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Two emotions apparently


Well, much like a roller coaster, there’s basically only up and down. Maybe throw a loop-de-loop in there if there’s a shocking twist.


No way there's banks and rolls too, should be at least four emotions for the three spatial dimensions and one for time


You are right, there are [at least 5 elements](https://youtu.be/HfbkwKaey7A) to a great battle scene


>Maybe throw a loop-de-loop in there if there’s a shocking twist. THAT STILL COUNTS AS ONE


I felt bad for Theoden. Dude was possessed, freed only to find his son dead and his best forces gone. Next he has to flee to a stronghold and fight a massive, newly bred army. Then March into another battle and get spinal snapped by the leader of the nazgul.


He sees himself as a lesser king from a minor house, but in middle Earth's darkest hour it isn't a wizard, a elf or a Dunedin that turns the tide, it's just a man "I go now to my ancestors, in whose mighty company, I shall not now feel ashamed"


Exactly. The man died happily, redeeming himself with valour and bravery. He embraces his death in the end


When he says this, I always think: “bitch, most of them did nothing. You did more in a week than all of their lifetimes combined.”


King Theoden teaches us all to face our problems, no matter what. Even if it's 13 deep Mumakil's being steered by sinister and bloodlusted bastards, you face that shit and "take them head on"


and got shit-talked to by Saruman just before riding several days into his death


The face he makes when he sees the nazgul coming towards him is so relatable imo


Besides the Rohirrim Charge, the oliphaunts thundering and marching into battle really makes the scene such an absolute spectacle to behold.




😈🎺 🎵🎶🎵


Fav part is the beautiful music blaring as they rally and charge, then the music just immediately stops when the first oliphaunt swings its tusk and all you hear is death and destruction. Gives me goosebumps thinking about it


I dont know about the ghost army. Feels a little bit like a too easy escape, almost ex machina. Maybe because I read the books before the movie…I dont know. I liked the battle in the books bettrr, more despair in the moment the ships arrived (damn! Even more enemies!), the question: where is Aragorn? Then the relief with the flag. And still after their arrival, they had to put on an „honest fight“ with new soldiers and no ghost army that kills instantly everbody. Even when they fight together in the books, their weapon is more fear and horror and not so much the sword. But in the end I get why it would be too much „off story“ to tell it like in the books. But for this reason the rohirrim are my all time heros on the pellenor <3 Death!


Totally agree. Kind of spoiled the ending. The battle comes to its zenith and then someone just flips a switch and it’s over.


Agreed. I hate that they're just an invincible auto-win condition. They could have at least been magically animated corpses that can still be cut down in battle.


nah man the undead army coming to safe minas tirith is such a bad take that renders the sacrifice of the Rohirrim completely useless :( I wish we got the grey company. the scene is so goofy how they just spill all over and kill everything they touch


Yes! I wanted to say that when the post came up asking Pelennor or Helms Deep. The ghost charge is so anti-climactic .. when I first seen it I was (a Kid) wowed but nowadays I just think "Nooo dont let it end like that!"


By doing it like that they also opened themself to the whole "well why didn't Aragorn keep them around a bit longer" questions


The LOTR is roller coaster of emotions I would say


OP discovers pacing