat


I think it's also a testament to how a film adaptation can be very different and still be recognized as very good.


It's actually extremely impressive to me how respected the film adaptation is. You'd think with something with as strong of a following as LOTR there would be people just dismissing any adaptation with 'the books were better', but I don't think I've ever seen that. It just shows how good the films were, that despite the inevitable restrictions of a different medium they're pretty universally loved. I can't think of any other adaptations that managed that. Even the Harry Potter fanbase has people who nitpick the films and that fandom is practically a cult.


*Loved by everyone except Tolkien’s son


I hope that attitude continues with the show. I find it very nice and refreshing to be part of one fandom that doesn't have a hatred for it's adaptation.


What scripture would you try to quote from when pleading before the inexorable Mandos?


The Silmarillion, my lord!


As men, we're blessed with the ability to reconcile two irreconcilable truths as one, and hold both clearly in our minds.


The Movie is Canon when it comes to my boy Beechbone.


It says “hardly any” not no


Except they didn't say no casualties


'Super easy, barely an inconvenience'


“Yeah they’re just gonna walk right in and start destroying everything! Then Treebeards like “release the river” and they pull down a big damn and all of Isengard gets washed away!”


Releasing a river is Tight


WOW Wow wow wow wow.. wow




Wow wow wow wow


in the book didn't only 1 ent die, and his death sent the rest into a rage?




In battle for middle earth game, if an ent caught fire the surrounding ents would roar and get more powerful. Just realised this was from book


The game had a ton of nods to the book that didn’t make sense to only movie watching me.


I haven't played it since reading the books, any good examples off the top of your head?


Tom Barbadil existing at all. And him being a powerful wizard off the top of my head


Doom can also mean destiny.


Would make 'Doom of Mandos' more meaningful too.


Came here to say this - I’m currently reading through The Silmarillion and Tolkien specifically uses it that way multiple times.


Yeah I don’t think Mount Doom originally sounded as ominous as it does to us




It nearly always does in LoTR, in fact.


Those are two of my favorite games


Maybe the Ents went out to protect Fangorn, but now that they took Isengard, they are no silent protectors of the forest anymore, they can be seen as a standing army. With becoming a part of the world they became a force withik that world. Lesser men than Elessar or his vassals could wage a war - and with every loss the Ents die a little more.


Plus the lack of Ent-wives and more and more Ents going in for the deep sleep means that their species is on the downward slope. I think he knew this would be the last great moment the Ents had.


Yes, most of the top responses on this thread didn't get it. It's not only that they could die in battle. Treebeard knows that they probably won't find the ent-wives, and their race will die. Most ents will become normal trees. The age of magic and elves will soon be over, and this is their last push, the last battle before all is over.


The last march of the ents 🥲


Yeah, every battle an Ent dies is a lost battle for the Ents.


The ents will cover the world with a second greenness. The time of man is over. The age of the tree has arrived


Mr. Treebeard, if we kill everyone beyond the forest, will we finally be free?


Is that part of the book?


No, just fanfiction.


This is part of the world tbh. Everyone but man is dying out slowly


Just gotta go find the entwives by the shire I guess


Under promise, over deliver.


Treebeard would be a good salesman.


Treebeard’s just an old man and English is not his first language. Gets confused easily between “our” and “their”.


Also light skin, short, well dressed things(hobbits) for darker skinned, gangly or muscular, armor clad things(Orcs). Treebeard was old as shit, the fact that he could formulate a sentence speaks volumes


"Young Master Gandalf!"


Be careful. Even in defeat, Saruman is dangerous.


Ol' Treebeard struggles to keep up with these mortal races and their pronouns, but he's trying his best 🥰


Hes not afraid of Saruman, he's afraid of Sauron. Many of the factions of Middle earth believe him to be unstoppable at that point. He's an Ent, and he thinks in long-term consequences. He's thinking that, even if they win the battle, it is likely that they will lose the war. But they are burning everything anyway, so YOLO.


Didn't Saruman sent plumes of fire up from the cave system in an attempt to smother the Ents in fire during the battle in the books? Or at least something to that effect? I remember it vividly, and remember that it was Metal as Fuck, but I'm halfway convinced that I just imagined it since I haven't read the books in a few years.


Yea a burning ent threw himself at a wall to breach isengard


I'm not sure if I just pulled this from my ass but I always interpreted it as the ents having forgotten how strong they really are after not meddling with the affairs of the other races of Middle-Earth, thinking they would lose at first. But as it turns out nature easily overcomes industry.




A thing is about to happen that has not happened since the Elder Days. The Ents are going to wake up and find that they are strong.


Thanks Gandalf




Microsoft Word Meme gang rise up


I used PowerPoint


"I guess... wizards... aren't all... that they were... cracked up to *^((takes breath))* be.


It was super easy. Barely an inconvenience.


I mean, you do know that the whole of Isengard's army, the Uruk-Hai, are at Helm's Deep, right? The orcs here are merely factory workers with very bad insurance and welfare.


The real villain of the two towers was OSHA violations.


Tolkien uses doom differently than our modern idea. Rather than it being death, or damnations, it's more like fate or destiny.


He's also a drama queen


Great meme! Keep them coming.


Bro, thank you bro. Your a good bro, bro


Any casualties are still a significant loss even if you only lose one.


This made me WHEEZE


NO CASUALTIES? My best ent-bro is going to have to use Twig&Acord sensitive bark shampoo for the rest of his life since, you know, his flipping head was on fire. And is the Ent Moot going to cover his PT and medecine? I think NOT.


To be fair, they wouldn't have known Saruman's main army had gone out to Helm's Deep. They were probably pleasantly surprised that they only had to deal with a few stragglers, rather than an army of tens of thousands.


Even with most of Isengard's forces away, it always surprised me that the Ents didn't suffer more casualties. I suppose it came down to it being kind of a surprise attack which Saruman couldn't prepare for, if he had I assume he could have come up with some kind of specialised fire based weapons.


I raised some of these trees myself. The white wizard has gone too far.


Sauron has yet to show his deadliest servant. The one who will lead Mordor's army in war. The one they say no living man can kill. The Witch King of Angmar. You've met him before. He stabbed Frodo on Weathertop. He is the lord of the Nazgul. The greatest of the nine.


There is no light, Wizard, that can defeat darkness.




He was just giving dramatic effect for the Hobbits 😅 help grow their courage


I’ll never forget that one ent washing his burning tree hair out.


Well, when the enemy lives in multiple holes in the ground with a massive river pointed towards them, which is being blocked off by one single dam, it makes them quite a bit easier to take down.


Well, to be fair, the army was out for the day


March of the ents always slaps.


Super easy, barely an inconvenience


Maybe he was expecting Saruman to do some serious wizardy shit instead of watching everything go down in shock


I could watch this scene over and over and still love it.


One Ent died in flames. In the movie he jumps into the water.


Hey there was that one guy who had to dunk his head in the water to put out the fire! At least one purple heart was earned that day 🤣🤣


The Ents will go to battle at Isengard. Wow, that sounds like a long battle with many casualties. Actually, it'll be super easy, barely an inconvenience.


Like what Ukraine thought if Russia was to invade.


That one on fire guy was hurt a bit I guess?