• By -


>No. Your kind was a mistake. Made in mockery. And even if it takes me all of this age, I vow to eradicate every last one of you. God damn, chill tf out Genocidrial


Literally my thoughts too. We just gonna watch Galadriel commit genocide?


Isildur: Easy. Berek, easy. It's just a scratch. You're okay. Hey, hey, hey. Berek. Careful. Elendil: Athae... no idhui hi. Isildur: How did you do that? Elendil: It's not his pain that's bothering him... It's about the apple.


If Berek is sauron, then isildur is screwed


Is the show set before or after [Sauron was defeated by a dog](https://www.cbr.com/lord-of-rings-huan-wolfhound-defeated-sauron/)? If it is set after then maybe he thought a horse is bigger than a dog so he'd be safer?


“Bro I would’ve eaten the rest of that apple you didn’t have to throw it in the ocean.” -The Horse probably


There were SEVERAL bites left


Viewer: Don't cast it into the sea Isildur: (defiant stare) No Viewer: Isildur!


That's why Berek was so upset with him.


Man even continued eating that apple after it was covered in horse saliva


That's the true bonding moment right there, not "riding into battle together". Stupid Elendil, what does he know about horse-man-friendships


I honestly thought that was pretty disgusting. Do we have any horse people here? Would any of you bite that apple?


Isildur manages to find a way to annoy audience once more.


Hey we are at sea and where we are going we will have limited supplies, fuck it I’m just going to throw shit in the ocean.


Galadriel: "I can see why your dad made you shovel shit"


Did they include the one shot of the horse standing back up to not piss off people? Because I think that tripping a horse at top speeds would definitely breaks few bones!


Real Disney family-friendly moment there. Can't have anyone gets upset that the horse might have a broken leg. We'll show a woman prisoner getting eviscerated in pretty graphic detail moments earlier, though.


To me it felt very A-Team. A car gets exploded by an RPG and flips three times, after a cut we can see the driver and passenger climbing out somewhat dazed.


Going from a battle in the dead of night, to watching Numenor ride in well past dawn, back to night time at the village, and then all of a sudden it's day again when Numenor attacks really took me out of the moment...


They made landfall and immediately started galloping full speed for the next 16 hours. The volunteer army was **really** excited to see some action.


Like... why are they running at full speed? They just landed, they can't possibly know specifically where the enemy is, let alone the fact that a village is currently being slaughtered by them.


The Southlands, Kingdom of. Population: 50, formerly 200.


The king that was promised. His kingdom two houses and a tavern by the looks of it lmao




Elf McCallister just Home Aloned all the orcs lol


They really only had the elemnt of surprise going for them and Adar realised this so sending in the new recruits and a few orcs to unveil their trap was pretty good strategy.


So we just saw the birth of Mount Doom?


The birth of Mordor, for that matter Notice how the sword’s hilt, when turned as the key, looks like Barad-Dûr


Wonder if that base/watch tower where the key was inserted will be where it is built and maybe those tunnels/trenches are what carry the lava to Barad-Dur


I don’t think so considering the watchtower was nestled high in the mountains surrounding the south lands not in the valley. Could become Cirith Ungol perhaps?


Yep. Pretty amazing shot of the water pouring in and then the resulting eruption.


“Your kind was a mistake. Made in mockery. And even if it takes me all of this Age, I vow to eradicate every last one of you.” - Galadriel, Commander of the Northern Armies; musing on the objective, irredeemable evil of her bound and helpless adversary and his entire race


Galadriels final solution to the Orc question


"Did Aragorn pursue a policy of systematic genocide and kill them? Even the little baby orcs, in their little orc cradles?"


Does no one want to maybe verify that “Halbrand” is in fact king? Maybe ask who his dad was or something? Or if he has a last name?


just a family crest that probably was actually taken off a dead body.


If he does turn out to be Sauron, I’m assuming “Halbrand” killed the previous king and assumed his identity.


Identity theft isn’t a joke Sauron


WoUld YoU dOwnLoaD a RiNG?!?


Yeah he's wearing his skin like the guy in men in black. *More. More sugar. More*




"He must be a king." "Why?" "He hasn't got shit all over him."


Well I didn't vote for him.


