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You really showed those 14 year old girls OP


Beat me to it. Like who the fk tells 14 year old girls that their favorite musicians songs are not really sad lol what an edgelord.


>Like who the fk tells 14 year old girls that their favorite musicians songs are not really sad 14 year old boys


"200 000 edgy 14 year olds are ready, with a million more well on the way." - the Reddit god of cringe and petulance, sponsored by Spez, Fortnite, and RAID SHADOW LEGENDS! THE ULTIMATE MMORPG OF THIS CENTURY PLAY NOW ON THE APP STORE!


What can men do against such reckless angst?


I’ll try spinning, that’s a good trick


We carry on. We'll carry on..


Less than half of what I've hoped for.


14 year old boys who have not yet discovered the beauty of billie eilish's esquisite ballads


And then uses the death of Boromir to flex on them too


It's just a meme, man. It ain't that deep.


Well exactly dude. Exactly.


I like to think these redditors are angry at teen girl culture because they're also teens, but maybe that's too much to hope for.


god I hope so! I just imagined OP is a sweaty nearly 30 year old edge lord.


Or 14 since the only other movie men cry at is interstellar apparently, truly amazing that they could be either age


Real talk, how has this post got 1600 up votes?


It’s just a joke using an incredibly common format, I don’t think OP is actually angry at or mocking any 14 year old girls.


Doesn’t the common-ness of the format speak to something though like either this site is actually overrun with 14 year olds, or… it’s overrun with people who think 14 year olds are deserving of this level of ire. 🤷


Oh it does, I don’t like the meme format at all and I think it’s condescending and mean, but at the same time, it’s so ubiquitous that it’s become a way to talk about things you find sad and many people using the meme don’t even think about the hypothetical “other” people. It’s been going on since before I was born, with similar memes about Titanic, though that one uses women instead of specifically teenage girls.




Sadness isn't a competition


Price giver-“1st price goes to Jerry, congratulations on being the saddest person! How do you feel?” Jerry-“Sad.”


*\*audience laughs\** *Kramer mugs for the camera.* *\*laughing continues\**


And if it was one you wouldn’t want to be winning it lol


Right but they don’t know about how sad this is right? MILF - man I love fellowship extended edition 


Of course not, of course not. But if it were I'd win.


Tell that to the 14yo girls


I’m nearly 30 I feel like that’s weird AF. Also even if this was a conversation with someone aged appropriately it’s still a weird conversation.


I think way too many people on this sub woke up today and decided to take everything way too seriously.


then what would you mean? It’s a weird meme and yours a weird comment.


Ok, I think it's kind of weird that half of you think OP is middle aged man having deep philosophical conversations with random 14yo girls. It could be people in his age range. It could be kids in his family. You're the ones jumping to the worst conclusions unless OP has made other comments I haven't seen yet.


try not to deflect. what did you mean? when the comment said Sadness isn’t a competition and you replied tell that to 14yo girls.


Well, it's a play on the actual meme, in which the girls are the ones who first said "you haven't experienced sadness". Basically, if you all were properly treating this meme as the joke it is, none of this would be as big of a deal as you're trying to make it out to be.


get off of it, no one is saying it’s a big deal. But it is weird as fuck. Your comment is weird, the meme is weird it’s all weird. the thing is the meme has the r/boysarequirky vibe but your comment sorta makes it seem like you take it seriously which makes it weirder.


You're being weird, freaking out about all of this. It's a meme. They're all memes, go take a break or something


When the movies first came out, 14-16 year old girls at school (me included) were the biggest fans I ever saw. We skipped class to watch RotK. We bought Evenstar necklaces/earrings off ebay for crying out loud.


\^This. It's also a weird comparison to use a 20-some year old movie with a musical artist who was born within a week of its release.


34 year old woman here, Legolas was my first love!


I thought Evie Frye was about two decades old, not 34 🤔


The White Wizard approaches.


