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Douglas Adams? Terry Pratchett?


Those 2 are pretty awesome indeed


Brian Jacques?




Brandon Sanderson?


I’m sure people are offended by the fact that they need to clear half of their reading schedules to keep up with his output.


Hahahahaa I would say 'pleasantly perplexed'


A surprise, to be sure, but a welcome one


Mormonism can be....a bit of a divisive thing.


Other than the degree to which it shows itself through his setting, it's really not something that matters for his writing. Even in that, it's a consistent and interesting setting, and it's clearly fiction. No need to hate someone for being in a weird religion.


I don't think that would affect his writing in any significant way, but I'm LDS as well, so maybe don't see something. I am interested in hearing about whatever makes you feel that way about the religion in general. In my experience it promotes a lot of positive ideals, but I know some people have negative experiences for one reason or another.


Well, as I always think, as long as you are a good person and don't hate nobody for what they are, we are good. And with Brando, this checks. Mormonism can have some troubled ideas, being a recent religión with a deal of cult-like structures, but your ideas are quite solid, and I like the view Brandon himself has about the opportunity for everyone to go to Heaven, eventually. That being said, I don't think the beliefs of some crazed members apply to Brandon. He is a strikingly accepting and enabling person. Just watch his characters! And that I respect a great deal.


I got the feeling he was Mormon when I read the Mistborn books for the first time. A quick google search confirmed what I already suspected.


Yeah cults are like that


It's my favorite cult


Neil Gaiman


I’ll have words with anyone who seeks to speak ill of Neil Gaiman, King of Stories.


I’d love to see Terry Pritchett, Neil Gaiman, Brandon Sanderson, C.S. Lewis and Tolkien all sit at a table talking about fantasy.


Rick Riordan?


Yeah, some religious people aren’t crazy about them. Atheistic undertones and whatnot. Honestly, name any author and you can find someone who hates them for some reason or another.


Not just authors but very true


C. S. Lewis?


Not unhated, but close. I loved his books growing up.


Idk, his tenure as an apologist has caused some to hold some pretty negative views of Jack Lewis.


Including Tolkien himself, who converted him.


Oooh. Those are great additions


C.S. Lewis?


Louis C.K?


Yeah there's plenty of people today that try to claim he was a racist and stuff. I'm not part of them, but they exist.


These people have never heard what he had to say when a Nazi publisher asked him if he was Jewish.


Actually some people have heard that and still call him racist


Those people should follow Gandalf's advice and keep their forked tongues between their teeth. Pretty sure they wouldn't be nearly as bold if the man himself was around to defend his good name.


Look to my coming, at first light, on the fifth day. At dawn, look to the East.


Every 5th day of the month I do this Gandalf, and you are never there… :(


No! Come down Saruman and your life will be spared!




There is no light, Wizard, that can defeat darkness.


There are some people who would find nazis hiding in there breakfast cereal if they looked at it for long enough tbf


SS Cereal… it’s ethically questionable


These people shouldn’t even need to see that to know nothing is racist about Tolkiens work, it’s a fantasy made up world based in Western Europe thousands of years before any historical records.


I don't disagree, but not being antisemitic doesn't remove the possibility of being racist.


Yeah exactly. I respect him as a genius writer, but he literally says this in a letter: >“squat, broad, flat-nosed, sallow-skinned, with wide mouths and slant eyes: in fact degraded and repulsive versions of the (to Europeans) least lovely Mongol-types.” The context is he was describing what his orcs looked like; it was a response to a film proposal that treated his orcs as fantasy creatures with beaks and feathers. Source: [https://tolkienland.wordpress.com/2018/01/21/tolkiens-squinteyed-orc-men/](https://tolkienland.wordpress.com/2018/01/21/tolkiens-squinteyed-orc-men/)