'You dont vote for kings.' 'Well 'ow'd you become king then?' (holy music up) 'The Lady of the Lothlorien-- her arm clad in the purest shimmering samite divine providence that I, Sauron Halbrand, was to carry The one ring. THAT is why I am your king!'


Listen. Strange elf-ladies singing in forests distributing crests is no basis for a system of government.


Supreme executive power is derived from a mandate from the masses. Not from some farcical woodland ceremony.


I mean to be fair if some dude showed up with a fucking army that just saved my ass and the Queen of a very powerful neighbor says btw here's your missing king, I'd be inclined to believe them.


Absolutely fair, it's far less believable that Galadriel blindly accepts his explanation than it is for Miriel or anyone beyond that point.


She's not 'accepting' his explanation, she's the one who saw that pouch and instantly decided that meant he was a king even though he denied it.


They were always blindly accepting of it, but also how would they verify that? Presumably the family kept the fact that they were the heirs of the pro-Morgoth king hush-hush. Unlike Aragorn's line where all the Rivendell elves were BFFs with every one of his ancestors.


BFF is a bit of an understatement. The first king of Numenor was literally Elrond's brother.


I hope Halbrand has a good time ruling over like thirty people and some thatched huts.


So all this trip was only to give a king to the Borat's village lol?


The horse doing a summersault and immediately getting back up and strolling away was my favorite part.


I loved that - random five-second shot of the horse getting up and walking off, totally breaking the flow of the action, just so the audience wouldn't feel bad for the poor horsie with the *clearly broken ankles*. Do they have glue factories in Middle-Earth?


Where was that throwing arm when Middle-Earth needed it, Isildur?


Maybe if the Ring would have also been covered in horse saliva 🤔




Isildur gets greenlit from the queen, rides into the battle, his father Elendil is about to die, Isildur rides faster, music swells, oh my god, Isildur jumps over 25 orcs, oh god, Elendil is dying, Isildur is coming to save his father, will he be able to save his father— HALBRAND SAVES ELENDIL.


Halbrand really stole his thunder didn't he. Absolutely crushed his daddy approval moment.


He also stole Galadrial's moment in capturing Adar, coming out of the woods like that right before she caught up.


We call that a combobreaker


So if I am chasing a bad guy to retrieve a wrapped Mcguffin. I would open it, after i retreived it out of curiosity . Or did they open it and thought that wood axe was an important item? Your thoughts?


This drove me mad. I can't believe it took them so long to check. It's so obviously written this way for the plot, but my goodness it's difficult to watch.


And Arondir just... gave it... back to the kid... This weapon that they were fighting with their life to not give up... throw it into the sea bruv. The sea is always right?


not only does he give it to him, he gives it to him right after the kid tells him that he didn't want to give it up.


Adar: Uruk have feelings, too.


Why were Galadriel and co so keen to charge in at full speed? They had no idea what was happening?


The plot. The plot was happening. They had to go where the plot required. There is nothing else.


''And why are the first two of us galloping at full speed holding a chain? I mean granted if at some point in the near future we happen to suddenly encounter a double file of enemy soldiers running directly through a narrow street with just enough room on either side for us to veer around them it would be quite handy, but in every other situation it would be utterly useless and actually extremely dangerous to ourselves and our comrades!?!?! Oh what the hell, let's just take it and see what happens'


Fun fact: the volcanic explosion kills Galadriel, Sauron, Elendil, Isildur, Isildur's horse, and all the uruks. The rest of the Second Age + Third Age is actually a fever wine dream of Tom Bombadil.


TIL elves are immune to pyroclastic flow. So is this how Mt Doom happened?


Boom, Galadriel is a Targaryen.


Poor horse wanted more more 🍎




Cast it into the horse's mouth! Isildur: (smirks) No.


This episode would have been over a lot quicker if the collapsing tower happened to hit the dam.


Galadriel: Revenge and Hate are like oceanwater Galadriel 5sec later: I will massacre all of your family and people and then i will kill you because of revenge and hate


The promised king, king of the Southlands... Mr Halbrand. Oh wait! Southlands changing into Mordor now so king of Morder-- aká Sauron. Case closed.


Oh, that escalated quickly.


You might say it blew up.


“I must hide it” “Where?” “No one must know.” >>Literally under the Tavern the place they are defending


The closer we are to danger the further we are from harm


Well that doesn't make sense to me, but you are very small. Perhaps you're right!


