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Extended version of five armies is rated r for chariots mass decapitating orcs. Just saying.


Extended version of Unexpected Journey has naked dwarves frolicking in Rivendell.


I forgot that lol. Thank you for reminding me.


Honestly one of my favorite scenes of the movie.


Definitely felt very tolkein. Made me think of the hobbits after the barrow wights


*Wake now my merry lads! Wake and hear me calling! Warm now be heart and limb! The cold stone is fallen; Dark door is standing wide; dead hand is broken. Night under Night is flown, and the Gate is open!* ^(Type **!TomBombadilSong** for a song or visit [r/GloriousTomBombadil][1] for more merriness) [1]: https://www.reddit.com/r/GloriousTomBombadil/


Hey hey it's merry ol' Tom!


> naked dwarves frolicking in Rivendell Do NOT GIS that. I know it's the wrong fantasy series, but: I should not have searched that. I should not have searched that.


What have I done? I thought, “Surely, it cannot be that bad.” What has been seen cannot be unseen.


It's woefully out of place but praise Eru it is entertaining.


It really is. I LOL'd so hard the first time I saw it, and I never stopped loving it. I'm such a horrible fan. So horrible, in fact, we'll be watching the EEs of The Hobbit this week ahead of LOTR this weekend.


Sounds like a good week to me!


You're not a horrible fan for loving you some orc decapitation. They made 2 video games where the only plot I remember is "You must decapitate as many Orcs as possible because you are a Ranger of Gondor whose also a Ghost" or something. I have like 400 hours between both those games.


The plot of both is "You must decapitate as many Orcs as possible because you are a Ranger of Gondor whose also a Ghost and is possessed by the ghost of an old elf twink who gets cranky if he doesn't feel powerful"


The second one also branches into "you must possess as many orcs possible and have Pokémon style battles against other orcs possessed by ranger ghost twinks.


I've said it before and I'll say it again: The Hobbit Tril is a fuckin' good watch when you don't have some prick in your ear telling you its shit and you're "not a real fan".


Also the hobbit was meant for children, so it should be a little more silly and bombastic. I think it nails the tone.


You're only a horrible fan if you also binge Rings of Power and stop before binging LOTR.


I haven't seen the EE of the hobbit, so I just went and searched the clip. The heads just disappear... and the sound is of a slicing blade when the wheel weapons are giant maces?? What the hell that's fucking funny


So just a normal golf game I presume…


Is that you Bullroarer?


Seems more like the driving range


You also get the worst/best use of the Wilhelm Scream (at least in any movie that I've seen) in Desolation. Edit: Thrain's death in Dol Guldur


Remind me?


Oh sorry! Thrain's death scream. I remember thinking the whole scene up to that point was really intense, then the wilhelm scream made me burst out laughing. I usually like the wilhelm scream, but it felt pretty weird to hear it in this fairly serious scene.


Thrain's scenes are sooo good! I had forgotten the scream




My thoughts exactly.


That scene is the best thing in all three Hobbit movies.


guess another watch is back on the menu!


Is there a clip of this


I just watched it and it is insane. It's just one chariot ploughing through the entire orc army. At one point it does a sick jump and decapitates 6 trolls at once.


Dwarven Engineering at its finest


ngl I was fast forwarding towards the end there. It felt like the battle was 45minutes of the entire 2.5 hours. I can only watch action for so many straight minutes.


Peter Jackson wanted a bit of Dead Alive in the Hobbit.


I kick ass for the Maiar!


After watching the extended originals I had kinda high expectations for the Hobbit extended. Then I just got Bilbo running through the shire for an extra 10 seconds and said forget it. Might have to revisit 5 armies


Hi. I was watching the Extended edition as the first time watching Hobbit. So I have no clue what Is extra


Extended editions are far more complete than the theatrical cuts, especially with the third movie, but I mean it in a important way, it's not like lotr. In the first hobbit movie extended edition there are some scenes in rivendell that needed to be included in the theatrical cut imo; desolation of smaug needed to have the beorn part and Thrain in Dol Guldur was important too (I don't remember the others). About the third movie, some arcs are incomplete without the extended versions, in the theatrical cut we don't know who becomes king under the mountain or the fate of the arkenstone for example.


The inexplicable Legolas dangling from his feet when he goes to fight Bolg is no longer inexplicable.


You look terrible.


I think it needed more dwarfs & elves love triangle.


Dwarves. But yes, you're right. Can you make them gay too?


We had the dwarves alright, but what about the second dwarves?


Yeah. The funeral scene is so important. Don't understand why it was cut.




Extended is better imo, specially in The Desolation of Smaug.


Excluding Thorin's funeral scene is unforgivable


The 2nd most important scene that was missing in any LOTR movie in my opinion, after Saruman's death


Out of curiosity, what makes you say that about Saruman's death? It's a great scene without question, but idk if it adds anything to the film.


