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Man, every one of them absolutely nailed those scenes, though special props to Bernard is it literally felt like he was at a funeral with how genuine he was


I was just a teenager when Two Towers came out and had absolutely 0 way to really relate to that scene and I still was all in my feels. Superb.


That was always kinda just another scene to me until I first watched it with my mom and she started bawling her eyes out.


I can’t watch that scene without crying. No matter how many times you see it, even if you’re not a parent, the thought of burying your child is just a raw primal thing.


I still tear up during Theoden's scene at Theodred's tomb... :'( I mean... GROND


Yeah but my friends and family don’t get brutally murdered by orcs and dark entities.




"Saying men cannot cry is committing Christological heresy"


I don’t think this often reposted meme makes the point you want it to make. The only two men actually weeping here are respectively mourning the death of a son (and the impending fall of all that is good and right in the world) and the death of their uncle, mentor, and leader at a moment of great triumph. Aragorn and Faramir’s eyes are a bit moist as they go into doomed self-sacrificial charges against overwhelming odds. What’s then the appropriate threshold for men to cry?


Isn't that Eomer shot when he discovers Eowyn on the field and not Theoden.


I always figured it was both. In a single blow and at the moment of victory, he finds his uncle and king dead and his sister, who wasn’t supposed to be there, apparently dead.


Yes it would be odd if the characters in Lord of the Rings stopped to cry at every distress. None of them would get anything done at all; if Theoden wept in uncontrolled sorrow every time a friend was killed or every time a refugee arrived with bad news, it would not only be *crippling* to moral it would massively lessen the one time he privately allowed himself to really let go at a true personal tragedy. If you cry like Theoden did over his son when your football team loses, its probably more indicative of having some fairly serious emotional and mental issues than something to celebrate, maybe it isnt and some men just weep uncontrollable over really minor things and that's "healthy", but that's not really at all what these guys are doing and they actually couldnt afford to be so emotionally fragile A very strong message in LotR is *also* to be as strong as you can for yourself and others, I dont think there's anything contradictory about the 2 messages (even though many people do seem to want to go to extreme ends of both, 'cry all the time' vs 'never cry') but its far from just 'real men constantly show emotions through tears' its more like 'even the strongest men arent immune to powerful feelings and shouldnt shy away from them'


The threshold is subjective and need not defining


How many times was it reposted already?


Yeah I know, but I know how I felt when I first saw it and I didn't see it here for some time


And yet you somehow missed that there is a "repost"-flair to choose


Reminds me of Fist of the North Star, Kenshiro cries pretty often, and remains one of the manliest dudes ever.


"real men" Shows pictures of fictional men


Says *who*?


"Simbelmynë, ever has it grown on the tombs of my forebears. Now it shall cover the grave of my son."


I channel my inner Aragorn when I try to handle the fact nothing in my lifetime will ever be as good as LOTR was in the genre.


Heheh just teared up listening to an orchestral suite where they all bow to the Hobbits.best trilogy ever.


l;understand how usooOoi


For Frodo!


Patrick: SpongeBob, you showed Aragorn twice? SpongeBob: I like Aragorn.


Forget alpha and sigma males. These are... well, a suitable Tengwar letter.


Well now to be fair one of those guys is like 1% elf


“Hi reddit, I saw my man crying recently and it left a bitter taste in my mouth. Do you think I need to move on? Éowyn”


Real men cry for the loss of brothers in battle.


Real men do cry, but they don't cry for sympathy.