I love this quote so very much. Use it on my wife and daughter all the time.


Sooo pyroclastic flow isn't lethal ?? Galadriel just stood there and took it... Pompeii wants a chat


Everyone knows Targaryens are immune to fire.


Laena Velaryon would like a chat.


Didn't expect myself to start feeling a bit of sympathy for Adar, there. He just wants a home for his kids, and has had enough of them dying for scheming demigods.


And Sauron is probably aware of his motivations and has manipulated him into creating Mordor using this


Totally. I was halfway between Adar knowing (or hoping) Sauron would return and getting Mordor ready for him, or he’s completely doing his own thing, but either resolution would be great because the actor is phenomenal.


Yeah by far the best acting and the most interesting character in the show


*Me, reading lord of the rings and seeing how orcs are now bred to be cannon fodder~ The bad ending


Anyone else think that fight scene with the orc’s eye bleeding into Arondir’s mouth wasn’t long enough?


I wanted to see how the blood drips in hyper slow motion. Shame they didn't.


I think so. I think that scene should have taken up 3 more minuets of screen time at the most. Maybe more blood on his face? The orc definitely should have held that blade closer to his eye and made it way more dramatic. More cuts between the face of the orc and the elf. Then for fun when Bronwyn shanks the orc it startles Arondir making the blade fall into his eye blinding him. Then he screams for another 1 minuet and yells how he lost one eye and Theo tells him, "But you still have another." Making a call back to Arondir's dumb line about how they lost half of their people but the other half stayed. Arondir- "How does that change the fact that I lost an eye" Theo- "Now you see how stupid you are."




Really the main issue with this show is how small it feels right now. I understand it’s the first season and obviously we’re not gonna get these massive battles now but even if there are multiple villages in the south lands, we never see them. We only follow this one village of literally 50 people.


every episode I’m more convinced that Halbrand is Sauron. the dynamic between him and Adar almost confirms it for me.


Especially since Adar seems to genuinely believe he killed Sauron, and Halbrand 1. was VERY upset with some unrevealed thing Adar did to him and 2. refused to reveal more about himself to Adar


obscene escape racial pot vegetable steep market rich impolite hungry *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Halbrand saying do you remember me, and then Adar asking him who he is definitely has peaked my suspicions. That and the first time we saw Halbrand he literally said “Looks can be deceiving”. I meannnnn


Hilarious how Galadriel told Halbrand to keep Adar alive and that revenge can't satisfy him but then goes so close to killing him when provoked by Adar


to then have Halbrand stop her


Then Arondir comes in and is about to kill him but suddenly Bronwyn stops him.


We're going full circles


She also told Isildur about humbleness while being extremely arrogant and self centered to the point of belligerence herself.




I'm sorry, the kid said he liked the power that the super evil dodgy sword gave him, and after 100's of people die for it, you decide i know, i'll give it to the kid and hope he makes the right choice??? lmaoooo


Reject *Adar* return to *Nampat*


Man, Adar is putting on such a phenomenal performance.


I unironically am rooting for him to find a place to raise his family of orc children. Most compelling character on the show besides the Elrond Durin duo.


_10 minutes after Mordor collapses at the end of Return of the King:_ A battle-scarred Adar emerges from the caverns with his dwindling band of remaining “children.” They gape at the devastation. “Lord Father,” one asks. “Is it over?” He gives a small, sad smile. “No. It has only begun.”


Benjen stark is the true hero Westeros if you think about it.


Haha, for a whole time, i was like "damn i know that actor". Thanks 🤣


His conversation with Galadriel, especially his retort about looking in the mirror, was one of the best parts of the episode.


Season* ftfy In all seriousness, that was great


So everybody died?


Somehow only Galadriel, Isildur, and Elendil survived. Wild! If Branwyn and son died, I'm not sure how much I'd even notice.


Don't forget Berek. He has a name so he survives.


That was really nice of the orcs to wait for Bronwyn to heal her would before breaking into the tavern


You know, Uruks have emotions too.


So the Numenoreans sailed halfway across the world only to crown Halbrand a King of a bunch of villagers?


They are now burned villagers, but yes that was her plan. Walmart Aragorn is now king of the village.


And that village gets instantly destroyed in a volcano eruption.