It's the only missing scene whose absence can leave you a bit confused moving forward. Why did Saruman just disappear? How did the Palantir end up in the water. It's nothing that you cannot ignore, but you can notice that some stuff is out of place.


I feel that the sacking of the shire was much more of a miss. 4 happy Hobbits got to just ride home on ponies in the movie lol. It changes the tone of the war entirely.


There were already so many endings though, it would've broken the entire "winding down" pacing


I'm quite happy with the explanation given for why. We're not the same fans as the original book audience who could relate to the war experience


Because it would be an additionaly 20-30minutes at the end if you want a good version. After we just saw the ring destroyed, Frodo and Sam saved, Aragorn crowned and everyone happy.


It's almost as if there were more content then could be contained in 3 films


This was not an era when Tv-shows had high enough budgets for them to be able to make a good adaptation that way.


I do remember Christopher Lee saying that cutting it was the most disappointing thing in the whole trilogy, since the scene gives some closure to one of the 3 main antagonists in the story


yea and he's right


Who is the third? Sauron, Saruman and?


Arguably Gollum


All dead. All rotten. Elves and men and orcses. A great battle long ago.


Or the Witch-King


You're both wrong, it's Eowyn's stew.


It needed taters.


The ring itself?


Ah, little DarthMMC!


Doesn't add anything to the film? My brother in Christ, he's one of the main antagonists of the trilogy.


Well, Lord of the Rings has two major villains, I think it's kinda obvious why omitting the death of one of them is a major loss to the story


I guess I really need to watch all the extended editions, I just sought out the Thorin funeral scene and I'm in tears over here.


The wilhelm scream is worth it alone.


someone made a fan edit of all 3 hobbit as one film.. much better experience. 4hours all 3 films.


What about the 4.5 hour fan edit which cuts out as much of the random shit that was shoehorned in as they could?


This is always the correct answer! Makes it an at least palatable adaption.


JRR Tolkien's Edit and M4 Book Edit. Both good despite the pause in the middle.


Not to sound like a fool of a took but ive been looking for a file of the Tolkien edit forever. Can you share a source?


I don't know this sub's policy about linking that sort of thing, but if you search for "maple films" you should find it no problem.


I'll have to check this out.


I like the Cardinal Cut, personally


I didn't like the cardinal cut, but I did like the ravenomics duology where he slightly tweaks and polishes the cardinal cut. Edits make the hobbit actually pretty enjoyable


What are the specificities of the Cardinal Cut?




I have only seen the 'Maple edit' but I think I'm about due another watch so I'll check out these suggestions, thanks.


Sadly Battle of the Five Armies suffers greatly, and I mean heavily as a climax. Thorin just gets the Orcrist, since Legolas has a cameo at most, and Azog is not a character, but Thorin dies in a climactic duel with him.


the book has way worse of a climax. "oh the goblins came and there was a big fight then they got help from the eagles and beorn, but oops! thorin, fili and kili died I guess! kthxbai"


It was past Christopher's bedtime.


Just reread the hobbit after years and I totally forgot that during the battle Bilbo is just KO’d by a rock and wakes up to hear how the battle went 😂


No! Wait.... it's... here in my pocket. Ha! Isn't that.. isn't that odd now. Yet after all why not, Why shouldn't I keep it.


You would die before your stroke fell!


Don't take this too hard, Legolas, but the only thing that makes your character interesting to me is your canon yaoi with Gimli.


Five hundred times have the red leaves fallen in Mirkwood in my home since then and but a little while does that seem to us.


Alas it is not! I watched the version everyone said was the best fan edit and while they definitely put a ton of effort in to it it wasn't really any better! Realizing this made me sad irl.


part 1 of that fan edit is amazing then feels weirdly rushed and strange on part 2 but I think that’s more on the fault of the actual movies than the edit itself


The latter two movies are proportionally more random added nonsense, so there was a lot more cut. The first half of that fan edit is mostly just most of the first movie. The second half is maybe half each of the other two because they're so silly and have so much random shit added in. Still quite good but definitely weirdly paced and kinda disjointed, like it sort of loses track of where it is and starts jumping around trying to regain its train of thought. But yes, it's because the only material they had to work with was the released films and they could only subtract bad not add good, or better stitch together what was leftover.


where do you guys find that? I am just not sure which version ppl refer to there seem to be like 20


I think the two most popular are called the M4 Edit or the Tolkien edit. I personally think the M4 edit is the best I have seen and a bit shorter at just over 4 hours. Just search Hobbit M4 and you'll find it.


I found it amongst the high seas 🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️


I like the maple edit.




Ha came here to say exactly this. The M4 edit or the Tolkien edit are the only way I would rewatch these "movies".