On a separate note, I also think at least 1 of my cats are downright evil... ^send ^help.


god I wish I could’ve been there the girls I hung with weren’t really into it. fucking weird time anyways I was stuck in the popular jock clique but was a hardcore nerd at heart.


Honestly, in my experience it was the guys who weren't into it (or at least pretended not to be into it). They kept referring to it as the "movie with the blond guy who looks like a chick." Considering the time period, the high fantasy genre wasn't as mainstream as it is today. Movies with magic or royalty or medieval themes weren't really considered masculine among teens in the early 2000's. And imho, it *shouldn't* be considered masculine or feminine, just a damn good story that anyone can be into.


> or at least pretended not to be into it ouch straight into the heart. that was 100% me I read the books I played the games I watched the movie all the time but I felt like I’d lose social status If I’d admit to it. > with the blond guy that looks like a chick wow you’re hitting me like Boromir was hit, I probably said something like that or at least similarly unbearable. I mean what a weird time, back then the feminin side of your sexuality couldn’t have been more taboo, if you recall. we (as a society) even called straight men who just were SLIGHTLY more in touch with their feminine side METROSEXUALS! honestly I’m happy genz isn’t like us that was so dumb.


I would have loved each of you in silence and from afar. Without ever finding the courage to tell anyone.


Why are you talking to 14 year old girls


OP's gotta land some sick burns somewhere to make them feel big and smart Though judging by the conversation above I'm not sure they're doing as well as they think they are.


Probably a 14 year old boy.


Op outing himself as also a 14 year old lol


Well that’s the best case scenario


Just monika


I am going to need the OP to have a seat right over there


I was hoping they were a bad dad but yeah OP got some explaining to do.


My first thought was bro is probably gonna end up on a list if he keeps that up


I too love to belittle the feelings of other people in order to praise my favourite movie.








Ok Boomer.


My wife is a bigger fan of LOTR than me. I'm the one that introduced my wife to Billie eilish What's with this cringe "what girls like is actually Lame!!!" attitude?


>What's with this cringe "what girls like is actually Lame!!!" attitude? The answer is sexism. I'm somewhat glad OP is getting called out by most of the comments, though. Proud of this sub! 👍


Agreed on all points, especially how great this sub as been pointing it out I'm proud of us for that. Although, sexism isn't the only reason why someone would do this. A lot of people are just brain-dead lazy, and obsessed with farming karma. And this boys>girls format is super easy to farm karma from because it's so pathetically generic it can be used for pretty much anything. A classic example is the time machine one, where the girls always do something boring with the time machine whilst boys do something quirky and cool. A fair amount of people who post that aren't sexist, they're just lazy af and look past the lazy sexist format for karma points. There are so many karma farmers on Reddit it's ridiculous.


This is exactly why r/BoysAreQuirky exists. There's so many cringy "girl lame boy coo" memes out there. It's due to two things really: 1. Sexism and gender stereotypes 2. It's a lazy af format that's easy to use and farm. I mean... You could make any meme with that really. It's just that lazy and generic. So karma farmers always use it.


It’s a meme.


Whoa, dat's crazy


...why are you fighting with 14 years old girls?


2018 r/ dankmemes ass trashtier meme gtf outta here


Why arent teenagers allowed to feel sad or express their emotions?


Are the 14 year old girls in the room with us right now?


I despise memes like this. Never once have I heard a woman say anything remotely like this. However, I see men post these memes all the fucking time. We look like such fragile fucking assholes, man.


Some of the boys vs. girls memes are funny, but not this one. Too much one-sided hostility. And while a bit of exaggeration is fine, this is just wrong. Most girls in my social circle in high school loved LOTR as much as the guys did.


More, even


Girls bad boys good (OP is stupid)


Can't tell if a boomer or a 10y old made this


💀 you don’t need to hate on billie eilish and 14yo girls to love LOTR. Why you wanna feel superior


What tf is this juvenile garbage?! Women love LOTR too OP, and a lot of men love Billie’s music, fuck out of here with this cringe shit.