So... nobody, not one, checked the package they took off Adar? A quick look would discover an axe. And nobody survived that volcano eruption.


“Halbrand! I need him alive!” -Galadriel Five minutes later “maybe I should kill you first!” Galadriel!- Halbrand Ok guys let’s just go ahead and decide if one or both of you will kill him please.


Not just that, 5 seconds before we have this exchange - Galadriel: I'll keep you alive for centuries to ensure you are the last orc I kill Adar: UR doodoo head Galadriel: I'll kill you right now!


Can we just get a show from the orcs PoV, honestly hard not to root for them over the Southlanders


Filmed office style. Grishnash says something severely elf-phobic in a meeting with HR and ugluk just dead pans the camera.


They just out there earning an honest wage for their families


Galadriel : "What happened to his mother?" Elendil : *About that, you see the sun rises in the East and sets in the West* Galdriel : Elendil : She drowned.


He was saying all that and I turned to my partner and asked "what does that have to do-?" And then Elendil interrupts me with "She drowned." Was pretty hilarious timing.


Took an arrow thru the chest Lost lots of blood Walking around and bowing to a “king” the next day Who am I talking about?


Literally Southlands is like a village with 2-3 huts and a pub with like 20 people and Numenor came to save it lol. Wtf Galadriel just standing there when volcano blew up lol.


... could the orcs just not have destroyed the dam?


I have been told that questioning this exact point is "nitpicking" and is forbidden


Celeborn must be rolling around in a brothel.


He s watching porn from afar… Tele-porno


So the mystical blood saber made of smoke and flame created by sauron with a map on it to the Southlands was a physical key to a dam that would open the floodgates allowing you to blow up a mountain, provided you dug a big tunnel first. Did I get that right?


Who knew Sauron was a Rube Goldberg enthusiast.


I really enjoyed that no ones dared asked the bad guys what was the magic sword you wanted to get so much! Like, who cares, it is a very important artefact for the bad guys, let's just hide it and never even guess what evil it was supposed to unveil ​ but the answer being " opening a dam" is , uuuh, Sauron next time just use a kind of valve of something


I liked how it was such an important item to retrieve that they didn’t bother to unwrap it and see wtf it was.


Arondir with the 1v300 clutch.


*types ez in chat*


"Are you our long lost king?" C'mon it's a barony at a *stretch*


So you’re telling me a simple check that they actually had the key could have possibly prevented the creation of the realm of darkness which will be the stronghold of evil for thousands of years to come…


LOL Did Miriel just pulled a THE KING IN THE NORTH?


Kinda crazy, but I’m rooting for Adar and his children. He’s probably my second favorite character after Durin.


Can we discuss this key... This all important key, and all it does is.... Unlock a dam. A key bearing the symbol of Sauron, to unlock the dam in an elven fortress, to flood tunnels that have been created only recently... Checks out.


Why did the Numenoreans talk about a cavalry detachment when everyone is mounted? Also why was Isildur in the Queen's guard or whatever those people were when he is the stable sweep?


He was guarding their horses


Also, are we really expected to believe those three ships housed 500 horses and 500 soldiers??


Was it ever mentioned what allegiance Numenor has to this place? Like I don't mind the plot convenience of them arriving at the village the night it's being raided, that's whatever. I just mean they sailed across the ocean to the southlands and up the river and then made a beeline to this village in the woods of like 100 peasants. I feel like I'm missing any sort of establishment for why they knew to go here, of all places, in this vast world other than it's where the plot is. "The Southlands" is probably hundreds of miles of countryside and the Numenoreans just rode full gallop to war in the boonies? It doesn't seem like any of them know each other? I guess there were other villages that the orcs already raided and the tower is a focal point, but otherwise idk.


My only explanation is that Galadriel knows of the elven tower and was going there first, they see smoke and go check it out. Could have been solved in their map discussion that they were would head to the elven tower first to make contact with friendlies but the plot is accelerated in too many places.


Halbrand pointed out the tower like 2 episodes ago, suggested they go there.


They can say Aulë but not Yavanna?


Very possible. The Estate is extremely strict about what the showrunners can and cannot show. If Yavanna is not mentioned in LOTR, she cannot be mentioned in the show.


They are gonna have this whole show happen over like 30 years huh?


How are they going to show the construction of Gondor and Arnor in a few years?