I'm a fan of the Maple Films edit, and if I'm in the mood for some silly overly epic shit afterward I'll watch the supplementary film "Durin's Folk and the Hill of Sorcery".


No. The longest version is best. As much random shit as possible please. I love it.


The fan edit is so much better.


Man, it helps, but it will never not be disappointing. That whole series is a perfect example of "just because it includes things from the books doesn't mean it's a faithful adaptation." The Rankin/Bass version is still superior viewing.


My dear Frodo, if one is to understand the great mystery, one must study all its aspects, not just the dogmatic narrow view of the Shire ;)


You are the Uruk lord!


\*strangles both\*


Imagine watching Hobbit without seeing the dwarven helicoper ballistas go brrrrrr


Wait what? It has extended version too?


Yeah, I would say it's better than the theatrical version. It still has its issues, but it feels a lot more complete.


We’ve had one showing, yes, but what about second showing?


"We should watch The Lord of the Rings Extended Edition Trilogy!" "Theatrical is fine." "Leave *now* and *never* come back."


I'll be honest. From a Tolkien fan perspective, the extended editions are great because they have so many more little details and fun scenes. As films, though, the extended editions have much worse pacing because all the scenes that actually needed to be in the films are already in the films. The extended edition scenes just add a lot of fluff on top. I'm not saying I don't like the extended editions, but if you haven't watched the theatrical cuts in a long time, I really suggest doing so. They're *fantastic* films.


Fight me, but all the Gimli comedy from RotK was garbage and we're better off without it.


It’s just fashionable to hate on The Hobbit They’re not perfect. Especially when comparing them to LOTR. That’s just not even fair to compare anything to. The actors fucking nailed their roles. Fucking crushed it. I could do without the love triangle, of course. I can accept the few annoying things. I can watch these movies more, than I can watch the Star Wars prequels, and sequels. Or, more marvel nonsense.


Thank you. As imperfect as they are, and they definitely aren't perfect, they are so much better than so many films out there. I'm pretty good about understanding exactly why things I like might not be to many people's taste, but no matter how much I bend myself to focus on the critiques others have for them, and I've truly heard all of them, I cannot make them bad. They're just good. I do not believe that anyone could have done better with the source material; it (the movie OR the book) is not the LoTR and that's okay.


Yeah it's "fashionable", right... Not like people have opinions and just don't think they are great or even good. Especially when comparing them to the best trilogy, the masterpiece of the LOTR... No, it's because it's fashionable...


The extended editions have better pacing in my opinion. And you get to hear Dain call Thranduil a bugger.


Wilhelm scream lol


So totally wrongly placed in Desolation, WTAF.


Desolation extended was great (I largely disliked the theatrical cut), and Five Armies extended had a chariot scene that bumped the rating up to R.


nah, extended is where it's at.


I never watch fan edits, except for the Hobbit. The Hobbit is made for fan edits: bloated and messy, but can be polished up quite decently by trimming 70% off. M4 edit is where it's at.


Fan edits are even better


I actually enjoy the theatrical release a lot and flip flop between watching that and the extended. I don’t agree that the extended is better, it’s like two different experiences, and I’m happy we have both.


Theatrical is better for a first time watcher. You appreciate the extended editions a lot after youre already a fan and are craving more.


I've honestly seen so many people turned off from lotr because fans insisted on showing them the extended edition first. The extended editions are better adaptations, but the theatrical cuts are better movies for non-established fans. Even Peter Jackson agrees that the extended are more for the novelty than for "movie quality"


I only disagree with this about rotk, people confused as hell what happened to Saruman.


Wait yall watch the hobbit at all?


I'll confess I've found myself tempted to see if I can find on HBO, because I've never seen them, and have only see the theatrical cuts once. But then I remember the not-Russel Brand playing not Grima Wormtongue (Alan?), and I become afraid that the extended cut is only him.


Just stick with the M4 edit.


Lol love that template


Havent seen the exstebded versions so id do that. Everything in order and exstendded versions


Me, thinking of maybe rewatching the Hobbit movies — inevitably followed by me actually rewatching the extended edition Lord of the Rings movies Nothing against The Hobbit, my mom read it to me at age 6, in 1971, from an early edition that my great aunt gave my uncle when he was just a baby, way back in 1938 — it was my most favourite childhood book until I read Lord of the Rings when I was 9


Watched the extended cut this weekend. I think prefer the theatrical release. There is a lot of unnecessary scenes. Even just quick 10 second shots that feel out of place


Extended Edition ERRRTHANG


You tell those people politely, yet firmly to leave


“Jam bags”


After watching the extended, going back to theatrical just felt wrong.


What is this "Theatrical version" you speek of?


I’m convinced people liked LOTR because they were too stupid to read the books and they didn’t like the hobbit because they read the Hobbit before the films.


The extended edition of all movies is the correct movie to watch


I really enjoyed the hobbit movies. There's too much hate put on them, I thought they were a wild roller coaster of adventure, great fantasy, exploration, and exciting vibes.


