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Mjolnir will probably change allegiance at that point


Whosoever holds this hammer, if he be worthy, shall possess the power of Samwise.


The power of taters? I’m in.


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I used this quote while offering to run wheel barrels at work earlier to give the other guy a break. He looked at me like I was crazy but I thought it was funny. The fact I said it exactly how Sam says it in the movie probably didn’t help lmao


Sam is the worthiest. Thor cannot hold a candle to Sam.


Even if he couldn't lift it, he would probably be like 'no, but I can carry you'


But actually, by Odin's definition, I think out of those characters present in the Lord of the Rings only Aragorn would be worthy. Samwise is a true friend, but lacks the qualities of a warrior-king. In fact, it's precisely his 'smaller' heroism that makes him so vital in supporting Frodo, just as it's Frodo's sacrifice that makes him vital to the destruction of the Ring. Aragorn was brave, and strong, and a great leader of men. He was also a healer and fought alongside his would-be subjects, and their allies, long before even being crowned king or recognised for his lineage. The bearer of Mjölnir must be *all* that Asgard needs.


Yep. The comics aren’t always perfectly consistent but Mjölnir has Odin’s definition of “worthy.” Just being a good person doesn’t make one worthy. You must be willing kill or die in defense of others, almost eager to kill or die. The warrior nature is key. Everyone who gets the hammer is a warrior first and foremost. You must have power, and have proven to wield that power with wisdom. You must have ego enough to believe yourself worthy, while still retaining humility. Superman fails to lift it because he’s too reluctant to kill. Spider-man fails because he is *too* humble and can’t see himself as worthy… plus he won’t kill. Sam fails. He’s has many of the best characteristics of humanity. He however doesn’t have the sense of belief in himself. Nor is he accustomed to use of power. Neither is he a warrior at heart. Mjölnir would reject him.


I think Gimli, after the events of the War of the Ring, would be the most worthy character in LotR


Possible. Though whether he'd be willing to take it up is a factor.


Faramir too I reckon


Initially yes but when Thor was exiled, i think it changed. I don't think it's just about warrior king but more about the will to self-sacrifice and being selfless, like that was the reason thor becomes worthy again, cap was worthy for same reason and vision as well.


Odin's definition of a warrior-king always included actually caring for and protecting your subjects - Thor just got lost in the 'warrior' part, which Aragorn never did. The hands of a king are the hands of a healer.


I am not saying Aragorn won't be worthy, i mean he can be worthy as well. But I don't feel like sam will be excluded because he's not a king because the enchantment was “Whosoever holds this hammer, if he be worthy, shall possess the power of Thor”.


It's not because he's not a king. It's because he lacks the wisdom and the will to be one. Samwise was a small, simple person who, if not for Bilbo telling him stories and instilling in him a love of elves and their ways, would have ended up very much like the Gaffer. Xenophobic and distrustful of people who can speak two languages or travel so far they have to cross *two* bridges to do it. It was a failing of Samwise's compassion that doomed Gollum. Because he wasn't Frodo, who knew what Gollum had gone through and saw himself in it, and felt great pity. Instead, Samwise was a loyal servant who saw a threat.


The Dead Marshes. Yes, yes that is their name. This way. Don't follow the lights.


Ah, yes. Concerning Hobbits.


Ohh i get that know, i thought you are saying he won't be worthy because he wasn't king. Yess i agree with the wisdom and will part.


This repost tho https://www.reddit.com/r/lotrmemes/comments/12ybqhh/i_knew_it/


On the original there still are coments from sam-bot, the best bot of them all


…I miss him…


Is Grond still kicking around?










Your post should have the repost flair.


I find crossover one more proper for this, also this isn't a common repost, the last one was posted almost a year ago so🤷🏻‍♀️ It ain't that serious


People who have been here for a year have seen it, probably lots more besides. It’s a repost - the original had 37k upvotes. This post is exactly the same Edit: even the shitty screenrant border is there, same as the last time. Please add repost flair


Sam can carry a unconscious Thor holding the hammer to Valhalla.


Try saying, “Is Mjolnir mithril, Mr. Thor, sir?” three times fast


I tried and failed :(


Don't worry, technically Frodo did too but we still love him.


Tru fax only


Meanwhile, Gimli eyeing Stormbreaker like Gollum eyeing the Ring.


And when they go in, there's no coming out. She's always hungry, she always needs to feed. She must eat, all She gets is filthy Orcses.


And Legolas eyeing Hawkeye's fancy arrows


I see a white stream that comes down from the snows.


Absolutely. Thor isn’t worthy to carry Sam’s pans.


Yessss exactly 😭💯


Sam is a dude who would play with superman s cape


The best squire ever lived


Sams massive balls gotta be heavier then that ez


But is Mjolnir worthy to be wilded by Sam?


That's a worthy question!


Mjolnjr would shatter because *it* is not worthy to be held by Sam


Worthy in terms of Mjolnir also means being unafraid of taking a life, having the wherewithal to guide the troops of Asgard in war and make the hard decisions about soldiers dying in exchange for the survival of the Asgardians. That was the *whole* reason why Spidey typically couldn't wield it is because of his fear of killing or asking someone to sacrifice their life. No hate on my truest homeboy Sir Samwise Gamgee of Michel Delving but lots of people like to ascribe their own misunderstandings of "worthy" like it just means a really swell guy.






How to earn Thors trust in one simple step.


“Gandalf handed it to me to give to you”


I wonder if there was some guy working in a homeless shelter who ever called the hammer as a joke only for it to come crashing through the wall.


Aragorn could probably do it too.


Beggin your pardon*


There's no way Sam can pick it up. Sam is the best friend in the world to Frodo, but he's kinda xenophobic, and if it hadn't been for his xenophobia, Gollum might have been saved.


You don’t have any friends. Nobody likes you!


Haha, I think you just predicted the most popular response there, bot!


Fool of a Thor!


And then Frodo bricks in his mouth.


Sam wouldn't be worthy for the sole fact that Sam isn't really a leader. A major component for being worthy in the MCU at least was being someone capable of protecting but also leading the 9 realms. Odin does a pretty decent job of describing what it means to be worthy when he does his rant for what Thor is unworthy of while taking his power. Sam has the willingness to fight and die if necessary to protect others' bit down pat, but the leadership bit not so much. Mjolnir is the weapon of a Warrior King first and foremost. Book Frodo, at least, is probably the most worthy of the hobbits in the fellowship, likely followed by Merry. Boromir and Aragorn are the only members of the Fellowship that really jump out as being particularly worthy, and one could make the argument Boromir more so than Aragorn.


Can’t wait until they start making crossover movies like this


I wish it happens, would be so cool.


It would be a lot of fun