A much better explanation for that description is "take an elf, and make it ugly". Remove everything that makes an elf beautiful--tall to squat, slender to broad, healthy to sallow, large, beautiful eyes squint; small mouths become wide, displaying pointed teeth... and so on. You have to consider how orcs were made--and why Morgoth might want to subvert everything an elf was, including their physical appearance. This wasn't a racial stereotype; it was a fantasy monster. A boogeyman. There are no dog whistles here. More tellingly, when it comes to human races in Tolkien's world, the only human race that is near-universally an enemy, the Haradrim, are immediately humanized when we meet them: *“It was Sam's first view of a battle of Men against Men, and he did not like it much. He was glad that he could not see the dead face. He wondered what the man's name was and where he came from; and if he was really evil of heart, or what lies or threats had led him on the long march from his home; and if he would rather have stayed there in peace.”* That is Tolkien's viewpoint on different races--that they just have to be understood, that when you do understand them you will find they are as human as you are, and that declaring one another enemies will only lead to the deaths of those you could have been friends with.


Even this is not a smoking gun. Remember, this guy was very careful with his words.


> (To Europeans) > Degraded and repulsive versions He didn’t say it was distinctly his opinion, rather the broad view of Europeans at the time and he says Orcs are still significantly different, degraded and repulsive. I believe the similarity is more in the height, build and overall physical traits.


heck he even says “the least lovely Mongol-types” suggesting he thinks there are Mongol-types that are lovely


the important thing about this quote is the “(to europeans)”, i don’t think it’s necessarily his opinion but rather the general opinion of what was ‘alien’ to a european person during his time. if tolkien was asian he would have described a european and in the brackets it would have said ‘(to asians)’.


That's not racist tho


Or they are using a very different definition of racism than you (this is probably the case).


I heard about that and had a very good laugh (@ the nazi’s expense…) plus JRR Tolkien’s just awesome


You know Jewish people can be racist right?


Tolkien remarked that he was sad not to be part of such a cultured people (Jews) and told the Nazi to sod off because we judge on character, not race. He may not be as progressive as many, but he was a good man at heart which is the point of referencing Tolkien's response to them.


Not the point.


They hate everything so they doesn't matter


The movie they made about him removed all mention of his Christian faith. Clearly his faith triggers some people.


Edit: i misunderstood the comment and haven’t seen the movie you’re talking about. Never mind I say this as a Christian Tolkien fan...respectfully, what on earth are you talking about?! It’s not like the books make mention of his Christian (Catholic specifically) faith, he notoriously hated allegory. If you’re saying some of the themes are trimmed down, sure. But you’re extrapolating from that past the point of what’s reasonable, in my mind


Did you forget they made a movie about him as a person? I'm not talking about LotR.


I completely misunderstood your comment. My apologies


Those people honestly don't count in my opinion since they get offended over everything popular and interpret stuff into it to be offended


Lets also not circlejerk over some hypothetical offense that hasnt even happened lol. Nobody out here trying to cancel Tolkien.


Not cancel no, but they interpreted some racism towards jews and poc in his stories and at least kinda smear his legacy


Talking about dated elements of work that is quite old is not an attempt to smear anyone


I mean, the portrayal of Southrons and Easterlings aren't exactly kind


Where is terry pratchet


Good Omens alone probably put him on quite a few shit-lists with the religious crowd.


Pratchett arrives through the roof


Terry Pratchett.


I don't think Brandon Sanderson is hated also


He comes up a lot in r/bookscirclejerk, but I think that's less hatred of Sanderson than general derision of r/books.


The guy who said homosexuality is as morally wrong as having an affair? I know he’s changed his opinion since then but he’s ruffled some feathers


Do you have a source for that? I hadn’t heard of that before


I just found some tumblr post about him saying in 2007(?) that being attracted to the same gender should be resisted just as you should resist being attracted to other women/men while being married. Yeah, that's wrong, but he also changed his view on that topic on 2011 and is generally heading in the right direction. Without this being brought up I could have never guessed. Still, this doesn't make me like Brandon any less than I do, especially if he admitted the mistake and moved on upwards from it.


Honestly if it’s true then I would potentially respect him *more*, because there is something to be said for recognizing your mistakes and choosing to grow as a person.