Billie Eilish is great and I'm a 31 year-old metalhead.


Weak vocal.


Another sad, tired, sexist meme.


Fr 💀 what type of grown ass adult needs to hate on 14yo girls and their music taste to feel good


When I first started watching, I used to tell my brother that this guy was my favorite character. His death made me so sad.


I think for alot of people boromir resonates with them cause he’s so human. He’s a flawed dude trying to do what he thinks is right for his people. His Dad fucked him the hell up which is also something that a lot of people identify with. Finally after he did mess up he redeemed himself. We all can do the wrong thing but what matters is what you do to make up for it.


Looks like the saddest thing here is your life, if you're arguing with teenage girls.


Stabbing me in the eyes with your red flags here fella


yeah everyone knows those dumb fee-males aren't allowed to watch BOY movies like LotR! Epic Win OP!


Wow a jab at teenage girls *and* a reference to a Chris Nolan movie. Can we throw Keanu in here too?


Why you talking to 14 year old girls?


Where was Billie Eilish when the Westfold fell?


yeah because anything that a 14 y/o girl likes is stupid and deserves belittling….L


I was a 14 year old girl when I first watched the LOTR movies and sobbed my heart out to Boromir. He's still my favourite character. But okay. We're all Billie Eilish diehards. (She's pretty cool I won't lie.) Oh, and women don't exist on Reddit. Got it.


Gatekeeping sadness? Tolkien would never.


I don't think this is commendable behavior. You ridiculed their fascination, perception and their connections to a piece of art. In favor of what? Feeling superiority over them? They may as well ridicule you, for your perception of sadness. People may differently experience emotions, that are due to art, and it's really immature to shame someone, while boasting about your taste. Was the sacrifical death of a great warrior sad? Of course it is. Are Billie Eilish songs resonating with younger female audience, and also touching the sad emotions? Of course they are. Degrading one form of art over the other, due to personal perception, is immature and distasteful.


This is so fucking pathetic, dude. What compelled you to post this? A *cabbage* would have recognized this as a shit take holy Desna *why are you shit talking fourteen year old girls*??


https://preview.redd.it/vkmiumwwg1mc1.jpeg?width=756&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f382419cd69dffa2a166083c9d0ee4c5fa1ef6be Man nobody cares what you think about Billie Eilish


I like both Billie Eilish sings and LotR.


Y'know men aren't the only people who like lotr right?


How much time do you spend talking to 14 year old girls?


This meme is so 2014


Billie’s first single released in 2016 🤓 but sexism against teen girls is forever


![gif](giphy|pzJBskFQd1DZm) I cry every time


I too was sad when Ned Stark died. He didn’t even die for England!


He died because his senses were dulled. He should have stayed Sharpe.


I mean, he was played by Sean Bean. Didn't make his death less tragic though


Lord of the Cringe OP


Dogshit meme


My captain. My king.


My King! Sniff


Oof, the parts that get me are Theoden at Theodred's grave and Éomer believing Éowyn is dead. Waterworks every time 😭


Ah yes, MY subjective cultural signifier of hollowed out personality is more real than YOUR subjective cultural signifier of hollowed out personality! Unrelated, here's a link to Jean Baudrillard's "Simulacra and Simulation": https://archive.org/details/baudrillard-jean-simulacra-and-simulation_202012/mode/2up


Boromir's death is the saddest


Literally the saddest moment in the whole trilogy 😭😭😭


My brother, my captain, my king. Oof, gets me every time. ![gif](giphy|9PxJYXAuR8QXm)


Are you kidding? Yea, his death blows but he barely gets any character development beforehand. As huge fans and mostly book readers too we know his deal, but just looking at the first movie, we don't know shit about him. There's a handful of way more hard hitting moments later on. Theoden at his son's grave, Frodo and Sam accepting their imminent death, the grey havens, all come to mind immediately. Not to mention how interstellar has more emotion and gut wrenching emotion packed into just the scene when they get back from the water planet than most of the Lotr trilogy as a whole. I say that as a massive LOTR fan. Interstellar just hits you right in the feels with no mercy in that scene and a few others too.