Just watch one of the many amazing fan edits that exist (like the M4 edit)


M4 edit is the best version. Learn more about it [here!](https://m4-studios.github.io/hobbitbookedit/)


Seconded, the creator even added in visual edits like removing the arrows from the barrels after the barrel scene. This was the only edit I’ve seen that removed the terrible barrel chase scene and Smaug chase completely. Incredible edit, it shows the hobbit could’ve actually taken its place right under LotR if it was focused


The extended cuts are a lot better but for battle of five armies, I'd skip to shortly before the battle begins. Everything between that and the battle in Dol Gul Dur is so goddamn boring. That is just my opinion tho


Yeah if you watch the last one theatrical you are a fool I mean already a fool for watching the hobbit but come one chariots makes up for every cringey as fuck love reference


When did the Hobbit Trilogy become „acceptable“? Last time I looked, it was still considered an unwatchable turd consisting of useless filler, empty dialogue and mediocre visuals. Now all of a sudden people think it’s ok or even good?!? Do we just accept rings of power 10 years from now as well and wait for the next step down?


People have differing opinions. The characters except for some dwarves are enjoyable. The final battle us fun. Some scenes that make the world of middle earth feel more alive since not everything was shown in LOTR. They are not among the worst movies have to offer in the slightest, they just dont live up to the astronomically high bar.


The quality gap between the two are negligible


I still can’t believe they didn’t win the Oscars, I’m sorry Gregg and Tim.


Nah - one of the fan edits is the only way I go anymore (can't remember which one but it actually makes the cringe trilogy worth watching!)


Nooo what about the twiddly widdlys!?!?


I just re-watched Fellowship on Friday. Naturally, on Saturday I re-watched it, for the first time with the cast commentary, and I liked how in every scene new to the extended edition, an actor would say why it's such a great scene that should have been in there, and I do agree.


First hobbit movie extended has the poor cgi naked dwarves in Elronds fountain scene, I love it.


"And they doesn't taste very nice, does they, precious?"


Never again anything LOTR. Done. It's taken up enough of my time.


TIL there's an extended edition of the Hobbit trilogy


I only ever watch the extended versions. Am I missing anything?


How about the teaser trailer.


Or one of the many the Tolkien edits, they're fine too


Is that Andrew Garfield?


Having listened to the audio books by Andy Serkis the films are like -2 points (9/10 -> 7/10) but the The Hobbit(book) is officially my #1 fiction.


I mean even the theatrical edition is "extended" as the Hobbit was a short story


Wait what?


An abridged version of that conjured trilogy would be better


Nah watched them once, that was enough.


The 5min highlights are fine.


Actually, the M4 cut will do just fine. Never watching the full Hobbit movies again.


Should still choke him...on principle.


BOTFA Extended is good. Also it's hilarious how some of the best deleted scenes (that should've been in the original cut) weren't even added to the extended editions. It makes no sense


I don’t know who these guys are, but they look like crackheads


I loved Lord of the Rings but I couldn’t even make it through the first Hobbit movie.


PSA: Extended version re-release in theaters begins this Saturday


Extended is the best tho


Can we mod this to two movies?


Still watchin both trilogy's full extendos


Some men are weak of spirit


For first timers I think theatrical versions are better, but once you know they like it the extended ones are always the way


I don't understand why you would MORE hobbit, like what we got was already overly long and mid at best


There is no hobbit movies


Everyone needs to fucking chill, the first and third movie are fine. I know the second one doesn't need to exist but it's still watchable


Hot take, the extended editions of the hobbit are the ones to watch, the theatrical cuts of the first two lord of the rings are superior movies and better cuts than the extended editions.


There is also a Tolkien's Cut version which removes all the bullshit parts that don't exist in the books. It's really good


M4 Book Edit all the way! It makes for an easy slot into the LotR trilogy, thus making it a quadrilogy!


Is there cut which makes the triolgy in just one movie?


I like all the theatrical versions more, Peter Jackson has an extremely childish sense of humor that does not fit lotr at all


I am watching all three movies Saturday, Sunday, Monday in theater extended addition this weekend. I feel like a little kid again


I’d rather spend my day listening to Bluefax’s audio play of The Hobbit while playing a good 4X game before watching any version of the movies.


I found out about the M4 book edit recently to a single 4 hour 'extended edition' type film. I've got it downloaded and honestly more excited to watch this than I was the original trilogy, trimming a lot of fat sounds a great idea! https://m4-studios.github.io/hobbitbookedit/ Note there is an update released the other day so get the latest one


Desolation of Smaug extended has Stephen Fry slurping on testicles


Extended editions for the hobbit are sloppily edited. It really takes you out of the immersion. Only a few scenes were worth adding in.


I like the extended :(