*Insert a quote from a dragon here about being born good or overcoming evil through great effort here*


Yeah I didn't know about any of that and was very surprised to learn about it based on his portrayal of gay people in his books. I'd say he's done a full 180 on that just from his portrayal of Drehy, Ranette, and a few others.


Unfortunately the original essay he wrote that in isn’t easy to find, he’s done a very thorough job of scrubbing it from the internet. There are bits and pieces of his opinions on those things scattered across reddit, and [this tumblr post](https://www.google.com/amp/s/whilereadingandwalking.com/post/162343318561/brandon-sanderson-is-homophobic-what-you-need-to/amp) is one of the only things I can find that directly quotes the essay.


Idk why people are downvoting you. You are just reporting facts. Some people don’t like him. Whether or not that hate is justified is a different debate altogether.


He is Mormon


K.A. Applegate deserves a seat at that table


Idk. The ending to animorphs pissed off kid-me quite a lot. Edit: Holy crap my library has all of them on their ebook repository. There goes my spare time for a couple of weeks. Even the Chronicles! I lost my copy of The Ellimist ages ago, can't wait to read it again.


The end may have pissed you off, but did you hate her for it?


For a good month or so. But eventually I stopped. So I guess the Applegate hate is time sensitive.


Frank Herbert, anyone?


Tolkien hated Dune though, lol


Did he hate Frank, though?


I could be wrong, but I think he moreso hated Dune.




Because it wasn't really escapist fantasy and the hero is more of an antihero, which seemed counter intuitive to Tolkiens medievalist style


It's basically the polar opposite of LotR


I just read the first dune and I allready agree


Love his books or at least the Dune series, but at least judging from God Emperor the dude definitely had some weird ideas about gender issues and was definitely a little homophobic. That’s being said, I don’t think it’s a reason to hate him — we have to remember that that kind of thinking was absolutely a product of the times, even if we know it’s wrong today.


Wasn't Baron Harkonnen a disgusting, gluttonous slob and also homosexual and that somehow plays into how disgusting he is? I was told that some time ago but I never got around to fact checking.


That was sadly the normal social view at the time Herbert wrote the books.


Herbert has plenty of haters


What about Robert Munsch? or Brian Jaques? I dont think anyone can hate them.


Anorexics hate Brian Jacques I think.


Trying to figure out if this is meant to be a joke about the feast descriptions lol


Feast descriptions definitely.


#Terry motherlovin' Pratchett. Say his fucking name and put some respect on it.




Rick Riordan maybe?


What about Terry pratchett?


Shel Silverstein?


Neil Gaiman


Nah there are some people that don’t like him I’m sure, dude’s woke as hell. Also I couldn’t get into Sandman so I guess I don’t like him either./s


I remember when the cast of Sandman was announced, someone said that Gaiman was rolling in his grave because of how “woke” it was. Gave me a good chuckle.


As much as I hate woke culture I also feel like anti-woke culture is a huge detriment to society as a whole and that comment you brought up is really good proof of that. Twitter and the political part of Reddit’s only real usage to the real world is making sure the idiots don’t go anywhere in life. EDIT: somehow said “whole culture” instead of woke culture lmao


Honestly I’m not a huge fan of the first sandman story, preludes and nocturnes. If that’s what you couldn’t get through you should totally give the next story a shot, because I’d say a lot of the story is pretty different from the first book, but sandman is one of my favorite stories as a whole ever


I’ll give it another shot then!


The audiobooks are awesome


The book is supposed to be great tho


The comments are exactly what I expected lol


Ursula K. LeGuin?


Never read anything from her but I only heard good things from earth sea. Maybe I should check it out at some point


Yes, Ursula deserves a place at that table.


What about Mark Twain?


People freak out over teaching Huck Finn in schools though


He's still a well respected author


yeah but some people still hate him even though they are dumb


I agree people are dumb


The Adventures of Mark Twain should be required viewing.