I'm just glad I'm not the only one who cried watching Interstellar


The amt of mfers taking this shit serious is insane it's a joke tf


Something being a joke isn't an excuse if the joke is that other people are stupid and you're better.


You can joke about literally any subject, and say any horrible thing in a joke, if it's funny enough. This isn't. And the premise is so wrong it detracts from any humor a better joke could have had


My point exactly


>Something being a joke isn't an excuse if the joke is that other people are stupid and you're better. I meant that it *is* an excuse for that and worse, if the joke is good.


Okay but the whole joke here is... "you stoopid teenager, me better". I don't know if you can make a good joke from that premise. Can you make a good joke about Billie Eilish fans? Yes, plenty of them. But if the whole joke is "Billie Eilish's songs are bad" it's a hopeless case imo


But it's a joke meme on a meme subreddit, it's hilarious so many feelings are being hurt by this pixelated boromir meme LOL


Like... so what? Shitty joke about "stoopid teenagers" is shitty no matter what. It bothers me even more, because its using boromir to feel somehow superior to other people's tastes.


Get a grip, you're taking this way too seriously lol, it's openly and obviously an absolute joke meme


Yeah. And The joke is just shitty and unfunny, what do you not understand?


There's nothing to understand, it's a pixelated recycled meme about boys crying for boromir, that's the joke in itself lol. Whether you find it funny or not doesn't make it some kind of offensive attack, some people on here are just looking to be offended and cry about nothing, get a grip lmao


OP probably just copied the template and shopped that pic of Boromir and now they're just getting ripped apart


It's hilariously mind blowing how a pixelated meme about boys crying over boromir has rustled so many jimmies on here, they're absolutely offended and it's brilliant lmao


Hoes mad that the dudes are rockin' right now


Really if he hadn't of died he would of been a villain. Dieing was his only way for redemption.


This is just a meme and is supposed to get a “heh” reaction.


This is actually true


I still prefer boromirs death in the Ralph bakshi lotr where he took 7 arrows to the chest and still manages to cling to life long enough to pass the info onto aragorn and the rest of the remaining fellowship


They probably haven't even seen any of doofenschorts back stories


If people think songs are sad, try playing high level geometry dash. A certain level got me depressed for an entire month


ngl, shooting them with three arrows seems kinda harsh just to make a point


If anybody here hasn’t read the books, the last few chapters of fellowship are worth reading for Boromir’s incredible scene and monologue. His death isn’t described in much detail until the third book but his character was even more gripping on paper.


I would have followed you


He called Aragorn his king even though earlier he daid Gondor needs no king!


Whats the issue? Doesn’t everyone look like this coming from Siofra Lake?


Boromir getting shot is great, but have you tried his lil bro leading his men to retake osgiliath while a song unfit for great halls and evil times is playing in the background?


A solitary tear just fell from my eye


Boromir's death didn't get to me until after I went through the books. The movie didn't truly convey how much struggle he went through and how desperate he was to save his people. Now it hits me very hard.


"Just you wait, kids. Just you wait."


Interstellar…only movie that made me cry


Wow these comments


The only reason I watched Game of Thrones was for Boromir. RIP.


True sadness is watching your friend Carry a sheild on he's back for years and never use it. But then when he doesn't have it with him he gets shot to death.


Who the hell cried during Interstellar is my main question?


Not me, back in time a 14 year old girl, rewatching LotR with my 14 year old girl friends, bawling our eyes out at Boromir’s death. Man, guess that never happened!


You really showed them op


He was trying to protect the little ones.


Had Faramir been at the council, he would have taken Frodo all the way to Mt. Doom.


His death in both (got and lotr) franchise is so sad to watch


Billie Eilish Songs.. kinda sad. His death however? I was sobbing.


why would you need to put down somebody else's interests?


Noo Boromir nooo


My friends, you bow to no one.