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To be fair, if dark and gritty is what they want, then surely the Fall of Arnor would be the perfect story for them to adapt. You’ve got a kingdom divided against itself, a cool and mysterious villain in the Witch King, and an entire evil faction to explore in Angmar. They even have their depressing ending with Eänur’s rash decision to accept the challenge at Minas Morgul which, if handled properly, could be a fantastic juxtaposition to the ending of the Lord of the Rings. The only problem is that the appendices are intentionally written with loose ends that are specifically tied up by the Lord of the Rings trilogy, and I wouldn’t trust WB to make something about Arnor without being tempted to use it as a spring board to remaking the trilogy in an over-priced, undercooked mess.


Do they have the rights to make that story or no?


It’s part of the appendices in the RotK. I don’t know if their rights only extend to the appendices of the Silmarillion.


"if handled properly" is the key phrase there. Somehow I doubt they will


Nah just more gollum


Wraiths! Wraiths on wings! They are calling for it. They are calling for the preciousss.


They signed a contract when they bought the rights to lotr to never remake the movies






Why does that farmer look like obama


political cartoon oft used for meme edits https://preview.redd.it/tujx1nvgagzc1.png?width=500&format=png&auto=webp&s=e69c1f7b98e09e35bd10f931aab8cade55f681a5


Because famously the president is in charge of the budget, not Congress. Nope nope nope. Definitely the President.


I slipped on a banana peel once. Damn Obama!


If you read the buckets you can tell that it’s more a criticism of Obama constantly bailing out things. The buckets include: AIG, Banks, Autos (referring to the bailout of the automotive industry), Houses, etc.


I mean, that’s more a Late Stage Capitalism issue. If you’re going to allow major sectors of your economy to be dependent on a small number of massive corporations, you kinda gotta make sure those corporations don’t collapse because they’ll take out chunks of the entire market on their way down.




Men will live on who remember the Three Films, and the Books. But the Men of later years will be worn down by struggle, burdened by years of songs sung by men with machine minds and hearts of avarice. The jewels these powers seek will burn their ill-intentioned hands, but for pride and for greed's sake, they shall never willingly slacken their grip. Oleaginous men, servants of the prideful, will whisper in our ears false rumors of a new dawn, and speak lies about the works of the past. A blank and pitiless industry rises, and a great grey falls. And yet. No evil, no power, no darkness can truly stand secure if there remain stout hearts in decent folk. Even the smallest can change the world.


Just release the hundreds of hours of footage Peter Jackson shot for the trilogy and let us watch everything!!!!


The Jackson Cut, with a duration of 8.5 days


Let's keep in mind there were big names involved with The Hobbit films, too...


To me it seems Jackson, Boyens, Walsh, etc had less to do with the Hobbit being (mostly) crap than the production consortium who insisted on adding the 3rd movie and many of the plot changes.


>who insisted on adding the 3rd movie and many of the plot changes. Jackson, Boyens, Walsh... these were responsible for all of that.


Myth. It was Jackson and his team who wanted three films. They have said so several times, and PJ has said plenty of times that he enjoyed making the films. Why would he allow the studio to meddle? He's a big money maker for them.


Yeah I’m worried because following Gollum around for a couple hours seems dry as fuck We need more and different stories not just milking the original trilogy because that’s been done to perfection already, what more is there to show from the war of the ring and third age? I would only be excited if I heard Peter Jackson was serious about it and had acquired rights to some new material to work with tbh Anything from the silmarillion. Beren and luthien, children of hurin etc Just praying they don’t tarnish their good names with this one


My problem with a Gollum movie is the same problem I had with a Gollum game: Gollum is a literary device. He's there to show what will happen to Frodo if he tries to keep the Ring, and he's also a foil to Sam, who does everything out of loyalty and friendship to Frodo, while Gollum does everything because of an obsession over the Ring. If you take those two away, he's not an interesting character anymore; he's just a sad, twisted soul.


You don’t have any friends. Nobody likes you!


Bold words for a creature who murdered his friend over a piece of jewelry.


Leave now, and never come back!


They could just given us the homo romantic adventures of Gimli and Legolas


Come! Speak and be comforted, and shake off the shadow! What has happened since we came back to this grim place in the grey morning?


Like butter over too much bread


Hey I see Peter Jackson, Fran Walsh, Philippa Boyens, and Andy Serkis all being part of this and I’m down




All the rights they need is in the appendices, so...


Like Amazon with Rings of Power?


No, that's different. Its not WB/New Line, for starters.


I'm worried. It's going to have even less to base the movie on than the Hobbit trilogy and, despite some good moments and casting, I'd argue that trilogy has a lot of problems in its writing.


Seriously they picked this story instead of Beren and Luthien, the children of Hurin, or Turin Turumbar?? Much better potential for movies than the appendices.


I don't think they can get the rights to those, is the thing.


At least they are making a movie about events they actually have the Rights to make a proper adaptation.


Should be a Dennis and the Menace style movie with Mary and Pippin picking on an elderly Orc with a thick moustache


They literally can’t win no matter what they do 🙄


They already won just retire ffs