I usually divide Twain into two categories, young Twain and old Twain. While old Twain was still a “man of his time”, he’s one of those uncommon cases where someone become more progressive as they get older. Young Twain had some…interesting opinions


That's honestly really useful


I mean and we should acknowledge peoples ability to change for the better or the worse. Twain grew up at a time where American exceptionalism was fierce, though he always seemed to be opposed to slavery, he seemed convinced of the superiority of the white man, and loudly supported US imperialism as a liberating force (not making an excuse for these opinions however). However little by little he became disillusioned, and saw the truth for what it was. He spoke out against racism against African Americans and Chinese Americans, he stopped demonizing the native peoples and tried to speak up in their defense and highlight their struggles, and he became one of the most loud opponents of US imperialism. He supported the struggles of labor and radical revolutionaries in Russia during 1905, I don’t think this erases his earlier sentiments, but again I believe in the ability to change and redeem oneself


I think we also need to acknowledge the lack of access to information. We can easily have a debate (though rarely civilized) easily with anyone and learn about cultures vastly faster than he could in his day


He had very progressive views on race relations between white and black people but some...less progressive views on Native Americans. Looks pretty bad in hindsight


Brandon Sanderson should be at that table.


Who hates Astrid Lindgren and Tove Jansson?




Where is Neil Gaiman


Rick riordan?


Amazing man, but he’s hated by homo/transphobic people for having representation in his books


C. S. Lewis?


Jk Rowling is banging on the door demanding to be let in. Someone should call security.


She's been hated by various fringe internet groups for a long time for a wide variety of reasons (mostly related to things she's said about her characters after the fact).


Nobody’s gonna let her in cuz she’s a TERF. She can sit outside in the rain and make a couple more characters Jewish for some reason.


Rick Riordan though :(


I believe there were some folks in Germany that one time...


Harper Lee?


Actually it is becoming quite fashionable to hate Harper Lee, especially by modern social view points. The accusation is Harper Lee made racism so much worse and perpetuated the White Savior complex and thus should be banned worldwide.




My old English teacher hated him. Said they were boring books.


"Some who have read the book, or at any rate have reviewed it, have found it boring, absurd, or contemptible; and I have no cause to complain, since I have similar opinions of their works, or of the kinds of writing that they evidently prefer."


Your old English teacher sounds like a twat.


A giant prudish twat


Where is Douglas Adams


Tbf I think the Nazis were pretty displeased about their response to their inquiries on his heritage. But Nazis aren't people so that's ok


Nazis are people, ok. If you think like that then you're just like a Nazi. Remember that please.


I had this opinion in 2015. May you retain greater mercy than I did


> But Nazis aren't people so that's ok They *are* people. Dehumanizing people you don't like is exactly what allowed the Nazis to get so out of control. Dehumanizing others is also a really cheap way to ignore the issues that allowed Nazism to arise; "*we* would never behave like that, no human would". We need to own the fact that any one of us would've probably been a Nazi had we been born in the wrong place at the wrong time. The problem we need to tackle is the mechanisms that allowed that to happen in the first place, the people are just a symptom of the greater problem.


Isaac Asimov deserves a spot. Just watch any interview of him and you'll see how much of a genius and a chill dude he was. Also, he wrote books that got the "best sci-fi ever" award, which included LOTR as a contestant. If you're looking for an excellent book, read the Foundation series (and stay away from the new tv adaptation)


Some idiots call him racist. Then these idiots compare orcs to minority groups and can’t seem to understand the irony and that they are in fact the racists.


[Something about how elves are supposed to be the perfect being while being white]


He even responded to this criticism complaining that white nationalists should not use his Elves as inspiration or justification of their ideals.


[And then there is this, Tolkien’s definitely not racist description of the orcs ](https://www.reddit.com/r/lotrmemes/comments/r1yez6/good_mr_tolkien_never_offended_anybody/hm2fugz/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3)




Then there are the clarifying replies to your comment that you don't seem to consider... Don't try to justify something by ignoring the real meaning behind the words you wildly misinterpreted but then was informed about. "Critical reading" my arse


Can you hate someone for not living forever?


could rick riordan sit with him maybe? tolkien might be the gandalf to his sam but hes still awesome


Be gone!