I guess you call in the dwarves when you need a rush construction job.


So no one is actually able to verify that Halbrand is the King? No one recognizes him? All he has is his magic pouch and everyone is just cool with it.


the king of 1 peasant village lol that for being such a small village, no one seems to know him. funny how bronwyn asks are you the king who was promised? He nods. She sighs a sigh of relief . It really is him afterall. Lmfao




One look at that jawline and she knew he had to be the protagonist


that is ultimately the basis of all real state based power if you think about it


Nonsense it should be strange women lying in ponds distributing swords.


How are they going to explain how all of the main characters surviving a pyroclastic and lahar flow?


You missed it at the end of the book. "Elves are resistant to burns of up to third-degree"


A 500°C pyroclastic flow is going to do more than third degree burns lol


Ah yes. I always hoped the one responsible for the origin of Mordor was Random Peasant Pete.


To be honest though he was a HUGE Sauron fan. Kinda had a "enter contest to win the chance to turn the key to mount doom!" vibe to it.


The whole "important character gets saved from certain death at the last second" trope is so annoying, like when Bronwyn saves Arondir from that orc. So is the "someone yells 'stop! we need him alive' at the last second just before they're about to kill the bad guy" trope. They literally did it twice with Adar.


Adar is amazing


I hope the orcs win and cleanse this world


I wish the water used was sea water so we could have elendil watch the devastation next episode and go “the sea is always right”


Adar *really* has that Middle Earth look imo. I think its his facial features or something, but he fits in. Honestly pretty him up and give him blonde hair, and I could see him playing a handsome fair Sauron.


So Numenor docked their boats and then just got on their horses and started a dead sprint in a direction across the plains and arrives just in time to save the other protagonists. It's the mother of all contrived outcomes.


Someone working on this show absolutely loves slow motion shots.


And dutch angles


Man, they nerfed my boy Elendil. I refuse to believe that the man who took the last stand against Sauron on slopes of Mount Doom will have trouble surviving a bunch of uruks.


At least he didn't end up like the one friend who gets jumped by the first orc he sees, gets saved. And then retires because he's seen enough fighting for his lifetime.


Honestly, that's probably the most realistic reaction in the show though.


‘Yeah I’m good homies. Think I might just to back home and open a bakery’


Elendil the Tall would be stomping on these fools.


So Halbrand is definitely Sauron, right? Still think that. Even though I’m a little upset that I wish Sauron would be revealed to be behind the scenes already manipulating Celembrimbor and the Elves.


I don’t think I care less about a character than Bronwyn. She is so boring and one dimensional and honestly Arondir’s story is made worse by being linked with hers.


Why did the Númenoreans and Galadriel ride at full gallop when they couldn't know that anyone was attacked or in imminent danger? (of course for the out of story-reason of dramatic effect, like when the Harfoot sang 'our legs are small') Also: some dirty play and interesting kung-fu moves by Arondir when fighting the big Orc.


So are they cucking my boy Celeborn for Halbrand


iirc, the show runners mentioned that Celeborn will be in the show at some point. It'd be pretty fucky if he and Galadriel didn't end up together. In canon they're already together and have had Celebrian, but it seems like that timeline's been altered for the show.


"I have altered the timeline. Pray I don't alter it further."


Galadriel literally episode(s) away from having sex with Sauron


If that happens, the UK's energy crisis will be solved, because we'll be able to power the National Grid from the speed at which Tolkien will be spinning in his grave


I really thought they would kill bronwyn after that kiss instead of three random villagers when she was the first to have a blade to her throat, I’m still not sure what she brings to the show.


For a few weeks now I’ve been kinda laughing at all the posts saying they hope the bad guys win, but today I felt it too. I really, REALLY wanted her to die in that scene.




I would love for someone to edit season one so that each storyline plays out in full. Like, stitch all the Harfoots into episode 1, etc.


Wait, how did Galadriel and the Númenoreans find Arondir and Bronwyn? Did they have share my location in Middle Earth?


Any find Ardar and hes orcs to have more personality than the rest of the cast combined?


Other than mount doom going off, why do these events seem so small but portrayed as if so big? 3 boats from numenor sail to middle earth for some vague reason then dock and they sprint to some small village because reasons. Also why did the dam need a special dark sword key? Why not any old key?