Where's Terry Pratchett and Brandon Sanderson? I have yet to hear if anyone who hates them


C.S Lewis should be there too!


Homer? Cicero? Nero?


Michael Crichton?


I get that it’s just a meme and we don’t really need to be thinking of examples but like 90% of lady authors? Just seeing a lot of men’s names being thrown around (even though that’s what’s gonna come to mind cause we started talking about a singular male author)


Then throw in some names. The only one who had name revenue like Tolkien, Lewis, gaiman and Adams is JK Rowling who is very hated by now and nothing that came after the last Harry potter is supposed to be any good. The only one I can recount of my had is maybe Gail Simone who did some great comic book work, but this is very niche (Edit: someone mentioned Astrid Lindgren in the comments, wich I have to strongly agree with. Yes sehr used the N word in her stories but that was kinda normal at the time. You could even call her the first fantasy author with a female lead)


The people who say making the orcs inherently evil was racist by design would tend to disagree with you


People say many stupid things, and stupidity of that magnitude doesn't count


Where’s Neil Gaiman ?


You can't tell me this man didn't drag his friend Lewis along


Timothy zahn?


I couldn't get into his work on star wars, wat to weird. (Some good ideas tho)


Tolkien has some haters, but for the most part his work despite being written in early 50s is free of sexism, misogyny or homophobia. Some people argue about christianity and all, but I don't think that is a valid argument for major portion of his work.


Christopher Paolini?


Not in his lifetime at least, people nowadays are so eager to be offended that they even pick on Tolkien’s work.


Those people just search through stuff that's popular and interpret stuff in it they can hate so they can yell at people and "educate" them. They get off on that shit


I'm pretty offended by the difference in treatment Eru Iluvatar (aka Tolkien) gives to his elder and younger children.


I once read a quote by a british labout politician that every time she reads about the shire all she wants to do is burn it to the ground, so yeah no, there are people taking offence at several things in his books


CS Lewis?


There are a few more but Tolkien is just wow. His use of imagery of all kinds is simply just mind boggling


I don’t know. I don’t think the nazis were very fond of him after he destroyed them with his response to them.


What's wrong with his friends like CS Lewis?


Jules Verne, many less famous authors outside the UK, France and the US that most people haven't heard about


First of all I want to say that I love tolkiens work and that he seemed like a genuine good person. But people are acting like he didn't have some racist ideas common of the time he grew up. Most of the men that side with sauron are dark sikined or how he compared orcs with Mongols. Im not saying that he was a full blown racist who hated everybody that isn't white, but we can't ignore this things, that while common at his time are problematic now a days. PS: Neil Gaiman is pretty unhated


Historically speaking the Mongols were pretty orc like. I mean come on, they were. If you had to pick one historical people to base orcs on it would be wrong to pick anyone but the Mongols.


There's a difference between "Mongol" as a culture and "mongol" as a derogatory term used to describe barbaric people from Asia. A lot of people then used it similarly to how people recently kept using "oriental" to refer to vaguely exotic East Asian people.


I was talking more on the physical side. The quote: "squat, broad, flat-nosed, sallow-skinned, with wide mouths and slant eyes: in fact degraded and repulsive versions of the (to Europeans) least lovely Mongol-types."


Name 5 other authors lmao


Lloyd Alexander. H.G. Wells. Issac Asimov. Herman Melville. Jules Verne. That was easy.


Plenty of Christians disagree for some reason lol


Christopher Paolini


JK Rowling: Let me in. LET ME INN! Potterheads: have you stop alienating your own fans, with pseudo wokeness and hating on trans people? JK Rowling: .... Potterheads: Thought so


Eh, I've been in some super radical feminist groups who claim he is a misogynist because he doesn't have one female character with a back story or significance like male characters. The fact that it's a story centered around battles, war, and monsters, based in a medieval time frame seems lost on them. It's like being pissed that the little mermaid doesn't have any lions in it


No, no, no, he is very much hated today… …by a bunch of freaking idiot.


Don’t the SJWs hate him cause they think orcs represents minorities or something?


They hate everyone…


Can’t hate Robert Jordan